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January Chat/New Jersey Style

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Good Morning,

Wowee would you look at all you moving beauties, exercising your little fannies off WHOOT!!!!

I just read up on y'all and I'm sorry Dianne that your having a hard time with MIL. Hang in there hon. Cindy what the heck is up with the 79 - 80 day thing... thats just crazy. Mandy, glad your feeling better too.

Darcy, how about you starting an exercise thread for each month and people can log their daily miles/exercise in like this:

































Now..... the way you keep posts to a minimum in these threads is you go back into the same one using the EDIT function (to log in your daily activities next to the date you did them on)....Just a suggestion :)

Shoot, I might even join in (cough cough hack hack)

Okay ladies, I'm sorry for not doing personals but it took me so long to read up. I have to shower and then take DD to a birthday party.

I'll try to get back later on tonight.

Love you all !!!!

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I am still feeling pretty good today, sore but no real pain. My toes are hurting, they had to spread them way apart to shave the neuroma off the bone. (he may have had to remove some bone too) I'll know more when I talk to him monday, I was too tired to ask yesterday. I put a pot roast out to go in the crock for dinner tonight. We had Cereal for Breakfast, and they are having grilled cheese for lunch, I'm having lunch meat and cheese. I'll be back later. ~Mandy

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Hey everyone....I've been up since 4:30...really bad acid woke me up. Can ya believe it was up to my nose...what a freaking weird feeling that was. I took a Tums and had to sit up..that was it I was up for the day. We were off and running on errands by 7:30. Out for breakfast, quick trip to the wholesale food (BJs) Warehouse then a trip to Michael's crafts. I was looking for a fake plant for my work office because this gal doesn't have a green thumb unless someone paints it green hahaha. Anywho didn't find quite the one so I didn't get one. We may be taking a trip to the pet store for fish....now girls....remind me how I got my last pup, ohhhh yea went to get fish and Jake walked up to me with those puppy eyes.....ok I have to tell hubby to blindfold me until we get to the fish heh heh. Better yet I'll take a bag full of the fur I vacuum up everyday with me to keep me out of trouble lol.

Other than that...it's lounging around in a cozy house causes it's only 19 degrees and windy out there. burrrrr sounds like a nice Soup day today. Hmmmm might have to make a trip to the store for ingredients. Maybe a nice beef barley for the guys or a beef stew hmmm not sure yet hee hee. oatmeal raisin Cookies seem to want to be baked too but, DH might get upset. They are his favorite and he's been trying to loose a few of those pounds that came back during the holiday. I'll have to find a light version :)

Ohhh well now maybe the Christmas tree will come down today...I just through a hint to DH to get the box out of the attic.Ohhh just maybe it will come down today. My part is done, decorations are all off of it lol.

Hugs and enjoy your day my friends. Hope you're all doing well and shrinking.

Oh Just gotta say WAY TO GO DARCY on all that exercising your doing girl!

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:) :) Mandy, I'm so glad that surgery is over and you won't be in pain any longer -- whew! And your dinner fix'ins sound fabulous, yummm.


I have made 2 phone calls to insurance. #1 was to UHC and the bitter woman there spat out that I am covered but to use an "out of network" doctor will not be covered. That means whatever my surgeons office just told me won't work. Call #2 was to my employer/cobra and I again asked the same question..... "could I use an out of network dr".... they said no. So my next question was, which hospitals and which drs could I use for bariatric. I get to use my same hospital -- down the road 9 miles (yeah) of the 3 doctors at my hospital: Dr Oliak, Dr Owens or Dr H. I chose Dr. H, which means now everything will be covered. I called back Dr. Oliaks office and told Sara that out of network was not possible for me and she said she didn't know that(can't trust anyone") but she would hand carry my file to Rosa the insurance coordinator for Dr H.... that office was 2 doors down the hall. Sara copied my letter of necessity for Rosa who could just change the name of the surgeon and mail it on Friday. Where once again we wait for approval. I have until May 31 to have surgery because thats when my cobra ends. It's in Gods hands now.

