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Cheri - I think we should have a food porn section, either here in 5:2 or in the general VST population, I think we have many hidden food porn stars! ;P

I worry about us all and our association of control with food and emotions, I was just reading an article about how doctors are seeing a serious wave of anorexia and bulimia in middle aged women. so much attention has always been given to the young girls that it often goes overlooked in older women, so when women are afflicted with it, they also have to deal with the additional issue of shame over having an "adolescent" disease. In the article I read (in June/July's Oprah) the middle aged women admitted that it was really easy to get away with it, because everyone expects us to be counting our calories. And for us, the stress of living, of caretaking everyone but ourselves, it is dangerously easy to find solacecomfort/control/power over our calories and before you know it, boom - eating disorder.

Yesterday was supposed to be a fast day but I just checked my calories and they were over 1200 so today will have to be a fast day instead.

Hey guys, is oatmeal really a good option? I know it is a good slow burning glycemic index etc etc., but I just can't get over the gigantor amount of carbs ... :/

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I am really struggling too.

I am using my bf's computer bc he went home (finally) I hate being without my lap top. I have all my paswords saved on there. I contacted my daughter's friend who fixed it last time cause I would rather pay him than anyone else.

Last night, while attempting to get out of the hot tub, I either slipped or missed a stair. I fell out and landed on my head and bounced off the concrete and did a summer sault through the grass. Luckily, I landed on my right side, Allen was so afraid cause I didn't have my brace on and he thought I re-broke my arm. Instead, I think I had a slight concussion.

Then today, I tripped in hole while leaving a friend's house and fell again. From there I went to Baskin and Robbins.

Feed, I am sorry to hear about your parents. I can so relate bc I went through a lot while my parents were in their elderly years. It was soooo hard!

Anyway, tomorrow is a new day and I will get back on track. I know I gained today. I'll have to really count calories carefully tomorrow cause I want into the 130's very badly.

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I am really struggling too.

I am using my bf's computer bc he went home (finally) I hate being without my lap top. I have all my paswords saved on there. I contacted my daughter's friend who fixed it last time cause I would rather pay him than anyone else.

Last night, while attempting to get out of the hot tub, I either slipped or missed a stair. I fell out and landed on my head and bounced off the concrete and did a summer sault through the grass. Luckily, I landed on my right side, Allen was so afraid cause I didn't have my brace on and he thought I re-broke my arm. Instead, I think I had a slight concussion.

Then today, I tripped in hole while leaving a friend's house and fell again. From there I went to Baskin and Robbins.

Feed, I am sorry to hear about your parents. I can so relate bc I went through a lot while my parents were in their elderly years. It was soooo hard!

Anyway, tomorrow is a new day and I will get back on track. I know I gained today. I'll have to really count calories carefully tomorrow cause I want into the 130's very badly.

OD, you ok? That would be a scary fall after what you just went through with your wrist. And then you fell again? Gosh I hope everything is ok...that is too many falls in a short time period.

Java is a programming language and I have trouble here (long running script message) when I use explorer to log on. I do better on Firefox or Chrome here. I think Java is used to create a lot of the flashing ads on the site and I'm not sure about all the specifics but Explorer and some of the ads don't play nice and then while you are trying to read the forum, things get glitchy and the scripts cause everything to timeout. Maybe try to re-download Firefox or try Chrome.

Cheri- that would tick me off to high heaven...I hope you get a resolution that doesn't involve drugs.I agree if you are done having kids, time to look into more options (but I hear what you are saying since you are military the care...etc. Ugh. Sorry!)

FYE - wow your dad sounds very strong and amazing, I'm glad you could be there for him, and I hope he is healing nicely. And wow about the waist measurements...holy cow that is awesome. I have not taken measurements in a long time because they were pretty much the same always.

Ms.S - how was your day? I hope you were able to accomplish your goal. I hate when I find myself eating and it's not because I'm hungry.

GT - I know lots of post-ops who eat oatmeal...but I don't also because of the carbs. Maybe someone who does can chime in. I know my NUT always says to stir in a bit of Protein Powder to it, to boost the Protein content.

