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April 2006 Bandits January Challenge

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Welcome to January, April Bandits! It's a New Year, can you believe it? Let's think back to April and compare it to how we feel now. WOW, dieting and exercise really pays off. Then just think about how we'll all feel in April 2007. Woohoo! This is OUR YEAR to make goal! We've made it through the holidays and it's time to bust a move. We can do it!

We're upping our challenge for the month in duration. I think we've decided to hold steady on the number of sessions. Our ultimate goal is 20 sessions a month for 45 minutes each session, and we'll get there by April. For now, here's January's challenge:

(1) Complete 17 or more exercise sessions (counting only one session per day, if you're the type to do more!);

(2) To count, each session must be at least 40 minutes in duration (two 20 min sessions in one day still counts); and

(3) Set a goal (whether in lbs/kilos or NSV) for your upcoming bandiversary and share with the group, if you wish.

We can do it! Speaking of, I'm off to the gym....

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Howdy, Julie! Thanks so much for starting the January thread, hon. What would we do without you? Your commitment to exercise and diet is totally inspiring. I have to say, we April bandsters are an excellent bunch!

After getting somewhat sidetracked by the holidays, I started off the New Year right, with a one-hour movement class, followed by 40 minutes of lap swim. (Yep, my fitness center is up & running on this holiday.) I'm really happy to be back on track!

April Bandits January Challenge: ONE day of exercise completed

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Woohoo, Bluehill! Way to go for starting off the New Year right! I got to the gym too and had a GREAT run/walk. I wish all days could go so well....

OK, now for my bandiversary goal, I want to be 185 lbs so I can have my mini-abdominoplasty and mastopexy. In order to meet that, I've set an aggressive mid-February goal. I'm going on vacation to St. Barts with my family on February 17th. By then, I'd like to be 209. Thus, I've added a second ticker to my signature line. To get to 209 by February 17th, I'm going to get in FIFTY hours of cardio between now and then. Most of this will be related to our January challenge, but I'm going to try to add a little more time in here and there to make sure I make it. If I can get in fifty hours of cardio, I can burn about an extra 7 lbs from what I naturally lose from cutting calories with the band. Fifty hours to burn 7 lbs is a little depressing to think about, but if I think of it as those being the 7 lbs that get me to 209 instead of 216, well, that's a little more palatable.

So that's it for me. One hour down and one January session complete. Let us know what your diet and exercise plans for the New Year are.

Take care all,

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Wow, Julie, that's quite a goal! One thing I know, if it's humanly possible to do it, YOU WILL!!! We're all rooting for you, that's for sure!

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Go Julie..........we're rootin' for you!

I've set a much "easier goal".............just want to be at a BMI of 29.9/weight of 169 lbs - that will make me "overweight" instead of obsese - sounds better doesn't it?

I chose to take a day off of exercise today.............have been hitting it pretty hard the past week - these old bones need a little rest. BUT, tomorrow morning bright and early - off to our usual walk to Breakfast.

Happy January and a good exercise month to all!

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Okay, I'll get out of bed now! :notagree Thanks for the motivation to start the year out right!

NO looking back for me, yet! I am grateful, but have so much work to do. Gaining three pounds over Christmas leaves me scratching my head. The charity truck came and took ALL clothes that are big. There is no parachute for me and no turning back.

It IS exciting to think of an April goal!! Hopefully, I'll have more confidence after a couple of good days.

Julie, your goal is awesome, as usual. If anyone can do it, YOU can!!!

What is a "mini-???" You are going to look gorgeous in St. Barts at 209! Shopping for a suit, wrap, and hat will be totally fun!

Your parties sounded lovely, Bluehill! Great workout, also.

Lastly, I am so proud of our group! We are supportive, yet challenge each other. Everyone is succeeding! Please keep posting now that it is the new year. Don't go away. Even if there is a down day, this is the place to share that. You are ALL to be thanked for keeping me "on track."

GO 2007!!!

Okay, I'm REALLY getting out of bed now...:heh:

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Betty, I think you're goal of being "just overweight" is amazing! You shouldn't be in awe of me -- I'm in awe of you! My ticker is currently set with a mini-goal of 218 because that's the weight where I'm no longer "morbidly obese." I don't think I'll mind being just "obese" -- I just can't wait to leave the "morbid" behind forever. Just a few lbs away now, for you and me both. I can't imagine being "just overweight." I think my final goal is above that! We'll see when I get there, I guess.

