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Just looked this up. We all do most of this stuff. Thats why we are ALL successful. Even if we are at different stages of our success...we have beat the odds, and as this study says, after 2-5 years it gets easier for most. Nice to know!

'It’s a depressing statistic: Most people who lose weight don’t keep it off long-term. But instead, let’s focus on the people who do succeed at maintaining their weight loss over the long haul. According to Brown Medical School research that analyzed data from the National Weight Control Registry, a group that was established to follow the habits and behaviors of successful weight loss maintainers, weight loss maintenance may get easier over time. And those who keep the weight off for two to five years greatly increase the likelihood that they will to continue to do so.'

Read more: http://www.rd.com/slideshows/8-habits-of-successful-losers/#ixzz2mCK8diqT


I like this. Thanks for posting it.

i was thinking of starting a thread on the vets forum or FYE - maybe you want to?? What I was wondering is how we can generate discussion on each of the 8 habits - like post about one habit at a time and ask for input/discussion?? I think they are debate worthy and I know I do most of them. I can also tell you that I DIDN'T do enough of them when I had the lapband, one of my reasons for failure (besides that the band SUCKS)

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So, I was cleared to "start" exercising a week ago. I have been doing alot of mall walking and shopping..haha... but really haven't started working out. I guess I have been a slow healer so I got alot of the nerve tingling a little later in the process and it bothers me. It doesn't hurt, it bothers me because I think I am doing harm. So today I realized that I was sorta blocked on this subject so emailed the surgeon and i am sure will hear back Monday. I basically want to know the very simple "I am used to listening to my body but it is speaking a new language... tell me what to worry about and what to just push through". I am getting better and better - physically and emotionally - but am not 100%. I want to be 100% and even better... so I want to start working out and not worry.

Coops - I get that you don't fight, but do you box against other women or do the punching bag only?

Georgia's amazing ongoing weight loss and Daisy getting back to goal made me ponder something about 5:2. It seems like the losses are inconsistent compared to say my sleeve journey. What i mean to say is it seems like lots of time spent plateau'd and then DROP. When I first started it, i lost 5 pounds in a month which was amazing. Then I stayed level for a bit and then lost 8# in a month. Now i am back to that weight again... but still feel like I am about 5# over what I want. Granted - I was exercising alot and following pretty strictly... which I am not now.

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Lawyers cost money that I don't have. Also, is disability really enough to live on? Can a person be on disability and also have a job? I may have to go back to Germany, if I do that, they will definitely send me home from there. Well, send me to the US, whereupon I will be homeless ...

I'm painting, a lot, as a way of keeping my hands busy instead of eating. Feed, you never said whether you've had your work in galleries on the coast?

Did day 1 of Insanity today, and am also going to do the planking challenge. I worry that exercising will actually slow down my weight loss ...

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Globe you don't pay them directly they get a cut. Some get benefit without an attorney. I don't know if it makes sense I do think it is worth checking out.

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GT...I worried about the same thing, that working out intensely as I do that it would slow down my weight loss and I will say this. I started taking the women & weights class 2 days a week at the end of Sept. On days that I do women & weights (Tues/Thurs) I also go and do spin for an hour, so I do an hour of intense weight lifting and then spin. About 5 weeks into this schedule, I had 4 different people who only *know* me from the gym compliment me on how good I was looking etc. So I took that to mean that even though the scale doesn't reflect my hard work, that my shape is actually changing for the better.

I will also admit that ever since the last week in Oct. I've only managed to do either a NOTHING schedule (for about 10 days at the end of Oct. I didn't fast at all) or a 6:1 and NEVER seem to be able to get back to my earlier fire on the 5:2. So part of the reason the scale hasn't moved is ME, and I think the other part is what you are worried about. But exercise makes me FEEL good, clears the cobwebs, and I know it's good for me, so regardless of what the scale shows me, I'm not going to quit.

Good luck with the intensity stuff. I don't know anything about it...is it a video series?

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So I just have to declare... I AM FASTING TODAY!!!

It's long overdue and much needed. I did get on the scale to discover that YAY I did NOT gain weight in the last week (or rather I should say it was in my "range" of what I deem acceptable...I refuse to be one of the people who record my weight down to the .2 of a lb, etc. I know that works for some but not for me...)

Anyway, I am going to RESIST the donuts and cupcakes that are currently sitting on my kitchen counter. THEY WILL DO ME NO GOOD.

Just puttin that out there...

Oh and one last thing...having my annual mammogram done today...so I will be fasting, freezing, and getting the girls squished...never fun but oh so necessary. <_<

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I like this.  Thanks for posting it.

Just looked this up. We all do most of this stuff. Thats why we are ALL successful. Even if we are at different stages of our success...we have beat the odds, and as this study says, after 2-5 years it gets easier for most. Nice to know! 


