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We live in Los Gatos. That's in the Santa Cruz mountains... It's early yet for lots if different types of mushrooms but as soon as it gets more moist around here we have so many types and colors it's amazing I never really noticed until my son got interested.

They have a big fungus fair in Santa Cruz every year and that place is hopping!

You should be able to see janes pictures a page or two back I reposted them yesterday I think..

Yes I need to clean house on the group but since this switch over I can't get into the controls anymore!


I've been off the rails! Today is a fast and I'm

Up to 592 :(

I need help... I just don't know why I can't hold it together!

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Well that effing sucked - I was almost done wtih my post when the screen went to the new BP homepage and poof - gone! I'll try to recreate, grrr ............

CGJ - Everyone else wears black, why would you want to look like everyone else? You have put a lot of blood sweat and tears into your health and appearance, you have earned the admiring looks and attention of passersby! The pic with the striped dress is sexay lady - minus the black jacket :P Stacey and Clinton are also big advocates of using dark jewel tones as a neutral rather than relying on so much black. The booties are great but the chunky heel isn't doing you any favors, I should know, at 5'3" with T-Rex arms, wide shoulders and hips, I am all body no leg. This is what I meant ...


sexxxxxay ^_^

Have you heard of a line called DevaCurl? Best curly products ever - I use the No Poo cleanser and One Condition treatment along with the curl reviver. Although I never had curly hair I also did not inherit my Mom's glorious straight thick glossy raven's wing black hair. Mine went curly in my mid-20's, they say it is hormonal.

Oh and I really like the military jacket shape, but black only if it is the only black thing you are wearing.

Feel like absolute turd today; after the food i said i ate yesterday at the Polish thing, I went on to eat a further 4 servings of almonds, a Protein Shake, the rest of the slice of chocolate cake, and several more gingersnap style Cookies. Every muscle in my body aches, my intestines are writhing, I look terrible. Today I will probably take in 630 cals - 15 carbs 72 Protein, or 430 cals if I am too tired to eat the sardines. I haven't seen the scale move in 4 days and am feeling quite grumpycat about it.

SarSar - symptoms I felt before my diagnosis: I have had a numb patch on the left side of my stomach for about 5 years, and numbness in my left foot for about 2. I have had bouts of inexplicable exhaustion and in the past year had noticed episodes of airheadedness that I had chalked up to estrogen levels of my cycle. Muscle twitches that I wrote off as anemia, muscle pain that I attributed to the temperature or cramping from exercise.

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CGJ I love the jacket.this time of year I would wear that jacket. Then again I would always wear a jacket or sweater to cover the arm flaps. U don't have that issue any more. Blew my fast day over stupid Nutterbutter Cookies. Came in at 745. Tracking everything that goes in my mouth is critical to losing. Today is my day off. Getting the house in shape for guests and starting the cooking. Now is time for me to remember its only one day have a normal week. The good thing about life, when u mess up u get the next day to get it right. So today I am putting my grandsons mini nutterbutters away and trying the fast day again. I will reward myself with a piece of the funnybone cake I make for the fam. What's a. Funnybone cake u ask? Imagine a Twinkie made of Devils food cake, inside is creamy Peanut Butter and the cake is covered with a smooth chocolate ganauch. My family is crazy for that cake I make it once a year. My mom wants pumpkin bars which I make with Stevia , she's a type 1 diabetic on dyalisis but eats everything. I will be baking those tempting morsals today. So to fast today will take all the will power I can muster! Wish me luck. Hey SAR is it just me but your head is missing from your profile pic. OD I watch all the Foodnetwork shows I never knew those mushrooms were big money. Laura u might wanna get in om that. Have a great day ladies

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---side note, is Alex EVER going to straighten out the post count? I guess it doesn't really matter that I've posted like 2,000 times vs 6,000 times I just think it's ODD that happened when we switched over--- sorry SQUIRREL!! :P

Post count updated.

It was only by chance that I read your post. I don't have the opportunity to read everything that's posted. Please drop me a PM if you or anyone else has ANY issues with the site.

Well I didn't realize that I all I had to do was say the word --Alex-- to conjure him and have him fix whatever I want to whine about! Thank you for fixing it. I didn't PM you because as I said it really wasn't a big deal in the grande scheme of things and I knew you were busy putting out bigger fires. But, a sincere thanks for fixing what bugged me! :)

Hot mama!!! The jegging are flipping awesome on you!!!

And if you don't wear those on a date I will come get you!!!!

