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I think you all know I haven't lost any weight via 5:2. That hasn't changed... Did I post about us being burgled while we were away? We got robbed of a bunch of jewelry (my wedding band) and cash and they slightly trashed our place. We JUST wrapped up that insurance claim, mostly, as of last week. <div style="font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-size:13px;">So here's a new tale involving a flood -- which (spoiler alert!) results in us having to quickly move out to...somewhere...at some point very soon...while they completely renovate our apartment -- floors, walls, etc. <div style="font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-size:13px;"> <div style="font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-size:13px;">Luckily, we had a pregnant friend staying with us -- thus she had to get up and use the loo in the wee hours, whereupon she stepped out of the guestroom and into a couple of cm of cold Water all over the floor. She awoke me and I tried to wake up and make sense of all the cold water, and the rushing water noise coming from the kitchen, Naturally, I woke the mister up immediately and he came out and quickly found the source and tried to Do Something. <div style="font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-size:13px;"> BUT...an old pipe had burst -- corroded and worn beyond its ability to cope (can I relate?), it had simply chosen the wee hours of Sunday morning to go un-gently into that good night. It gushed water at pressure into the apartment for a couple of hours at least, while we foolishly slumbered peacefully. <div style="font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-size:13px;"> <div style="font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-size:13px;">The Super was called, and he turned off the water. The fire brigade was called, and they brought a crew and big water-sucking machinery to get the water out. The massive wool carpet completely immersed in water was dragged to the terrace to hopefully dry out and survive... <div style="font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-size:13px;"> <div style="font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-size:13px;">We hoped for the best...but the damage had been done. The inspector today said that we must move out asap so that they can replace walls, floors, etc. For at least two months. With little notice. We're a bit stressed, but are trying to sort it all out via the (at least) two different insurers involved so far... <div style="font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-size:13px;"> <div style="font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-size:13px;">So things are still up in the air. So CROSS ALL YOUR FINGERS!! Especially that we have continuous internet access!!? <div style="font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-size:13px;"> <div style="font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-size:13px;">We're only slightly mental at the moment, but I'm sure we'll have our moments. <b>While you're at it, send good vibes our baby/dog's way, cos he is also not doing ideally well right now either, but we don't know what's wrong with him. </b> Dee xo

Oh, Swizzly!! I feel so bad for you!!!!!! I can truly relate. A few years ago I was helping my daughter move (single mother) and while unscrewing the water hose on the washer the pipe broke in two! The HOT WATER running full force at midnight!! Of course we did not know where the ster turn off was. Called maintenance. No answer. Went around whole apt complex screaming to anyone in sight. ALL THIS TIME I held on with all my might pushing the water down and my friend dragging every blanket Sheet and towel we could find into the area.

After about an hour maintenance shows up. Guess where the water turn off was? Right above my head on top of the water heater where you could t see it!

It completely flooded her downstairs neighbors apt. Water ran down the walls and about 6 inches of standing water. They immediately moved them and started sucking water out. What I was most Thankful for? That my hair brained (I thought) daughter had JUST THE WEEK BEFORE renewed her renters insurance and UPPED THE LIMITS!!

So I will def be crossing fingers and sending up prayers for you!!!!!!

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Sarsar, it was divine! My DIL Is a Disney fanatic and has been since childhood so she plans it all out for us and we just follow through! Lol


And guess what? I'm at a new low 143.8! I can truly understand the anxiety. I had it too where I actually was dreading the cruise thinking I would gain. Now, isn't that Asinine!? We are going to have to learn to just keep cool, have fun, enjoy life and go with the flow!!! We will go up and down and lose and gain but consistency and maintenance is all about that, isn't it?


You can do this!!

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Thank you for sharing FYE - your story resonates, too. Many of us here have similar experiences or feelings. I'm glad we can all share here.

Swizzly, I am SO sorry to hear your news. Good vibes for sure!

Sarsar - I think the trick is just not to lose control. Easier said than done! But remember that overindulging is the norm this time of year, and try to remember why so many people wind up unhappily making New Year's resolutions about weight! Enjoy yourself, certainly. Don't stress about it or allow it to make you anxious. But do be cautious. Use sense - you know the rules. The good news is that you probably CAN get away with more than you could early on. Just go into it and allow yourself to enjoy it, but without getting carried away. And if you have a small gain, know that it's pretty normal after the holidays, you're not alone and you know how to lose it.

I consider holding steady though the holidays a hell of an accomplishment. Small gains are expected and if I ever saw a loss I'd be floored!


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Swizzly this really sucks for you right now....hope you lil guy gets better soon. It is really stressful to have to vacate the

apartment for only 2 months......Big HUGS to you!

Georgia you are doing so awesome! Did I hear 143 lbs? WTG! So what's your new goal? This is exciting......

I have been reading the post here but am going through a rough time right now and can't quite write about it yet.....but it is some emotional work that I've broken through thanks to the sleeve and I have more to do........I love how brave all of you are and easy your words flow. Mine get stuck...... Have a great week!

