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Good stuff M2G! Call it, call it!

OKAY, you are right Coops! I'm CALLING IT! I saw the new low again today, so I'm going with -12lbs since July 16th (or 17th too lazy to look it up!)

Boy, I just had a first in a LONG TIME! After funeral family luncheon. (BIL passed away Sat. Only 59! Septic pancreatitis. :( ). And on this non fast day was going to enjoin the comfort food.< /p>

Had a few bites if Beans Soup, a bit of salad, part of a deviled egg half and one bite of corn.

Immediately knew I was going to lose it! And 10 mins later did!! ALL OF IT! Bluck! So weird.

Remember Georgia this literally *just* happened to my husband last week. Exact same thing. We were at a PTO potluck and he had something that did NOT sit right and he *knew* it wasn't going to stay down either. Other people ate the same thing (including one of my daughters and my SIL) and they were fine. I thought maybe flu, but he was better once it was gone and took it easy and was feeling pretty ok the next day. I hope YOU are feeling okay also.

Okay, I had to read more than ten pages to catch up - shame on me for never coming around!

From what I remember:

Cathy, I hope your husband is doing well.

GT, I'm so happy to hear from you because I have thought of you a number of times since the shutdown. Hubs does work with several regions where contractors were actually sent home, so I wondered what was up with you. Sorry about the health things - you know the health care they give us is lacking. I, too, have a laundry list of concerns I have to follow up on at later visits because nobody is ever really interested in delving into the cause of some of my issues. In any case, I hope the Zoloft helps. It does suppress appetite, and yeah, so does the green tea.

Congrats to our ladies losing and closing in on goal. I'm happy for you, but yeah, kinda disappointed in myself. Though true adherence to any form of regular diet isn't anything I've done lately. It's been mad around here.

CBJ, amazing post about confidence, and also, wishes for a speedy recovery. How exciting!

Brown, nice to meet you! Haven't seen you post much, but then, I haven't been around much.

So, let's see. We're doing okay. I've been MIA because everyone in the family did the sick rounds over the last ten days. Today is actually the very first day we're all healthy at the same time! I'm officially off my hormonal birth control and we're trying to figure out a new regimen. I had posted briefly about it, but that cycle I was on? I'm STILL on it, and it's been 33 days.

Good news, though - as soon as I got off the hormones, my appetite went away and I lost four pounds. I'm back 142 and hoping that with a better feeling of control (I feel absolutely out of control with my food when I'm hormonal, so the last month has been a struggle) I can adhere to 5:2 and get back to losing. I have done 5:2 this week, just rather loosely as far as the fasting hours go. I did do a 500 calorie fast (okay, it was actually 511, sue me) on Monday and plan to fast again Thursday. I have also been feasting, yes, on my other days but I find that now that the hormones are going back to normal I'm able to focus on better choices. So my eating's actually been better since last Friday than it has been in a while. I'm eating regularly, eating pretty good choices most of the time and did one fast so far this week. I feel almost human again!

In any case, I have really missed the support I get here but just go entire days when the very first time I'll sit down for the day is to read the twins their bedtime story. I find I have a very limited amount of time, and hate to spend my evenings away from hubs and on the computer, ya know?

Hope everyone is well - I am going to commit to coming here at least once a day, if only to check in. Fasting tomorrow, and I already have my day planned. Feasting tonight. Kids and hubs are having pizza but I find I can only eat one slice so it's just not something I really get excited about anymore...I can, however, go after hot wings with gusto, and fully intend to do so. :)


And a special shout out to Laura, just because she's cool. :) And of course, my buddy coops, who is awesome and looks it in her new pic. Oh yeah, and let us not forget Sheila (M2G) who deserves a special hug for finally finding the method to shed pounds with some small measure of regularity. You've had a struggle! And did I read that FYE is closing in on goal shortly? What?! Amazing work!


P.S. Where's Sweetums? And good to see Chimera and sarsar posting a few pages back!

Thanks Cheri, you were *missed* around here! I'm glad your meds/appetite/scale all got together and had a nice little meeting and cut you some slack. ;) Yeah, we are missing the other Sheila, SuperSweetums... :(

Thanks Laura, didn't think anyone noticed I was around. ( BOO HOO) Really pissed took me 5 weeks to lose 3 pound and gained them back in a weekend. Gonna try fasting Monday ( done ) , Wednesday ( in the middle of ) and Friday to see if I can get going again. This has been my saga. Lose a few gain them back.. never going over my 255.. but never really going down.. URGH!!.. Reading the posts of all the success and close to goal gives me encouragement to keep going. I might have to start with the dreaded Exercise !!