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GT - I know lots of post-ops who eat oatmeal...but I don't also because of the carbs. Maybe someone who does can chime in. I know my NUT always says to stir in a bit of Protein powder to it, to boost the Protein content.

Yeah, I don't eat any grains -- and we don't use oats cos unless you buy the special ones, they can have gluten cross-contamination (my husband is SUPER gluten sensitive), plus I don't like the amount of carbs. When I did eat oats, I did make them with Protein Powder and milk (full fat) to make them less carby and more fatty and protein-y.

Effing scale. This morning? Right back to 71. Hmph.

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Ok girls, oh so much going on here! I missed posting yesterday because I was at a ice cream social with my son held by his piano teacher.

And yes I ate ice cream....

FYE, yes we are moving into a chapter of our lives that aging parents are becoming a factor.

Your dad sounds like a strong independent person. I hope he's on the mend and up and around soon.


f**k meds! I hate them and I hate that they mess with our weight! I would be pissed too.

I think I'm going to be in the same boat soon with this stupid thyroid. I will not be happy because I don't need anymore challenges on the weight loss front thank you...

Coops! Hi! Welcome back! nice job only gaining a few pounds on vacation, hell I can gain that overnight! So you did good! And a bikini??

OMG! That's awesome!!!


Fit bit I have one too! It's in a drawer and I've never learned how to use it :P

How's that for lazy! Haha if I hook that thing up it would probably spend the day saying "move bi**h"! Hehehe...


Are you ok? Wow that sounds like a horrible fall!

I hope you had a doctor look at you, if you start getting any headaches please go in.

Globe, I've not eaten oatmeal, but I'm looking into getting some healthy grains in sometimes but I haven't figured out yet what.

Ok, skinniness and sweetums.

Stress its so strong right now for all of us I've noticed and food has taken its old place back for coping ugh!

Ok everyone..

Now don't yell at me or kick me out of here..

But I've noticed a trend of trying to fast and well for whatever reason it just didn't work. Or we went 100 or 200 calories over. while yes we can always try another day...

I propose that this week we just do it. Stick to our days and just do it!


Oh and I was listening to a taped recording of Mosley (5:2 guy) and in this he said he eats Breakfast on fast days and puts almost 12 hours before dinner?

I guess I was under the assumption that the eating window was more like 8 hours on a fast day?

Anyway if you read this whole post? I admire you!

With my attention span I would of started scanning half way through!

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Thank you everyone for your support. This is a funk I'm in and my old eating habits have come back. As I look around the house I see that there are so many unhealthy foods that contain sugar from the others living here, and even though they do put it in their rooms or closets I know where it's at, and I find every excuse to take one. Today I will be talking with everyone once again and discussing how I need their help in cleansing our house of horrible foods. Secondly, I am really going to stick to not buying Quest Bars that I like. My husband likes to eat them because he is staying away from gluten foods also and they help with his blood sugar levels. I'm going to stop using the Protein Drinks also. I'm switching to real food for now on and eating clean. I still have really good restriction.

Water! Protein! mind distractions.....and as a last resort, Cave in and logit in MFP! :P

Today it is back to real Protein and a lot of Water. I am going to be more diligent about measuring my foods and logging them on MFP....... :P

Swweetems you are so right......all Snacks must leave this house now......

Coops I am so happy to hear that you had a wonderful vacay and gained a minimal amount......welcome back......

