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{{{{{GT}}}}} Ignore the haters and trolls on the main threads!!! They will drive you mental. It is wayyyyy more about them than it is about you. Don't even waste a moment's thought about it.

Sorry to hear about your Pa anniversary coming up. I do understand. Many hugs and much love -- live through this, sweets. <3

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Sorry GT, I try pretty hard to keep up with *this* thread, can't always say that for the other THOUSANDS of threads I've replied to that are floating around out there

---side note, is Alex EVER going to straighten out the post count? I guess it doesn't really matter that I've posted like 2,000 times vs 6,000 times I just think it's ODD that happened when we switched over--- sorry SQUIRREL!! :P

But I know you are dealing with a lot of heavy stuff right now. Sometimes I think we use these forums as "thinking out loud" I know I'm terribly guilty of it, and I try not to obsess over something that might be mentioned that NO ONE takes note of. Because it's really just my brain dump so I can "get it out there" instead of having it swirl around in my own head taking up precious space that should be used for something else like listening to my girls when they chatter on and on about something, or focusing on my husband when he says something. ;) So please don't be offended if we can't all comment or know all of the details...just know that I consider you a friend, and I value your input around here. I DID go and read the thread you mentioned and yep, I know who you are talking about and I've seen her "chase" you and "goad" you before...you are right this is NOT the first time. <_< BUT I will say she is much like that with all of her threads and I think she is a very particular type of person, a little bit of the in-your-face-attitude, so I'm not sure that makes it any *better* but I don't think she is going to change. I'm not sure it's worth the time to engage with this or just move on.

As for the holidays, I'm already trying to figure out how to keep things in control...we will be gone for 4 days this coming week, with long travels on the each end of the trip (like 4 hour car ride up over 2 very large mountain passes...just tuned up the car with snow tires, oil change, etc. but winter has come and hit us hard, so hoping things clear a bit before we head out) we will stay with my mom and my mom is a bit of food pusher. :wacko: FOOD = LOVE to her. She is a foodie through and through and loves to cook and the more you eat the more she sees love :wub: ...She literally has already planned out meals for each day and of course is hosting thanksgiving...and there will be treats galore, and I *always* gain weight when we go to her house. Because each time I cave and indulge in more than I should. So this time I need to keep it in CHECK.

As I already said I gained 8lbs last year between Oct-Jan 1st and I'm swearing to you all, and God and everyone who will listen that I'm NOT DOING THAT AGAIN. Not doing it, not doing it, not doing it. Phew. Oh and don't forget my surgeon threw down the guantlet and said at my 3 year in Oct. "Let's get -10lbs off by Jan and get you NOT thinking about your weight" WTF? Is that even allowed? Do I ever NOT get to think about my weight? Um, because last time I checked, when I don't *think* about my weight, it creeps up. <_< So Jan. is going to be interesting for sure... :wacko:

K, carry on sisters..

Glad you all like it...seems appropriate here. :wub:

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Globe - is it the kat person or the lipstick person that is the goader?

So, I am going to counsel forgiveness/moving on/forgetting about her. I think alot of people who have WLS have emotional issues. They are likely pre-existing, but certainly heightened by the emotions of not being able to stuff it down with food. I worked as a waitress many years ago at a restaurant that didn't serve booze and so we got alot of the AA crowd. They, as a group, were a mean and bitter bunch of people....nothing pleased them, they criticized everything and everybody and chainsmoked and drank coffee like it was their last pleasure on earth. More than once, cops had to be called due to physical altercations among "sober" people - it was nuts. I remember that surly crowd everytime somebody on this forum comes across as a mean bitch. I tell you, it was about enough to make you NEVER START drinking...

I struggle with my own advice as it applies to the moderator of the FB group for my plastic surgeon. She picks on me and does alot of small things toward me that are very unsupportive. I have no idea why I antagonize her but I realized that I can't seem to do anything right in her eyes - so I either leave or stay but fighting about it is a losing proposition. And a waste of time - she collects and plays with premie dolls (I could not make that up) and seems to have few real relationships. I try to take a deep breath and realize that I haven't walked in her shoes ... and can't really understand her mind... and then I go and enjoy my friends, my dogs, my family, and look forward to riding horses and living a full life again very very very soon... and she will still just have her preemie dolls to cuddle and dress up. Reminding myself of that makes it a little easier to let her zingers roll off ...

