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January Chat/New Jersey Style

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ouchy Darcy I hope you're ok and not extra sore today. I guess I'll have to bring the Pedometer with me on the treadmill and measure that mile...sounds good huh?

Betty - I got the blue exercise ball with the stand at Walmart for $16.95 or so. The ball does come out to do other floor exercises with it if you want. It's pretty neat though because it causes your core muscles to strengthen because you're using them to balance while you're doing your arm exercises.

Well gotta scram and get some work done...I was just suppose to be peekin in :D BFN enjoy your day my sweet friends!

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Hi Everyone :D

Just popping in to say.... DANG ITS COLD OUT!!!

I'll be catching up this weekend (I hope :cool: )


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Sherry, try doing push-ups on the ball.Lay on your stomach and put your legs (almost at the ankle) on the ball. Then push your body up into the air with your arms. It takes the stress off your knees and back. Also do crunches on the ball. No more lower back pain. I LOVE my pilates ball. I am assuming you have the same type of thing, but I don't have handles on mine. ~Mandy

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Good Morning Everyone..

It is flippin cold today.. The wind is a blowing all the snow into the streets again and not to mention just going through my body.. BRRRRR

Today I work half a day so that I can take Cristian for his physical and then run around and do errands. To bad we all don't live close enough to drop by for coffee.

On the ball - now is the ball big enough to use for work? I seen somewhere that instead of a chair you can sit on a ball. I just don't want to pay alot of money. I will try anything to help with my lower back. I think that is what causes the other problem. I will have to check on EBay.

Patty ~ how are you doing? Did you find anything else out?

Jules ~ Good for you and the Misses.

Chrispy ~ How is the new place???

Cindy ~ was thinking of you this am when I seen all the christimas decorations up around the neighbor hood.

Sherry ~ your office and place at home sound so serene.. Maybe I should do something like that with my cube..

Kat ~ Did you all get anymore snow? Are you in the path for this weekends?

I am so done with it. I had to move the car out of the driveway to get the trash to the street. I was slippin and slidin

Irene ~ where are you???

Eileen ~ we know where you are!! Does that man know that you have priorities ~ and him keeping you away is not one of them.

Darcy ~ The energizer - I think I had one of those thingys that attached to my side to count the steps ~ I will have to look for it.. Other than that still no exercise..

Betty ~ I'm glad you did not have to go out.. Better to stay inside where it is nice and warm.

Dianne ~ Is the Pbing from stress or you just ate wrong?? HUGS

so sorrry...

Mandy ~ One day.. what time do you go in tomorrow?

I know I missed some of you lovlies but have to get some stuff done before I head out today...

Take care...

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Eh...Just a wee bit sore with a slightly bruised ego...lol. I feel the worst for my daughter... nothing like being in your big highschool amongst ALL of your peers and having your clutzy mother take a tumble...lol. I think that would be fine measuring distance with your steps on the treadmill. Walking outside for a mile certainly wouldn't be a good idea with the weather that's going on around the USA right now!


I think I will head out to Walmart today while I'm out grocery shopping or I will go take a look online. It's still snowing so I am waiting for it to subside so that I can get my shoveling exercise before heading out. :D

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I am on the schedual for 8:00 they have a car service to pick me up. They will be here at 5. It's downtown and with rush hour the traffic is horrible. Even though I am only 20 or so miles from the cite, traffic can make that a 2 or 3 hour commute. Since they are picking me up so early, we will beat most traffic. Just 3 miles from my house they are adding a new expressway, and the construction from that has been horrible. I gave the driver an alternate route to get to my house, I hope he follows it, if not we will be late. I am picking up my niece today, she is going to help with Abi and with cooking and stuff. This is the same niece that just graduated from high school and this summer is off to join the Navy.

