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Oh, and how did you fare traveling alone?

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I know I was terrified about not being able to sit.... But you CAN sit. It is uncomfortable but the dr will tell you that you can sit, just don't spread your legs. The only uncomfortable part for me was sitting on the toilet. I want to say that as far as pain it really is not as painful as you might think. You will be sore and uncomfortable, but really "pain" only the first day or two, then it's just twinges and swelling.

As far as traveling alone.... Even that was nothing. I did fine, no worries. Once you get to the hotel there are (most of the time) other patients that have traveled alone as well. While I have been here there have been 6 of us and only one that had a travel partner. Sooooo it is new starts and new friendships:)

I def worried for nothing!!

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I am Michelle's neighbor in the hotel and the woman she is talking about and I rock this anchor scar!!!!! because i look amazing. I had:

Lower body lift with anchor cut/Breast lift-reduction without augmentation/Long thigh lift (incision from crotch to knees)/brachioplasty (incision from armpit to elbows)

I had drains everywhere. I did not need Lipo, and the girls that got lipo seem to hurt much worse than I do. I have done great, almost too great, i have to make myself slow down so i will continue to heal well. in the clinic I got one dose of toradol. I have had no narcotic pain meds since the ones administered in the OR. I have used tylenol and ibuprofen to manage the pain and have done well. i have had sleepless nights here because i just cant get comfortable, but that is to be expected. I am just not comfortable, not in pain. I am going home tomorrow and not worried at all. I would do it all over again in a heart beat. And you can ask Michelle, i look and feel fabulous. And she better rest tomorrow after I am gone.

Today before i am leaving tomorrow, Dr S sat on the edge of the bed in my room and looked at my pics of myself with me and listened to my story. And i even tried on my Monterrey souvenir dress for him. He does a great job. the twilight sedation is wonderful, because I ALWAYS get sick with general.

Having surgery is always going to have its pain price. I am sure that everyone here with us over the last few weeks will tell you that our price was worth it and the pain was managable.

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Thank you for sharing your story too!

I have heard elsewhere that Lipo is a b*tch!!! That is actually more painful then surgery which is quite a surprise to me.

I am a little scared of the twilight sedation but i am terrified of general anethesia because i get soo sick... i think this is a good alternative!

I am Michelle's neighbor in the hotel and the woman she is talking about and I rock this anchor scar!!!!! because i look amazing. I had:

Lower body lift with anchor cut/Breast lift-reduction without augmentation/Long thigh lift (incision from crotch to knees)/brachioplasty (incision from armpit to elbows)

I had drains everywhere. I did not need lipo, and the girls that got lipo seem to hurt much worse than I do. I have done great, almost too great, i have to make myself slow down so i will continue to heal well. in the clinic I got one dose of toradol. I have had no narcotic pain meds since the ones administered in the OR. I have used tylenol and ibuprofen to manage the pain and have done well. i have had sleepless nights here because i just cant get comfortable, but that is to be expected. I am just not comfortable, not in pain. I am going home tomorrow and not worried at all. I would do it all over again in a heart beat. And you can ask Michelle, i look and feel fabulous. And she better rest tomorrow after I am gone.

Today before i am leaving tomorrow, Dr S sat on the edge of the bed in my room and looked at my pics of myself with me and listened to my story. And i even tried on my Monterrey souvenir dress for him. He does a great job. the twilight sedation is wonderful, because I ALWAYS get sick with general.

Having surgery is always going to have its pain price. I am sure that everyone here with us over the last few weeks will tell you that our price was worth it and the pain was managable.

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I am in the process of trying to decide what to do about plastic surgery, strongly considering Dr.S, I really find you post informative and appreciate any information you can give me as I need similar

Surgery as you had.

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I know I was terrified about not being able to sit.... But you CAN sit. It is uncomfortable but the dr will tell you that you can sit' date=' just don't spread your legs. The only uncomfortable part for me was sitting on the toilet. I want to say that as far as pain it really is not as painful as you might think. You will be sore and uncomfortable, but really "pain" only the first day or two, then it's just twinges and swelling.

As far as traveling alone.... Even that was nothing. I did fine, no worries. Once you get to the hotel there are (most of the time) other patients that have traveled alone as well. While I have been here there have been 6 of us and only one that had a travel partner. Sooooo it is new starts and new friendships:)

I def worried for nothing!![/quote']

Thank you so very much for sharing. After reading some previous post about the thigh lift surgery, I was absolutely terrified. 'Not being able to sit ; only being able to lay down for many weeks.' I know my Plastic surgeon Dr Victor Gutierrez made sure I was virtually pain free for my LBL, BL, and Butt L, and I have all the confidence in the world in his abilities. However I am a wussy when it comes to surgery and pain. Now I will be able to go in, have my surgery with no worries because of your story.

