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Well shit Georgia! As I'm reading your post the first thing I think is "Imma going to lower my Protein, cause Georgia is a losing machine" :P

I don't "count" mine everyday anymore because I eat the same things pretty regularly so I kinda have the protein part down..

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Another way to look at Protein requirements is as a percentage of calories. The Institute of Medicine recommends we get at least 10% and no more than 35% of calories from protein.

Okay, this came from the article, FYE. I looked at MFP and today I'm at 19%, yesterday was 21% andMonday 20%. So, at least, I'm in the range. Probably need to up a little. Maybe a Greek yogurt or two would do it.

Edited by Georgia

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Crap! Then I am getting way too much protein! On days that I eat 600 cals, at least 45% of my cals are from protein! But that's keeping me at near 70gs Protein, how can I cut out 100 cals of protein when, on such a low cal diet, that is my only source of satiety??

Oh and by the way, I did poop, so, perfect day! Although, today is day #4 of Insanity and I weighed first thing this morning and I was UP A POUND!! $%^&*$!! what the eff.

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Good morning ladies. Hope the book is good reading Globe. If your reading this on vaca Sar hope your enjoying the quiet and not missing the kids too much. Maybe. My scale batteries are dead that's why its stuck on the same darn number hahaha. Had a clean Wednesday and ready for fasting. I find my clean eating days have been below 1100 maybe too low?. I have been exerciseing daily for the past 5 days. Not intense like some of u guys but I am moving more than normal. If the scale doesn't start going down soon I am going to FREAK OUT!! How u doing UKCathy and others? Gotten back on the wagon since Thanksving feasting? I have finally gotten rid of the goodies , had to literally throw out the cake and pumpkin bars. In the old days I would have eaten it to get rid of it. Oh how we've grown. Fasting today. Hope everyone has a great day!

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Globe can we have too much protien? Lately my main source of food and daily is around 80g-100g. My tracker doesn't tell me the percentage but its gotta be 50% my meals are mainly protien (fish,chicken,eggs,beef) not protien drinks. What does too much protien do?

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GT, I really haven't lost anything since I started my pretty intense workout schedule in late Sept. and while it's frustrating, I *know* I am doing good things for my body by working out so much. I had 4 people tell me at the gym how great I look after about 5-6 weeks of doing this schedule. Gym clothing is when I *wish* I had plastics the most, because it's kind of hard to hide the bumps in tight gym clothing. :(

I think part of the no loss is that I was doing 6:1 and part is just my body adjusting to working out so much. I believe my shape has changed even though the numbers on the scale aren't necessarily going down.

Part of my "old" diet and exercise mentality was that if I ate "clean" and "worked out" then dammit I should see it on the scale. But I had to get rid of those old ways of thinking because when the scale DIDN'T provide me with a payoff, is when I would just say "well screw you scale, how about I eat ice cream and then we will agree!!??" So I had to shed my old thoughts about getting that payoff on the scale.

YOU KNOW you are doing GOOD things by working out, it helps your muscles, your cardiovascular system and by gosh for me it clears the cobwebs in my brain. I do not ALWAYS enjoy the process of getting OUT there and exercising, but when it's OVER and I'm DONE... I NEVER REGRET any of it. I definitely think there is something to that "exercise high" that people talk about, it works for me and while I've never been "high" on anything in my life I definitely feel good after exercise. So keep doing your workouts and don't worry about the scale so much right now...I know that is easier SAID than DONE! I totally get that!

Brown...you are doing awesome by working out and getting out there and moving. I totally used to do that too about treats, best way to get rid of them was to EAT THEM! Good for you for realizing that isn't the way to solve a treat problem. ;)

So glad Cheri is coming back...yay...happy dance!

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Forgot to say that my goal on FAST days is 50g Protein. I usually hit just around that sometimes a tad less and sometimes a tad more. I spoke with my NUT about it and she said that was fine.

There was something about the Michael Mosley video where he talked about too much protein, and I think it was sort of in a negative way (anyone remember what he said???) Anyway, I'm guessing liberties need to be taken with regards to the amount of protein we need being post-WLS, just like we don't eat 2000 cals on a feed day.

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Crap! Then I am getting way too much protein! On days that I eat 600 cals, at least 45% of my cals are from protein! But that's keeping me at near 70gs Protein, how can I cut out 100 cals of protein when, on such a low cal diet, that is my only source of satiety?? Oh and by the way, I did poop, so, perfect day! Although, today is day #4 of Insanity and I weighed first thing this morning and I was UP A POUND!! $%^&*$!! what the eff.

