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That was weird... at the end of our last date Frasier wanted to see me again right away but I said no, but the weekend would be good. Emailed me that he was sorry,he likes me but doesn't feel that spark. I am not sure I felt that spark either so I am not crushed but I found it strange that he went from wanting to see me so often to that. I speculate that it was my lukewarm response to him teaching me to ski etc. Not sure but I felt awkward at that moment and I felt a little shift in the air. Anyway maybe it is old sge but I dont feel sparked by having dinner with someone. I will be honest, even with Steven I didn't get so into him until we had been together for months....but I am old and jaded so there you go. Oh well, I have about 5 more serious contenders that want to meet, into the next one.

I dropped a Christmas arrangement off for Steven last night. He is still so sick I wanted to do something cheery even though I can't see him. He hates being mothered or fussed over so resists any attempt at caregiving which I respect. He was so moved by it,surprised me. I didn't zero in that he likes little gifts before...I have so much to learn about humans.... anyway he called and talked forever again. I wish I didn't feel love for him, but I do. Anyway he is a ski instructor so I told him my lesson plans and he told'me once I get a few lessons he will take me skiing. Scares me a little because just like the rest of his life his skiing is insane....racing and off course backcountry stuff. As an instructor he teaches advanced who want to learn SPEED. sigh...I think it would be years before I can even begin to ski in the same neighborhood he does....and I never want to race etc.

I somehow missed this yesterday... Who knows what the reason was... I guess it could have been anything really... you couldn't have known him really in such a short time. No wonder you are a little sad at times (or at least I would be....) That little uncertainty about was it me?... even if you wern't that into him.... I have a case of "did I try hard enough?" "Did I do everything I needed to to make the connection?...Make it work?" I'm someplace between a hardy individual and a pleaser. I want to please, but only on my crazy terms. Anyway, it sounds like you are coming from a pretty strong place... dancing with wolves! (Don't know where that came from! ...I guess my idea about the dating scene :P )

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I swear this wasn't there yesterday!! I'm so sorry Jane I was wondering what Wanda was talking about!

That's weird.. But you did say he said things like he wanted to take care of you, it sounds like he is a vey old fashioned man that way (not a bad thing) and maybe doesn't do well not feeling "needed"??




That was weird... at the end of our last date Frasier wanted to see me again right away but I said no, but the weekend would be good. Emailed me that he was sorry,he likes me but doesn't feel that spark. I am not sure I felt that spark either so I am not crushed but I found it strange that he went from wanting to see me so often to that. I speculate that it was my lukewarm response to him teaching me to ski etc. Not sure but I felt awkward at that moment and I felt a little shift in the air. Anyway maybe it is old sge but I dont feel sparked by having dinner with someone. I will be honest, even with Steven I didn't get so into him until we had been together for months....but I am old and jaded so there you go. Oh well, I have about 5 more serious contenders that want to meet, into the next one.


I dropped a Christmas arrangement off for Steven last night. He is still so sick I wanted to do something cheery even though I can't see him. He hates being mothered or fussed over so resists any attempt at caregiving which I respect. He was so moved by it,surprised me. I didn't zero in that he likes little gifts before...I have so much to learn about humans.... anyway he called and talked forever again. I wish I didn't feel love for him, but I do. Anyway he is a ski instructor so I told him my lesson plans and he told'me once I get a few lessons he will take me skiing. Scares me a little because just like the rest of his life his skiing is insane....racing and off course backcountry stuff. As an instructor he teaches advanced who want to learn SPEED. sigh...I think it would be years before I can even begin to ski in the same neighborhood he does....and I never want to race etc.

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The holidays! Girl just hold on for dear life and we will all make it through. food, food everywhere,

I wish I could sing.. Well let me say I do sing but I'm completely tone deaf :P my kids find a form of torture. I sing silent night just to bug em!

Globe, oh Oreos i wish I felt the same way BUT they are my all time favorite. I swear I make love to those things when I eat them. Most food I shovel those I lovingly separate, lick and crunch.

Sheila, happy birthday to your daughter. She sounds like she has a sweet personality. She may give you some grief here and there but that base person she is will shine through I'm sure.

Kim, those pounds are probably just from bloating and salt? as butter tells me all the time there is no way you can gain 4 pounds overnight...

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I am in admiration and a little jealousy of all your artsy types. I can drink wine and look at art with the best of em though - does that count?

Absolutely! The true purpose of the all of those creative endeavors is dialog - a discussion, the connection that is forged - or prompted I suppose one could say as one experiences a work of art.