My EX husband (I married my high school sweetheart, divorced in my early 30s) one time told me something that I am not sure if it was just mean, or just the truth, but he told me i sometimes make things look easy and it makes people jealous. I can't relate to that, because i have worked so hard for everything in my life... but... according to him, i could be very "off putting". hmmm. Maybe something I should explore.

globe - I would say there are about 50 posts in this thread that I meant to and wanted to respond to. So many intelligent and thoughtprovoking ideas. Truth of the matter is alot of times I read from my phone or kindle and posting is a pain with both... and then I lose track and forget about them or get distracted by whatever is new.

I will go back and look for your post because I do care about you and value your input. I learn from everybody, but especially people who are a little further out from me and have worked through the things that are ahead of me still...

I do also want to mention something about Dr Sauceda. He will be in Vegas in mid June - great chance to meet him, his anestheologist (and wife!) and to see a bunch of "afters" results. Lots of former patients will be there to show off their bodies...LOL. (formerly fat middle age people seem to think we look good in bikinis just because we don't have pannies anymore - ha). He is doing consults for $35 - I think the money is to fund the social events going on. I am tentatively planning on going because I want to discuss possible future facework but also because I am going to vegas with a girlfriend anyway... so why not combine the two? anyway, if that works for your logistics, you should consider it. I think an in person consult... and then have time to think about it is a really good idea. I did enough of them with local surgeons, but I would have been freaked out if my first consult was the night before my surgery.... I know you are a little above your goal. I have heard that being at goal gives you better results, but i will say that the ladies with slightly higher weight/more bodyfat had more dramatic changes than I did. Sometimes it makes me feel just a teeny jealous...LOL. anyway, talking over your own situation with a surgeon is really a good idea.

So last nights party went great.

I had to face the music about not telling my family about going to Mexico for plastics in advance. I accidently posted something on FB which is how they found out. Everyone was very supportive, but hurt that i didn't trust to tell them, trust to share my anxiety, trust to share my hopes about it. I have two friends that won't return my phone calls - I am quite sure over the same thing. Moral of the story, withhold info from people who trusted you, and you risk damaging that trust. I know we can all say "its not about them" but truthfully people are hurt by that sort of thing.

Or, other moral of the story, don't post to FB when on heavy duty pain meds...lol

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Lol guys when I see old bananas the only thing I see is banana bread! Sad but true...


Globe,I'm sorry you feel ignored and missing your pa.. I unfortunately know how hard that is too.

As for the other thread? I know what you were talking about, whenever I tell newbies that are proclaiming "I will never diet again and will eat every crappy thing I ever ate, but in moderation"

You are new your views will evolve with time.

I get a new asshole ripped :D

As for that person., you are right she doesn't care for you, we all have one or two haters (or in my case multiple) let it go explain and stand by your comment if need be and smile that always drives them crazy!



I get along with her for the most part BUT i have gone toe to toe with her also if I feel strongly about something :)



Nice to see you! And yes I've got triple the posts now :P I hope it's fixed soon.

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when I read this originally I sorta focused on that book. It impacted me too, so much I don't even remember a thing about it other then feeling so emotional. I never want to read it again.

I know exactly what you mean about carbs drugging you. What I try to articulate is that for me, both the way of eating AND the extra fatsuit had that result. It numbed me. It made it possible to live with a man who never touched me and seldom talked to me. A situation that became intolerable once I wasn't "drugged". I can go on and on about that.

I know nothing about your health conditions so have no idea at all if any of this is relevant, but for me personally, simple is often better. Like are there things you can do in life to strip away some negatives? I don't know, just throwing that line of thought out there. Is the IUD a simple, good thing or does it leave you wondering if it is messing you up? If it is stressful, even if it is just in your head, consider removing the damn thing. BTW, I have lots of chin hair and have since my 20s and it is unrelated to anything except that is what my body does. I probably have PCOS, but, never bothered with a diagnosis. What pisses me off is that i did laser hair treatment which worked great for like a year and now it is like I never had it done. What I realize is that I need to do laser treatment as a "hair management" strategy - for me, there is apparently no true hair removal that is permanent. Luckily, there are always good deals on groupon... Oddly, I don't have excess hair anywhere else and in fact my legs have pretty light hair.

