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Developing the strength to get back on the 5:2 in the face of:

"I already missed a fast, Ill just miss one more and get back later"

"I"ll start new on monday"...

"I don't feel like it today"....

dinner dates, visiting guest dinners at home, illness, vacations, holiday season.....

is so vital! It seems the body forgives these events if we get back to following the plan pretty soon.

I know in the pre-sleeve days (and part of the sleeve days too!) Those kinds of events threw me off the track of the many diet plans I was following... mostly terminally. Then I would go looking for a new plan where I was not "tempted" to quit. The sleeve really helps slow that process of regain down enough to get back on plan without as much damage. And the 5:2 helps even more my normalizing our feast days better than some other plans. The more/quicker we get back to fast day after deviations, the more this will be the habit, The more this will be normal life. Good work getting back on that 5:2 and your workout day!

Also, I'm old and don't text that much, what is FWB? I guessing some kind of Bootie call?.....Friend with benefits? got it..... :P

Yes yes yes exactly Kim. That is exactly it. I really enjoyed the days that I took a break from the 5:2, even though I *thought* it would be easy to fast without my kids around I found the opposite to be true. Instead of killing myself or beating myself up over the fact that I wasn't fasting, I decided to ENJOY it. Yep, it was sort of hard climbing back on the wagon but once I got my head in the game then it was easy.

Cheri, that is crazy! I wonder about people like that...the ones who have it all "looking" perfect on the outside, but at what cost? What is the most important thing? I think it's funny that it was the women who were all crazy-health nuts and the husbands were more on the sane side. :)

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Yeah, FWB is friends with benefits. If I do that, it will be awhile from now. He needs to suffer more for the things he said to me. I spent quite a bit of time with his brother, when I took him the paint, and he came over last nigh for something else.


He told me all of Allen's realtionships end over the exact same problem- money, I could do it without becomming attached bc there are things in his personality, I really can't stand. The best part of our relationship was in the bedroom. THat was good, but sometimes the only thing that kept us together.


Oh yeah, and I am still stuck at 139. I think tomorrow I will only do Protein Shakes and see if I can get that scale to move. 139 is all I see. It's time for a new number.

Edited by Oregondaisy

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I am lucky that at my gym' date=' there are nothing but a bunch of us seniors that go around the time I go. I try to get there by 10 but a lot of the times, it's 11 am. I am sure 5-8 am there's a bunch of cute young things in there. I gave the rest of Alllens's stuff to his brother. His brother rents my other house. I like Lance. He's nothing like Allen. No, I don' t like him "that" way. But he's very supportive and he knows Allen so well, so he understands the things I complain about. He told me Allen said he is so in love with me, and he's completely miserable. I am honestly considering a FWB situation here. Got another message from the new guy, but I am having trouble finding things to write to him about. I did fine on my eating today. I am beginning to think I need to do a week of Protein Shakes to get to 135.[/quote']


Hang in, Friend! Life has a way of changing just when we least expect it to, doesn't it?

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Daisy, when you mentioned friends with benefits I thought you meant with the brother! :P

Cheri your new friends sound... Well blech!

Although I'm intrigued by the spelt cake! :D

Brown on FYE's "moving and grooving" we started to record our exercise for the day. I don't really go to the gym...as I prefer to have the equipment at home. You can pick up an exercise bike real cheap on Craigslist.

Ok fast day was ok yesterday, I went over by almost 90 calories but with the amount of stress I'm

Under right now with family it was a win. I'm still hoping to break that 140's this week fingers crossed.

Edited by laura-ven

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Developing the strength to get back on the 5:2 in the face of: "I already missed a fast' date=' Ill just miss one more and get back later" "I"ll start new on monday"... "I don't feel like it today".... dinner dates, visiting guest dinners at home, illness, vacations, holiday season..... is so vital! It seems the body forgives these events if we get back to following the plan pretty soon. I know in the pre-sleeve days (and part of the sleeve days too!) Those kinds of events threw me off the track of the many diet plans I was following... mostly terminally. Then I would go looking for a new plan where I was not "tempted" to quit. The sleeve really helps slow that process of regain down enough to get back on plan without as much damage. And the 5:2 helps even more my normalizing our feast days better than some other plans. The more/quicker we get back to fast day after deviations, the more this will be the habit, The more this will be normal life. Good work getting back on that 5:2 and your workout day! Also, I'm old and don't text that much, what is FWB? I guessing some kind of Bootie call?.....Friend with benefits? got it.....:P[/quote']

I love me some FYE! lol. Laughed at the last part. And In total agreement with the beauty of sticking with 5:2 throughout all our schedules. Whether planned or unplanned happenings.

I bought an exercise cycle that is portable and goes wherever I am. So when sitting in living room watching tv or outside sitting or at work (yes under my desk) I am cycling. Lol. I have a recumbent bike and gazelle at home but this keeps me active all day while I have to sit for long periods. Bought it on Amazon. 30 Vicks on sale with a LCD read out for how long you have peddled. Pic attAched. Some just breaking in to exercise might like it. Just a thought.


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Daisy' date=' when you mentioned friends with benefits I thought you meant with the brother! :P Cheri your new friends sound... Well blech! Although I'm intrigued by the spelt cake! :D Brown on FYE's "moving and grooving" we started to record our exercise for the day. I don't really go to the gym...as I prefer to have the equipment at home. You can pick up an exercise bike real cheap on Craigslist. Ok fast day was ok yesterday, I went over by almost 90 calories but with the amount of stress I'm Under right now with family it was a win. I'm still hoping to break that 140's this week fingers crossed.[/quote']


Bought mine at Walmart. 147!