Art is - and is about discourse.

I have tons of documentation of my own work, students work - it is a big part of my job to get after students to help them realize how important reflection and subsequent documentation is a huuuuge part of being an artist - at least one who is able to articulate themselves in an oftentimes confusing contemporary art world :) A lot of that work is on other drives - I can Google myself and see what I get lol - how lazy am I.

M2 - just think of the digital as another media - like a pencil with a bit more of a threshold to cross to get at it. I am so tired of how we label ourselves as artists - yes I could say I am a traditional oil painter (and I am - and this form of 2D work is one I consider to be the most moving, and thought provoking) but whose practice has become very amorphous - a recent project had me working almost purely conceptually - with creating a database of every item I own - literally, down to cotton balls and paper clips - the inventorying of every file on a daisy chain of hard drives going back almost a decade is still incomplete - and is frankly punishing - I finally got to the point that I asked myself just why I was punishing myself....good question.

ALL of us are artists - no matter what form our creative products take. How we treat one another is a form of art in my opinion. I guess I am learning that how we treat ourselves is one as well ;)

Here is a visual piece from a while back - Interpreting the myth of Pandora - archival pigment ink on paper 32" x 24" edition of three - all sold, and this one won an award from Sony, and another from the curator of prints and drawings from the Brooklyn Museum of Art - was in a digitally theme museum show in San Diego.< /p>


Edited by Chimera

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I am in admiration and a little jealousy of all your artsy types. I can drink wine and look at art with the best of em though - does that count?

Absolutely! The true purpose of the all of those creative endeavors is dialog - a discussion, the connection that is forged - or prompted I suppose one could say as one experiences a work of art.

Art is - and is about discourse.

Discourse implies verbal communication, and much of art is "written" in visual language which may not be fully experienced using words. That being said, I love to talk about art. (get me started Kelly! :) )

I have tons of documentation of my own work, students work - it is a big part of my job to get after students to help them realize how important reflection and subsequent documentation is a huuuuge part of being an artist - at least one who is able to articulate themselves in an oftentimes confusing contemporary art world :) A lot of that work is on other drives - I can Google myself and see what I get lol - how lazy am I.

M2 - just think of the digital as another media - like a pencil with a bit more of a threshold to cross to get at it. I am so tired of how we label ourselves as artists - yes I could say I am a traditional oil painter (and I am - and this form of 2D work is one I consider to be the most moving, and thought provoking) but whose practice has become very amorphous - a recent project had me working almost purely conceptually - with creating a database of every item I own - literally, down to cotton balls and paper clips - the inventorying of every file on a daisy chain of hard drives going back almost a decade is still incomplete - and is frankly punishing - I finally got to the point that I asked myself just why I was punishing myself....good question.

I would feel punished too, I have such an unwieldy collection of stuff, I already reflect on why I collect... and the suffering of having. It is like I have entered a hell realm when I have to move. So confrontational. Have you ever come across the "evil eye" concept or the designs put on houses to "delay and distract the devil?" I think if I documented all my stuff, it would be like that, I would feel like I was in an endless loop of distraction from other things.... relationships..... I do work on developing mindfulness.... which can take me to that loop as well... RAMBLING!!!!

ALL of us are artists - no matter what form our creative products take. How we treat one another is a form of art in my opinion. I guess I am learning that how we treat ourselves is one as well ;)

I feel like this makes the word have less meaning rather than more meaning... Are we all also athletes? Doctors? Chefs and ? We are all certainly creators.... I think of art in the common vernacular as someone who creates art... most commonly referring to visual arts, but may refer to other creative making as well.

Here is a visual piece from a while back - Interpreting the myth of Pandora - archival pigment ink on paper 32" x 24" edition of three - all sold, and this one won an award from Sony, and another from the curator of prints and drawings from the Brooklyn Museum of Art - was in a digitally theme museum show in San Diego.< /p>

Sorry, I can't see the image posted? I would love to see it... have a link?

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Thanks Laura, Looks beautiful Kelly! Would like to see a bigger image so I can groove on the details...

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Oh not too worried about FRASIER, I am pretty sure it was the dead stare I gave not once but twice after he mentioned things he wanted to do for me. Told me I am attractive but no spark. I don't have a spark feeling toward any of these POF guys so unrealistic expectations???

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Oh not too worried about FRASIER, I am pretty sure it was the dead stare I gave not once but twice after he mentioned things he wanted to do for me. Told me I am attractive but no spark. I don't have a spark feeling toward any of these POF guys so unrealistic expectations???

