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January Chat/New Jersey Style

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Patty, keep after it. It's a glitch. Life is full of them (like I have to tell YOU?) Check up on it tomorrow, and see what's up, and let us know. I'm crossing my fingers for you. And praying.

Mandy, those are the cutest jeans EVER!!!!! I want them. NOW. Sigh. but a 12 is soooo far away. I'm gonna look around for some, though, seriously. YOU LOOK GREAT!!!!! Cute dogs, cute mom, cute kids. Hang in there girlie!

Cass, glad to hear you are healing up from the wisdom tooth surgery...that's a toughie.

Betty, poor girl. Take it easy...is this your first round with the Crud?

I've gotta go now...sorry Beanie, Jules, Sherry, Kat, Pat (where are ya?), Darcy (fun chat! Are you still trapped?), Anne (new job?), who did I leave out?????? I'll see ya in the morning...tomorrow afternoon is driving the basketball team down to Big D for a little game...they are so cute!

Hugs, and good night to all,


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Cindy, the jeans came from the Disney Store. There are some on Ebay, they came up to a 14 or 16. They also make pirates jeans. I have them too. They just didn't photograph well (read, I looked like crap in the pics) I will try to retake them tomorrow. ~Mandy

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Good Morning Y'all!

Well, I am feeling much better today, still a little bit of pain in my side, but not much.

Mandy - You are so tiny! I love the jeans! Glad to hear you DD is doing better too! Smile, you deserve it! I love the name Harley too!;)

Patty - Fight them, you have a few days of grace in there before being cancelled. They didn't notify you either! You just have to keep calling them and bugging them. Make them down right sick of hearing your name!:)

Cindy - I haven't had the crud yet (knocking on wood) I have been dealing with a bladder infection. Hope you had fun at the BB game.

Sherry - My nephew use to say that all the time, you made me laugh!

Beanie - Good luck with you new style of eating. I don't know how you do it with such a good cook in the house!

Mary - Whooo Hoooo on the 180! You go girl!

Kat - I'm like you, once I get to exercising, I feel so much better, look better and like doing it. It's just getting me there to do it! I think about it alot though!:) :) :)

Darcy - Whooo Hooo for you! Joining the Y and going it great! I can't imagine you being shy from any stand point. You are so cute, and you have such a good personality you just shine! Now get in there and join the crowd and show it! They'll all love you! (Just like us:girl_hug: )

Cassie - It took me 4-5 fills before I got any restriction. It will come believe me! Just take it slow and let your body adjust to it and you will be better in the long run!

Jules - Everytime my DH sees someone riding a bike he says "Don't they know it's against the law to peddle your a$$ all over town". You are doing great! Sore butt and all!:)

Anne - Did you start the new job yet? If so, how is it going? I bet it's hard going back after so long. I know I didn't want to go back, but had to!

Eileen - Whooo Hoooo on the good review and the great raise! I guess you showed them huh? Maybe he won't stand over you so bad now!

Pat - OK girl, we gave you a bunch of slack over the holidays, now you need to come back and play! We miss you! Come out, come out, wherever you are!:) :) :)

Well, I have been sitting here shoving my Breakfast in my mouth while I type, now it is time for me to cover my butt with some clothes! My clock tells me I should have started a few minutes ago, but I was enjoying my visit with y'all!

Have a great day!

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I see Sherry is here, probably either reading or typing...sometimes I only have time to read! This morning, I get to call Linkys tech support, oh joy! We finally got our modem from Embarq, so now I can enjoy a nice long chat with the Linkys people and get the wireless network up and running again, and my laptop back. I hope it doesn't take 4 hours!!!!

Mandy, I'm going to look for those jeans...they are just too cute!

Betty, have a good day at work!

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Good Morning All:)

Just stopped in quickly ~ not much going on here except work and more work..

We are suppose to get a cold snap ~ brrr ~ like it's not cold enough now...