Yeah the exercise DOES help, and you know what? It helps me mentally. I sometimes (okay a lot of times) don't WANT to actually GO exercise but I never never never regret it when I'm done. I'm sore, proud and happy when I've finished a workout. And it has to be regular. Going "once in a blue moon" doesn't cut it. Start out treating it like chores you HAVE to do. Put it on your list like laundry, dishes, vacuuming, etc. Pretty much force yourself to do it, and you will be amazed at how great you feel after.

Cheri, hi again! I think my hormones are peri menopausal and completely whacked half the time. Sucks cos yeah, food choices start to feel less like choices... If you're done having kids, an ablation might be a good option?

Brown, if you don't like exercise, get yourself a Fitbit. That little tyrant with its smiley-face badges will have you walking around the block extra times just to reach the daily goals lol! 10,000 steps is not too hard to do tho...

L-V, thanks. :-) I'm having motivation problems in terms of getting to the dr for bloodwork to check the levels. Sometimes I feel fine and like I can do it all no probs, and sometimes I'm surprised how we humans get out of bed every morning and go out into the wild wooly world... I'm def in the latter mode just now.

Dee, I'm amazed at your strength!! I know we all get into funks here and there, but you have steadfastily (is that a word?) stayed the course and I'm in awe of your mental resolve. Hang in there, this too shall pass.

And also to MsSkinniness...this funk will pass. I hope that you are taking care of yourself! I'm often shocked at how down on ourselves we can get after losing a bunch of weight, and then how the scale can affect our moods. The scale does NOT reflect who we are, it's just a measurement. (And I need to remember that myself, a LOT!)

So working out 2x today so no fasting for me...just hopefully low cal is the plan...1,200 is my goal. :)

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Very interesting article today. Puts it all in perspective. Keep fighting the good fight, Peeps! Our health matters!! THIS is primarily why I chose WLS. My Mom had it all!


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M2G, my "unloading" of the lunch was a sleeve thing! That's what makes it so weird! I haven't done that in a year or more. So Mr. Sleevie is still very strict! And I say, "YAAAAYYYY!" LOL

Well, I said yaay after i IMMEDIATELY felt wonderful that it was all gone! And just between me and you, my first thought was, "Oh, well, you didn't have to add all those calories to MFP!" BAHAHAHAHA!

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Well, I said yaay after i IMMEDIATELY felt wonderful that it was all gone! And just between me and you, my first thought was, "Oh, well, you didn't have to add all those calories to MFP!" BAHAHAHAHA!

Hahaha...that cracked me up. I would have thought the same thing.

Congrats on the loss M2G!

I love hearing about how well this works for everyone!

Cheri, thanks for the welcome!

Everyone...I just wanted to say how much I appreciate the support this group gives daily. I know I'm new to the group but getting on here every day and seeing how you all stick together is so helpful. Thanks to all of you!

Hope everyone has a great day!:)

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Georgia, good article. I hate BMI! I think it's the devil, glad people are looking into this.

My mom is overweight and diabetic. I wish she would get this surgery. I know it would help her so much but she's scared.

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OK, back from vacation, gained 2.7 pounds, but had a fantastic time... Lots of nature, went Kayaking in the eastern Sierras, in the Ansel Adams wilderness area. I was snowing the day before! Some hiking, and some eating. I think at least part of the regain was from salty Thai food on the drive back north in Reno. It was delish, but I knew it was going to make a bounce. Fasting today, very happy I have a plan in place that I can use to get this off!

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Welcome back FYE!

We will be fast sisters today :)

I'm going to a wedding this weekend and I'm already bracing for a gain..

Because lord knows I will be drinking to get through it (my husbands friend who is marrying a Bolivian woman because he thinks and says often American woman are to demanding) :P

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OK' date=' back from vacation, gained 2.7 pounds, but had a fantastic time... Lots of nature, went Kayaking in the eastern Sierras, in the Ansel Adams wilderness area. I was snowing the day before! Some hiking, and some eating. I think at least part of the regain was from salty Thai food on the drive back north in Reno. It was delish, but I knew it was going to make a bounce. Fasting today, very happy I have a plan in place that I can use to get this off![/quote']

Awesome to hear about your fun!!! Welcome back! We've been "fasting" away. :). Well, mostly. LOL

Yep, fast day for me too. Is t it weird how quickly your body gets used to its new weight and them if you are up even a little you FEEL it?

Oh, and LV, forget to congrat on 152! Go, girl! It's all that recumbent bike. lol

Sarsar, I love reading your comments. We think alike!!

Brown, you out there?

CGJ, get your friend to send a couple pics. ;)

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Girls! I saw a new low today going into another fast day. I am so excited.

138.6 Maybe I'll see 135 again after all! I love 5:2 . It really works if you follow staying in your calorie range on non fast days.

I am so glad to hear everyone is doing so well.

I hope you will find a little time Cheri, to check in a little bit, even if it's only a few lines.

Happy fasting Thursday fasters!