As for the dog, he is being crate trained. The shelter/foster family told me and hubby that he was cage aggressive, he's not at all. When we brought in the crate he ran in and got comfy. He goes into the crate when he is tired and he actually wants to sleep in there at night. I'm starting to wonder if we adopted a different dog than was described to us. We were told he was fearful of men, housebroken, cage aggressive, and a very picky eater. He eats anything we put in front of him, he loves my hubby and his cage and was peeing all over my house. I think with some work the crate training will work out. I am determined to make this work, my DH loves this dog and he's not really an animal person. I am going to get Abi ready for school and then I am off to the groomer for the pup's nails to be trimed, pick up the niece and return an outfit that I bought for Abi that is too short, I guess she has hit a growth spurt. Be back later, Mandy

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Hey All

Sorry I dropped off the face of the earth, there for a day or two...

Let's see... Monday, I hibernated. It was lovely. (it always is).

Tuesday I went to work and started training the newest addition to my department. She will cover my desk while I am in NY so that when I come back there won't be a week's worth of work waiting for me... at least, that's the theory. I have my doubts. She was SUPPOSED to start on Jan. 2nd so I would have 3 weeks to train her before I left. First she had car trouble, which kept her out of the office for THREE days - then she had "emergency surgery" which kept her out until Tuesday January 16th. It just happened to coincide with her daughter's wedding.... This does not bode well for being able to rely on her to cover my desk. *sigh* What's WRONG with people?

Oh well. I suppose that having her do anything will be better than the nothing that was done the last time I was out.

Wednesday I hibernated at home. The roads from my house were bad enough that I couldn't get out of the alley without slipping and sliding... and since my office closed anyway, I just stayed home.

I would have checked in more, except that signal I have at home comes and goes - and it seemed like everytime I tried to post a msg yesterday, it went... Oh well. I had it all typed up - but I couldn't send it.

I have gotten so far behind that I am going to just tell everybody how much I love you and leave it at that. Hugs & Love to all.

I must admit that I have not gone to the gym. I did spend several minutes on both Monday & Wednesday wishing I had already purchased the infamous elliptical machine. I think I would have used it both days - but since I didn't have it, I couldn't use it - and I didn't want to venture out into the cold. Call me the flake queen....

I have been trying to eat lots of veggies. I have eaten way more than my share of raw carots, cawliflower and cucumber in the past several days. I am going to have to stop for produce supplies on my way home tonight. I really LIKE veggies - especially with a nice low-cal dip.

Of course, it would be better if I didn't eat cake in between - but whatcha gonna do. I am all puffed up right now due to TOM and other assorted things and for whatever reason I just don't care right now... so I ate a peice of cake. *sigh*

Well, my darlings... I have to get back to the whole "Training" thing. It would help if she wasn't quite so argumentative - but I guess it takes one to know one. I like the board because then I never interrupt anybody by accident. I KNOW that I tend to talk, and sometimes I talk over people - but it's hard to stop myself. At least hear - If I am argumentative, it's on purpose. :]

I will pick up with personals again tomorrow.

Hugs and Love to All.

Stay warm!

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Irene... Good luck...sounds like a project indeed! Hopefully she will do something in your absence so that you don't come back to a tower of undone work! Git yur snowpants and non-slip shoes on girl... there is an elliptical that is screaming your name at the gym. :rose: Can't blame you on the cake thing... I would give you my first and only child for a bite of cake about now. Okay... maybe I would have to give you my hubby's first born....hehehehehe. Proud of ya for munchin on the crunchies though!

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Hello everyone!

Darcy, yup - I'm going back to work. I left my job 6 years ago to be home with my kids and the lady who took over for me is now retiring. I work in physician credentialing for a group of hospitals in and around Ann Arbor. I'm really excited and nervous, but what I really want to know is - will I be able to access LBT at work?! If not, I just may have to quit. :rose:

Beanie, I know what you mean about training. Hopefully that woman will work out and you won't get slammed every time you travel. I'm dreading the two weeks that I will overlap with the woman who is leaving. That's not to say that I won't need her to train me - I definitely will! But it's hard to settle in when there are two people working at the same desk.

Mary, you poor thing! I had mild roids when I was preggers with my kids. No fun at all, and I can certainly see where you'd avoid the bike. (Darcy - pucker up and take it?! LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!)

