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Um, Coops, hell yeah, wear it and wear it proud girl! You look hot!

I have to admit, I did read this entire thread this afternoon. I gained some great insight into all of you, and myself as well.

When it comes to men, I didn't realize it till after my divorce, but I cannot date someone shorter than me. I feel so shallow, but I just can't. I went out with the nicest guy, attentive, sweet, caring, loads of money, but he was shorter than me and it just bothered the heck out of me. I tried, but I couldn't get past it so I ended things with him. Thank goodness Bill is taller than me, because I couldn't imagine life without him.

So, day one of my first fast is going okay. I resisted all the temptations around me. But, I have had a killer headache since about 1:00. And, while I tend to always feel a bit colder than most, I have just been uncomfortably freezing all day today. Keep in mind, I live in Florida. I got home about half an hour ago, took two Bayer headache pills, ran to my room and put on my sweats and big, ugly fluffy socks, went to the living room and here I sit, under my big, comfy blanket and have Bill building a fire. We have the heat on too, and I am still freezing. I read about this in the book, but didn't expect it to be this bad. At any rate, tomorrow will be better. After I have my Soup for dinner I will finish the day out at 495 calories.

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Kim, how tall is your hubs? He look like he's tall in the pic...nice looking guy!

 Sarsar, hes a big hulking Kiwi, around 6'1", 255 pounds, (we used to weight the same!) and his hands are GIANT. He has Fred Flintstone  feet... he didn't wear shoes until he was 12! Country boy. I met him by a bus stop in the Himalaya. I could totally see him swinging a sword in some Scottish battle. His clans motto is "Conquer or Die" and our clan motto is "Love" Do you think we might have different conflict resolving styles? You would be right. :)


I have gone out with men of all sizes and shapes. I did like his stature for sure, and he likes bigger girls, so that worked for me too.



Love that story! What were you doing in the Himalaya? Working?


I am also attracted to big guys. My husband is 6 foot and about 200 pounds. He likes it when he weighs around 185-190 pounds and I like it when he's about 200, a little more meat on the bones.  I would have liked someone even bigger but I fell in love with all 6 feet of him! :)  I like that I'm smaller than him. Now that I've lost more weight he keeps commenting that there isn't anything to grab on me anymore...I told him there's lots of skin to grab...lol!

I had set up an art studio in Mcleod Ganj, a Tibetan Resettlement camp/town where the Dalai Lama and other Great Teachers, artists and scholars live. I wanted to study, paint and just have a blast in nature! I had meet a Tibetan style monk from the US in that little town the year before, and he met Craig in Thailand a few months before... long story short, he brought Craig with him to India, and introduced us... in the bus stop in the center of town.  We traveled around India, Sikim and then onto Nepal, where the magic really began for us. We split, me back to India and him back to Thailand, then hooked up later and flew back to California together. That was almost 22 years ago.


Gotta tell ya, I am going Soup mad here - if I can blend it, it is soup!  So warm and filling - tasty and low cals as it is all veggie!  Loving it - and so is the rest of the family.

Saw a new low - just want it to stick now so I can change my ticker thingy - but I'm not hopeful as I have two weekends of festive drinkies ahead of me.

I hope you don't mind giving me some feedback - i bought this dress and I 'think' it looks ok... hubby says yes, but he always does.


attachicon.gifnew dress.jpg


attachicon.gifnew dress & jkt.jpg


excuse the bare legs and slippers...lol - it is freezing over here, so I would wear this with tights and heeled black shoes - not sure which ones yet though.


Do I brave it?  It is 'fitted' and the little pouch that is left from my TT does show, but I am sure that it is only me that really notices and is bothered by it!




CUTE!! Love it, it will look great with black tights and maybe some black boots? I like with the jeans jacket too! You look TINY.


Susan, the first couple of weeks are a little hard, but it grows on you. I really miss it when I can't fit in a fast day for some reason. I feel so much more in control of my eating on non fast days... I just feel like I am eating a lot, but am not. Im sure its someplace in the Novel of this thread, but we don't eat to TDEE on feast days like it says in the book, we keep it in the ball park of sleeve normal- 1100-1400 seems to be the range, some a little less or more... so we are eating lots less than a "normal" eater for sure... but it feels good, and still gives you the option of eating more on some vactation/party days and keeping the wight down with the fast days.  Congrats on your first day!

Edited by feedyoureye

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Coops! There is no pooch!! Wear that dress you look amazeballs! (Lol I didn't think of use that saying so soon) :P

Really, you worked hard for that body show it's nice shape :)

Susan, no way!! You really read this whole thread??

And you're still here??? :P

Welcome to the best part of bariatric pal!

Shhhh. Don't tell the big "A" I said that!