What's your secret? (On the pooping). I am seriously having "issues" right now. Nothing seems to help! Lol

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here is why in a nutshell to eat lower protein:

Next, the show moved to talking about IGF-1 and its relation to cancer and various other disease. This should not be confused growth hormone, or with the variant of IGF-1, called mechano-growth factor 1, which is responsible for the muscle growth associated with contraction (muscular work). They are different, but MGF is often confused with or simply referred to as IGF-1.

This is probably the most controversial part of the show as it refers to the connection between high Protein diets and high IGF-1 levels.

Again I can relate to Dr. Mosley as this is also where I get the most slack on line, for my book How Much Protein.

The basic story is that constant growth is NOT a good thing. Yet a high protein diet promotes constant anabolism, or constant growth. The section on IGF-1 reminds me a lot of the chapter on Autophagy in Eat Stop Eat, stressing that there must be time for recovery and rebuilding on a cellular level if optimal health is the goal. The protein link is there, they weren’t making this up…think about it… We all know protein is ‘anabolic’, in the documentary Dr. Mosley refers to this constant state of growth as ”go go mode”. However, the role of protein in health is the topic of a different blog post…bottom line – Health and Optimal muscle building should be viewed as two different things.

- See more at: http://bradpilon.com/weight-loss/the-52-diet-my-review/

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Interesting subject. My surgeon had 60 grams of Protein as the guideline when I had surgery, but on my 1 year he said alot of research indicates 80g is better. Remember, I was very high BMI, over 50 when I started this. People with that profile often don't get to normal BMI and are prone to regain so his thinking is narrow about how to maintain.

My thought is that i am at highest risk of regain in the first 5 years so I am personally staying very protein focused unless some really convincing evidence comes out.

Calories come from either protein, fat or carbs. I am already high protein, not afraid of fat and all that is left is to up the carbs. That is how i got obese in the first place... so not the best idea for me to increase carbs.

What is funny is that I had some stress eating yesterday and while the calories were fine, it was low protein and high carb and yet oddly the scaled dropped back down to 148.

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Ok this is my second time writing this and it's totally frustrating.

I've been wondering if I have been eating too much Protein now my body and if there are any negative effects of too much protein. This article that FYE has provided was totally helpful... :P

I have been re-evaluating my protein, fat, and carb % on MFP and my carb increase is higher and my protein is like 30% now..

I have been eating my crack bars (quest) and they do help me be regular on pooping. Yep, just like clock work... However I don't like the fact that I crave them.....so I have to get on top of myself and cancel my automatic order today. I really have to work on eating real foods and preparing them myself. Exercise is another monster I need to conquer. I am very resistant to exercise. So today I'm going to the mall and walk around. I'm going to bring in my tread mill and stop looking at it and use it. I need to get focused on something and get some passion for something in my life. There I said it....I need something I'm passionate about and fun..... sorry for the rambling on......today is a clean eating day for me.

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Do Daisy - is today the big day of meeting Portland man?

I chickened out on speed dating this Saturday. My rational reason is that I have a cold and that really isn't the best way to make a good impression. Also, I have been practicing the stillettos and I am pretty good on carpet, but I feel awkward on hard floors. Yesterday I went to the office and wore 3" skinny heels all day and made progress... but not quite there. I often wear heels - but they are typically wedge or stacked and let me tell you sisters, 4" stillettos are a whole different thing. Those booties are surprisingly comfy though - they fit beautifully which is so rare. Most dress shoes squeeze my toes and slip off my heels. Guess might be a brand for me to look for in the future. Anyway, I won't feel confident if I don't feel good walking around.

I am also going through this completely irrational level of grief over separating from my "part-time" boyfriend. I haven't even told him yet...LOL. I haven't seen him in a month because he did this insane thing and then got really really sick. Like, he had to stay with his son for about 3 weeks and had a visiting nurse etc. Not his fault (well, yes it was as his behavior led him to this, but that's how he lives his life) but the end result I have felt very very neglected at a time when I just couldn't take it. I realized that he contributes to this... he does this emotional pull thing and then backs away. I don't know if it is intentional manipulation or if it is just his nature but he makes me feel cared for and then disappears. And, I really don't think it is due to other women... I might be wrong, but it is more that he lives a selfish life and has an impulsive nature and just does whatever seems like a good idea at the moment (I am kind of exageratting, but he does not have reliable nature). So, why on earth do I feel so attached even though I don't actually WANT a long term with this guy?