Sooooo, on a brighter subject:

The weekend. I have the kids and we are gonna tidy up the house and later this afternoon, if the Mama isn't too tired we will go to Disneyland. I love watching people and the kids get tired from general mess'in around. We can leave when it gets too cold out and maybe hang out at the Grand Californian Hotel. The lobby is a huge livingroom complete with a grand piano. If you tilt your head back and stare at the open beam ceiling it is just magnificent. I just pretend that I'm sitting in my mansion and I don't have to clean it :) the boys can sit and watch cartoons or listen to campfire stories by the rock fireplace and I carry a refillable mug, which means that I can get the twins to fetch me something warm to drink. We will have a nice day together and that means the world to me. Hugs

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Eileen... I am not very good at visiting other threads... so I am even worse at wanting to start one...lol. I just figured it could be something just for the Jersey Chat folks and to keep it laid back and comfy like a nice chair that we won't be sitting in anymore. :) I will also keep track in a journal here at home so that none of it will be lost and maybe everyone else can keep their own personal milage totals for each month on in their signature section. If it gets more complicated than that I'll probably have a melt-down...lol.

SHerry... I imagine you are packing up your tree while the aroma of home-made Soup and baking oatmeal Cookies wafts in from the kitchen. *sigh* Can I come over? lol. Be careful at the pet store... I've got a perfectly nice fluffy dog I can send if you have a major hankering for three dogs!

PAtty... Well...that actually sounds like a much better situation in regards to the problem. I know it is all going to work out as it should. (((hugs))) HAve a wonderful day with your sweeties.

Mandy... You just stay put on that couch and keep that foot up...ya hear???

Okay... now... what to do with myself today???? It's too cold to do anything fun outside. Hmmm.... quilt???? Perhaps...ORRRRR... nap???? LOL


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Tree is down and actually put away WAHOOEY and....

Yessss I was able to go to the pet store, only pickup a few fish and shrimp...umm I did peek at the puppies but, just looked although I'll admit one Terrier was looking at me and I remembered...FUR FUR FUR hahaha

BIL and SIL are on their way over so dinner plans have changed but, we'll figure something out. Time to start the Cookies :)

Did I tell ya "Baby, it's cold outside...."

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Hello Y'all!

What a day! What a DAY! I left early 7:20 this morning to get the groceries in and run errands. I went to Walmart, got my stuff, then to Sams for the rest, then to the bank, then to Braums, then to the gas station for gas and finally home. I got home started putting my stuff away and noticed a bunch of my stuff was missing. Yup, they didn't give me all my stuff at Walmart!

Back to Walmart I go, they said yeah, we found it but put it all back away. Now, I have to go all the way back through the store and get all the stuff they put back! I really wasn't a happy camper! The store is packed, it is now pouring down rain and I am loading and unloading stuff in the pouring down rain! The only good thing about it all was I got a little more exercise while burning off the anger!:angry

I am tired already and haven't even started doing the rest of the stuff I have to do today. I guess I best get off here and get it going. I just wanted to stop in and say hello, blow some of my steam off since I am the only one here and I knew I could stomp my feet with my buddies!:)

So, I'll try to come back later!

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Hi all!

Well the computer seems to be behaving for the time being. Hope it stays that way. I am so computer illiterate, I am lost, so rely on tech support---and I ended up doing just what Betty did--asking for someone to speak English clearly enough for me to understand. I told the guy on the phone, that I meant no offense, but that I was already struggling to follow the directions, since I am not computer literate, but to add the language problems, it was just too much for me. so they gave me to a guy who spoke much better---and I am up--still have some questions, he didn't answer, but not looking a gift horse in the mouth just yet!

We woke up to snow, and it is still snowing---several more inches to add to the stockpile! We braved it and drove to breakfast...we enjoyed the quiet white of it. We got to breakfast, got our food, and were eating away, when Rick reached across the table and grabbed me, and motioned that he was choking, we both lurched out of the booth, and I tried to grab him to heimlich him, and he kept moving away---in the end it was that he was trying to move away from other tables---I was just panicked! I finally got him to stop. I had hollered at this table with several people, including 2 men, to please help me---but I got my arms around him, and I squeezed him 2 times, and it finally broke loose, just as I squeezed a 3rd time, and he started choking and coughing, he vomited a bit. Scared the absolute hell out of me! I was afraid of him choking, but I was also afraid of squeezing with his chest----I cannot tell you how shook up I was. The men jumped up to help me, and when Rick went into the bathroom to clean up, one of them followed him in to check on him. I know I overreacted, but like I told him, the "losing him" thought has not left yet---it was scary!