I feel your stress about the MS - I think it is normal. I don't know what I would do, but hopefully you get MS specific support - other patients, counseling, I am not sure. Just like this weight loss journey is more doable with pals, I would think that would be too. My baby sis who was also my best friend died of breast cancer at 40... that memory haunts me and follows me. I try to not think too much about it, but have been waiting for the shoe to drop so to speak. I miss her terribly and also fear suffering her same fate. I only mention this, because I can imagine how I would feel with a diagnosis of a tough disease...it's frightening and anger provoking and frankly doesn't seem fair AT ALL. Linda once told me that the day he let go of the "it's not fair" feeling was the day she was at treatment and was sitting next to a 9 year old girl... with no hair and clearly at the end of her life. Now that wasn't fair either. :( Anyway, I am making myself sad dragging all that up and that wasn't my intention - but rather to say that this crap is tough to go through and I think your state of mind is to be expected as all this rolls through you and you work through how to live a good life WITH this diagnosis.

Keep up the hope.

Say what now?!! Not private? Mer.

I had the worst 5:2 day yesterday, after getting yet another scare about my taxes. I closed the day at 630 cals and then out of nowhere, like a zombie, I found myself walking to the office at 10 at night in the freezing cold, where I filled a bowl with girl scout lemon scone Cookies and roasted salted pistachios. v_v WTF?!!

The cookies, I had about 7 of them, were probably 800 calories. I know why I did it, I KNOW. I was self-medicating. Now that I have been learning so much about autoimmune disease etc. I have discovered that, for some people, certain carbohydrates act in the brain as opiods, quite literally drugging the person, leaving them overly calm, woozy, sedated. I fell under the weight of my fears and anxieties and tastebuds. shoot.

Laura - that book, She's Come Undone, did a number on me. I read it some 10-15 years ago and it both disturbed and comforted me, but mostly disturbed me I think because of how much it resonated with me. When at the time I told my Mother how much I identified with the character, my Mother looked at me sharply, said what?! and I shut up. Didn't want to get in trouble...

My ipod is stuck on shuffle, my tablet is going wonky, my electric kettle is on the fritz.

Coops and CGJane - yes something must happen with 5:2, or with any drastic change in diet. I have been on my Wahl's Protocol in the 5:2 manner for almost 7 weeks and I have my period twice a month now, with mega symptoms, and the rest of the month is spent spotting :/ I'm so afraid of going through menopause early, my Grandmother had a hysterectomy by the time she was my age. I have an IUD, the Mirena, and it wasn't until it was inserted that I discovered that I have a septuate uterus, which sucks. I don't know if the Mirena hormones are keeping me in estrogen, or making things worse. All I know is that I have to pluck my chin every week (!!!!!!!!!) and my periods are fucked up. I don't want to give up the dream of having children naturally. Not that, too. please....

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GT I experience these feelings quite often and it really sucks. It reminds me of how my family use to treat me..... :( We all need to feel heard and part of the group.....we need support........we need our life lines......I don't know how your able to keep it together living so far away from the states, but your doing really well.....BTW it is so hard to adhere to a new eating regiment without reverting back to our old favorites......just keep going..... The holidays are the worst time, we have our loses come up and make us sad, especially when it was your PA.....My FIL and MIL died over a year ago and we really do miss them during the holidays.........

I am sad that Cheri has left us.....she has valuable input for us that we will miss.....

I had a blood panel done yesturday and my test results came back all good except for my A1C. It is 6.2. I really want it to go under 6 considering how much I eat. I know that i really can't be sneaking those damn chocolates into my diet anymore if I want to accomplish this.....also have to give up the Flamin hot Cheetos too.......Damn......I have challenged myself to be extra vigilant with this so the next blood panel I have done in 3 months will reveal if that's the real culprit. HA! I was looking forward to seeing where my B Vitamin levels are but I didn't see any test results for that. I will wait and see if they're a test that takes longer to get results from......

Anyways I hope everyone has a wonderful day today......... :P

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Laura - thank you for the recipe! I may bring yet one more carb ladden thing to our thanksgiving feat. :)

Georgia - that must be so strange to spend the holidays "on the road." How are you coping?