Thank you so very much for sharing!!! Your experience is helping more people than you probably realize.

Happy recovery,


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Well I am currently laying in the hospital in Monterrey. My surgery was Friday and everything went well. I has my surgery with dr. Sauceda. I had some glitches getting down as my little town flight was postponed which then made me need to fly in to Mexico a day later:/ it left me with very little time to prepare (which was prob a good thing so I didn't back out) I was picked up at the air port by a driver and even though it was 9:30pm I was taken to dr. Sauceda who did up all my markings, and was very professional. He then drove me to the hotel And I slept a little. Dr sauceda picked me up at 8am and we went to the hospital for preparations. It was a very fast process in signing the papers, getting dressed, getting the Iv, washed and then in to the OR. I was in around 9 and the dr called my mom back home around 3 to say he was done and all went well.

In review I had a lower body lift, a small inner thigh lift, a breast lift with augmentation and he included some Lipo. He said he ended up taking just over 7lbs of skin and fat off and about a liter of of lipo off both hips( saddle bags)

I had little pain the day out of surgery but the lipo sure stung a lot. My first day after was an up and down day as the pain meds that they typically use I am allergic to and which made it difficult to get the pain under control. This was a horrible day and my inner thighs just stung on and off. By the end of the day I did feel much better. I was unable to get up and walk due to the fact I could not get the pain under control. But I once they changed the meds it was much better and tolerable. The only issue I have now is coughing. OUCH I have a lot of phlegm which is causing alot of coughing so I have been needing to brace my stomach a lot.

I was worried about traveling alone, but actually there are 4 other wonderful women here that are all at different rates of healing. They are all so kind and helpful. Checking in on me via fb which makes me feel not alone:) here is hoping today is much better and I can get up and walk:)

Thanks for keeping us posted. Glad you are doing better. I'll be following your progress as I'm thinking of going to either Dr. Sauceda or Dr. V. Gutierrez. It seems they are both excellent and really care for their patients.

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So I am now 3 weeks post op and figured I should probably update the past couple of weeks:)

So let me say I'm feeling pretty darn good. Stiff in the mornings and a little surprised on how long recovery really is. (I have had numerous surgeries and usually up and going by week 2.... Mind you they were all very small procedures compared to this).

So I flew home 10 days post op, and that was.... Ok. I left the hospital at 3:45am flew to Dallas, had a flight transfer, flew to Vancouver BC, had another flight transfer and flew to my little home town. I got in about 5pm. So by the time I got home I was pretty tired and sore. (I also had to drive myself home.... Which was not as bad as I thought it would be. Just maneuvering into the seat took a few minutes to figure out)

I slept the whole next day, and then was feeling fairly good on my second day home. I had to really hold myself back from wanting to do some of my "chores" like washing all my laundry.

I have been getting out everyday for a walk of some sort (I usually have to go to a store and pick up things so walk down extra isles just to get the excercise in) I feel sore when I sit or lay down all day.

I had half my stitches and last drain out at 2 weeks post op ( stitches in my breasts, my belly button and abdomen) I did have a little issue with one breast that should have had the stitches in a bit longer.... As it must have pulled apart during the night and where it was a "T". By the time I saw it in the morning it had scabbed over and not able to put steriestrips on to "fix it":( ................ So I suggest that you ask the dr to put steriestrips on after he takes the stitches out just as a precaution.

I also had a little gap at the back (right at the top of my "butt" kind of on my tail bone. It stayed open even at my 3week dr apt, and the dr realized there was a small stitch left in. (So hopefully now it will close up).

I had my thigh stitches out and the Lipo stitches on the back of my legs (I didn't even know I had them until a few days ago when they poked me in the shower. Lol). The thigh incisions have healed very well, but seem very "ropey" on one side. My dr. Sd that one side may have been more difficult for the PS as the one side had a small superficial vein that bled as soon as the stitches came out, the stitches were closer together which took longer to remove, and that thigh seems to be "tighter" than the other. The other thigh was a piece of cake for the stitches to come out and my dr sd the stitches seemed to be at a more "superficial" level. That is the thigh that has a thicker ropey incision.

I had not had any major issues with the "swell hell" everyone talked about until yesterday:/ I had normal swelling, but this was the first time my body/skin felt swollen, tight, and uncomfortable.