I am going to try on some old pants.

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Girls! I saw a new low today going into another fast day. I am so excited. 138.6 Maybe I'll see 135 again after all! I love 5:2 . It really works if you follow staying in your calorie range on non fast days. I am so glad to hear everyone is doing so well. I hope you will find a little time Cheri' date=' to check in a little bit, even if it's only a few lines. Happy fasting Thursday fasters! I am going to try on some old pants.[/quote']

That is awesome!!!!!!

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I'm here, two days in a row!

Fasting today and knocking it out of the park. Didn't even have my Protein coffee until eleven and have had my appetite go back to normal - that is, it's non-existent! Hooray for my sleeve. It's different for everyone but I swear my biggest hurdles are stress and hormones. With those under control my biggest issue with food is remembering to eat it, and that's something to be thankful for.

Anyway, I'm at 200 calories for the day so I've got plenty of room for dinner and maybe even some yogurt with granola later. We shall see.

Great job OG! I swear 135 was my low point, too, and not even as low as I wanted. But seeing it for more than a few days in a row took a lot of work, so I'm glad you're working back there. I have no doubt you'll get there again.

Thanks for the share, Georgia. I was a type 2 diabetic prior to surgery and it was a very big part of my decision process. I haven't needed medication (outside of the insulin I needed immediately post op) since the day before surgery. Amazing. I was told that I am only in remission - that it doesn't really go away for good - and that I'll likely experience it again once I'm elderly, but I think all of the healthy years in between without wearing out my organs is a great trade off. It's too bad I didn't have surgery BEFORE I developed diabetes, but well, it's too bad I didn't have surgery when I was in my early twenties, period!

Hope everyone is well today. I'm off. I grabbed a few minutes to write while Elisheva is very happily preoccupied with some new squishy blocks we bought her yesterday, but I suspect my time minutes is up shortly!


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glad to see this is alive and kicking!

Great to see you Cheri, sounds like you are feeling more up beat and boo to those pesky hormones, I am sure they are why I;m not at goal.

OD awesome news about the new low amaze-balls!- all that patience was worth it! I would chop my left arm off to see 13?! It might come to that yet!

M2G glad you called it my lovely!

FYE - always good to see you back and it sounds like your holiday was good fun!

Dee - you really are my heroine - you just keep on doing it regardless of outcome and that really helps me/us keep plodding along. And yea, peri menopausal really does suck the life out of you!

Everyone else... yey to us! Such a great feeling to have this thread for support.

I've had a whirlwind week - really poorly at the beginning and didn't really eat for 4 days - I called Monday my official fast day and Tues was a semi fast day. Yesterday and today, well, holy moly, all I want to do is bloody eat! Last night I had the munchies from hell and fortunately there was no junk food in the house and I am far too lazy to go and get some! Thankfully! My 'treat' was white bread and marmite...lol... oh well, it ain't choc but filled the hole. Today I've eaten more too and got my choc fix so tomo is defo a fast day. The scale is bouncing again, but I expected this as it seems to be my pattern - oh and the lack of number 2s (hahahaaaa - ouch) hasn't helped matters!

And I've given myself a week off exercise too - no curves or zumba or boxing this week. Just feel like my body needs the rest.

Still all good as Mr Sleeve stops me going too mad! Not gonna sweat the small stuff.

Looking forward to my fast day tomo

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Finished up my fast day. Splurged at the end and had a bit of vanilla yogurt and some Protein granola - clocked in at 542, but close enough for me to be happy! I just wanted to up those protein numbers a bit and wanted to join in while the family had dessert. Homemade apple pie for them - yogurt for me. It works, and I didn't even want the pie, anyway.

Feasting tomorrow, but it's Shabbat dinner so it's always a feast. ;)

Hope everyone has a great evening.


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I started at 153. My lowest was 127. I was 130 for a really long time. then I was 135 for a really long time. Then up it creeped, little by little all the way to 153.


I am so amazed. This entire time it was creeping up, I thought I was dieting and eating right! I mean I know the times I splurged, but the majority of the time, I was trying to lose my regain. up and down, up and down.....


I love 5:2. The fast after my last snack before my late Breakfast must be what does the trick.

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I started at 153. My lowest was 127. I was 130 for a really long time. then I was 135 for a really long time. Then up it creeped' date=' little by little all the way to 153. I am so amazed. This entire time it was creeping up, I thought I was dieting and eating right! I mean I know the times I splurged, but the majority of the time, I was trying to lose my regain. up and down, up and down..... I love 5:2. The fast after my last snack before my late breakfast must be what does the trick.[/quote']

I did the exact same, OD! 150 goal, creep, creep, creep! So glad we discovered 5:2 and the overall benefits. It's definitely empowering and workable. 147 from 177 and hopefully a little lower in a few days. :)

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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