I used to LOVE holidays, but they haven't been the same since my sis died. And now my kids had the nerve to grow up... I often wish I could just hide on Christmas as it tends to remind me of what I have lost rather then all the good things I have now. I need to shift that.

M2G - I like your determination. I am NOT going to let crappy holiday food interfere with my health. I lost weight last year over the holidays and this year I intend to maintain! I don't even LIKE crappy food that much, it is more like an addiction rather than true pleasure. I feel like crap if I over do it, so what kind of sane person would keep overdoing it??? It is like having too many drinks - one is fun, three makes me feel like shit, so why do it?? So, it is easier for me that I don't host holidays anymore and the big eating boys are out of the house. I no longer have an excuse to make huge quantities of food that none of us really need. They aren't the food junkies - I was - and I used them as justification for food I wanted to cook and eat.

Brown - wondering how you are doing

Cheri - whats up?

I know that isn't everyone... but thinking about all of you.

I was also wondering if this forum should have a membership "check". Lots of personal stuff is shared here... there are members who rarely post so not sure how engaged they are. As for me, I did 6:1 last 2 weeks, now going to tackle 5:2 again!

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those bananas could have been great in a Peanut Butter Protein Shake, yummmmmm.....

Well, last night I sorta fell off the cliff, but it wasn't carbs, it was Protein. right around bedtime I suddenly became frantic for protein and quickly made some tuna and scarfed it down like evidence and the Feds were after me. not good.

Kinda feeling a little neglected, as I offered up some heavy stuff and only one person responded .....

Also feeling kinda fragile/sensitive, because I got completely and utterly annihilated on another thread. There is this nasty little control freak who goes out of her way to find any thread I have written on and purposely misunderstand in order to start fights. Is that called trolling? Whatever is going on in her head, she has decided I am enemy #1. So I posted a sentence that was just, a sentence, on the "Food Philosophy" thread. It was a simple statement of fact, and thanks to her nasty encouragement, everyone on the thread turned on me like jackals, just absolutely writhing with wrath. It was so wierd and unnecessary.

Also, I'm pretty sad today, I've been missing my Dad (I called him Pa) a lot today, I have a lot of anxiety regarding Thanksgiving and especially Christmas, as it will be our first Christmas without him and last year's was unbelievably painful. He died January 9th and the trauma is still so fresh .....

Also, I'm scared, because you all know how clean I've been eating and you know, per my last post, that I recently had a carb mania. Afterward I thought, "well, at least we will see what if any all those harsh ingredients will have on me." For a minute I thought there wouldn't be any effects, but I think there are, I've been kinda stumbly today, and tired. It scares me.

Also, because of some changes, we aren't receiving mail today, and won't until after Thanksgiving, so no care packages...

Does anyone have any opinions about stevia? I wonder if I am encouraging a detrimental sweet tooth with my stevia-sweetened teas and cocoa...

Sorry I'm a downer today.

I think going to protein for a snack is a winner dear! Unless it was a giant haunch of goat or something... that had to be just fine. :)

Sorry if I missed a post, I probably read it, but.... who knows!? I paruse this site while the TV is on, or I'm at school in computer class and I get interrupted... anyway, I have cared about you from the time I first read your posts here! I remember talking when you lived in SF. I may not be a very good friend... really, I don't reach out as much as I probably should to be a really good friend, but my heart is there.

Who is this troublemaker? I don't get out to the other non vet threads as much as I used to, but have seen a few vapid individuals out there that really test my civility. For heavens sakes! What are they thinking sometimes!? Like others have said... if you try to reason with crazy, then your crazy.

Stevia, I use it, quite a bit. The "story is" any sweeteners will change the profile of what you want to be more sweet. I still think its better than straight sugar or some other sweetners. I want some sweet, I move away from it a day or two now and then, just to show myself I can!

So last nights party went great.

I had to face the music about not telling my family about going to Mexico for plastics in advance. I accidently posted something on FB which is how they found out. Everyone was very supportive, but hurt that i didn't trust to tell them, trust to share my anxiety, trust to share my hopes about it. I have two friends that won't return my phone calls - I am quite sure over the same thing. Moral of the story, withhold info from people who trusted you, and you risk damaging that trust. I know we can all say "its not about them" but truthfully people are hurt by that sort of thing.