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Georgia, I LOVE it. I'm cracking up... all dressed up and working out under your desk. Perfect! I have a feeling if I knew you in real life we would get a long great. You're a hoot!:)

Brown, we have a family membership at the Y. I really like it. The whole family can go and it doesn't feel at all intimidating. There are people of all ages there whenever I go. In the mornings there it's more of the older crowd, they all walk around the locker room naked, chit chatting with each other and it makes me laugh sometimes! I really like it especially in the winter when I don't do much of a workout outside. Also, I am wondering if you could try a personal trainer? I have had one for a few years and I really like it.

Cheri, those women are fake, fake, fake! What an awful day for you! I am a SAHM and sometimes when I have to go to work functions with my husband I see women like this. All of them are trying to one up each other. It's an uncomfortable feeling. I also feel sad for them. What a way to live!

Laura, your going to get into the 140's soon! You're so close. Sorry about the stress with the family. We are here if you want to talk about it.

FYE, I love the stuff you write. All great advice!

M2G, glad you got your fast day in and that you are back on track!

Daisy, I don't know if I could do FWB. He wasn't right for you. Personally, I believe you will find someone that will give you what you need in all areas of your life. Idk, to me even sex is more of an emotional thing so Idk that I could just have sex with someone without needing more. Of course this is a 40 something year old woman that has been married for 18 years talking so who knows how I would feel if my situation were different. Take some time to figure things out. I hate that you are lonely...remember that grand baby will be here soon and I am sure that will fill up a lot of your time!

I love this group! You all inspire me to keep working at this. We all have our ups and downs and it's nice to be able to come here and receive support. Thanks ladies! Hugs to each one of you!

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Sar Sar, I think we'd get into trouble too! Lol



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Ms Skinniness, you're not allowed to stalk and like posts without checking in with us and letting us know how you're doing!!

I need a finger wagging smiley.


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So, I went to a birthday party with my twins this past weekend. I haven't felt so uncomfortable in a long time! Not only am I "that mom" (you know, the crazy tattooed one that the kids all love but the parents give the stink eye to) but every single woman at this party was fitness obsessed. Not healthy people - health NUTS. In more than an hour and a half (before I just moved over to the men who were talking sensibly) there was not a single conversation that wasn't fitness focused. Seriously. Yoga, triathlons, serious bike riders, long distance running. A few of these women looked really great - slender but fit and had great figures and muscle tone. But most of them looked emaciated and couldn't stop talking about the billion foods they don't eat and how much they work out.


The birthday cake went uneaten.


Now thats a shame! Someone went to a lot of trouble!


Twenty seven kids present, but apparently spelt cake, even dressed up in a pretty two layer cake with yogurt frosting and applesauce filling, was simply not palatable to them. I didn't have any because I'm not really a cake person. Plus, in a six and 100 pounds lighter than 3 years ago I still felt like a fat cow there.


I had five moms ask me if I'm interested in getting in shape! WTever-lovingF is that supposed to mean? I think they were calling me fat. Joel (hubs) says they were just trying to pimp their personal trainer credentials. Still, I think they were calling me fat.


I sounds like hell!! used to go to these parties that were really fun, but filled to the brim with sporty people... They were very nice, but really spoke a different language. The thing that brought us together was the host and hostess, who were sporty, musicians and world travelers. There was always something to talk about, but for me it was definitely not the sport thing...


Anyway, it made me realize that there's always something. These people are crazy. It's not enough to be married, you have to have kids. Once you have kids, they must be smart, well-dressed and in sixteen extra curricular activities. You must also have a degree or two, even if you're a stay at home mom. Oh, and you have to be at least moderately successful. Plus, you have to be fit. And tan. Ugh. Every single woman there sported a fake tan. In NOVEMBER. But none of these parents seemed really "in tune" with their kids. Weird. Like, they've got the external packaging down (at least their understanding of what the package should be) but the insides is kind of empty. They're missing the point, in my opinion.


I'm clearly not "one of them" but I had some great conversations with their husbands and kids about superheroes, video games and Star Wars.


I always end up in the room with the husbands too! No competition there.


I met a handful of really great people but was just overwhelmed by yes, feelings of insecurity but also just this feeling that these people were shells of people. Not real at all.


All in all, not an enjoyable day.


Just thought I'd share that weird experience.


Oh, down another 6 tenths on the scale. Feast day, tomorrow is fast. I'm closing in on maintenance window again, and really feel like if this keeps up I might see goal again. :)


Those 6/10s add up! Keep up the good work!



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Woohoo m2g!

Brown consider looking for a place with Water aerobics. GREAT workout and the warm water helped me stretch while keeping it easy on the joints. Many older and overweight people in the class but don't let that fool you... you can really push and get a great workout no matter your fitness level.

that's a good idea..i'm checking out the local YMCA next. haven't' given up yet

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Our local Y also offers belly dance classes! So fun, and size/age does not matter.

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Ms Skinniness' date=' you're not allowed to stalk and like posts without checking in with us and letting us know how you're doing!! I need a finger wagging smiley. ~Cheri[/quote']


Agreed!!! "Waggle waggle". :)

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I was having a momentary lapse in judgement. I want nothing to do with Allen.


I had a long talk with his daughter this evening and it helped a lot. She knows him so well.


I didn't eat much again today. Quest bar and a bag of M & M almonds. I have no appetite. I cried all day. Not because I want Allen back, but because I want to spend my life with somone and it's hard when you live in the middle of nowhere. Maybe I'm finally all cried out now.

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Fast day for me today.

FYE - bellydancing sounds fun but the thought of jiggling my belly around fills me with horror and I would feel sorry for anyone else in the class.

OD - sorry you are feeling so bad, I don't know your whole situation but could any of your friends introduce you to someone decent? They know you and would certainly look out for you.

I can't read much of the thread at the moment as I am literally going out the door to work, hope I haven't missed anything too important. I will catch up tonight.

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