I think I have done some transference. My counselor put it into words when I described why I picked Dr Sauceda. I NEED to feel cared for and I get so little of that in life. I had a rough childhood, but the worst part was the neglect and I guess I carry that baggage. As odd as it sounds, the happiest times of the last 2 months have been the 2 weeks in Mexico with my loving girlfriend and a very warm and caring medical team. Heck, even the hotel workers made me feel cared for. I have a very good girlfriend who has a loving caring personality but for some reason, I have a long track record of associating with people who keep an emotional distance. My ex (who is still lving in my house until January - talk about awkward when dating) is very reliable but cold cold cold emotionally. Even many of my girlfriends are that way.

This guy I always talk about, he doesn't know how to be cold. When I am with him, I feel just surrounded in his attention, the way he looks at me, everything. Intellectually I realize that doesn't make it "real" and we have both been honest in our intentions so I can't blame him at all. What i realize is that what I seek is to feel that way around someone... and the only way to do that is to break free of my "addiction" to him and find someone that has that attribute but also has the good attributes of a real relationship. What I will always say is that knowing him has done so much for my self confidence... he made me feel beautiful which I don't think I ever felt in my whole life. No wonder I don't want to give up that feeling!

I am somehow hesitant to actually DO this... to find something more meaningful (or at least have time for me!) I hate "dating" - the basic interview process - and have no idea how to spot alot of these attributes in advance.

I think I need to find an old fashioned matchmaker...haha...that is how I buy a horse, I don't trust my own 30 minute evaluation. I only get a horse that is recommended by someone that KNOWS that horse and that knows me and that I respect her opinion. Sadly, those same horse people aren't so good at finding good men..haha I am getting a zillion hits on the dating websites but it feels like work...I am doing a few coffee dates, never know, might strike it lucky and actually meet someone cool.

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Ok this is my second time writing this and it's totally frustrating.

I've been wondering if I have been eating too much Protein now my body and if there are any negative effects of too much protein. This article that FYE has provided was totally helpful... :P

I have been re-evaluating my protein, fat, and carb % on MFP and my carb increase is higher and my protein is like 30% now..

I have been eating my crack bars (quest) and they do help me be regular on pooping. Yep, just like clock work... However I don't like the fact that I crave them.....so I have to get on top of myself and cancel my automatic order today. I really have to work on eating real foods and preparing them myself. Exercise is another monster I need to conquer. I am very resistant to exercise. So today I'm going to the mall and walk around. I'm going to bring in my tread mill and stop looking at it and use it. I need to get focused on something and get some passion for something in my life. There I said it....I need something I'm passionate about and fun..... sorry for the rambling on......today is a clean eating day for me.

I can't have Protein Bars - Quest bars in particular - in my house. I eat them as though they were candy. It disturbs me that my bad food behavior sometimes transfers like that.

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I agree, Ms skinny, since anything that is eaten in excess can be,ultimately, bad for you. The bars, in and of themselves, serve a purpose, but for me, it make me want to eat MORE. I have to really watch them including my 90 calorie Fiber One bars. I could eat them all day if I let myself.

I have cut almost all snacking out. I allow myself a mini babybel between Breakfast and lunch usually and after dinner I will allow myself a WW or NSA ice cream bar as a treat. 60 or 40 calories. Last night, however, I wanted salty and Peanut Butter so indulged myself with the PB filled HK Anderson morsels that I DEF have to stay away from overall.

I am a meat eater so I always have meat and love cheese so I have a lot of that. When I say a lot, remember my overall calorie count on most days does not approach 1100-1200 and two days 500.

As CGJ stated, I am very aware NOW of regain possibilities and I like my new self too much to allow that again. I am comfortably into a 4/6 bottom and medium top. I weigh less now than I did 45 years ago. And I am, cross my fingers, toes, legs, eyes, HEALTHY!

It's a "work it, Girl" approach we each have to find for ourselves. We are all beautifully and wondrously different and it's not a cookie cutter approach for any of us.

I know for me - having a close knit group to keep motivated and help motivate helps tremendously.

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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

      2. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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