Or, other moral of the story, don't post to FB when on heavy duty pain meds...lol

Thats interesting... I blabbed to everyone about my WLS, but not sure I would for a lift.... then again, knowing me, I probably would. My mom got a face lift years ago, my dad liked the idea and results, and went to the same surgeon, asked him for a family discount for himself, and got one too!

Sorry GT, I try pretty hard to keep up with *this* thread, can't always say that for the other THOUSANDS of threads I've replied to that are floating around out there

---side note, is Alex EVER going to straighten out the post count? I guess it doesn't really matter that I've posted like 2,000 times vs 6,000 times I just think it's ODD that happened when we switched over--- sorry SQUIRREL!! :P

But I know you are dealing with a lot of heavy stuff right now. Sometimes I think we use these forums as "thinking out loud" I know I'm terribly guilty of it, and I try not to obsess over something that might be mentioned that NO ONE takes note of. Because it's really just my brain dump so I can "get it out there" instead of having it swirl around in my own head taking up precious space that should be used for something else like listening to my girls when they chatter on and on about something, or focusing on my husband when he says something. ;) So please don't be offended if we can't all comment or know all of the details...just know that I consider you a friend, and I value your input around here. I DID go and read the thread you mentioned and yep, I know who you are talking about and I've seen her "chase" you and "goad" you before...you are right this is NOT the first time. <_< BUT I will say she is much like that with all of her threads and I think she is a very particular type of person, a little bit of the in-your-face-attitude, so I'm not sure that makes it any *better* but I don't think she is going to change. I'm not sure it's worth the time to engage with this or just move on.

As for the holidays, I'm already trying to figure out how to keep things in control...we will be gone for 4 days this coming week, with long travels on the each end of the trip (like 4 hour car ride up over 2 very large mountain passes...just tuned up the car with snow tires, oil change, etc. but winter has come and hit us hard, so hoping things clear a bit before we head out) we will stay with my mom and my mom is a bit of food pusher. :wacko: FOOD = LOVE to her. She is a foodie through and through and loves to cook and the more you eat the more she sees love :wub: ...She literally has already planned out meals for each day and of course is hosting thanksgiving...and there will be treats galore, and I *always* gain weight when we go to her house. Because each time I cave and indulge in more than I should. So this time I need to keep it in CHECK.

As I already said I gained 8lbs last year between Oct-Jan 1st and I'm swearing to you all, and God and everyone who will listen that I'm NOT DOING THAT AGAIN. Not doing it, not doing it, not doing it. Phew. Oh and don't forget my surgeon threw down the guantlet and said at my 3 year in Oct. "Let's get -10lbs off by Jan and get you NOT thinking about your weight" WTF? Is that even allowed? Do I ever NOT get to think about my weight? Um, because last time I checked, when I don't *think* about my weight, it creeps up. <_< So Jan. is going to be interesting for sure... :wacko:

K, carry on sisters..

Glad you all like it...seems appropriate here. :wub:

You are so awesome M2G, you are really good about touching base with us, and so thoughtful about what you say. Thanks girl! Im not sure what that doc is thinking, Having been maintaining goal for 3 whole days,(expert talking!!! :P ) I do feel a little different, a little more relaxed in a way... but not so relaxed that I think I can forget the routine and just be one with the goal without the work!

In the 160's for the third day in a row!

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Hi you guys!

I am sorry I have not come to the new bariatric pal site (still getting used to it) - I have been very busy with work, family, etc. I did well on my lecture tour to AZ - although the first day I arrived it was like some crazy dessert monster took over my brain and I stopped and had a latte - along with a bun or pastry - a few times that day. At least I got lots of walking in, 20k steps for 3 days according to the fitbit.

My weight has been pretty much the same - shimmying up and down but going no lower. For now I am happy with that. Struggling with fasting days too - 600-650 seems to be the lowest threshold I can keep it at right now. I'll keep working on it.

My thoughts are with you all - I know I don't post often but I try to keep up with everyone - and I send you all love and best wishes even if I don't always say it here - experience with sharing on the web is something I have been burned by in the past - very badly, so I can tend to keep my thoughts to myself.

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Nice to hear from you! Glad your lectures went so well.

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ok, for everyone annoyed by the prancing around in her size 2 pants - I have a report to make. i bought a couple of outfits at White House Black Market today. That store has ridiculous vanity sizing. i wear an honest size 8 pants - but there I take 4 or 6 depending on the cut.