Sherryboberry, I love your new avatar! WTG on the exercise. I'll have to keep an eye out for that exercise ball - I've never seen one that sits on a base before. Even when I was thinner I carried a lot of weight in my batwings, so now they seem hopeless.

Mandi, you are hopefully recovering comfortably right now! I'm thinking of you and sending healing thoughts your way!

Dianne, I'm not surprised that you're pb'ing with all that stress. How are things going? Have you settled on a place for your MIL?

Betty, I've always wondered why we don't get a bunch of nasty porn ads on this site... Thanks for keeping the boards clean for us! :)

Cindy, I cannot believe they wanted you to go in for one more day of work. Morons - don't they realize that we did an official countdown?! Sorry that they dragged you in for a meeting. At least your principal saw reason (or was too afraid of you to let you back inside). :)

Jules, what are you up to today?

Patty, what's new on the insurance front?

Pat, why hast thou forsaken us? We miss you! :(

Eilene, can't wait to hear from you! I always think of the movie 9 to 5 when I think of your boss. Let's tie him in a closet so you can come out to play! :)

Is anyone else watching American Idol? I love that show, but I wish they'd stop focusing so much on the "losers" trying out and show us some good auditions. After a while it's just cruel, ya know?

DD and I are still sick. Remember that picture I posted a loong time ago of my messy dining room? The mess has spread to the whole house. DH is picking up some antibiotics right now so hopefully they'll do the trick.

Love you guys,

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I know what you mean Anne... and besides... it's a little frightening to see some of these folks and know they are going to most likely going to be fruitful and multiply at some point in their life! I personally think that Simon is the only judge with half a brain...lol.

Oh... and kewl about the job! I sure miss the social aspect of working and the extra moolah! I know you are going to do well and you will just have to insist on being able to post as one of the "extra frills". :rose:

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Well I'm at the hospital I sure hope the rehab has wireless..lol, but I dought it. She is more herself today and she can stand with help for a step. She is conplaining about the theripists and my poor FIL when Garry left to go to the dentist she ragged on him. Really hurt his feelings. He is such a kind man who loves her so much and she can be such a bwitch to him. She was accusing him of trying to skeam against her to get her money she yelled at him about what a dump he had put her in. I think she thought she was in a phyc hospital she has settled down and none of us saw her this way, although she isn't very nice to the PT. Oh boy this is going to be fun!

We haven't talked to the Dr to see when she is going to the rehab if she doesn't go tomorrow it won't be until Monday. I am hoping it is tomorrow so that BIL and SIL can help settle her in. But I realized today that God knows how this is all going to go and his timing for there visit and her moving is in his hands. I knew that but I felt the peace about it today.

Thanks for your prayers.

Not sure weather to have a fill on Tuesday. I am hungry, I haven't been eating right, I know it's nervous eating. I don't know I'll give it the weekend.

Well have a good night all. tty later or tomorrow.

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Dianne, so much of what you are going through is like what we went through with my mom, but just for a different reason. The medication does make a difference in her personality; you can count on that. It is so hard to remember that, though, when you or DH are tired and worried, and you are trying so hard to be caring and do the right thing. You end up getting your feelings hurts, or you get downright angry. It's normal, very normal, and it won't do any good to beat yourself up over it. She does not know what she is saying/doing. Keep praying.

Mandy, (((HUGS))). Good luck tomorrow. I will say extra prayers for you.

Okay...Darcy...I did 30 minutes of good decent exercise today...so, that's 1.5 miles to add to our journey...I will start wearing a pedometer, and 2000 steps equals a mile, so I'll start keeping track of that, too. Thanks for clearing up the non-challenge thing...remember the ice cream/sweets fizzle? This feels better!

Betty, I bet you a frozen little popsicle...I know you don't like this cold weather! And we might get some more frozen stuff tomorrow? And Monday? Where's this global warming people keep talking about...?

