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April 2006 Bandits January Challenge

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Wow - go away for a few days and all kinds of things happen!

Hope all who have injured themselves are healing..........please be careful.........it is frightening when we injure ourselves.............we need this exercise and the thought of not being able to continue is downright terrifying! So, please let yourselves heal before starting up again.

Julie - am saving that time in Oct 2007 - or anytime you'd like to come. The rest of you are all invited too - I'll find room..........got lots of beds and lots of couches. Yipee for your move out of that "MO" - hate those words - never will they come back to haunt you again.

I had a wonderful time in Palm Springs - actually came in 4th in the Mah Jongg tournament - had fun with my friends, got to be with my baby sister (she's 17 years younger and lives in San Diego), the weather was great (75 deg F) - got in a couple of great walks, the food was nice (I did good). I did drink a couple of margaritas tho (woops - liquid calories).............don't worry, I'm not trading one addiction for another - 1 drink and I've had it!

I'm up for whatever you'd all like to do the next couple of months.....my personal goal is to exercise at least 6 times a week at least 45 minutes a session and I do count my walks!..............and Julie I think your idea is great. I'm in!

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Betty, 4 pounds to go?!!! That is so exciting!

Julie, it is a brilliant idea. I'm in. This is really the only thread I check on, also. I'm lucky to have a brother that has always been proud of me! Even though he has a world of accomplishments, he makes me feel as though I inspire him.

Roberta, thanks!

I actually WALKED with a friend for half of my 5 miles. It was fun. And I am counting it!

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Well I think the curse of the band has finally happened, my flatmate made a pass at me and tried to kiss me, it wasn't funny at the time and I have had to ask him to leave, but I am starting to laugh a bit now about it, just think, he wouldn't have tried it on a year ago at my previous weight, guess I should be flattered?

Other gossip is I had another date with this guy I met at speedating and it went soooooo well, we had a swim at the beach, a NSV for me, have never been comfortable wearing togs in front of any boyfriend, and I just didn't care this time,I wore small board shorts but they were so loose, yipppee!!!!

Oh and I may have got a small kiss but I guess I shouldn't tell, hehehe!!!

I am off to San Francisco tomorrow, hate to leave the summer weather here but we have to work, don't we!!!!

Bye everyone!!!:D

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Betty, Congratulations on your placement at the tournament! That's awesome. When I come to visit, I'd love you to teach me how to play. I was a domino player as a child (I was actually a semi-finalist at the World Championship one year that I entered as a lark -- oh I miss my Grandmother -- she took me) and I hear there are similarities.

Boo, Darn straight walking half of your 5 miles counts. It better or I'm in serious trouble come my 4 mile race on Sunday. I'm certain I'll be walking portions of it. It's going to be in the 20s on Sunday. I am NOT jazzed about that.

Amourette, I can't wait to live your life. I can't find the confidence to date yet. It's like very early Spring for me in the dating department. I feel the thaw coming, but it's not here yet. Now, when you say you asked your flatmate to leave, do you mean move out, or just leave to cool off for the evening? If you set the boundaries (as you have now unequivocally done), it could still work out for you to be roommates, no? As for your swim date, it sounds fabulous. We need updated pictures of you too, I think! I'm sure you're looking smashing.

Dawn, how's the knee? I think I'm feeling sympathetic pains. My left knee is aching a little today from my 60 min of elliptical. My shoes are DEFINITELY worn out, so I'm running to the store on my lunch break to replace them and see if that helps.

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Thanks for sending all of your good thoughts eeryone. Boo and Julie, both of your suggestiong helped. By last night my knee was no longer hurting so... I went for a short, slow (they all are but it makes it sound good right!) run this morning. It was d*** cold (-25 with a wind chill of -36), but I ran 1 km and walked 2 km... so that was good.

Guysis... am I reading your scale right... 4 lbs until goal... You amaze me!!

Betty- way to go with mah jhang!!1

You have all been so helpful!!!


O... btw... Julie I love your idea about a support group for new April folks!!!!


Banded April 4th, 2006



Exercise this month so far...22 sessions!!!

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Count me in for the mentor plan. As well as whatever is in the works for our Feb challenge, I will do my best.

Congrats on the 4th place finish Betty---looks life 4 is your number this week---4th place, 4 pounds.....Wow!!! You will be there before you know it.

Dawn, I am glad the knee is feeling better. I think mine is as well, not enough to be sure of it, but....I am going to continue as I am doing, and hope it heals.