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Coops, sorry about the stiff neck! I hate when that happens!

Same here, Coops!!

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Fast day yesterday and came in at 575 so not too bad. I was also able to exercise for the first time in over a week (back problems). Sat here quietly awaiting the personal trainer, it's nice to sit quietly during this busy period. Like Coops I finish work on Friday for the Christmas break and this week at work is usually bedlam, students excited, staff stressed and in there somewhere we try to remember the message of Christmas. Having hubby home all the time (unemployed!) has it's pros and cons, it's lovely to have him here but as he has worked away in the week for at least 5 years he does not know my normal routine and we are still dancing around each other. He has done all the Christmas cards and the accompanying letter and they have been sent, and delivered, more timely than in the past. I'm going to have to find him more jobs to do. Unfortunately he is hopeless in the kitchen, the only thing he can find is the beer fridge! Maybe I should get him a cooking course for Christmas. He has no interest in cooking though as he says I can't understand spending all that time preparing when the meal might take only 30 mins to eat. I must admit though I quite like the kitchen being my area and I think if he wanted to muscle in I would be miffed. Hoping to have a good clean eating day today. PS scale is the same but I'm OK with that

Cathy, I can sort of relate. My husband retired last February and it really gripese some days having to get up and go to work (3 days week) while he is home BUT he's almost 6 years older than me so I'll take it! Ha! And he doesn't cook either! He will take out and put dishes in dishwasher now which I almost fell out the first time he did it! NEVER has done any housework. Also, now he starts the car and warms it up fore in the mornings! Ha! I laughed out loud because as I pulled out I thought of my Mom and Dad. Dad ALWAYS did that for Mom. Made me feel ancient! Ha! Now, if I could just get him to fix my lunch and have my dinner fixed when I get home like my Dad. ;).

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Sarah - My team leader knows and one of my social scientists knows, but that's it. I don't want people treating me differently and I don't want to give anyone an excuse to get rid of me. SherylJane - I'm in week 3 of Insanity and I take weekly photos and the only thing that has changed is my butt, from the insane amount of deep squats we do. So, if you would like a toned bubble butt, I recommend squats, a f*** ton of them ;) Coops - Those gals sound like frenemies to me, the kind of people who are only mollified when they feel they are dominant and feel threatened by other's improvements ... Can't wait to see your sketches, I will try to post a painting of mine. Does anyone know how to set up a PayPal account? If my extension doesn't go through I only have about 7 weeks left before redeployment and homelessness/unemployment/no insurance. Holy shitballs. the Insanity has been good for me mentally, but that effing scale hasn't budged an ounce in 3 weeks and my measurements haven't changed. Nothing has changed except my strength (mild improvement) and my butt shape. Cathy - were you the one who's place flooded? How's that going? Stay strong against the tide of Cookies everyone, I'm lucky to not be around that stuff but our Combat Stress got a ton of goodies in and among them were gingerbread M&Ms!! 3 of them found their way into my mouth .....

Love the portrait!!! PayPal is simple. Just go to paypal.com and set your preferences and add checking and/or credit card info. Here is a note. If you send or pay anything do it as "family and friends". You don't get charged a fee. If you do it as a service, the people you send money to will incur a fee. We use it all the time through our church website. I am Treasurer so I deal with it a lot. I love the ease of it.

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Btw, peeps. If you have shopped at Target in the last three-4 weeks check your checking accounts and credit card accounts. Target was compromised nationwide at checkout card swipe machines from week of Thanskgiving til now. My bank account was cleaned out yesterday morning. My husband called to check balance and only $48. Should have been a lot more. I got online. There was an $811, and two $303 transactions all using MY DEBIT CARD ( an actual card but not the one I have in my wallet) AND my pin! We called bank, they searched. All transactions originated in Houston Tx. ATM withdrawals and used at Kroger! $1500 in a matter of minutes! We immediately went to bank, they blocked my card, disputed charges and are reissuing my debit card. I just checked and they have already credited back my funds!!!! Thank you Jesus! SOOO. Check you accounts if you shop Target for the next few weeks. It is ongoing and was on national news this morning. This is not from online transactions, it's check out lines!!!!

Edited by Georgia

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Okay dug around here are a few of my traditional art pieces: Watercolors Fiber arts And these are some of the digital types of things I used to draw on the computer: And this kind of stuff just for FUN!

Wowzers!!! You are good!! Love it all!!

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