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January Chat/New Jersey Style

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I am so sorry Dianne--it must be hard on both FIL and your DH---which in turn makes it extremely hard on you---I will pray for a resolution. Please don't forget to take care of yourself. Aren't you glad you are doing all this weighing so much less?! My energy level was nothing in comparison! Hang in there Hon, we are all thinking of you.

Anne-good to see you!! I must not have been clear---he will start my car if I am leaving, but most of the time it is his own he is out starting, I stay home!!! We had a '96 Explorer as well as the one he is driving now. In fact we bought the '96 new, and it has 177,000 miles on it now, or it did when we gave it to our son. He seldom drives it now, has a full use company truck---but he needed it at the time! I used to hate that car--it is bright, bright blue---but it grew on me!

Mary--my best friends husband has terrible problems with hemmerhoids, he has had surgery for them, but he just develops new ones. They now have him crushing and applying nitro glycerin tablets!! Like you use for heart problems. Something about them dilating blood vessels. It is not a first resort obviously, but she says it is working for him. So hopefully they can give your hiney some relief. People laugh, but that has to hurt! Sometimes it is fun being a pain in the butt---but not fun having one!!!


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Dianne, I am so sorry to hear that about your MIL. I know it must be hard on all of you. My thoughts will be with you all.

Mary, I am sorry to hear about your bum. That has to be a drag.

I hope everyone else is doing well. Take care.

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Made it to Curves late this afternoon, lifted weights with DH and did a mile and a half on the treadmill tonight---and I am done, calling it a night--check in with y'all tomorrow!


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Hi, everyone!

The meeting: I was ONE day short of what I had to have to qualify to retire..blah, blah...(you have to have 90 days, I had 89)...they just couldn't have told me any sooner...blah,blah...so that's the bad news. Now, my principal was totally on my side against the administration, so that helped. But, the bottom line was I had to work another day, and delay my retirement date to the end of January instead of December. This affects mine and my DD's insurance, so the district will cover my insurance, but my DD was never covered by the district, so cross your fingers she doesn't need anything until February, when the retirement insurance starts again! The good news is that when we were leaving the ad building, the principal said to me that as far as he was concerned, I had already worked my extra day, and he would turn that paperwork in to the district by the end of this week. (See, I told you he doesn't want me hanging around... I know too much!) So, it was a bad news/good news thing...there wasn't much else that could be done, but at least I didn't have to go back down there to work!

Woke up to a big surprise today...it's snowing! So, DD and DH are home today too! DH just left to take some packages to the post office (Ebay) and make a grocery stop, it's not too bad on the roads for his 4WD.

Dianne, just want you to know you and your family are in my prayers, too...I know how difficult a long term illness and care concerns are. Like Kat reminded you, thank goodness you are in such better health. As hard as it is, it would have been even harder a year ago. Take care of yourself.

Darcy, I'm going to throw in with you on your cumulative miles...I hesitated because I have a bad history sometimes with these things (you know how those challenge things go sometimes?), but I'll give you some miles when I get them...I have a pedometer, so that should be easy enough. If 30 minutes of weights equals 1.5 miles, I can do that, too. Do you want these reported at the end of the week, or what would be easier for you? In our signature? I definitely want to be part of making our team a success!

Mandy? Is your surgery still on? Are you doing okay?

Mary, I hope your car hangs in there for a while! Do you have a good mechanic friend who can take a look at that noise for you? When I was teaching, I had no trouble finding some guys who worked on cars...maybe you can find some guys who will look under the hood for you...anyone at church or anything?

Anne, so GOOD to see you after so long! Sorry you are feeling bad...I had that right after Christmas. You have a couple of weeks until your new adventure! Are you excited? Good for you for having a paid off car...one of these days, I will do that, too!

Hi, Eileen...I enjoy your BOOS!

See you girls later!

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Good Morning Ladies -

Eileenee ~ Peek a Boo ~ tell Boss man enough already - go home...