What days are you doing Susan?

I do Tuesday and Thursday.

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Seriously, it is a fascinating soap opera though! I enjoyed every bit of it. I am fasting on Monday and Wednesday. Those are the best days that fit my schedule. No way would I even consider doing it on the weekend.

FYE, that was part of my problem with TDEE, I could just not ever eat that much food, I felt like I was going to explode. I find I am happy around 1,400 calories a day. I haven't gained recently, but I haven't lost that embarrassing 40 pounds I gained either. I am also considering a re-sleeve.

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The big "A"...hahaha. Laura informed us that if we want him to read our posts we should use his real name, if not, I guess we say the big "A"!

I usually fast Monday and Thursday.

Kim, I love reading about your adventures!! I know I have said it before, you live such an exciting life!

Ummm, Coops, what pooch? I don't see it! I like the dress, I think you look great! I don't care for it with the jean jacket but I think it would look good with a little color somewhere. Maybe some accessories? Or maybe a cardigan instead of the jacket?? (for some reason I have become addicted to cardigans...there are so many cute ones)

Oh, I do like the slippers! ;)

There is a commercial on tv I keep seeing lately that says amazeballs...I think of you when I hear it.:)

Our own private soap opera!!! And we are the STARS!! I'm Mon and Ths most of the time...

Ha...I love this, too! It is like a soap opera isn't it? We are all a little crazy!

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Seriously, it is a fascinating soap opera though! I enjoyed every bit of it. I am fasting on Monday and Wednesday. Those are the best days that fit my schedule. No way would I even consider doing it on the weekend.

FYE, that was part of my problem with TDEE, I could just not ever eat that much food, I felt like I was going to explode. I find I am happy around 1,400 calories a day. I haven't gained recently, but I haven't lost that embarrassing 40 pounds I gained either. I am also considering a re-sleeve.

We have all become quite close in our little group. Like I said, it's much more than 5:2! I love having a place to come that I can open up and say what I need or want to say without judgement and I can receive honest feedback.

I don't think any of us fast on the weekend as a usual fast day.

Why are you considering a re-sleeve? Have you had yours looked at? Did it get bigger? Not enough taken out?

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Seriously, it is a fascinating soap opera though! I enjoyed every bit of it. I am fasting on Monday and Wednesday. Those are the best days that fit my schedule. No way would I even consider doing it on the weekend.

FYE, that was part of my problem with TDEE, I could just not ever eat that much food, I felt like I was going to explode. I find I am happy around 1,400 calories a day. I haven't gained recently, but I haven't lost that embarrassing 40 pounds I gained either. I am also considering a re-sleeve.

I hope the 5:2 takes care of that for you... I gained 22, got it off plus some to goal..... Work, but not THAT hard.... I hope it works for you that way. Boo to another surgery if you can avoid it!

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I want the group closed. Now that Susan has joined, we have all the people we need. We agreed to keep it to around 20.

I deleted someone who never posted.

Anyone else who wants to be in a 5:2 group, should start anouther. What does everyone else think?

And Susan, are we totally private? NObody can read or write in here?

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Daisy you know I share way too many details here..OMG...you all know about my sex life for cripes sake..and I think butter reads here....but he was cool about my nekkid pix so he is an honorary woman (that is a compliment BTW).... so I should be more territorial than anybody, but I value this little clan more than you know. I hate the idea of excluding someone who needs us. I am more concerned about any lurkers...but I personally would welcome newbies that we know we can trust our hearts with. That is just one vote..I will support the consensus.

Susan, sometimes I find myself sorta fasting on normal days...it's addictive...give it time. However I do better if I eat more on regular days....undereating slows weight loss for me.

So,another amazing "first date". I guess my plastics made a bigger difference than I realized. I am apparently as hot as Steven has been trying to tell me LOL. :) Tonight I am told I look way better than my photos...once again. What a weird feeling for formerly hugely obese woman. So all you luckily married to cool guys....enjoy. I go out and get to flirt but of course know that isn't love..... make love to your husbands ....the ones that literally loved you through thick and thin are worth a lot...

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Where is your profile? Is it on fish or cupid or both? I want to see what you finally decided on.


I've got 2 that want to see me next time I go to Portland, but haven't got them convinced to come and see me here.

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Coops, love the frock! I think you need a spash of color though, and a break up in the length of the black - might I suggest a brightly colored sash, worn just slightly higher than your waist? And maybe I'm obsessed, but booties a la CGJane, would be terrif!

Day 9 Insanity - am dragging, so exhausted. also, haven't lost weight in a week, I'm so interested in seeing the scale move I'm considering stopping Insanity.

I guess nobody had any suggestions regarding work/live for Seattle/Portland?

I am on board with closing the group.