I watch American Idol!!!!! I agree...Simon Cowell tells it like it is. I do not think the truth is rude. I tell you what I wonder about....don't these poor untalented people have parents....or friends? I mean, shouldn't someone tell them that a career in singing, well, "not so much"? I sure would want my mom and dad, or my good friend, to tie me to a tree before letting me make a complete *ss of myself. Seriously. Like Beanie said, "What is WRONG with people?" (great book title...LOL!)

Mary, I know I'm a complete holiday separation failure...but it's comforting to know there are others like me out in the world! (As I sit looking at my Christmas tree...I haven't searched the 'net for little hearts to decorate....yet). LOL!

Jules...are you going to the Jason's Deli thingie? Did you tell me that already? How's the gym?

Eileen...tomorrow's Friday! Have a good day, and hope Saturday will come real soon and you'll have time to chat!

Anne...tick-tock..boy, it's getting close to work time! I sure hope you can get LBT! I always could, even at MY job! Yeah, thanks for the sympathetic understanding of the patheticness of the district administration...and you were right that the principal was just NOT wanting to have me around for another day...maybe he also knew how stupid it was, too. I mean, who couldn't see that, really? It's all going to work out okay, as most things tend to do.

Kat, Sherry, Chrispy, Patty, Pat...hope everyone is staying nice, dry, and warm!

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Good Morning Y'all!


I think everything I touched yesterday turned to chit! Man, I am glad that day is over with! I must have worn some unlucky underwear or something like that!

It's a little warmer here we are actually going to go above freezing! Although, more bad weather is moving in and I am hoping it misses us completely!

Cindy - Some poor child might have needed you one last time and that is why the extra time. Who knows, you might have been an angel to someone!

Mary - Sorry about the roids, I had a mild case of them for a few years, then they went away, or at least hiding! I had a friend that had the surgery to remove them, it was really painful for him, then they grew back! Maybe you will be lucky and they will go away!

Darcy - Awwww, hope you aren't too sore! Don't worry about the kids seeing you, they'll laugh and forget it while you are still worrying about it!

Beanie - It sounds like you needed the time of rest away from it all! I hope that gal gets her head on straight soon. I guess they do it because they can, because the company lets them get away with it. She doesn't sound too dependable to me!

Eileen - Hey girl, we miss you! Come back soon!

Pat - We miss you too! Come out and play with us!

Dianne - I am so sorry you are going through all this. I don't think I would get a fill untill it is over and done with. Especially since you pb'd aready. Give yourself a few weeks and see what happens. Try increasing your Protein if you are hungry, or add a piece of fruit.< /p>

Jules - How's the new gym going?

Anne - If the drugs don't help, try the airborne. The airborne has really kept me from catching it so far, everytime I feel like I am coming down with it I take a dose and it goes away.

Mandy - My thoughts are with you! I hope the surgery isn't too bad! Good luck and keep us posted on how you are doing.

Chrispy - Are you all moved in and things put away yet? That is the worse part, putting it all away again! At least it will be nice and neat when you are all done.

Sherry - How's the arms? I think mine is a lost cause already, nothing is going to bring them back now! I tried using the ball for exercising, but with my bad back it didn't work out. Be careful!

Well, I hope I didn't miss anyone, everyone have a great day!

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mornin y'all....thought I'd see some snow this morning but nuttin. It snowed a bit yesterday but, nothing stuck. This is very odd for NE....usually we've seen snow already so I think we're in for a big one when we finally get hit.

Betty - I can see how the ball could hurt your back if you're not careful or if it's week. There defiantely are certain exercises I won't do on it. I have to be careful with my arms right now too......chiro says I have "Mouse Elbow" hahaha Hmmm wonder how I got that lol

Hope everyone enjoys their Friday today. Payday wooohoooo lol

I have to get crafty this weekend....my new office echos like crazy when I'm on the phone so I have to make a sound reducing board to go behind my computer, on the wall and then another that will hang from the shelving above the computer because my phone is also here and I'm talking into a tunnel hahaha. Nuttin like hearing you're own voice bounce back at ya. Maybe I can sing myself to sleep heh heh


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