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Dee...oh my goodness! So sorry. I hope that your temporary home includes internet and that things will look wonderful when all the trouble and hassle of having to move out is over and you get all new stuff at your place. (And I hope your insurance covers all of this!)

Lots of sharing and good thoughts going on here...

So Laura...OH MY GOSH, the prancing around in my size 2 post got to me too. Phew, glad it wasn't just me being overly sensitive. This was from the same person who came on about a month or so ago and her ticker showed she was like 121 and come HELL OR HIGH Water she wanted to be 115. And her BMI was already like 22 or something? ANd she was asking if going on ALL liquids would get her to goal and she also said up front "Please don't tell me to try the 5:2" so of course my hackles were all up with THAT crap. LOL

And I know I just *should* be happy for everyone and I realize that height is usually not shown on the ticker...but sometimes I get frustrated at the "lightweights" who are really more interested in vanity vs. the fact that they are morbidly obese...because they AREN'T. Sigh. I know I shouldn't let it get to me but yeah I will admit that it does sometimes.

As for GG, she and I are the same height, so in my 3 year update post on the Success Stories she very cleverly tried to get me to reveal my weight. HA HA HA! I am too smart for her (even though I think she is pretty smart) and I gave her some advice without giving her my STATS. She is too smart for her own good sometimes and I worry that she is OVER-obsessed with the numbers games.


And I know we all fight our own demons...and I think I said something in like a previous post on here about obsessing just a tad less on the numbers ... FOR ME PERSONALLY. I will continue to fight the regain weight and then a few more pounds to goal but obviously it's not going to just fall off me. And with the weight lifting routine that I started 8+ weeks ago, it's probably going to make it harder to SEE the lbs lost on the scale, but hopefully I will come out of it with a stronger more muscular body. Which means it may take me a lot longer to get to that goal. <_< But in the end, I'm HAPPY with where I am and how far I've come. No amount of self-obsessing, or whining will ever make me FORGET how FAR I've come.

Carry on sisters...

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Swiz, I am so sorry! I hope all comes together quickly for you. Hang in there!

Georgia, congrats on your new low!

Skinny, I'm sorry you're having a rough time. We are here for you when and if you want to talk about it. I don't feel like my words flow at all...I just start typing and figure everyone will figure out what I'm trying to say. Or...you all just think I'm crazy. :) Either way, it works. Some days it's just me typing it out and knowing that someone is reading is what helps. My crazy thoughts are at least out of my head for a while.

M2G, Carry on sisters...I love it! lol Made me smile.:) You already know I'm with you on the muscular body. I like that look for myself. My trainer has a pic of a 2 people at different weights. The one that weighs less looks bigger than the one that weighs 10 plus pounds more because of muscle. I will try to take a picture of the picture tonight when I'm there for boot camp.

Cheri and Georgia, thanks for your advice. You are right. I am going to try to stay calm and carry on as I have been.

Seems like every year around the holidays I get anxious. Really it should be the opposite. I need to dig deep and figure out why this is happening. This year I feel more nervous about the food part of it. I will be ok, it just feels good to put it out here where everyone understands.

I am excited to go away with the hubs! No kids for 4 days! Beautiful resort, everything paid for...I can't wait. Last year we went to Florida. When it was time to go home I said I didn't want to leave. My husband told me it was the first time I ever said that when we were gone somewhere. It's so exciting for me to go places now! I love getting dressed up and I'm not embarrassed anymore being seen with him (even though he never felt that way or made me feel that way). My weight isn't something I have to think about anymore. I can just go and enjoy!

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Swizzly this really sucks for you right now....hope you lil guy gets better soon. It is really stressful to have to vacate the apartment for only 2 months......Big HUGS to you! Georgia you are doing so awesome! Did I hear 143 lbs? WTG! So what's your new goal? This is exciting...... I have been reading the post here but am going through a rough time right now and can't quite write about it yet.....but it is some emotional work that I've broken through thanks to the sleeve and I have more to do........I love how brave all of you are and easy your words flow. Mine get stuck...... Have a great week!

I'm thinking 140 (maybe 139). Even saying that shocks me to the core! :). Living life is so much better these days and right now I'm enjoying what 5:2 has allowed me to accomplish. I KNOW I am very blessed that my body seemingly LIKES 5:2 and responds but I think it is also that I have become a much more disciplined person in regards to healthy eating and exercise.