Another vote for the jeggings/skinny jeans look for you. And I love jackets (LOVE is an understatement!) and I LOVE black, but I think it's something about the neckline that doesn't work on that particular jacket.

also love the idea of sharing outfits before going out on here. I have a hen night on Sat and I'm unsure of what to wear... my hubby is way to kind to be honest and my daughter doesn't 'get' my style! Wrong generation, she will learn one day. And my son, well he thinks I am beautiful whatever - bless him!

Hen night? Does that translate to LADIES NIGHT? Ha ha! I do adore you and your BritSpeak...OMGosh I'm going to start calling it that. Hen night. People will be like wha???? :lol: And I ALSO love the idea about posting our outfits!! Some great feedback going on here.


I was thinking about putting a cap at our membership as it stands now??


I like the intimate atmosphere and at times have a hard time keeping up with everyone as much as I wish I could..

I'm unsure about adding more. I like the small intimate group we have created and more might sort of ruin that. I'm not against new vets joining in, and as Laura said there are lots of people who go "oooh, I'm going to do the 5:2" and then they try it for a day or don't make it through the day and and just go nevermind. So I guess what I'm saying is someone needs to sort of prove that they were persistent before allowing them to join?

CGJ, I think you should ditch the boot cuts, they are not the right shape for you. Love the heels and the blue shoes (color pop always good), the black pumps are a bit blah for this type of outfit. I like the long spotted shirt, short jacket (tho a short cardi might be a bit softer and you could bring in some color there too) combo cos it visually lengthens and thins you, as well as being a standard "good disguise" for a long waist. But yeah, heels and skinnies are def your friends.

I do see no reason not to wear a casual dress with tights and boots, though. I love the stretch suede boots, they are sexy in a very subtle way. I agree also w coops abt the leather jacket - or anything black or with that neckline, not flattering to the middle age faces like ours. You want something that opens up your neckline, not tightens in around it. Think v-neck or scoop or drapey neckline. Red shirt is cute, just wants different accessorizing somehow...

Totally agree with Dee and Sue on this..it's the neckline!!

ok, I had a guy once tell me that it is only other women that think we need to cut our hair short...lol... 9 out of 10 of them like it long. In my case, my hair can get a little wild looking due to the massive curl and that definately attracts attention too. maybe not the right attention, did i tell you the story of what happened last year when out dancing. A complete stranger put his arm around my waist from behind and grabbed a handful of my hair. omg... my friends and I all about freaked. As one of them said, usually you get dinner and drinks before THAT. He apologized profusely saying he just got carried away... it was WEIRD, I have no idea what kind of madness overcame that dude but i am telling you, my hair is like a signature part of my looks.

but, the main thing is that I don't really want an afro and I am unwilling to straighten and use appliances on my hair - so it stays long...lol. I wish I could do bangs, but I can't due to the curl and my unwillingness to work at it. My hair right now, I rinse it with a detangling conditioner, put in a leave in curl enhancer and let it dry... no fuss no muss. My pix in the pants my hair was still wet so it didn't look that great, but it really does look good when fully dry and ready to go.

So my girls have LONG curly hair when it's straight ...it goes all the way to their waist. So imagine your hair times 2! :blink: My oldest would love to go shorter but is also afraid of the afro look and I'm here to tell her that is probably what would happen if she goes shorter. Honestly the curl factor is HUGE when you consider length, so Sheryl...I'm with you I would NOT cut it. Plus I'm a fan of long hair on myself, so I would never tell someone with long hair to cut their hair. Oh here is a GREAT illustration of the difference between length JUST DUE TO THE CURL FACTOR. Both of my girls have approximately the same length of hair. (actually I will put it below this post...I'm scared to put it here in fear of messing up my carefully selected "multiquote" when I put this many multiquotes my computer churned for a loooooong time before coughing them up!)

I too love long hair... but I love short hair too! I suppose it is one of those very personal things... Now mine has a little thickness back I am trying to grow a little length so I can wear it in a variety of styles. It has a natural curl and can look pretty if teased in the right way.

So the butternut squash went down a storm with the hubby too - we are hooked, especially in this cold weather.

Easy to make:

1 butternut squash

1 red onion

carrot - I used 3 small/medium

1 small sweet pot

1 1/2 pints of veggie stock - I used oxo cubes, not sure if you get them in America?

garlic pepper, chilli powder (you can leave this out or use curry powder) and mixed herbs.

Chuck in a saucepan for 30 mins and blend - I used a hand blender.

Yum yum yum! Low cals too... that made a massive pot and served 8 bowls of loveliness !

I am going to try red pepper and toms tomorrow... same sorta thing!

YUM! thanks for sharing!

Alright so my update is that I DID NOT FAST on Mon. as scheduled. That darn AF showed up and I just couldn't do it. I don't think I will be able to until Mon. I REALLY NEED TO PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT IS GOING IN MY MOUTH. We start our vacation today and the family has already decided lunch will be at Smash Burger. <_< At least my husband is sleeved and when we are on the road and traveling and what not we can pretty easily split things.