Cindy ~ the ex is the one who ususally looks at the car and he smelled it yesterday. He says that when they fixed it (waterpump and timeing belt) they did not do it correctly. He actually wanted to take it back to them but because I signed a waiver to take as is and not come back on them ~ So now I have to deal with it. He says cause it is so cold that is why it is making that noise. I think we were below 0 again last night.

I am so glad that you did not have to go and do just one day. You think they would have told you that along time ago.. Some people have to much time on their hands and must wave thier stick!. So what did you decide? Cut outs or actual little bitty eggs for your tree???

Jules ~ what can I say?? I just make jokes about it but it is a pain.

Kat ~ at this point I am willing to try anything. Last year I bought some Hem-relief on line. So far it has worked or actually I take it at the first inckling. I have some friends here that have had the surgery and they tell me not to even go that route. Oh well this too shall pass:)

Well another day ~ so exciting to be here. Not much happening in my world, still chilly outside. Cannot wait for the warm up.. Please groundhog see your shadow!!! I see where Texas is getting snow ~ do you always?

Well I guess I had better get to work ~ talk to you all later.

Oh yeah Mandy 1 more day to go and it will all be better... How are you doing?

Darcy ~ I would say I would join BUT part of me is saying Oh no your not. I still need to figure it out on what I can do and get back to you...

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I am doing ok guys, just a ton of stuff going on around here trying to get ready to be off my feet for several days. I did the grocery shopping last night and I am running a few errands today. I'll check in tonight. ~Mandy

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I hope the weather is better up in Chicago than it is around here! Wish I ws closer and could help you out! I don't know how to ship chicken Soup up your way!

Will be looking for your update post later, Mandy.

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Mary ~ No, snow in not normal for Texas. It happens every now and then, but not usually for long. Our weather changes constantly except in the Summer. Then it is just plain hot.

Well, we did it. My wife and I joined our local gym lastnight. We have been back and forth on whether or not to choke the money, but since I will be getting this new position at work, we decided to do it. Lucky for her she isn't as overweight as I am. My sister and her husband joined a couple of weeks ago too. We are all going on a cruise during Spring Break in March. We both have 15 year old boys. They think they are cool because they are staying in their own room. Of course it is attached to ours, but they still think they are something else. We have 2 months today to see what we can exercise off these bodies. lol My goal is to be under 200. I am at 215 right now. It is possible, but it might me a bit much. I will be ok if it doesn't all come off by then. But I am sure going to give it a heck of a try.

I hope everyone is staying warm.

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Hi Kids...... I'm home :scared: well not really. Hopefully tomorrow morning I can catch up with you all @_%&@%!@&%!!! sasssafrasssss !

luv yah's

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Hello my friends it's a whoopin 12 degrees here in Massachusetts. Burrrrrrr

So the big ole blue ball is blown up, ya know the one that sits inside a saucer and has those elastics with handles on it hahaha. I just did about 10 minutes on the dang thing and my arms are letting me know. Hmmm gotta get rid of these chicken flaps, err wings, errrr ya know the flab that wabbles when ya wave HELLO. YUCKO. So just tried it out a bit. Not feeling good tonight, tummy is a bit upset but, I'd like to start this tomorrow morning before work. :scared: Don't think I'll be doing 30 minutes worth but, I'd like to build up to it. I do have one of those pedometers though. How many steps equals a mile does anyone know?

One good thing about my office where it is placed....lots of walking just to get to everyone else. Nice that I have peace and quiet but, tough when ya have a quick trip to the ladies room ya know? hee hee

TOM is here and as usual causing havoc with my insides so I'm gonna get going and get into my comfy PJs. Hubby made some nice taters and meatloaf for me for dinner. Yum since I wasn't able to get much down today. My finicky band gets kinda tight during this time so it went down nicely. Well time for PJs

Stay warm peeps...thinking 'bout cha'

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Hi everyone---will try to catch up later--I am having computer problems---eerrgghhh -----I HATE that! No email--and tech support sucked, I could not understand her---not meaning any offense, but she did not sound like she was speaking English, so I gave up, will try again later, she messed with my MSN connection, so it is all trashed. I managed myself to get it back on line, but nothing in my email.