We went from there to buy me a new toy---I bought an elliptical trainer---not a super fancy one---but one we can use, and hopefully get some good out of. I had no intentions of buying one (unlike Beannie!!!) we went in to look at a new weight bench, and Rick climbed on the elliptical---and next thing I know---we are buying one!

Now I have no choice but to finish cleaning out the bedroom, and getting it ready. I would much rather play on here, chatting with you guys!

I hit Curves yesterday--and Thursday we hauled 2 cords of wood for my inlaws ( I swear they burn 3 X what we do!!!). We spent the day hauling it in in log form, from 3 to 8 feet in length, then sawed it up, and split it, then stacked it. I was so sore-----I have no idea how it counts for our walk---but I worked my butt off!!!

Then last night we took the kids (not the babies) to a Monster Truck/freestyle Motorcycle show. The guys were interested in the motorcycle part of it. It was noisy, but a lot of fun, watching the guys---they all turned back into little boys!! It was held at a local arena, out by a local casino. We decided to go into the casino and hang for a little while so the traffic would clear up. We ended up winning $160.00. Which was a good return on our $5.00 bill we put in!!!

Ok well we are off to go put this damn exercise machine together! Wish me luck!



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Hey everyone!

Oooh, sorry Betty...how frustrating! What a yucky day to be out running double errands! I just hate it when all your bags aren't in your basket; that's happened to me before, too.

Patty, looks like things continue to look hopeful...your day sounds so wonderful!

Kat...you scared the pee out of me, but I am glad Rick is okay! Hope your exercise building went okay!

Darcy, we can add our miles to our signature...is that what you want us to do...I'm kinda thinking if we post it as a separte thread, we'll get extras, and then there's no telling what could happen! (You know how shy we are!) I started wearing a pedometer today, so I can really keep track of my miles. You are having a good influence on me!

We went to a used book store for the Girl Scout meeting today...it sure beats the all day hike we originally planned!

Later this evening, I have to add up all the girls' cookie orders...and figure out how many to order for our booth sales...sound like fun? haha

It's raining and raining...it's cold but not freezing, thank goodness.

Mandy, glad you are doing okay. I know it hurts, but hopefully, in the end, it will be all better!

Sherry, hope the acid reflux is all better...and you enjoyed all your shopping!

See you girlies later,


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Morning All...

OMIGOSH KAt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How scary!!!!!!!! I'm so glad Rick is okay and holy shmoley... that guy had beeter never leave the house without you! Congrats on the elliptical! I would love to have one but the YMCA ones will have to do for now...they give a killer workout.

Betty... SOrry kiddo... sounds like a completely frustrating day but I bet you got a lot of exercise re-gathering all of your items...lol. :) I guess that would have to be called seeing the glass a half full and dontcha just want ta bonk me on the head???? lol.

Sherry... Glad you made it home without any extra fluff! Hope you had fun with your company!

Cindy... Yup... I agree... let keep it here my hope was just a little boost for the Jersey group... the rest of LBT are on their own...lol.

Okay.... I really would rather not start a new thread... I like our comfy little thread here and this really isn't a complicated challenge or anything... it is merely keeping track of milage for 2007.

1. When you exercise or walk... just keep a record of the milage for the month. You can do this in a journal or on your signature line. I am keeping mine on my signature line.

2.When the new month and new Jersey thread starts just include your total miles for the previous month in your first post for the new month or you can PM me with the total.

3. I will add up everyone's posted miles and post our total miles as a group for the previous month and our running total. I will also start an area in my signature line that shows our monthly totals as a group and our running totals as a group.

4. So... we will stay here in our comfy chair and keep the whole thing simple and fun. When it's all said and done we can see what places we would be able to travel to with the milage we've compiled as a group. :)

Sound okay guys???? Eileen... will you still play if we do it this way????

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Good Morning,

Darcy, sounds cool to me...although don't count on to many miles from me...i'm such a slug when it comes to exercise. BUT I did do 1 mile yesterday LOL... I'm prob done for the year snort~

Patty love, I hope you had a wonderful disney visit yesterday :) Your still in my prayers lady.

Betty, awwww...I would be cussing up a storm if i had to run back to Walmart LOLOL Glad you got the extra exercise in but sheeesh.