We are leaving Thursday, and will be in Denver for a couple of days. Rick's sister is having knee replacement surgery....speaking of knees!!! So we are going to go up and make sure she is ok. We are going to take my MIL with us--my FIL is getting to a point he refuses to leave home, and she is unable to drive herself, so we will all go together.

Amourette--you better not cut us off from your dating drama!!! We all follow it like a good book!!! I am really proud of you for having the pride in yourself to go swimming with the new boyfriend. As attracted as he will be to the new shape you have, the confidence has to be just as attractive to him! Way to go Girlie!!

Boo--that is a wonderful achievement for your brother--please congratulate him for me! I love the fact that suddenly you are competition for him again!!! Surprise Bro---here she is!!!

Julie--I am so glad MO is in your past, another pound or so, and I will simply be overweight---who would have ever thought I would Celebrate being overweight---but I will!!! Will have to celebrate with something other than food!!!

oh crud---gotta go----neightbor is here


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Kat, I'm so glad your knee is a little better too. We're all on the mend. I can't WAIT for your post that announces you're "overweight"! That's a biggie. My goal might be in the "overweight" category, as I don't see myself (at least not at this juncture -- who knows) getting to 132, which is what it would take for me to be the highest weight "normal."

I got my new shoes, so we'll see if that makes a difference. I'm going to lightly jog in them tonight to see how they do in prep for my run on Sunday. I can always go back to my old pair for the run if I can't break the new ones in quickly enough.

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Julie: I can't believe the time for your run is here already. We'll be routing for you!!

Welcome home Betty and congratulations on placing 4th. Glad your date went well Amourette, you MUST keep us in the loop! Dawn, somehow I knew you wouldn't behave yourself! Glad the knee is doing better. I'm in on the mentor project.

Well I made it!!!! Went to Curves this morning 40 mins. workout. 17 sessions completed!!!


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Roberta, congratulations on meeting the January challenge! Your accomplishment deserves special kudos because it was achieved despite the health and physical issues that have challenged you this month. Thank you for the inspiration you have given us.

Julie, your mentoring idea is brilliant! Definitely count me in. Here's the thing, when you run the race on Sunday, I want you to visualize this entire group standing along the route -- actually, jumping up & down in excitement -- and cheering you on big-time. We will definitely be with you in spirit! (And if you tell me what time the race begins, I will make it a point to be there at the right time.) You run, girl, and run good! We love you.

Betty, your weekend away in Palm Springs sounds fabulous. Hooray on your impressive finish in the Mah Jong tournament! I love those tiles, and I wanna learn how to play too! A guest at my Christmas bash was wearing a Bracelet made of antique Mah Jong tiles, and it was the prettiest thing I ever saw.

Kat & Dawn: I'm directing healing thoughts your knees' way. Kat, so good of you to fly out to Denver for SIL's knee surgery. Hope all goes well.

Amourette, thanks for letting us (a little way) into your new dating life. It's so gratifying to hear about an NSV that's a Romance, and we're hanging on each new chapter!

Boo, your brother is a world-class skier??!! How cool is that! And then there's our own Julie, a child-prodigy world-champion-level domino player. This is such a cool group! And I note that our endeavors now embrace even bigger athletic feats, like marathon running.

April 2006 Bandits January Challenge: 25 days of exercise completed

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Well, I'm in LAST place for the challenge! I'll finish tomorrow. And we even had 31 days this month...uh-oh, here comes February with 28 days! I need to hit it hard because I go to Indiana and don't envision myself running there (sorry Dawn, but there is NO way I could survive -36) That is the reason I gave up skiing!! (I find it excruciating to be cold.) I am a disgrace to my Norwegian family who taught me to ski as soon as I could walk. Now I just waterski!

Yes, Bluehill, my brother is a fantastic, gutsy skiier. He is famous for several accomplishments. But to me, he's just the most caring brother. We completely support each other.

And what about YOU and your 25 sessions??!!

Good thoughts to you, Kat as you embark on your next mission of mercy. You are a kind-hearted soul. I hope your knee will heal so you can ride the bike with your DH.

Roberta, you are an inspiration. Here I am barely meeting the challenge, and my asthma is okay right now (knock on wood!)

Amourette!! Oh, PLEASE smooch and tell. That is so much fun! And we won't tell anyone!