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Hi ladies, I'm still here. Not doing well at all. Haven't made the app with my Nut, thought about stopping 5:2. haven't fasted all week. HO! HO! HO!.. this holiday season is bringing all the Cookies, cakes, candies and pies to the office is killing me. We are having 12 days of Christmas at the office and one day ( i'm losing track ) was cookie day . Everyone in the building received a cookie. Well there were extra's and my boss suggested I take one home for my grandson. I laughed and said.. "it wouldn't make it home I would eat it in the car".. he said " well take two ", I laughed and said not sure that would get to my grand son either".. then he said " well how many would I have to give you to make at least one home to your grandson". I suggested he just not give me any.. That's a shame.. I'm not even capable of not eating a delicious melt in your mouth cookie for my grandson. I'm in a really bad place. I've gained the few pounds back I started with on 5:2. The science of the plan makes sense. Weight loss shouldn't be this difficult. Eat less calories then your body needs to function and you should lose weight. Simple right?? Then it must be me.. I've gotta be doing something wrong!!.. URGH!!.. BTW.. Hi Susan Welcome to the group. Sounds like you already know many of the others. I read your profile, is there a blog I can read that will help me get to know you? Re-Sleeve is that a real thing? I haven't had good success on 5:2 in the weight loss dept but it has helped with the restriction. Once I got past the first few fast days, fasting was really easy for me. I fast on Monday and Thursday. On non fast days the desire to eat is less and the restriction when I do it is more than before starting 5:2. Even thought 5:2 hasn't seemed to work for me, I'm going to give it another shot, this group has helped me. I don't feel so alone on top of feeling like a failure, desperate, frustrated and confused. K. I'm making some modifications ( there I go again ), but don't give up on me. I need the wisdom of you ladies that have made this work. That have obviously made your sleeve work for your. Since I can't go back in time and loose more weight during my first year.. I'm here moving in to year 3 having hit my 2 year anniversary in Nov 2013 with so much more weight to lose. Unlike you guys I'm not in wonderland. Actually that was never my goal and honestly at this point in my life, I'm fine with that. Just not fine with where I am right now.. I'm not giving up, so don't give up on me. If I can't do this with all the successful ladies of this group, then I really am an epic failure!!.. URGH.. Its Thursday and I'm starting my Thursday fast day. Shakey in my resolve.. but gotta start again somewhere.

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BrownDoesAll, I completely understand where you are coming from. Feeling so much better than before, but wanting more. If I have said it once, I have said it a million times, why can't they fix our brains when they fix our tummies? I have the same demons I always have, and know I always will. I don't eat because I am sad, depressed, happy or anything else. I eat because I love food! And not the good, healthy stuff either, give me the bad stuff. Hence, why I came very close to goal and then started going up, up and up on the scale again. After having read the book, watched the show, etc., I really do believe this makes sense and can work, maybe your body is just going through an adjustment period and you need to give it a little more time. I don't think any of us should beat ourselves up right now. I am just going to accept it is the holidays, there is going to be a lot of celebrating and that involves food. I am not going to forbid myself from partaking, I am going to do my best not to overdo it, but, if I do, I will not beat myself up about it because I know the holidays will be over shortly and then I can get back to a disciplined regimen.

CGJ, the dating scene, oh wow. I went through that after my divorce a few years ago and couldn't believe how much things had changed. The biggest thing I did notice though, is how much more accepting men seemed to be of overweight females now than they were when I was young. Then again, perhaps men my age are more mature and have a more realistic view of what woman really are than the younger ones do. The biggest thing I have learned from Bill, my fiance, is never put yourself down. So often, when we look in the mirror, we see our old selves, which were still beautiful. But, the people we meet now didn't know that person, they see someone with more confidence, showing their inner and outer beauty. You have it, own it and enjoy it!

As far as the group goes, I admit to being bad. As forum admin, I don't have to have an invite, I just allowed myself in. Please forgive me for that, but I did tell Laura-Ven that I was going to join the group, and she didn't run in the other direction screaming. I can see things from your point of view, Daisy, and that is what groups are for. But, from an admin point of view, I see CJG's too. You know what they say, don't post anything on the internet, even in a private setting, that you don't want anyone else to find out about. I am of the belief myself that this is a support forum first and foremost. I agree, if someone is seeking support for 5:2, they should be able to benefit from the knowledge and experience of all of you in this group, because you have been doing it for a while and understand how it works. I can understand being selective of who you let into the group, but I don't think I would personally say okay, we have reached this number and we are not letting anyone else in. You could end up missing out on developing a lasting friendship with someone who shares the same interests and you could have both mutually benefited from having them in the group. But, those are just my thoughts, and as the newbie to this group, I will just state my thoughts and step aside.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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