'It’s a depressing statistic: Most people who lose weight don’t keep it off long-term. But instead, let’s focus on the people who do succeed at maintaining their weight loss over the long haul. According to Brown Medical School research that analyzed data from the National Weight Control Registry, a group that was established to follow the habits and behaviors of successful weight loss maintainers, weight loss maintenance may get easier over time. And those who keep the weight off for two to five years greatly increase the likelihood that they will to continue to do so.'


Read more: http://www.rd.com/slideshows/8-habits-of-successful-losers/#ixzz2mCK8diqT





i was thinking of starting a thread on the vets forum or FYE - maybe you want to??  What I was wondering is how we can generate discussion on each of the 8 habits - like post about one habit at a time and ask for input/discussion?? I think they are debate worthy and I know I do most of them. I can also tell you that I DIDN'T do enough of them when I had the lapband, one of my reasons for failure (besides that the band SUCKS)

I will think about the best way to post this question... any ideas? Maybe just post the list of 8, people can then quote and comment what they want....?


Georgia's amazing ongoing weight loss and Daisy getting back to goal made me ponder something about 5:2.  It seems like the losses are inconsistent compared to say my sleeve journey.  What i mean to say is it seems like lots of time spent plateau'd and then DROP.  When I first started it, i lost 5 pounds in a month which was amazing. Then I stayed level for a bit and then lost 8# in a month.  Now i am back to that weight again... but still feel like I am about 5# over what I want.  Granted - I was exercising alot and following pretty strictly...  which I am not now.

I'm sure your composition has changed and moved around...


Lawyers cost money that I don't have.  Also, is disability really enough to live on?  Can a person be on disability and also have a job?  I may have to go back to Germany, if I do that, they will definitely send me home from there.  Well, send me to the US, whereupon I will be homeless ...


I'm painting, a lot, as a way of keeping my hands busy instead of eating.  Feed, you never said whether you've had your work in galleries on the coast?


Did day 1 of Insanity today, and am also going to do the planking challenge.  I worry that exercising will actually slow down my weight loss ...


It does affect what you can make. If you have a trust, then that money can go towards anything but housing, medical... you can use it for travel, fun, art supplies...

But keep in mind, it is a safety net for you if you really need it... if you are that down and out.... also medical in Cali is shifting, and Im sure there is something there for you....


So I just have to declare... I AM FASTING TODAY!!!


It's long overdue and much needed. I did get on the scale to discover that YAY I did NOT gain weight in the last week (or rather I should say it was in my "range" of what I deem acceptable...I refuse to be one of the people who record my weight down to the .2 of a lb, etc. I know that works for some but not for me...)


Anyway, I am going to RESIST the donuts and cupcakes that are currently sitting on my kitchen counter. THEY WILL DO ME NO GOOD.


Just puttin that out there...


Oh and one last thing...having my annual mammogram done today...so I will be fasting, freezing, and getting the girls squished...never fun but oh so necessary. <_<

Me too, only did it once in the last week, and really looking forward to it! I also have had some reflux from eating all the yummy crap! Im also sitting on a phone number to make my yearly appt for a mamo tooo.. got to get that on the calendar.

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Lawyers cost money that I don't have. Also, is disability really enough to live on? Can a person be on disability and also have a job? I may have to go back to Germany, if I do that, they will definitely send me home from there. Well, send me to the US, whereupon I will be homeless ... I'm painting, a lot, as a way of keeping my hands busy instead of eating. Feed, you never said whether you've had your work in galleries on the coast? Did day 1 of Insanity today, and am also going to do the planking challenge. I worry that exercising will actually slow down my weight loss ...

Globe, for the record, one of my best friends is a long term employee of SS And a supervisor with 25 years experience. She tells people don't do attorney, just keep appealing and appealing and appealing. 99% of time works to their advantage. Just a thought for the future.

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CGJ, I would be just like you. Every twinge would make me nervous for a while. Also, on 5:2, I did not find it to be inconsistent as to loss when actively working it for major loss, I consistently lost IF I watched what I are on non fast days as well within my 1200-1300 calorie range. In a four month period, I shed 30 pounds. I had to REALLY clean up my act and increase exercise to do it full justice. The average is only a pound or so a week and as sleevers, I think we initially got used to dropping quickly. Maybe for some is no but after three year stretch, the only thing that seemed to kick start my body again

Also, Kim, I think that is very interesting about it becoming somewhat easier to maintain WL after 5:2. I am def finding that to be the case right now but I think some of it plays into regulating your diet and clean eating also and the discipline it forms in a person. This is very hopeful to me!!

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I like this. Thanks for posting it. i was thinking of starting a thread on the vets forum or FYE - maybe you want to?? What I was wondering is how we can generate discussion on each of the 8 habits - like post about one habit at a time and ask for input/discussion?? I think they are debate worthy and I know I do most of them. I can also tell you that I DIDN'T do enough of them when I had the lapband, one of my reasons for failure (besides that the band SUCKS)

Believing in myself...

That's one I'm having trouble with.





The vets forum..

It used to be vets.. But not anymore.