Boo, a mini-abdominoplasty is where they just tighten the skin and muscles below your belly button. A full abdominoplasty (colloquially called a tummy tuck) is where they tighten the whole abdomen -- from the ribcage down. That involves moving (or sometimes recreating) the belly button and tightening both the upper and lower abdominal muscles and skin. I could definitely use the larger procedure, but my Dad thinks the mini will get me where I want to be in clothes without the risk of the larger surgery. Plus, since I'm still of "child bearing age" and can't say for certain that I won't have a pregnancy or two, he thinks the mini is more appropriate for my stage in life. I can have a revision done when I'm (1) at goal and (2) I have had children (or am certain that I won't be having them).

Bluehill, if you don't mind sharing, how tall are you? How did you pick your goal of 145? I keep changing what I think my goal is and am interested in how you picked yours. My surgeon is no help. He just says "let's get you under 200 before we worry about that." True enough, but now that I'm closer, I'm curious....

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I felt guilty - a perk of this group - and I put on workout duds, turned on on-demand TV and went to the exercise channel and guess what I found........45 minutes of dance exercise! Hey, maybe I can even go for "normal" weight by my bandiversary..................maybe asking a little much (but I can give it a shot!!!)............maybe a little lower than just reaching "overweight"????

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Julie, I chose 145 as my goal because I was once that weight and thought I looked pretty good. But more so because I really really want to get my BMI into the normal/ideal weight range. I'm 5'5" (I used to be 5'6", but that's what happens as you age, damn it!), so technically, anything under 150 lbs would put me in the zone. But now that you ask, I have to admit, I think a goal of 145 is probably unrealistically low, and I'll probably be happier at around 160. I do remember the last time I was thinish and how much I hated seeing and feeling all those bones! I know, it's kind of perverse, but I just didn't like it! It was uncomfortable to sit, and I felt cold ALL the time! Bottom line, I'm first gonna get under 200 and then take it from there with what makes me feel most comfortable.

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Betty, I KNOW you can do it. What weight is your BMI "normal"? I know the lbs getting from "overweight" to "normal" are the hardest ones, but I know you can do it. Woohoo! Go Betty!

Bluehill, I've never been so thin that I thought I'd be happier a little heavier (thought I was bony and cold, etc.). I wonder what that would be like. I'm 5'2. Now I'm not on a tiny, tiny frame -- I have large breasts and hips and a small waist -- but I'm still 5'2. I gained the first major chunk of my weight my senior year of high school, late in the year, going into college. It was a really bad time for me emotionally and I ate my way through it. I think I gained 100 lbs that year. The smallest I've been since then (so since age 18) is 175, which I reached doing Optifast just before law school. At 175, I felt GREAT. I wore a medium top and a size 12 bottom and felt fabulous. I had all the male attention I could want and was a sassy little thing. Then I gained that back in about a second, after stopping Optifast (and wanting to never see another Protein shake in my life). I got right back to 260, where I'd started. Then my second depression hit during my first work year and, yet again, I gained 100 lbs. Backing up, in high school, I remember losing down from my "natural" weight of about 165 to 149. I remember that 149 was my lowest because I was so excited to move the "big weight" over on the doctor's scale at NutriSystem. At 149 I wore a size 5. Even a 3 in some things. Of course, I'm not 16 any more, so no telling what 149 would look like on me today. Anyway, I just don't know what my goal is. For now, it's to get to 218, then to 209, then to 199. I can't really see beyond that and I guess that's ok too.

According to the American Heart Association, my BMI is "overweight" at 163 and "normal" at 136. ONE THIRTY-SIX??? Seriously? I truly don't think I'm 100 lbs overweight as I sit here today. Crazy, but who knows!

Time for bed, so I can get up and do an hour of cardio before work in the morning. Sickly, I'm kind of looking forward to it!

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Julie, We are very close in height.............I'm 5'3".......my "normal" weight with a BMI of 24.9 is 140.5lbs............yikes.......I have no plans at this time to ever reach that weight, but who knows.............we shall see. Like you, I'm really trying to take it about 5/10lbs at a time now. Happy to be starting this new year with my "resolve" to bigger/better/more exercise and also a new commitment to get back to better following "band rules".

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Julie, I'm glad you brought this issue up, because it has caused me to re-evaluate my goal weight. For the time being, I've upped it from 145 to 150 (see ticker), because that's the number at which I would no longer be considered "overweight" -- according to someone, not me! But I really do think that I will find a higher weight more comfortable and suitable to my 63-year-old body. This is all speculative, of course, because who knows what shape my body will develop with all this exercise! It's really uncharted territory for me.

How much weight do you expect to drop from the mini-abdominoplasty and mastopexy? The AHA numbers seem awfully stringent to me. You have to get to 136 to no longer be considered overweight? That sounds waaaay low.