Julie, I'm glad you got new shoes. I hope you chose a really good pair! 4 miles isn't too far, but if they aren't REALLY comfortable, wear the old ones. If you double up on socks, or get a pair of the super-padded runner's socks, you will have extra cushion and they will be a bit tighter. Make sure they are laced right, too. How fun! I want to run with you!! I'm jealous. I love Bluehill's idea of us all being there cheering you on! We will. When you get nervous or want to stop, remember that all of us will be waiting to hear how you do. That helped me push ahead on the 5K I ran in November.

Love to everybody!!

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Well, I'm in LAST place for the challenge! I'll finish tomorrow .... Here I am barely meeting the challenge

Boo Boo Boo Boo, we'll have none of that! There's no such thing as LAST place! So what's this talk about BARELY meeting the Challenge when you're going to complete it tomorrow? Not only will you have met the challenge, you will be a WINNER along with the rest of us, in FIRST PLACE! We derive inspiration from each other, but ultimately, we challenge ourselves. And if we meet the challenge, we're a WINNER. Even if we fall short for one reason or another -- and that's bound to happen -- we're still winners.

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Wow, what a group! How did this happen? Where could we have possibly found each other if we had not had this "ring around our rosy tummy"? Amazing! I'm off tomorrow morning for my last day of this challenge to do my NIA class - without you all I'd still be at my "possible 3 times a week - probable 2 or 1 time a week". You've made it fun and enjoyable for me - so hard to believe - exercise fun!!!

No matter how many days we do - we all are giving it our best - life sometimes gets in the way of best intentions - we have to learn to forgive ourselves if we don't quite make our "pledge".................just like the forgiveness we allow ourselves for getting a bit lost occasionally with the food we put in our tummies - it's something I've learned (never too late) this go around...........if I fall off, I start over (before when I fell off - it WAS over). Why did it take me 67 years?

I am not 4 pounds from goal...........I am 4 lbs from being "overweight".....but a big yipee for that. After I reach that, I'll readjust my goal.............like Jule, I don't know if I'll ever get to a "normal" weight for my height (I'm only 5'3"), but around 150 sounds pretty good to me. we shall see????? I have not felt this comfortable with my self in years. It feels so good.

I'm writing this from my daughter's house - been babysitting my 2 adorable grandkids............going home now!

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Hey, BOOHILL: Thanks for the peptalk! I needed that; we are all winners!

Betty: Those are very wise words. At this point, I'm not going to set a specific number goal. I want to see how I look and feel. The more I read, the more I learn that body weight is different on the way down. I'm almost getting tired of the compliments and questions. Actually, embarrassed is a more accurate description. My answer is always the same, "I'm working on it!" But then I'm shocked to hear people tell me to not lose anymore. I know that 20 more pounds will make a huge difference in my running and energy level. But 35 might be too much. We'll see!

When I see that someone else has reached 160 on this board, I think it is really small (even at like 5'3" or so) and a tremendous accomplishment. But I can't remember that I am in the 60's. I'm still stuck at 187 in my mind.

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hey girls:-) just to check in:-) YOU ALL ARE AWESOME!!! I just cant go to the gym more than 4x a week cause I have other activities to do but I admire you.I guess I will try to do something at home, does cleaning count?:-))

Amourette you go girl, I told you before you look great and now you see it yourself:-)

I too met with one Italian guy, went out for dinner with him, but theres no spark from my side, but I guess he likes me cause hes calling and texting me regularly. I might give him another chance...we will see:-) I will keep you posted:-)

Yesterday I had my hardcore workout with my trainer, and its the best thing I could have done.If theres a little possibily that you can hire a trainer go for it.first of all it really motivates me and second after two sessions I can see that the body is firmer and especially my belly.Also the muscles need more energy to exist so your metabolism is burning much more calories.See she really got me excited:-)) I have my checkup tomorrow and dont know what are they going to tell me:-)

Have a great day everyone!!!

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Well, I think everyone is right, We are such a great group. I always feel happy when I see a new posting pop up in my email. It was -45C today, so I stepped inside and it went well.

It is so comforting having this group. I set my 'goal' weight before I started this journey. I figured it was what I weighed when I met my dh and I looked hot... of course I was 20 so.... I can't imagine that in 26 lbs I'll be content, so I'll wait and see.

Everyone have a good day.

Julie, which race are you doing? I'd like to follow on line if possible.

Bye for now my friends.


Banded April 4th, 2006



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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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