M2G I am going to do better now and redirect my attention to exercise and cleansing the house of sh** that others bring in....:P

OD I am sad to hear you fell and hit your head on the cement and have a concussion. Your equilibrium is really off these days. Have you discussed this with your doctor? I don't want anything to happen to you, I still want to meet up with you my next visit to Coos Bay. :P

Swizzly I have a fitbit too and I don't know how to use it.... LOL I love that you take 10,000 steps in a day. That is what Kaiser tells us we should be aiming for. Heck I get about 5,000 on my good days. :P

LV lets do our fast days and stick with them no matter how hungry we get......My fast day will be tuesday and thursday with no excuses..........I'm not sure I can go 12 hours in between meals though in the day........but i can try and go as long as I can. Perhaps if I make it my busy day. It might be even easier since i won't be eating Quest Bars now. Time to detox from sugar and carbs for a while...... :P

Have a wonderful day, I'm going to go clean my refrigerator out......... :P

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I went there. Yesterday I was jonesing for Mexican, was going out to pick some art supplys up and walk the dog and planned to go ahead and go out for Mex at my fav place. Taco salad. It was delish, I could only eat half of it if that, and went home and logged it. This morning I was up a pound, but really I did not ear 3000 cals extra and know it has to be the salt (I was over by around 200 cals). My little dog is in a manic mode (dad is gone on motorcycle adventure) and got me up (or tried too) every hour last night. When she does this I usually just get up and stay up... but I decided I really need the sleep hours, so kept going back to bed. I ended up dreaming every time, so I think that is good, and if patched together I got in 8 hours, more than usual. Gotta work on that sleep thing...

Hey guys, is oatmeal really a good option? I know it is a good slow burning glycemic index etc etc., but I just can't get over the gigantor amount of carbs ... :/

I have been eating them every day except fast day. I have moved up from oats, which I also love, to spelt, Einkorn and Kamut.... less gluten(I eat tons of gluten anyway) I am really getting into the "feed your gut microbes" mantra, and good whole grains are one part of the recipe for that. I personally have been able to continue to lose weight eating grains. Whole grains, rolled, chopped, or occasionally flour for baking. One or two servings a day (that would be between 1/4- 1/2 cup dry...see package... around 95-130 cals) So satisfying. The serving size on whole rolled oats is usually 1/2 cup dry, I find half of that is just fine, served with fruit or a poached egg.

FYE, yes we are moving into a chapter of our lives that aging parents are becoming a factor.

Your dad sounds like a strong independent person. I hope he's on the mend and up and around soon.


Fit bit I have one too! It's in a drawer and I've never learned how to use it :P

How's that for lazy! Haha if I hook that thing up it would probably spend the day saying "move bi**h"! Hehehe...

Ok everyone..

Now don't yell at me or kick me out of here..

But I've noticed a trend of trying to fast and well for whatever reason it just didn't work. Or we went 100 or 200 calories over. while yes we can always try another day...

I propose that this week we just do it. Stick to our days and just do it!


Get out that fitbit! It is so fun to use! Really is a good tool... I seldom get in the 10,000 steps goal... but its good to see what you actually are doing, just another piece of the puzzle... no judgement. It will only call you a bit*h if you program it too... your call

! I have mine say "Howdy" How corny is that!?

The more you bend your vows the easier it is to break them. This is true. Eating 5:2 may not be a vow exactly, but it follows the same rule. I actually don't think changing a day is a big deal, its just starting a trend that will lead to bad results we don't want to do. Planning is good here. I filled in the progress tracker on the 5:2 site, and it told me to eat 560 cals on fast day, so it looks like I have been right on there, this may be the sam for some of you, if you want to fill in a form!

I think this is the page:


and Thanks you all for your kind words about my mom and dad, I know most of us go through this at one time or another...

here is what the 5:2 tracker said:

Based on your current age (60), height and weight your Resting Metabolic Rate* is estimated to be 1442.85. For your selected level of activity (Moderate Activity) you should be eating around 2237 calories on your feed days and up to 560 calories on your fast days in order to lose weight. Note that your body's needs change as you lose weight and it is important to adjust your calorie intake accordingly so as not to overeat. If you are currently losing weight with calorie intake different than these suggested figures then there is no reason to change!

I am eating about 50-75% of their recommended cals for feast days....

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No time, off to our first in-person D.C. area meetup, but I wanted to say that I went back and read the posts from before my gripe and WOW we're all having a rough time right now!