Kids are back in school and so far they are doing fine.. Knock on Wood

I never made it back to curves like I said I was ~ Irene is right when you stop doing the E thing it is hard to get back into the swing of things. I need to just do it. I cannot do the walking since there is to much snow and ice on the sidewalks. I was slippin and sliding the other day. I am going to quit the slim fast cause it does cause excessive Gas and ohhhhhhhhhhhh the pain.

I too was told that if you changed your meals the wt would come off. I try that on and off.

Patty ~ hang in there. It might be that one person was to damm lazy to see if they had your paper work and it is there!!! Praying that everything works out for you today...

Mandy ~ I am glad that Abi is cooperating now.. Kids I tell you:)

Cristian and I have been going over his numbers ~ when I say them he goes in sequence ~ when I have him say them back to me he says he can't and won't and then when I leave him alone ~ I hear him counting by himself. Drives me nuts.. I love your jeans and you are so tiny ~ I wish I were

Cute pics and how awesome that Barley is really Harley..

Kat ~ Yea ~ no accidents... I love tacos but I can only eat one. I remember the time I ate 2 and was up the rest of the night puking.. oh noooooooo

Irene / you sure are doing good on getting your meals and calories down Girl..

I think if I payed attention I could drop wt a whole lot faster and still get all my nutrients in.

Darcy ~ you are going to be one Buff Gal.. I cannot even pick up my kitchen chair let alone weights. How sad is that??

Well gots to get back to work.. You know more people here now..

Cassie ~ Cindy ~ Annie ~ Dianne ~ Jules ~ Eileenie ~ Sherry ~ Betty ~ Sorry if I missed anyone ~ have a great day..

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Patty - Hang in there. You have come so far. You will get there!!

Mandy - I hope Harley chills out on the marking. I know that is frustrating. Your jeans are too cool!!

Beanie - I am glad you can ride the eliptical that long. I don't think I could. I may wind up buying me one with the new raise. WooHoo.

I hope everyone is having a great day.

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Hi everyone---we are supposed to have another snow storm hit today--and I am supposed to take my Dad to Albuquerque to the cardiologist tomorrow---fun! I am going to take advantage of the DGD's nap, and get dry wood brought in, and things covered back up so we can be ready for the snow. Will try to check in later.


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Hey All

It's Thursday. I decided I was going to be excited about that, today. Not as excited as I will be tomorrow - but hey, ya gotta take whatever excitement you can generate....

Darcy (aka Arnold) - Way to Go! The muscles will help you burn fat faster. Pump that Iron!!

Sherry - you stole my line... I love that movie, too. And what a CUTE new Avatar you have, Darlink. Love the big smile! Hugs!! Oh - and do you feel like you are naughty when you read our posts from work? :]

Patty - I am sending you a PM. You have to get with your insurance company today to make sure you get this cleared up. Hugs!! (blankety blank blank insurance companies!)

Cass - 21 pounds in 2 mos is Awsome! Keep up the good work!!

Cindy - hope you have fun at the game. Nobody plays ball any harder than a little kid. Those pros could take a few lessons in heart, if you know what I mean. Hugs! Hope your "visit" with your pals at Linksys doesn't ruin your day. I know how much fun those guys can be... But, maybe your next post will be from the comfort of your couch! :]

Mandy - I know how those pictures "don't come out"... it happens to me ALL the time. Of course if I was in a size 12... I might not care! :]

Betty - I just can't eat his cooking at night. I get to eat it for Breakfast, instead. It was EXTREMELY difficult to take him through the KFC drivethru after we went to the gym last night and not order any Honey BBQ wings for myself - but I am really sticking to the no carbs at night thing. Hopefully, it will pay off in a thinner me. (SOON, darn it!)

Let's see - not much going on with me. Just trying to be good and count calories and stuff. ICK. I just have to keep on the program. I know it will work. I know it will work. I know it will work..... (sorry, a little self-affirmation, there)

Love and Hugs to All!