For anyone I missed, sorry...oh GT thank you for that website...gonna look at it!

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OKAY LADIES...here is the difference between curly and straight hair and how cutting long curly hair MUST be done with careful consideration to how much the curl factor SHRINKS the length of your hair. ---remember their hair is almost the same length...the only difference here is that one is wearing hers curly and one has it straight---HUGE DIFFERENCE!


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Hi ladies!


Fasting today - trying to get my latte and snack habit under control - as it is waaaay out of hand at the moment. If left to my own devices during a busy and stressful work period (college professor here) I will live on 3 latte's and 1 low fat berry coffee cake a day. Bad!


We are going out for turkey dinner tomorrow with family - did the same last year and it was great - no cooking all day, not being surrounded with all the left overs really works for me :)


I need to read the other forums more! I usually only read here, vets, and fitness/exercise so I miss out on the dishy stuff.


Cgj - I too like the other shapes for you rather than the bootcut - on What Not to Wear they always go on about how much more flattering bootcut pants are and I simply have to disagree - or its situational. I am short 5'3", and also have short legs - long torso - bootcuts work well when I am actually wearing my boots, then I think I loo kinda cool - but I think they make me look dumpy with other shoes.


Vanity sizing - I can shimmy my big rump into a size 2 from Target - pretty fishy to me - the last time I weighed this little was in the 1980's and it was a 12-14 back then lol.


Also I wanted to mention a book that I just finished that I really have enjoyed and you guys might like as well -

The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin. Trying to link it from Amazon - just about lost my post and had a heart attack!

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Strange that it wont let you simply paste a URL into a reply - selecting the link option above seems poorly designed and it doesn't work.

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vanity sizing!! It's a blessing and a curse!!


Ok I went to bed last night before the crazy midnight munchies got me :) so calories were under 600 (barely)

M2G your girls hair is so pretty!

Globe hope your feeling a bit better today.

The group cap.. It seems that we have feelings on both sides.. I'm not opposed to adding here and there. But I do want to be VERY selective as to who it is..

I love all the girls here so I think we've got it right so far :)


Ok I've got a flipping turkey in the next room waiting to be cooked.. I tried to pare down on the feast today because it's just not in my heart to cook EVERYTHING this year but I was over ruled by the three good for nothing's I call my husband and kids :P

So today a full thanksgiving feast including mash potatoes and gravy (that's what I tied to axe) will be made just so we can pack up turkey cranberry stuffing sandwiches tomorrow...

Good day ladies :)

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Yesterday was a free for all! I must have eaten only carbs and fat. I did write it all down in MFP, was over by almost 400 cals.... and that was after I ate my exercise cals back.... :P on the up side I did not gain.....yet. today I brought a Protein Drink for breakfast/lunch like a fast day, with the little voice in my head saying if someone brings treats, I'm eating some.... luckily no one brought treats, so may be a fast day after all. The maintenance gods are looking after me today...I'm an eating loose canon! I will be fine once I get home. I go on a "appetite enhancement ride" every Thanksgiving, where a bunch of semi drunk townies on fancy bicycles listen to music, visit then take over the Sacramento streets, drive against traffic (not much that day) and end up at the river where we visit some more, some extra crazy ones ride into the river naked.... yea, its quite the morning. Then we will go to my Family traditional feast after. So I should get in maybe 6-7 miles of ride in to counteract the pumpkin pie! I will check in later with a report on my exemplary bahavior, or my shameful confessions.

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Wow, i ate all day. If I wasn't post menopausal i would have assumed I was PMSing. It was healthy food, but way overate. pffffff

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I sometimes wish I was hosting. In another life, I used to host huge parties and holiday meals and loved it. I lost my will to do that after my sister died and the house I have now is smaller so I can't really take on the 40+ guest list these days. I am having a little updating done in Jan/Feb and maybe after that i will try doing a SMALL wine and appetizer party because i just don't see myself making a feast anymore. I don't even like being around all the feasting these days.... sheesh.... it is like I really try to not live buried in food so it is better that my niece is hosting now.

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Feed I'm envious of your ride!! It sounds like so much fun!!

This is horrible but I'm glad I'm not the only one around here falling of the rails in regards to eating this week! Misery loves company :D

Jane, holidays are just not the same for a lot of us so I know how you feel.. Don't get me wrong I love my little family tradition.. But it started after my brother passed because face it there was nobody left but people that were emotionally draining to say the least...


Ok, cooking has started, turkey in the oven.

