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Thanks for checking in sweetums!

I was just thinking about you and was going post to ask how the day went..

I'm glad you are going to be kind to yourself because you deserve it!

300 calories wow! Yes get a snack.

I feel the same way about you and all my friends here in the 5:2 :)

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HI everyone,

I am really having computer problems.I love firefox but for some reason it has disappeared. I don't know how to make it come back.

I am usin IE but at the top of the page it says java script has been disabled. Pleaae re-enable in order to access full functuality.

Does anyone know what this means? I don't even know what java is.

I fasted today because yesterday was a pretty out of control day. I did pretty well today but I am really hungry and I am going to have to have a snack.

Thanks for telling me about cooking the green Beans that way. They were so much better!

It still hurts my wrist to type and I'm bummed my computer is all messed up. I need to find the kid who fixed it for me last time :(

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I had a weird eating week, mostly down to the birthday I guess. My two 'fast' days ended up higher than normal, Monday was 983 and Weds was 1019, so still low but not fasting-level low. My feeding days were all around the 1800-2000 range. I felt really hungry on my fasting days, which isn't normally a huge problem, but this time it felt like I HAD to eat more, rather than just WANTED to. It was odd. I never know when my cycle is, cos I don't have a uterus anymore LOL...but I am guessing I was hormonal a bit this week, esp since I wasn't as even-tempered as I normally am.

Given all of that, I have seen a 3kg swing range the past couple of weeks. I even had a day where my weight was 68, but back up to 70 the next day. Bizzarro world. My body seems to super dig the 70kg number...

I got a Fitbit and it's awesome, btw. It tracks my actual activity level -- so now I know that my walking really IS an 'exercise' LOL, cos I'm getting in 10k steps at least every day, about 8-9 km distance in total, and I burn 2184 cals a day with that level of activity, plus more when I go above the basics, so a few times this week I burned another 200-400 cals on top of that. I connected it to MFP so I could keep track of the food still on there. It's fun to get the data and see how it's all going. I also don't sleep well, but I already knew that LOL...

I agree with everyone else -- even though I don't know anyone here, you're the best support EVER. <3 <3 <3 to you all...

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Yep! Agreed... this is a fantastic support thread - everyone involved is so encouraging through thick and thin... good and bad!

Right, so the scale reads 167 this morning - that is a 3-4lb gain from when I left! Not too bad I suppose and I am hoping at least half will be Water from the flight and travelling.

Time to get my head out of holiday mode and back to 'gonna get to goal' mode!

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Yes, I've missed the "Gonna get to goal" thread too!!

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Hi ladies, as long as there are hugs all around, let me join in. THANK YOU for being there!

Today was not a fast day, but ended up kind of tough. Dad called late from the emergency room...his foot was killing him. He asked me to come and make sure my mom got home ok, she has mid stage Alzheimer's... so we went over and hung out with them in emergency. Turns out my dad cracked his ankle... he is a "man in charge" type, does not know how to slow down and take it easy... is taking care of my mom, just moved house, and is going a little crazy right now. So a broken ankle is NOT making him happy. Anyway, by the time I got them home he had broken his cast... DAD! I see lots more mom and dad in my near future. All I wanted to do on the 1:30 AM drive home was pull into Mcdonalds for french fries! I did not do it, but soooo close. I was planning on getting up early to make grape jelly with a friend, but its already early and I have not been to bed yet... oh well! Tomorrow is another day! And COOPS! Thats the way to go girl! Peaches on the beaches!

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Motherlovin' dang stupid ridiculous garbage I'm so stinking mad all I want to do is cuss and cuss and cuss.

Got on the scale this morning, just about 36 hours after starting my new stupid birth control regimen that isn't going to work (we've tried it before) but the doc insists it will improve my life dramatically and eliminate the endo pain...and yeah, up FIVE damn pounds.

I know they're not "REAL" pounds but that doesn't mean a frickin thing if they don't go away.

I knew this would happen, it happens every time they change the pain management for me and I keep telling them if they'd just do another stupid lap and clean out the lesions and adhesions I'd be fine, but OH NO we're the government and have to save a buck (ya know, so they can spend it elsewhere deploying my husband) so that's clearly not an option.