So anyway.....I did my Curves today, and I walked as well. This weekend DH and I are going to convert one of the extra bedrooms into a mini gym---put our weights, and treadmill in there, so they are not in my LR!!

Will be back when I can---everyone try to stay warm---it is supposed to make it out of freezing tomorrow, then another storm is due Friday!!!


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I'm PBING!!!!! OH CRAP!!!!

Thanks for your prayers. I've been a mess on and off today and so exhausted I can't stand it!!

love you guys I hope I can get to curves again soon!!!

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Good Morning Y'all!

What a week! Yesterday morning we woke up to snow, and half the office stayed home. I didn't think the roads were that bad! They ordered pizza for the ones that was there so they didn't have to go out again.

Kat - The same thing happened to me once, I just couldn't understand them and I finally said so and ask to speak to his supervisor. He got upset, but put me through. I told his supervisor I couldn't understand him and he understood. Hope you get it fixed soon!

Dianne - Sorry you are pbing, it is probably all the stress you are under right now. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.:D

Sherry - I am not sure what kind of ball you are talking about. Is it something new? I know they have the blow up balls for exercise, just haven't seen the one you are referring to.

Darcy - I didn't get my exercise in yesterday, but I did Monday and Tuesday, and I will be back at it today. DH was home early yesterday and I spent some time with him.

Well, I know I didn't do all the personals to y'all, I am just running out of time and have to get dressed. I spent most of my time this morning deleting the porn threads! I wish they would just go away!:cool:


Logged 3 miles!

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Wow...Things got a little busy around her for a bit... whew... am moment to post!

Morning all!

Dianne... I am so sorry that straightening out your MIL's medications didn't help. Sending hugs and prayers.

Anne... I'll take ANY exercise miles... we don't know where we are going... we just know we are going together and getting there any which way we can. :cool: I must have missed the job thing somewhere along the line??? WHere are you going to work???? Sure hope you feel better soon... never fails... seemed I always got sick right before starting a new job!

CIndy...THIS IS ABSOLUTELY NOT A CHALLENGE... We are simply keeping track of the miles we exercise to see how far we can all go together in the year 2007. There are no minimums...maximums... nobody will kick your butt... there is no shame in no miles... BUT... I will shamlessley slather on the kudos when you do add miles to the monthly pot. :) I'm sorry about the whole retirement fiasco and tell your hubby he may have to live in a bubble until Feb! Jeeze... what a bummer!

Sherry...Ooohhhh...I want one of those big blue balls! Hmmm...that didn't sound right for some reason? :D Oh...I asked my hubby the same thing on the pedometer... he said to walk a known distance and see how many steps your pedometer shows? Sounded reasonable to me. :) It's freaking freezing here too... YIKES. It's also snowing...pretty! SOrry about the TOM... that always clamps down my band too.

Jules...Woo Hoo on joing the gym!!!! I am finding it sooooooooooo much easier to stick to it there and I LOVE people watching and so the time goes by really fast when I am there!


Mary... Sorry about little Red and the RRhoids! I have internal ones so I know whatcha mean. Sometimes I just have to pucker up and hold my breath when we go biking! I sure hope your car holds out for ya!

Kat... You are kicking butts and taking names later in the exercise department... WTG girl!

Cassandra... Are you feeling better with your fill... less PBING yet???

Chris... How's every little thing?

Mandy... DId your new pup stop piddling on your shtuff yet?

Betty... I bet you are posting while I am... (((hugs)))

Irene... How's your week going????

I know I probably missed somebody.... if I did... be assured ... it is my failing mind. :)

Oh... we did go to the Y Wednesday and Thursday night... did 1.75 miles on Wednesday but only did weight machines lastnight and not very vigorously...lol. I fell part way down the stairs at my duaghters highschool orientation. Bless her heart... I have been apologizing over and over...lol. Papers went flying... I knocked her down...oh dear. Anyhoo... I have bruises on the left and right inner knee...????... but I think the mental bruise was the worst...lol.

Catch y'all later!

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