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Finished up my fast day. Splurged at the end and had a bit of vanilla yogurt and some Protein granola - clocked in at 542' date=' but close enough for me to be happy! I just wanted to up those protein numbers a bit and wanted to join in while the family had dessert. Homemade apple pie for them - yogurt for me. It works, and I didn't even want the pie, anyway. Feasting tomorrow, but it's Shabbat dinner so it's always a feast. ;) Hope everyone has a great evening. ~Cheri[/quote']

Good job, Cheri! Glad you're back!

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Hi ladies.. I'm still here. Most are so close to goal, and glad 5:2 is helping. I'm not so sure any more. After the vacation I gained the 3 back took me so long to lose. I see everyone has been there before. I did fast Monday, Wednesday and planned to do one today Friday thinking that would help. Maybe I shouldn't but I'm a daily scale person and this AM I'm actually beyond the 3 back. Very discouraging. Is it possible 5:2 doesn't work for slow losers? I think I may have read that once. Very discouraged. OD.. how long did it take you to creep back to where you didn't want to be? Over the past two years I've never gone above the 255. I will say the past 5 weeks have not been a total waste, I've lost few enough inches that helped me fit the size 16 pants I've been trying to wear.. So getting all new pants this weekend.. that should keep me motivated. If you ladies don't mind I'm gonna start a new thread.. I'll post for a week only my daily meals.. besides tracking in my FatSecret. app I'll tell you guys what I'm eating, if someone would check that thread and work with me I"d be so appreciative. I'm starting to feel like such a fat failure and that's just not me. Sorry to be the self absorbed Debby Downer of the group, but I could really use some help. I know you have all been where I'm at, and I applaud your loses and the ability to lose 100 pounds and stay there. Your all awesome. Cheri still on the journey after giving birth, Coops, Georgia, Laura and FYE keeping it off and so close to goal. you ladies are my heroes. Don't get me started at how proud of CowGirlJane, losing almost 200 pounds and making the decision to go all the way with the body lift. What an amazing transformation.

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Hey Brown, do not despair!!! I never reached yet my 'stretch' goal (there are a couple others here as well), and even though I 'only' originally had 90lb to lose, it took me more than a year to do so. And I've been hovering at the same weight now for 1.5 years, despite going Paleo (ish...mostly just very low carb and no grains) 10 months ago and doing 5:2 now for, what?, nearly six months I think? Since early June anyhow. I've still bounced around that entire time between 10 lb! (I hadn't gained or anything, but I was scared I was going to cos I totally stopped losing and could suddenly eat a lot more.) I do weigh every day as well, it keeps me aware of my weight, which I need to do (cos I had trained myself NOT to do so after being anorexic many years ago), and I bounce like a mad woman. I was down around 69kg (sorry I don't always translate back to lbs, too complicated and I lose track LOL) for a couple of days (65 is my stretch goal) and the last couple of days have been like 72.8kg (!! That is over 8lb swing I think). I try not to stress over it cos it will go back down as suddenly as it went up. I just look forward to seeing a '6' in first position and keeping it that way for a while. ;-) But I eat usually in the neighborhood of 1800-2000 on 'normal' days and 600-700 on fasting days; too low cal is very hard for me. I'm also needing to get my thyroid back in line -- how is yours, do you know? Hormones are a killer...

Anyhow, HANG IN THERE!! You can learn the long haul approach from several vets here... <3

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Reading all updates but slow to type on kindle so forgive my brief responses.

BROWN, I believe in different body types needing different things. My'post plastics state of mind makes me bitchy toward a couple of the male 'regulars who are very. Successful but don't appreciate that not all of bodies respond the same. Anyway I want'to withhold my theory till reading a few days of your food and activity journal. And just for'kicks are you an O blood type?

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Brown...I realize that everyone is different and I just have to say that I'm not near goal either. If I go by the BMI scale I should be losing another -42lbs. But for me and MY goal I'm planning to lose another -17lbs and then WHEN I get there figure out where I'm going to go. Please don't give up. Even though I struggle and there are times that I want to just quit, I know that mentality will get me NO WHERE. I realize that the 5:2 may just not be for you but please know that weight loss is not the biggest health reason for doing the 5:2 (to be honest it was the benefit I was MOST interested in). I know you don't want to be a Debbie Downer, but what I hear from your post is typical of how I used to think when I was on a DIET. "Well, I did this for XXX time and I didn't lose XXX weight, so forget it! I'm not wasting my time!"

I would encourage you to stick to the 5:2 a little longer, but I do understand if you want to go a different direction. Hugs to you...

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So I woke up to SNOW this am! Sheesh....we've already had snow twice but I wasn't expecting it today. Argh!

So yesterday ended up at 1,310 so that wasn't too bad over my goal of 1,200. Fasting today and sitting here drinking coffee and my tummy is TALKING TO ME. It's making all these weird gurgling sounds. I'm not hungry and this is quite usual for me (am coffee, check VST, wake up kids, get them to school, etc.) so I'm not sure WHY my stomach is being so loud. Goofy.