I am so aggravated and mad and I wish I had the time, energy or patience to go back and see what everyone wrote but I have to get my kids to the PTA sponsored playdate in thirty minutes so I'm outta here.

I hope my mood improves but that's utter B.S., to step on the scale after seeing 137 yesterday and be right freaking back at 142 today, where I've been fighting that pound for the last month.



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Hi ladies' date=' as long as there are hugs all around, let me join in. THANK YOU for being there!

Today was not a fast day, but ended up kind of tough. Dad called late from the emergency room...his foot was killing him. He asked me to come and make sure my mom got home ok, she has mid stage Alzheimer's... so we went over and hung out with them in emergency. Turns out my dad cracked his ankle... he is a "man in charge" type, does not know how to slow down and take it easy... is taking care of my mom, just moved house, and is going a little crazy right now. So a broken ankle is NOT making him happy. Anyway, by the time I got them home he had broken his cast... DAD! I see lots more mom and dad in my near future. All I wanted to do on the 1:30 AM drive home was pull into Mcdonalds for french fries! I did not do it, but soooo close. I was planning on getting up early to make grape jelly with a friend, but its already early and I have not been to bed yet... oh well! Tomorrow is another day! And COOPS! Thats the way to go girl! Peaches on the beaches![/quote']

I truly understand when you have to somewhat become the parent to your parents. Kudos to you for being there for them. Many aren't. I had care of my Mother After my precious Daddy passed away. It can be truly taxing at times and overwhelming but looking back I'm glad I was there. ❤

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Laura - thanks for thinking of me! I did have a snack and still came in at 438 calories. It was a busy day yesterday and I didn't feel much like eating. Didn't help the scale any though.

FYE - I am sorry to hear about your mom and dad. It sounds like your dad is a toughie though!! You are an amazing daughter! You too Georgia!

Cheri, I feel you. When meds mess with your system, it just plain old sucks a**. Are you done having kids? If yes, maybe they would consider a partial hysterectomy?? I am very lucky in that regards living in Canada as I don't even have that many problems (heavy, fairly painful periods, but nothing in between) and my doc suggested getting stripped to make things easier...so I could get it done tomorrow if I wanted. Hopefully if you keep pushing (plus your doc is such a freak about weight, maybe if you bring it up, she will gladly go the other route)

Dee - Overall with the 5:2 I have lost, but I also see huge fluctuations in weight, way more than before. And lately, my weight hasn't even been going down after a fast day.

Coops - that isn't that bad really! After Spain you were up something like 6 lbs and that all came off, this will too!

Normal day for me today and, knock on wood, hubby is suppose to be coming home today. Have a great weekend everyone!

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Thanks Georgia and Sweetums. They have had a long good life together, I am so happy for that.

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Hi ladies, as long as there are hugs all around, let me join in. THANK YOU for being there!

Today was not a fast day, but ended up kind of tough. Dad called late from the emergency room...his foot was killing him. He asked me to come and make sure my mom got home ok, she has mid stage Alzheimer's... so we went over and hung out with them in emergency. Turns out my dad cracked his ankle... he is a "man in charge" type, does not know how to slow down and take it easy... is taking care of my mom, just moved house, and is going a little crazy right now. So a broken ankle is NOT making him happy. Anyway, by the time I got them home he had broken his cast... DAD! I see lots more mom and dad in my near future. All I wanted to do on the 1:30 AM drive home was pull into Mcdonalds for french fries! I did not do it, but soooo close. I was planning on getting up early to make grape jelly with a friend, but its already early and I have not been to bed yet... oh well! Tomorrow is another day! And COOPS! Thats the way to go girl! Peaches on the beaches!