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Fasting today - I am going to keep it at 500 if it kills me! My schedule has just been killing me - and the politics of academia.../sigh. Ridiculous amounts of work and prep for very little pay and no job security - I should just go get a job at Barnes & Noble lol.

I am maintaining - I guess this is good, normally I would be gaining, certainly at this time of the year with all of the sweet treats and being cold all the time - which makes me want to spend quality time with my electric blanket.

Sad and happy news - a gal who attended our support group meetings (who had a lapband) has had some horrid things happen recently. She always wanted the sleeve -but the band is what her insurance would pay for - she did well, losing about 120 lbs over the course of a few years but never achieved her goal weight. She had her band removed last string and gained back 70+ lbs - she had a revision to a RNY in October - went home and things were just not feeling right - they operated again and she had blood clots behind her stomach/pouch and liver - they repaired these but she got sepsis...

She is still in the hospital - she just came off the ventilator, I guess has a trach and they kept her surgery site open so they could continue to get at it (yikes!) she has been in a medically induced coma for weeks - they removed her colon and large parts of her intestines - I guess she ballooned up to 300+ with fluids but that is starting to come down now. She is in her mid-40s.

I feel so sad that she has had these terrible complications :( and reminds me to count my blessings that I am so much healthier today than I was a couple of years back.

I love the idea of a discussion of the 8 healthy behaviors - that is good stuff. I should post some stuff from my Beck workbook

(cognitive therapy for weight loss/maintenance etc.)

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Thanks for the article FYE i find that the majority of people that are successful in keeping their weight off do these eight things in some form. It made me happy to read this....

Chimera your friend's story is horrid.......it makes me sad to hear she's going through all this and makes me realize how fortunate I am to be healthy with no complications from the surgery.....

I am so going to work the 5:2 this week. I keep fluctuating between 143 and 147 and want to get down to around 135 again. I love Georgia's sticking to healthy eating on here feasting days.....I hate the word feasting, it reminds me of eating too much. LOL

M2G you are also very motivating too....

I like commenting on the 8 things to do to keep our wl off and would be very helpful to read them.....

Coops congrats on your new low! Amazeballs!   Yayyyyyyyyy! :P

GT attorney's do take a portion of the rewarded amount about 1/3rd I believe.....You can just get documentation from your doctors and do the appeals yourself.....It is common to be denied a few times before being excepted......If on disability, you would qualify for low income housing too in California. A friend of mine is living on $200 of general relief fun and her rent is $7 a month......It's hard but better than nothing......


Today I am fasting and I had a cup of Swiss Miss dark chocolate sensation. For the past couple of weeks I thought it was like 60 calories and was feeling so proud of myself. today logging into MFP it said 160 calories and I had to go check the package. That's what I get for becoming laxed with not checking the labels.... Ha Ha.......So cheers to everyone.....

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M2G, thanks for mentioning donuts in your post. Now all I can think about are those little powdered sugar donuts. I will resist..don't have any around anyway. Good luck on your fast today, YOU CAN DO IT!

Chimera, I often think about how thankful I am that I haven't had any complications. As with any surgery, we are taking a risk, it's sad to hear when other people have to suffer.

Skinny, good reminder for us to watch the labels! hot chocolate sounds good right about now...

Laura, I was just thinking about how the vet board used to be vets and now it's not. I wish it was just for vets only.

Fasting today. The hubs and I leave for our trip on Wednesday morning so I will only have one fast day in this week.

I can't wait...4 wonderful days WITHOUT children!!!

Happy Monday ladies!

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I posted the list on the vets forum. I know, not really vets, I think you need at least a year to even start to get the full impact of the sleeve....

Skinny! the hot chocolate thing is so like something I would do!

Chimera, what a horrible story! Just one thing after another, best of luck to her....

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I posted the list on the vets forum. I know, not really vets, I think you need at least a year to even start to get the full impact of the sleeve....

Skinny! the hot chocolate thing is so like something I would do!

Chimera, what a horrible story! Just one thing after another, best of luck to her....

At least a year yes.. I have mentioned this to Alex recently.

I hate to be bitchy about it but Butter mentioned that most of us girls stick to the 5:2 group these days.. And not the vets forum. But now that the flood gates have been open to anyone posting it's not the same.

Lol yes I'm pmsing too :P

But I stand by my words :)

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    • BabySpoons

      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      1. Bypass2Freedom

        We have to remember that everyone moves at their own pace. For some it may be harder to adjust, people may have other factors at play that feed into the unhealthy relationship with food e.g. eating disorders, trauma. I'd hope those who you are referring to address this outside of this forum, with a professional.

        This is a place to feel safe to vent, seek advice, hopefully without judgement.

        Compassion goes a long way :)

    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
      Just for fun last week, I ran two 5Ks in two days, something I would have never done in the past! Next goal is a 10K before the end of this month.
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    • Teriesa

      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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      Decorative Wall Cladding & Panels | Stone Art By SKL
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