Big hugs all around to everyone that needs one today. I'm the vet in this local group - the ONLY vet - the only other sleeved people in it have been sleeved less than six months and I'm feeling very...I dunno. Frustrated? Disheartened? I don't know. Maybe pressured, even though that's too strong a word. I know these women (it's all ladies so far) are going to be looking to me for advice on keeping it together and staying positive and blah blah blah, you know, all that stuff we have to do to make it the long haul.

And right now all I feel is disheartened and like I just don't have much to offer or give in the way of support. I know it's silly. I KNOW THAT. I'm not diminishing my frustration because that's a totally valid way to feel. But it is silly. I'm in a small. I'm pounds away from goal, less than ten of them. I know that. I know I'm being too strict and too demanding but I really want to be a success and I feel like I'm falling short.

More upsetting, I feel like this is out of my hands! Like I just have to stay the course and I may or may not ever reach that point again. I just feel very disappointed. Like I just can't be totally happy with less than this expectation I've set for myself. And I know that in part, it's kind of ridiculous.

So I'm just going circles with myself today feeling bad and now I have to run out and be a cheerleader and bleh. It just sounds exhausting.

Here's hoping we get a great group of gals out today, have a decent late lunch/early dinner (Seasons 52 is usually okay, for a chain) and that in helping other people with their struggles I can somehow feel less burdened by my own.

Again, hugs!! I am so sorry for the injuries, the parents that need help, the kids that aren't being agreeable, the traveling husbands...yuck. Just yuck!


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Ms. S - I actually stay away from the Quest Bars all together. They trigger a eating response in me and I have seriously eaten 3 in a day. It is something about them that makes me crave more, and they don't seem to really fill me up. Sadly, I had to part ways with them. I rarely ever do shakes either, trying to stick to regular food. I eat a lot of Greek Yogurt (plain and sweeten it myself) and a lot of meat. You would be surprise how quickly your Protein adds up when you have a chicken breast (between 25 and 30 grams of protein).

Oregon - I am sorry to hear about your falls. Have you been feeling alright otherwise?? Dizzy for any reason?? I agree with Ms. S, make sure everything else is ok.

Cheri - that is the reason I do not read the boards hardly ever and do not usually attend support groups. I don't want to be the one everyone is looking at for answers, I don't have them all. And I can't be positive all the time! But maybe just getting out face to face with others will help. And like I have said for myself even, we really need to learn to be gentler to ourselves. Now don't get me wrong, I am in the same boat with my thinking, but we really are not the numbers on the scale and we need to get away from defining ourselves as such. I am not saying to just let it all go and gain the weight back. Of course not. I am just saying we need to be a little more forgiving. Look at what your body has done in the last 3 years. You had surgery, had massive weight loss, and carried and birthed a beautiful baby. Your body is amazing!

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Ms. S - I actually stay away from the Quest Bars all together. They trigger a eating response in me and I have seriously eaten 3 in a day. It is something about them that makes me crave more, and they don't seem to really fill me up. Sadly, I had to part ways with them. I rarely ever do shakes either, trying to stick to regular food. I eat a lot of Greek Yogurt (plain and sweeten it myself) and a lot of meat. You would be surprise how quickly your Protein adds up when you have a chicken breast (between 25 and 30 grams of protein).

I had to give up Quest bars, too! They are sooooooo yummy, but the fibre in them was too much. Was killing my digestive system. And yeah, I could eat 2 of them a day easily...

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I have Quest bars but I don't eat them unless it's an emergency situation. I know the Fiber is supposed to knock out the carbs, but I still have a hard time eating them because to me they are basically candy bars.

I might not be online much until I get my computer back.

I could use the computer at the office if someone can tell me how to erase the history on chrome.

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Woah Cheri - is that what I sound like? If I am anywhere near as hard on myself as you are on yourself, we need to change, stat!! You are in a small, why isn't that good enough? It's not good enough to get into a top flight college, it's meaningless unless it is Harvard? And yet, I'm not telling you not to feel that way, even though you are 5 times closer to goal than I ...AND you have a family ...