I've been feeling a bit under the weather today though? :( my stomach like the actual stomach hurts in a way it's never hurt before? On and off nausea and it hurts when I move??

I might of picked up a bug at that over crowed disgusting grocery store yesterday (I hate grocery shopping) hopefuly it passes soon.

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Sarsar, yes coops and I are both in the UK and we live approx 1 hr away from each other. We hope to meet up sooner or later. I think I will have to take her shopping with me when I get to my personal goal (8lb to go) as I need a personal shopper. I think she could sort out my wardrobe.

M2G I will explain 'hen' night - it is when the forthcoming bride goes out with her lady friends for her last night of freedom before the wedding, the equivalent for the males is 'stag' night. They are usually quite boozy, can involve dressing up the bride to be and at times a stripper can be involved ( latter is dependent on friends). The male equivalent has been known for the groom to be tied to lamp post naked or even a night in the cells. I'm sure that Coops though is going to a tasteful party as she is a classy lady.

Feed day today and too many carbs! I have to get this under control again, feel like I am on a runaway train.

Hubby's birthday on Friday so took MIL out to get a card today, she has dementia, and it took a lot of convincing her in the shop that he was her son. A card wad eventually chosen and in the queue to pay she said "do you have a husband?" "Err yes it's your son!" - at least she was laughing. She is a lovely later but it is a horrible disease, another little bit of her disappears each day.

I'm sure all you ladies are busy getting ready for your meals with your families tomorrow . I hope you all have a lovely day no matter what you are doing.

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CGJ, I always like the idea of hosting big parties, have done a few through the years, like you say, you need the space to do it. Our house is teenie tiny, so unless we can use the outdoors, forget it. I had thanksgiving at my place one year, and we had it spread out in every room to make room for it all. And then after cooking for three days, it was over in about 30 minutes!

Laura, the ride will be a blast... to get to town we ride through the American River Parkway, which is beautiful. I am jealous of your mushroom hunting! Three days after a rain I hear.

Cathy, So hard to see them go that way. I'm glad to hear she seems happy though. So nice of you to take her out and get your hubby a card.

Later girls...... oh checking in.... I scavenged (picture a vulture with my head on it!) some corn chips and a cookie at work.... bad me! It could have been worse. Not really a fast day after all, but I think I can pull off less calories than a normal day.... cheers, Kim

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Laura - don't get sick! There is a turkey that needs cooking!! The others in your house are counting on lots of carbs to go with that turkey!!! Seriously, I hope you are not getting sick that would just about round out the pleasures of a holiday - NOT.

The sun is out and it is 50 degrees... not bad for late November in the northern climates. I had this thought... sometimes voices in my head talk to me and tell me how I am really feeling. Anyway, the voice said "if I were alive, I would sneak off for a ride before the sun sets". I thought, what a strange thing to say to myself since I am not cleared for horseback riding yet and I am most certainly alive. I think the voice is telling me that I am feeling sad. At some level, I don't feel fully alive. I think it is still the after effect of the healing/recovery and also some other things going on in my life. I am just not myself... but patience. I am a believer in the "fake it till you make it" philosophy and so bought some really fun holiday nail polish and will dress up and be fun tomorrow as though it mattered.

My sister died May 2007 and I keep wondering when I will get over it. Nobody else hangs on to that memory and I know it isn't healthy but we were raised like twins, she was my best friend and sister. I miss her always, but holidays are the hardest. And sometimes I just want to call her and talk about absolutely nothing ... and we finish each others sentences even though we are talking about nothing.

So, just so nobody get the idea I always wear black, I took a couple of snapshots in some of my "play clothes"...haha. I have a few outfits I have never worn in public... show up at my boyfriends house and we never leave. He is fun that way. :)

I shop at ross and can get a dress for about 10-12 bucks, so it is fun. They are decent, they are just "young" and form fitting, not stuff I that a 49 should would wear to the grocery store for example. He tells me red is totally my color. I also have a summer dress that i just love and wore it everywhere - blue and white with a 70s kinda vibe. I also wear those sweater dresses with leggings - I own a couple of them. AGain, cheapo Ross finds. One of them is too short so I wear them over skinny pants. Anyway, I was wondering if others were interested in sharing outfits and getting critiques. I think it is useful - confirmed my suspicious (I always thought bootcuts make me look short and squat - nice to hear it confirmed!). Anyway, i was going to start a separate thread but don't want to bother if others aren't interested in participating and posting too. Of course, a separate thread means nobody will actually find it... haha

So, I have to make mashed taters, yams, dressing and some kind of bread. i bought gravy in a jar since that is all I could muster. Ironically I was assigned all the carb food.< /p>

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        That's a great choice! 😊

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