Cindy a pedometer is a great way to track your steps.... I have one problem when I wear one... I have all my weight in my belly and your supposed to wear those things on your hip.... well it doesn't hang right on me...its hard to describe but I don't think it works right on me. Does anyone know what I mean? How did you do yesterday?

KAT!!! OMG how freakin scary. How is Rick today? uhhhhhhhh I would have freaked out too, so your not alone.

Sherry how are you feeling? do you get reflux alot? if so watch it girlie, thats no a good thing...you might need a slight unfill. :)

Hope I didn't miss anyone :)

Today is another birthday party for a classmate of DD... I will get on the dreadmill again and at least do one mile... got some cleaning to do and thats about it.

Have a wonderful day chicklets :)


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Look Girls! My scale budged! I havent lost anything in quite some time, I really dont even want to think how long it has been. I also measured myself and I have lost 6 inches around my waist and I think it shows! Yay! I just wanted to share that with all of you!

Mandy--I am glad to hear that you are safely home and recuperating! I have been thinking about you!

Patty--I applaud your determination throughout all of this! I know that it will all work out for you!

PBing update---me and my band have been "getting along" a lot better recently. I am learning the new sensations that are going on in my body, like when my band is full, but my stomach may not be. I am also learning exactly when to stop eating and I havent PBd in quite a few days now!

I also recently got a handmedown treadmill from my parents and I am so excited to start using more! There were a few quirks with it that we needed to work out, like it speeding up out of nowhere!! EEk!

Have a wonderful Sunday Ladies!! Go Bears!!!

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Hello everyone

Well it is snowing again - go figure

I am hoping against all odds for a snow day tomorrow. But ususally we are die hards and the place will be open. If they close the schools then I guess I might take a sick day.. Can you tell how lazy I am getting. It is way to cold to venture out. I took the boys to see A night at the Museum. We loved it.

I was not going to do anything this weekend cause I was flat broke but my sis came over and handed me some money for the movies. I have to tell you I was surprised and more overwhelmed because when I picked it up where she placed it down it was a total of $100.00. it made me cry. Anyway I am already shedding tears again. I also took them out to lunch afterwards so needless to say we had a great day. Now they are just bouncing off the walls waiting for their dad. I believe Annie had asked did he not wreck a vehicle before this one. Yes for the past 3 years he has had some kind of accident. Yesterday he showed up with an Explorer and here I am with my little Red that is just getting along. Oh well ~ life is grand:)

Well I hope Patty had a great time at Disneyland - I am so jealous that you are just a skip away. Cassie I am glad that your band is getting along with you. It is a new feeling when your pouch says it is full and your stomach is for more. Well I would like to do more personals but I need to get the engergized bunnies dressed..


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Alrighty, then...I added a log place for my miles on the bottom of my signature! I am excited about it! Yea, us!

Cass, congrats on your lost inches! It is SOOOOO exciting, right? There will be times where the scale won't budge, but your body is adjusting and changing...remember that!

Mary, your sis was your little angel today...that is too cool!

We went to church, and heard the new pastor...I think we're really going to be happy with him!

Then, I got my cookie order done...OMG cookie he**!

Now, I'm going to organize my coupons...DD loves to cut them out.

Gotta go for now...everyone have a great day!

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Dear Mary,

I didnt get to go to D-land yesterday :) .... these days I'm just too weary to move my 'ol bones to the mailbox, let alone a theme park. Add to that weekend crowds and it's more than a bit daunting. :faint: With my broken dishwasher and my sore back I couldn't leave those yuckky dishes in the sink any longer and my rule is to do chores first and playtime after. I'm gonna attempt the park again tomorrow after work :nervous .

Eileen: How's my sister! I got your cyber hug and it was much appreciated. Proud of you for the exercise -- way to go!

Kat: What an absolute horror story at the resturant! Thanks for giving me more gray hairs. The mere fact that you guys still went shopping, simply amazed me. I myself would just go home and hibernate. Congrats on the eliptical.

Darcy: I want to give you my walking miles too! Could I do that after my surgery? Walking is about the only exercise that I like and I want to do my power walk at Disneyland - it's more entertaining than my neighborhood!

Well, gotta attack those dishes..... I make the little boys dry and the big boys put away, heck maybe I won't fix the dishwasher ever -- not!


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