You and me ... where is this inexcusably cruel pressure coming from? Our pasts of course, messages we received both blatant and subconscious. You sound in despair, as in despair as myself, yet you aren't fat, as I am. I don't remember if you are seeing a therapist, I see one at Combat Stress every week, but he's redeploying in 2 wks. The world is a f**cked up sh!++y place full of misery and destruction, we need to be kinder to ourselves since the world won't.

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More upsetting, I feel like this is out of my hands! Like I just have to stay the course and I may or may not ever reach that point again. I just feel very disappointed. Like I just can't be totally happy with less than this expectation I've set for myself. And I know that in part, it's kind of ridiculous.

So I'm just going circles with myself today feeling bad and now I have to run out and be a cheerleader and bleh. It just sounds exhausting.


I have to agree with GT - you (and GT!) are so hard on yourself... can you remember telling me to look at what I have achieved and not what I haven't achieved? Hmmm?

I really think that you must Celebrate you ... and yea, let the ladies look at you with awe, let them ask you questions and hang off your every word, and yea, feel good about being the cheer leader!

My GOD! You've done so well my lovely! You look amazing and although, you are currently having some issues, they would be a lot worse if you hadn't lost all that weight - your health is improving.

I do, however, understand when you say that you feel 'out of control' - I do too. I get the ' less than the expectations too,; I honestly thought that when I turned 40 I would be some hot vixen, sat at my goal weight and looking and feeling the dogs balls - but it didn't happen. I felt like a complete and utter failure and it hurt. It still hasn't happened! And it hurts - really hurts! Then I have to look back three years; look at pictures of this woman who I no longer recognise; who I actually feel sorry for because there is no life in her eyes. At that was me... a different me!

The whole early menopause thing, I feel, has really impacted on my weight loss and it has taken me so much strength not to bury my head in bread, butter and chocolate! I am sure the only reason that I haven't seen a massive regain is because I am so pedantic!

What I am trying to say is that sometimes acceptance, although hard, has to be the way forward. To get over the negative thoughts without the comfort of food is not easy, but possible.

Just remember all the kind words that you have given others, and replicate that on YOU!

Hugs my friend... you are not on your own x

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I can't believe how many of us are having a tough time at the moment... I'm sending you all lots of hugs from across the pond! As we say here in Blighty, chin up! x

Ok... so I managed a fast day Sat - just over 500 I think ... gonna 'fess - didn't log but did check cal contents before I ate anything! Also managed a low cal day yesterday... went out with friends and I offered to drive so I didn't waste cals on alchol! I know... check me out... the best thing was, they had a take away at the end of the night - Chinese and I didn't even have a chip! Not a noodle or the lick of the plate. My control was in super drive and it was fantastic! Weighed in this morning, down a pound... gotta get this holiday weight gone!

On a side note, I was re-reading the 5:2 on holiday - as you do! Anyway, I was interested in all the medical research regarding how fasting helps regenerate the body etc... It occurred to be that since I've been doing this, my aunt flo has returned with symptoms (not just a show)... not sure if you remember, I commented on it a few weeks ago.

So I am wondering if this 5:2 has something to do with that? I am going to give it a few more months, say the end of the year, and then if she is still visiting me (I remember FYE said that she had a final 6mth party before they went completely - Mine restarted after my TT in March and is still partying!) and pop to the doc for some blood tests to see of the hormone levels have changed - the results of my last one were very low and my lovely doc said: 'Looks like your ovaries have final packed up!' Cheers doc..lol!

I have to say, my body is completely bonkers...lol!

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"finally packed up" omg I can't imagine an American doc saying something like that, too funny!! Are you interested in taking HRT, since it was early M? My Mother, in a sick poisonous sort of jealousy perhaps? Has been chirping away about the imminent doom that awaits me, since I turned effing 30!!!! I finally told her to STFU about it, to let me enjoy my womanhood without her sitting on the sidelines, eagerly watching with a bag of popcorn as I careen towards the cliffs. :/

Coops, you are another one, like Cheri, who is basically at goal and who looks damn fabulous yet doesn't seem to *get it*. Whenever you feel like moping about all the things you "haven't" acheived, just look at me and be comforted v_v.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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