Sad to hear about your parents struggles, it's sad to have to depend on others as we get older.....Dad has a lot on his plate plus now he has broke the cast on his foot. :( He's lucky he has a wonderful daughter there for him and your mom......These are tying times and can really stress us out. Thank goodness this is such an awesome support group on here. I feel like I know all of you. Sending you lots of hugs..... :wub:

Ok, I am really not doing well. I just want to eat, even when I'm not hungry. I can't seem to stop so I don't know what to day with myself. Today is the day i choose to get back in the groove and avoid all carbs and "ONLY EAT WHEN I'M HUNGRY!" (note to self). What do you guys do when this happens. my coping skills are very taxed right now......... :P

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Motherlovin' dang stupid ridiculous garbage I'm so stinking mad all I want to do is cuss and cuss and cuss.

Got on the scale this morning, just about 36 hours after starting my new stupid birth control regimen that isn't going to work (we've tried it before) but the doc insists it will improve my life dramatically and eliminate the endo pain...and yeah, up FIVE damn pounds.

I know they're not "REAL" pounds but that doesn't mean a frickin thing if they don't go away.

I knew this would happen, it happens every time they change the pain management for me and I keep telling them if they'd just do another stupid lap and clean out the lesions and adhesions I'd be fine, but OH NO we're the government and have to save a buck (ya know, so they can spend it elsewhere deploying my husband) so that's clearly not an option.

I am so aggravated and mad and I wish I had the time, energy or patience to go back and see what everyone wrote but I have to get my kids to the PTA sponsored playdate in thirty minutes so I'm outta here.

I hope my mood improves but that's utter B.S., to step on the scale after seeing 137 yesterday and be right freaking back at 142 today, where I've been fighting that pound for the last month.



I really hate it when doctors don't listen to us. We know what works and what doesn't work. It is BS when they're just trying to save a buck at our expense. So frustrating!!!!! I you keep on those doctors about this and get it changed really quickly.Meanwhile, I'm sending some positive healing energy your way.......... :P

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Sad to hear about your parents struggles, it's sad to have to depend on others as we get older.....Dad has a lot on his plate plus now he has broke the cast on his foot. :( He's lucky he has a wonderful daughter there for him and your mom......These are tying times and can really stress us out. Thank goodness this is such an awesome support group on here. I feel like I know all of you. Sending you lots of hugs..... :wub:

Ok, I am really not doing well. I just want to eat, even when I'm not hungry. I can't seem to stop so I don't know what to day with myself. Today is the day i choose to get back in the groove and avoid all carbs and "ONLY EAT WHEN I'M HUNGRY!" (note to self). What do you guys do when this happens. my coping skills are very taxed right now......... :P

Water! Protein! mind distractions.....and as a last resort, Cave in and logit in MFP!:P

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hey you guys, The 5:2 is supposed to be good for fat burning, and that can show up in the measurements as well as the scale... I measured around July 10th... then today (so not even when I started and lost the most weight) and my waist is 2" smaller! I thought I looked different, and the proof is in the pudding! Measure everyone, Its not too late. Also... I was measuring at the smallest part of my torso... thinking that was my waist, but 5:2 said measure at the belly button (NOT the smallest on me...) My MFP chart looks funny because I switched from smallest to bellybutton, and it went WAy up!

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Sad to hear about your parents struggles, it's sad to have to depend on others as we get older.....Dad has a lot on his plate plus now he has broke the cast on his foot. :( He's lucky he has a wonderful daughter there for him and your mom......These are tying times and can really stress us out. Thank goodness this is such an awesome support group on here. I feel like I know all of you. Sending you lots of hugs..... :wub:

Ok, I am really not doing well. I just want to eat, even when I'm not hungry. I can't seem to stop so I don't know what to day with myself. Today is the day i choose to get back in the groove and avoid all carbs and "ONLY EAT WHEN I'M HUNGRY!" (note to self). What do you guys do when this happens. my coping skills are very taxed right now......... :P

I know how you are feeling. I have been struggling badly lately. Too much stress, too many holidays with bad food, and my inner food demon is running rampant. My only defense is keeping the Snacks out of the house.

The one thing that I am trying to do (although, I will admit, I am not very good at it) is being gentler with myself. We all make mistakes, the most important thing is to forgive ourselves and move on. You can do it and get back on track! We are here for you!

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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