I had come down with the flu on Thursday as well, and even though I have not been able to "vomit" since I had the sleeve, I was dry heaving ...( and that hurt due to the abdominal tightening )

I know others have talked about not being hungry after surgery partially due to the tightness of stomach tightening and the compression garment. I am still having a hard time eating enough. I find every time I eat I get horrible heart burn and am full within a few bites. (Usually I would be ok with this ...lol.... But I know the importance of needing food for the healing process) I also find foods that I had eaten before are not setting well (yogurt, cheese, meats, Protein drinks) pretty well any Proteins. It just makes me have a uncomfortable stomach ache. ( I know this is not the typical and won't happen to everyone.... It's just me. Lol)

I find the compression garment is getting more comfortable and I feel like I will "fall apart" if I'm not wearing it.... Even when it's just in the shower. The only issue I still have is that the "crotch opening" lands right on my thigh incisions.... Which hurts with the swelling I have had.

My feeling is starting to come back around all my incisions... Which is a weird feeling. Sometimes it's a tingling, others it can be a piercing/needle like pain. The area that was lipo'd still hurts. It is like a big bruise under the skin ( which makes it uncomfortable to lay on either side). That has defiantly been the most painful part of my recovery.

I still get tired easy, and need to lay down and rest after being up and around. I still don't bend over to pick things up ( I have gotten very efficient at using my toes....lol). I also haven't been able to stand straight as my stomach muscles hurt when I'm to straight (and when I cough or sneeze:/) but every day is getting better.

I defiantly have had a few days of thinking why in the world did I do this to myself... ( mainly when I feel stuck in the house and feeling lonely, not able to do any thing) but when I look in the mirror, I don't regret it at all:).

I will update again soon:)

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I forgot to mention. Be sure to get a wheelchair service with someone able to get you from the security to the plane and then from plane to where ever you need to go. This probably saved me from excruciating pain. Lol as well as once you go to security and you have drains in, they are more apt to believe you and not rush you off for any pat downs. I had one airport question what I had attached to my stomach as I had to go threw the "x ray" type machine and they were very confused to see a tube and ball in my stomach. It wasn't until I showed them the actual drain that they actually were very good about making sure that I had all my belongings and was sitting in the wheelchair as fast as possible. Lol.

I also suggest that you stay up on your pain meds if your flights are longer than 2 hrs. As you can become stiff, and you are supposed to get up and walk every hour. Also when you hit turbulence you don't always have time to brace your self and could make you uncomfortable. I also was very glad I decided to bring a small lap blanket as I got cold on the plane, but also used it as a bit of a prop under either side of my hips. Just to change positions (as you can get numb sitting in one spot).

I suggest buying ointment for after and not creams or oils. The ointment sticks better, lasts longer and gives more of a protective barrier. I actually bought the same ointment as the one that the dr. Uses so I came home with two tubes. I also bought extra gauze pads. As once your stitches are out, there are spots that may leak/ooze/bleed jut enough to not want it on your garments.

Dr.S provides two sets of garments, which is a life saver!!! You will def want two. As you can wash one and wear the other.

Make sure that you get up and walk, but do not over do it!! You need to make sure you listen to your dr. If you don't move enough it can cause issues (lungs...which can cause you to cough on top of it being a major medical concern). If you move to much in the first week it can cause alot of drainage and swelling. (Which means your drains could be in longer and could cause seromas if your drains are already out). I have been lucky and not had those issues (minus the not walking soon enough and coughing bc i had phlem) But I did listen to my dr. Once I was up and walking.

Have pillows ready once your home. Lol. I use them under my knees and behind my back on the couch, or to prop under my hips just to adjust positions. I use them in bed to prop myself to slightly lay on my sides and not just flat on my back. I also have them under my knees ( I found that laying in bed if I don't have the pillow under my knees then it pulls on my abdominal incision. And it's not very comfortable)

I have personally found Alieve a great medication to help with swelling and a pain reliever as not needing any heavy narcotics, but when your feeling any discomfort or swelling.

Again having a lanyard (or even a shoe string tied together that you can hang off your neck) as a place to hang your drains during showers, and changing your garments. (You only have two hands and you have multiple drains to hold). Lol.

I have been using ice packs when I start feeling achy and now that I'm starting to swell. I also have bought Epsom salts and now that I'm all healed (and approved by my family dr) I had my first bath. He suggested Epsom salt bath for my small opening on my tail bone. And I felt soooo good once I got out. Soaking felt so good, Lol.

Hmmmm that is all the suggestions I can think of at this moment. But will add more if I think of them:).

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I had my sister with me for most of the time. She had to come back early though. She took most of my luggage so it was a little easier. It was not easy by myself. If someone could even fly in to just help you at the airport and to get home...You wont regret spending the money. I had Tummy Tuck, muscle tied, Lipo, Breast lift and implants.

Hi who was your Doctor and where did you go.

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Hi who was your Doctor and where did you go.

I went to Mexicali and my Doc was Dr. Bello. So very very happy with him and the care I received.

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I posted this several times but did anyone use fmla?

Family Medical Leave Act

That is a good question to ask, because recovery can be lengthy depending on the surgery and the amount of work being done, not mention if one should suffer complications.

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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