And ladies I KNOW that creep creep creep all too well. It's what I did for MOST of the year in 2012....creep, creep, creep and then BAM +20lbs found me and I was somewhat shocked that it's been so hard to lose them. :( I think having WLS lulls us into a false security that we CAN drop weight just like "that" when we want to when in reality once you are past that honeymoon window you are just like everyone else trying to drop a few lbs (if not worse due to the WLS metabolism changes.) Anyway, that creep is a real CREEP and I hate him! LOL!

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Reading all updates but slow to type on kindle so forgive my brief responses. BROWN' date=' I believe in different body types needing different things. My'post plastics state of mind makes me bitchy toward a couple of the male 'regulars who are very. Successful but don't appreciate that not all of bodies respond the same. Anyway I want'to withhold my theory till reading a few days of your food and activity journal. And just for'kicks are you an O blood type?[/quote']

Oh, how I love you! :))))).

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Brown, don't lose hope! I know you say you are not THAT woman! As CGJ said, all body types are different.

But just know that many, including Feed Your Eye, Coops, M2G, and others have never reached goal. They are close now and WILL but many were in very long term stalls or had gained upwards of 25-30 pounds since their lowest.

Yes, I did reach goal very easily the FIRST TIME. Then I relaxed, fell into bad eating habits of junk and I'll be honest, it was not until I was facing a close to 30 pound weight gain that I truly got scared.

I tried low carb for several months with no success and if you look back at posts from me around March or so of last year I truly sounded just like you! It was not until I hit on 5:2 that I found an answer for ME.

And I kicked it around for about a month or so before really committing. The. I hit it with vengeance. It HAS to be if you really want something

I feel really sure you will find what works for you. I would ask that you REALLY commit to 5:2 for another few weeks. And REALLY HIT IT HARD. What I found is that I had to drastically cut my feast day carbs and cals as well to KEEP the weight lost and move further down. Our bodies are metabolically altered and we cannot eat like others. That's what I think anyway

All said to say, I believe in you! I know you want to be HEALTHY first and sexy second! :). Go after it!!!!!

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Brown, I love what MG2 had to say. We are in this for the long haul. We can't have the mindset of this isn't working after a few weeks so I'll just give up and try something else (I'm not saying you are doing this). This weight thing is going to be something we have to deal with forever. Hang in there. Give it more time. Maybe try to add more exercise? I know it's a struggle, you will get there!

I can see doing 5:2 forever. I really like it. I enjoy my fast days and I know it sounds weird, but they help me feel like I'm in control. I have read others say that the key is to stick to it on feast days and I have to agree with this.

MG2, sorry about the snow. I guess you are used to it. I know it's coming for us soon and I am trying think positive through this winter so it doesn't get me down.

Swizzly, I totally understand the large bounce. I bounce up and down 5 pounds all the time. I don't get why it's such a high amount. This is one reason why I don't weigh every day. I know most people do but for me it's just too stressful to weigh every day. I usually weigh once a week. If I "feel" lighter one day I will weigh in and see where I'm at.

Jane, hang in there. I am sure recovery isn't bringing out the best in you but it's all worth it. Soon you will be feeling better!

Yesterday was a fast day for me. I came in at just under 500. My goal is to have a good weekend with eating since last weekend wasn't very good. I have a terrible cold and allergies going on right now so I am hoping to start feeling better this weekend. My husband looked at me today and said, "You don't feel good do you? You don't look right!". I had to laugh at that, He was trying to tell me I looked terrible in a nice way. lol I just took some cold medicine and I have nothing to do today so I am going to take a nap.

Happy Friday, everyone. Hope you all have a great day!:)

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Brown' date=' I love what MG2 had to say. We are in this for the long haul. We can't have the mindset of this isn't working after a few weeks so I'll just give up and try something else (I'm not saying you are doing this). This weight thing is going to be something we have to deal with forever. Hang in there. Give it more time. Maybe try to add more exercise? I know it's a struggle, you will get there! I can see doing 5:2 forever. I really like it. I enjoy my fast days and I know it sounds weird, but they help me feel like I'm in control. I have read others say that the key is to stick to it on feast days and I have to agree with this. MG2, sorry about the snow. I guess you are used to it. I know it's coming for us soon and I am trying think positive through this winter so it doesn't get me down. Swizzly, I totally understand the large bounce. I bounce up and down 5 pounds all the time. I don't get why it's such a high amount. This is one reason why I don't weigh every day. I know most people do but for me it's just too stressful to weigh every day. I usually weigh once a week. If I "feel" lighter one day I will weigh in and see where I'm at. Jane, hang in there. I am sure recovery isn't bringing out the best in you but it's all worth it. Soon you will be feeling better! Yesterday was a fast day for me. I came in at just under 500. My goal is to have a good weekend with eating since last weekend wasn't very good. I have a terrible cold and allergies going on right now so I am hoping to start feeling better this weekend. My husband looked at me today and said, "You don't feel good do you? You don't look right!". I had to laugh at that, He was trying to tell me I looked terrible in a nice way. lol I just took some cold medicine and I have nothing to do today so I am going to take a nap. Happy Friday, everyone. Hope you all have a great day!:)[/quote']

Love this Sarsar. Hope u feel better for the wknd. And I'm with you-I need a better eating wknd than last! Lol. If I can avoid cake. Why do I CRAVE cake!! I'm fixated on it! Bahahaha

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M2G, I cannot imagine snow THIS early and it continuing through March???? I like snow. I would time that much time with it! Ha!