They are also very very heavy sales. They have a clerk helping you and when the other clerks have time they come by and mention how great everything looks on you. Seriously. They did it to me and they did it with other customers. There was a skinny lady (I'd guess actually a size 2 or 4) that wanted clothes for a cocktail party. For some reason, she wanted to wear a more casual look and they kept reassuring her with over the top compliments that the boring sweater she picked out would be great for the cocktail party. I was like WTF?

Makes me wonder if the clothes I bought are really good "date night" choices. For some reason, I didn't have the presence of mind to take photos in the dressing room. sheesh. I will get pix in the next day or two and ask for votes - returning anything that isn't awesome, that stuff is expensive!

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Thank you everyone, I can't believe I let that toxic poster affect me so, and I actually had a really great day the rest of that day! To anyone who was curious, it is Lipstick Lady who trolls me, I don't know what her issues are and I frankly don't care, I have enough to deal with. Happily, others have come forth on that thread (thanks CG!) and recognized that we must be careful about assuming what the "tone" of a post really is, it is so easy to misconstrue the tone of email, text, etc.

My face has been puffy lately and I don't know why except that it might be the new MS drug I'm on.

I want to say that I enjoy "hearing" from you guys, it doesn't matter if it is in response to something I posted, I save the 5:2 group for last when I'm going through my notifications and I settle in with my tea to enjoy the gabfest :)

Chimera, glad to see you back!

We've all talked about Thanksgiving and holiday food, it got me to thinking that "traditional" turkey day foods don't have to be calorie laden packets of evil; turkey, roasted vegetables and tubers, jellied fruits and pies made of squash. It is probably the view from my autoimmune protocol island but when you switch out all the "poisonous" ingredients, the white sugar, the Karo Syrup, the vegetable oil... you have some pretty nutritious and delicious fare. Turkey is a wonderful moist Protein, all the classic Thanksgiving side dish veggies like yams, brussel sprouts, green Beans, are so nutritious. And we don't have to give up the sweet glazed yams or the ubiquitous green bean casserole, just get creative with the ingredients. use applesauce instead of sugar in Cookies and breads, sub in chia seed for a jelly thickener, gluten free stuffing ...Did you know that pumpkin has more potassium than bananas? thank god, because I cannot choke down bananas, they remind me of slugs :/


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Slugs!!!! hahaha! Texture can really dog a nutritious ingredient can't it ?! When I used to eat meat, I wouldn't touch an oyster... felt like I was eating my own tongue.

I made sf cranberry sauce yesterday, and have the ingredients to make healthier versions of other killer holliday foods, mostly replacing sugars, and meats..... Fasting today... will try really hard to stay around the 500 cal mark, as it will be a lot harder on other days! Resist the office goodie trays friends!

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Thanks girlies...GT you are so right about trying to swap stuff out. I get moans and groans whenever the word "healthy" proceeds ANYTHING I make, so I just omit that and say "here are some banana choc. chip muffins" and never say that I swapped anything for something healthier!

My mom makes the most delicious cranberry sauce (and I will have to ask but I think she does use some sugar-free stuff...she is diabetic after all you would think that there would be MORE of the health stuff around... <_< ) but anyway, it's usually just a big ole food fest. I'm am going to try to fast today. I have errands to run and that keeps me away from the kitchen.

Chimera...glad you are back with us...still need some checkins from some of our other gals. Hope they pop in sometime soon!

CGJ- Thanks for that informative post about the vanity sizing there...lol. I don't doubt she is a size 2 cuz I think she is around 120lbs or LESS. Good for her but yeah, don't need it rubbed it. :rolleyes:

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And she's tiny like 5 foot or something.. :D

Oh and YOUNG!!!

Oh I could use some vanity sizing though..

Might have to check that place out!

Globe that stuffing recipe looks good!!

I like the cheese skillet bread recipe.

I hiked yesterday with my husband and son it was great but again last night I ate crappy..

I'm finding myself staying up to late and getting Snacks I need to just go to bed earlier and knock that out! Tonight I will get my ass to bed the moment I start thinking about making a bad choice.

Good luck to the fasting girls today :)

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
      · 1 reply
      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

      · 3 replies
      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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