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Dee...oh my goodness! So sorry. I hope that your temporary home includes internet and that things will look wonderful when all the trouble and hassle of having to move out is over and you get all new stuff at your place. (And I hope your insurance covers all of this!) Lots of sharing and good thoughts going on here... So Laura...OH MY GOSH, the prancing around in my size 2 post got to me too. Phew, glad it wasn't just me being overly sensitive. This was from the same person who came on about a month or so ago and her ticker showed she was like 121 and come HELL OR HIGH Water she wanted to be 115. And her BMI was already like 22 or something? ANd she was asking if going on ALL liquids would get her to goal and she also said up front "Please don't tell me to try the 5:2" so of course my hackles were all up with THAT crap. LOL And I know I just *should* be happy for everyone and I realize that height is usually not shown on the ticker...but sometimes I get frustrated at the "lightweights" who are really more interested in vanity vs. the fact that they are morbidly obese...because they AREN'T. Sigh. I know I shouldn't let it get to me but yeah I will admit that it does sometimes. As for GG, she and I are the same height, so in my 3 year update post on the Success Stories she very cleverly tried to get me to reveal my weight. HA HA HA! I am too smart for her (even though I think she is pretty smart) and I gave her some advice without giving her my STATS. She is too smart for her own good sometimes and I worry that she is OVER-obsessed with the numbers games.<strong>BUT THEN AGAIN WHO AM I TO JUDGE. </strong> :wacko: And I know we all fight our own demons...and I think I said something in like a previous post on here about obsessing just a tad less on the numbers ... FOR ME PERSONALLY. I will continue to fight the regain weight and then a few more pounds to goal but obviously it's not going to just fall off me. And with the weight lifting routine that I started 8+ weeks ago, it's probably going to make it harder to SEE the lbs lost on the scale, but hopefully I will come out of it with a stronger more muscular body. Which means it may take me a lot longer to get to that goal. <_< But in the end, I'm HAPPY with where I am and how far I've come. No amount of self-obsessing, or whining will ever make me FORGET how FAR I've come. Carry on sisters...

I guess she got me feeling a certain way yesterday with all her questions... I get it she's just trying to see were she needs or wants to be..

I started a thread last night about competition amongst woman..

Because at he same time she was PMing me a member that hasn't been around in a while came back and was PMing me. It was smacking of bragging whilst putting me down and I didn't like her needed to draw back handed "nice" Comparisons..

Anyway fasting today, I've been having a real hard time getting my liquids in this week!

I'm just to cold! And I'm breaking out bad?? I wonder if that had anything to do with it.

I showed my husband the mess that is my face this morning and he said maybe it's menopausal?? Lol! You gotta love that man :P

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Aaargh! OMG my husband say stuff like that to me too...and I let it IRK the heck out of me! Even though he means well, (like he said it one time after I was out mowing the lawn and said I was hot...he was like menopause? WHAT???) I'm not even close to menopause because that DAMN BIT*H shows up on my doorstep every 25 days like freakin clockwork. Gah! If only it could "quit" the way it starts...without warning one day you just GET IT. Can one day it just LEAVE us the he)) alone?

Sorry stepping off my soapbox now...

Sorry you are getting all the snarky PM's...I hate comparisons...it does no one any good!

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Lol, bless them in their innocence :P I gave him the stink eye after that comment and he's all doe eyed asking "what?"

I'm like "what if I told you you were going into menopause??!" (Yep it's the best I had) :D

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Oh boy, so much going on!


Swiz I am so sorry to hear of your burlary and current situation. That has to be hell. We are all thinking of you.


I don't remember who said it but it was something about none of us are happy with ourselves. It's so true. I am 61 and I still trying to learn to love myself. Hell I don't even like myself sometimes, let alone love myself. It's so easy to think everything will be wonderful as soon as we lose the weight. I was very depressed when I got to goal because I still had all the same problems. My husband died when he was 36 and I have been trying ever since then to just have a happy relationship.


Georgia you are catching up to  me!


Laura I can't believe someone would pm you just to be snarky. I would block them.


I went to the hospital to  see my friend who broke his hip Right in front of the elevators, they were selling these big Cookies. Now I will be mad at myself all day and night for eating a giant cookie. Old habits just like I never had WLS .

Cookie? Sure! I'll take one!


Carry on Sisters . I love it.

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Aaargh! OMG my husband say stuff like that to me too...and I let it IRK the heck out of me! Even though he means well, (like he said it one time after I was out mowing the lawn and said I was hot...he was like menopause? WHAT???) I'm not even close to menopause because that DAMN BIT*H shows up on my doorstep every 25 days like freakin clockwork. Gah! If only it could "quit" the way it starts...without warning one day you just GET IT. Can one day it just LEAVE us the he)) alone? Sorry stepping off my soapbox now... Sorry you are getting all the snarky PM's...I hate comparisons...it does no one any good!

Oh, yeah, I t can just end one day!! Mine did! lol

INSTANT MENOPAUSE. HYSTERECTOMY. HORMONE REPLACEMENTS. Hair loss. AND OTHER LOSSES :). 2000. Now they won't give me any hormones anymore so I have nada and believe me, my fuse can be quite short!! Haha. In fact, I begged my Dr Today to put me back on a low dose of something to help.

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Ok ate all my calories today.. I hope I make it through the night...

I feel very bingey the last couple of days..

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FYE, thanks for you words of wisdom. I always love reading what you write!  What kind of work do you do in the arts?  I would love to see some of your work! You should post some pics.

http://feedyoureye.com  :)

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Those pictures are incredible!

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