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Sorry your struggling Brown, I was a very slow loser as well. I look forward to looking at your intake for review.

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When I came back from vacay day before yesterday, I was 176- this morning after a fast day... 172.6! This is were I was before I left. Go figure. Happy!

You know, as much as I enjoyed eating cinnamon rolls, lattes, mexican food and good bread with cheese and olives without counting calories.... or weighing... it feels equally good to be able to maintain consciousness about my intake! And to be able to cook what I eat. Just because all that eating did not make a permanent dent in my weight loss, I know it can if I do it long enough and did not have this plan in place to get back on track. Thank you 5:2!!!

Edited by feedyoureye

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Hi ladies.. I'm still here. Most are so close to goal, and glad 5:2 is helping. I'm not so sure any more. After the vacation I gained the 3 back took me so long to lose. I see everyone has been there before. I did fast Monday, Wednesday and planned to do one today Friday thinking that would help. Maybe I shouldn't but I'm a daily scale person and this AM I'm actually beyond the 3 back. Very discouraging. Is it possible 5:2 doesn't work for slow losers? I think I may have read that once. Very discouraged. OD.. how long did it take you to creep back to where you didn't want to be? Over the past two years I've never gone above the 255. I will say the past 5 weeks have not been a total waste, I've lost few enough inches that helped me fit the size 16 pants I've been trying to wear.. So getting all new pants this weekend.. that should keep me motivated. If you ladies don't mind I'm gonna start a new thread.. I'll post for a week only my daily meals.. besides tracking in my FatSecret. app I'll tell you guys what I'm eating, if someone would check that thread and work with me I"d be so appreciative. I'm starting to feel like such a fat failure and that's just not me. Sorry to be the self absorbed Debby Downer of the group, but I could really use some help. I know you have all been where I'm at, and I applaud your loses and the ability to lose 100 pounds and stay there. Your all awesome. Cheri still on the journey after giving birth, Coops, Georgia, Laura and FYE keeping it off and so close to goal. you ladies are my heroes. Don't get me started at how proud of CowGirlJane, losing almost 200 pounds and making the decision to go all the way with the body lift. What an amazing transformation.

Hey Brown... you aren't being a Debbie Downer at all - that is why we are here!

I am probably the slowest loser in town - never made goal - never stopped trying. I was in a stall for nearly two years, yes two years! It was a right nightmare, especailly when I used to see newbies get sleeved and get to goal in that time frame. No matter what I did or how I moved no shift on the scale. It was horrible but I refused to give up because I could 'see' that I needed to get rid of more 'fat'.

Then Georgia introduced the 5:2 and being inspired by her success I thought, well it can't hurt. That was May.

5 mths later I have lost 10lb. That, by no means is fast. But it is a loss and I have broken my lowest set point of 163 of which I saw rarely and would bounce around all over the place.

I am now sat at 159lb and still bounce 2-3lb around that. I have learnt that this is my pattern.... I will stay here for a week or 3 and then see another 'whooosh' where I will set a new low weight - repeat pattern.

My focus right now is to get to 154 - that is my surgeon's goal (I am 3 1/2 yrs out). After that I will try to get to 10 1/2 stone or 147lb. Not sure I want to go much below that even though I will still have a BMI of overweight - I can live with that. Apart from my weight goal, I also have size goals. I am currently UK 12/14 and although that is ok, for my 5 2 frame I would like to be a UK 10/12.

My point, albeit long winded, is that even though the 5:2 is a slow process, it is working for me. It gives me the chance to control my weight, with sporadic losses and to live my life as I find it very versatile.

Don't give up - like the others have said, we are all here for the long haul. You've done so incredibly well so far... you will get there and you are worth the investment and time that it takes... keep on keeping on my lovely!

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Thank you everyone. I knew this was the right group to share this with. I hear everyone and appreciate the push. I will stick with 5:2 and be really strict and focused about it. This is a crazy time to begin the "diet phase" again, but if I don't do it now the holidays will surely be even more difficult. . Coops stall for 2 years , and Georgia slow loser does sound like me. We are all in the same struggle, just at different stages at different times, that's why its good to stay in touch and get advice. Had a good Fast Friday, saving my chocolate Bunny sugar free fudge lite for later and will be at 559. CowGirlJane, I am embrassed to day I don't know my blood type. I'll have to take a full body pic, I'm usually hiding behind someone in my pics. Hope your resting and not in too much pain. FYE losing weight on vacation.. now that's a vacation!!

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