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Patty... I am so sorry girl... you have worked really hard and put up with so much without hardly a whimper and I am so proud of you! You deserve a little meltdown but remember... this is all going to work out... just take a deep breath and know that we all love ya and are pulling for you. ((((hugs))))

Sherry... O'LL BE BOCK!

Betty... I KNOOOOOWWWWWW... I'm such a social butterfily online... who'd know I'm a wallflower in real life?!?!?!?!?!?! Glad you're feeling better. ;)

Mandy... Adorable jeans... you look adorable and wittle. :tape2:

Mary... I am so on the very lowest weight the machines will go down too...lol... just call me the Wuss of the Y. I was like... "how many... 12 reps??? ...are you sure????" :huggie: Sorry bout the rootin tootin slimfast... does the same thang to me!

EIleen... Howzit hangin girl?

Irene... How's the fill ...perfect????

Jules... Hiya... are you rolling in your new dough yet???

Cindy... Nope... He let me out but the door is REALLY busted so can imagine that's going to cost a pretty penny to fix! For now... back to freezing my arse off with the car in the drive.

Kat...Drive carefully in the weather!

Cassandra... I think I forgot to post how much I love the dress you chose... BEAUTIFUL!

K... Hafta go to the Y again tonight as DD has the teens on weights class... I'm glad we signed up for these classes and that they are on opposite days because that is really what is keeping us there so much! We are going over to my sister's Y on Friday evening because they are having teen night and all of our kids can have fun while we all work out together.


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Irene... you must have been posting the same time I was. ;) Counting calories is a pain but darn it if it isn't effective. I've been tracking most of my intake on Sparkpeople... enought to give me a general idea of what my daily intake is. Hang in there...counters always prosper. :huggie:

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I am such a spazz that I completely missed the last page of posts.

Mary - Try Atkins shakes. I have always hated slimfast anyway - and I haven't had any problems with the Atkins. Exercise is a good thing. Just remember - even though you resist it every time, doesn't it make you feel better? And it's time to get excited... it's almost Friday!

Jules - I tried to kill myself on the Evil Elliptical last night. I got enthusiastic about the song that was on the radio and found myself pretty much running full out on the stupid thing. After about five minutes I had that gaspy raspy throat that you get when you have over exerted yourself... It was pretty much hell to stay on the thing for another 15 minutes, even though I slowed down quite a bit. *sigh* Darn that music. Get's me in trouble every time! So, when do you start in your new position??

Kat - Snow? Again?!? We just keep getting gray sky here. I really have to say that after Christmas, snow loses a LOT of it's charm... :]

Eileenie - Hugs, Doll Face! Hope you get to stop in again, soon.

Darcy - Yes - I think I have acheived that magical place known as "The Sweet Spot". I can't even guzzle Water anymore... so I guess that's good - but I have to work at getting enough of it anymore. I can't even finish my litre in the car... *sigh* The price I pay for restriction, I guess. I just keep on sipping... Oh, and YES - exercising with others, finding multiple reasons why you have to go - these are excellent methods of keeping it interesting... Soon, ve vill see you in yoah veightlifter's bikini in da Miss Universe competition.... (in her worst Arnold impression).

ok - NOW I have responded to everybody that has dropped by today...

Love you guys!!


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The dough doesn't kick in until the first week of Feb. But I am ok with that since I won't actually start doing the job for a couple of months. That way if my boss drags her butt in getting my replacement, at least I will get the big bucks.

I am fixing to leave to go get my second fill. WooHoo. I am soooo ready for it.

Beanie, you be careful on that thing. But music will do it.

Kat, bringing in the wood is exercise, right?! lol

Take care everyone.

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My surgery has been postponed until fri the 19th. There was an issue with the schedual. I will be going alone. The surgical center has a car to pick me up, mu dh will be staying home with Abi. My mom was going to go with me but she has something going on the 19th that can't be moved (it's also medical). I am sitting here eating chips and queso, stress...argh!!!! At least I am having a healthy dinner, pot roast. That is at least once a week around here, it's everyone favorite. Also it's simple with little clean-up so I try to make it often. I'll be back later. ~Mandy

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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