April Bandits January Challenge: ONE day of exercise completed

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Isn't everyone different? There is NO way that I could fit into a size 5 bottom at 136. The only benchmark that I have to try to set a goal is from my past weight. My entire teenage and adult life, my body naturally wanted to weigh 125. I'm scared to admit this, but I actually worked as a swimsuit and fitness model for several years in ads and television. Even after having my babies, my weight was down within 6 months or so. It was just part of my life, and I never knew how much positive feedback I received because of my looks. Like Julie, I had some devastating circumstances and ate myself into oblivion. (I can relate!) Every diet I tried was followed by a rapid, uncontrollable weight gain that led to self-doubt and loathing. The band is not only a tool for me to lose weight, but is also forcing me to live again. I'm starting to believe in myself again socially, instead of letting others walk over me.

So my goals are a bit unsure. I definitely don't want to EVER forget where I have been. There is a compassion for this illness that I could never have realized without this experience. A year ago, I would have given anything to drop 42 pounds. Now, I want it all, great physical condition, positive attitude, outgoing and caring personality, AND ideal weight. My ultimate goal is to be in the thirties, but I may be happier in the forties or twenties...? So for now, My goal is 156 by April and 142 by the end of July. After that, I'll take it as it comes! The BIGGER goal is to continue to exercise and be active, and to confront the emotions that eat me up inside.

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Oh Julie, I definitely want one of those mini-tucks!! Can't wait to Celebrate yours! You can lead the way for me to have the courage to go for it.

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Happy New Year everyone!!! Count me in for the months challenge. I am not off to a great start---I have a toothache/jaw ache. I cannot pinpoint exactly where it is the pain is generating from, just somewhere on my lower right jaw. I am wondering if it is connected to the sinus issues I have been having. Or maybe the crown above it has my bite off a bit. Hoping it is nothing bad, I hate dental work! So...I did squat today!!! I did ok with my eating, just laid around taking it easy, spent time with the family.

Well I had 5 pounds to lose to make it out of the obese category---but that was prior to my 4 pounds I gained over the holidays ( I have not changed my ticker....gonna leave it til I can rightfully lower it again!!!)...so that is my next goal. That will put me at 203, with a BMI of 29.97 (it helps with those numbers when you are 5'9"!!). So of course following that will be a goal of Onederland....and from there, I am not sure what mini goals I will reach for...we will have to see. For now, I need to get back to work, and lose the 9 pounds to leave OBESE behind. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. The thought of jarring today just made my insides cringe!

Julie, I know if you want it you can achieve it---maybe with any luck some of your determination will rub off on me!!

I did receive several compliments at the company party. It really was nice to go in, and feel "normal". Not feel like everyone was watching me. Well that is wrong, I know DH's boss was watching me eat like a hawk!!! He is VERY big and is heading for hip replacement in 10 days, but he is thinking of banding I know he is, he questions DH all the time about how I am doing and what I eat etc. But as for others, I felt like I blended in. We did not by the way win the Harley they gave away. A single guy he works with, made a huge issue of winning it!!! Each employee was given a ticket, and then allowed to buy as many others as they wanted for $10.00 a piece. This young guy bought $1000.00 worth of tickets, and was going around saying he was going to win...and did. Then he turned right around and donated it to a childrens home here in our area called Childhaven, for them to use as a fundraiser. I was so surprised, and impressed by him!

I know what you mean by wondering about your goal weights. I have a DD who is my height, and she is in the neighborhood of the 165 I had chose as my goal...but I cannot see myself that thin. We are built so similarly, it is just not something I see myself ever being again! I believe I will leave my number on my ticker there, but play it by how I feel and look. No one but me and the Dr. will ever really see that number anyway! If I could drop into a size 10/12 I'd be happy. DD is a size 9, she is young still wears Jr. clothes....she is pretty small. She is a nurse, and buys a size small scrubs---I cannot even fathom going from buying size 3X things to small!!! Give me a medium--even a regular large, and I am gonna be dancing happy!!

Will be fun to see what this new year brings. 2006 was a year of highs and lows for us---will welcome a smooth year!

Anyone make any other resolutions besides losing the weight???


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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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      Bought a treadmill and some 5 lb weights. Time to get off my butt and get moving!
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      1. DaisyChainOz

        That's a great choice! 😊

    • DaisyChainOz

      Surgery done!  Really looking forward to the next chapter 🥳😁
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        Fantastic! Best of luck to you & I hope you're healing nicely & not having much pain!🙏

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