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Jules ~ Way to go .. I am still having problems with my chair butt ~ but Irene says it's cause there is not much padding on my booty. I see and feel like it did not shrink but maybe it is my distorted sight and it did. I guess that is good huh??

I too have no booty padding. That is probably why my butt bones hurt. It is getting better though. I would like to increase my time from 30 minutes, but until my butt gets used to it, I can't.

I hope everyone is having a great day!!!!!!!!!

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Hi Goils,

No booty padding here either LOL @ Jules (congrats on the job whooooot).

Mandy my sister is going through HELL and back with her daughter in school right now...seems like the school system just wants to push her to another school just to get rid of the "problem". My sister is fighting them tooth and nail. She has a few doctors on her side so thats gonna make a huge impact. I'm so glad you are a fighter !!! Hang in there hon. Its NOT easy when you have a special needs child....but boy are they worth the fight.

Hi Beanie !!!!! I didn't get to finish yesterday b/c people came into my office and wanted work from me ...sheesh. Is our date still on for this month? GOOD LUCK !!! with the new diet.

Mary WHOOOT on the weight loss YEAH!!!

Cassy glad your feeling better...what a way to go... all 4 that is ICK!!! :)

Betty good lord!!!! feel better hon :)

Sherry have a safe trip :huggie:

Cindy :huggie: how'd the clothes tossing go?

Well I can't play today b/c the boss man is here and the bigger boss man is here today as well... soooooooooooo all work and no play is making me one cranky joisey biotch ;) hehehehe I feel devious today :speechles

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Morning girlies!

Still haven't started on the thyroid replacement because my pharmacy did have the order and my doc was out of the office but hopefully that will all get straightened out today! I am feel great though! We went to the Y again last night and I am freakishly starting to love it????? YIKES. I feel soooooooooooooooooooo much better!!!

Betty... Awww... I am so glad that you are on antibiotics and feeling better! It's amazing how quilckly they work!

Mandy... Sorry about the continued stress with Abi... I often say that God knew what he was doing when he gave me an easy breezy kid... I can't imagine having your patience and determination in being her treacher, mother and advocate! When I did have issues with EM with the selective mutism I did surprise myself but I can't imagine what I would have done if the problem would have continued through the years. (((hugs)))

Jules... Woo Hoo on the pay raise!!!!! Money is a necessary evil... and boy howdy it sure can make a lot of great things happen!


Irene... YAY... It makes me feel really good to know that I might have helped nudge ya into the gym. :) I hope the hubby was able to extract the bike seat from his hinder. :)

Kat... I can't eat soft tacos either... well... I can now that I am unfilled... but before only the innards. :huggie: I could eat the crunchy ones though. :huggie:

Cassy.... Glad your fill is going okay and that the whole experience of getting filled went okay. It still gives me the heebie jeebie feel when they hit my port... not sure why.

Eileen- Time to come back and finish that post... how ya feeling chicklette? Oh... I'm starting to relax at the Y and enjoying the people watching aspect. ;) THere was a little 4 ft tall lady there last night that I'm sure would be able to beat the crap outta me if she wanted to... I was really nice to her....hehehehe.

Sherry... I will check into that onlinel... Lord knows I could really use help getting life balanced.

Mary... WTG on the weight...holy moly girl!!!! I can't do slimfast either... gives me terrible gas.

Oh... Irene... did you see that gal on discovery health that lost all of her weight on the "backwards" or "reverse" diet? SHe started eating dinner for Breakfast and then a smaller meal at lunch and then light breakfast meal like a bowl of Cereal at night and lost a ton of weight.

CIndy... Loved chatting with you yesterday!

Anne... Hiya :)

Pat... Dontcha love us anymore???

Dianne... Howzit going?

OKay... need to go... drinking Water like mad and of course... what goes in....

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Just reading thru a few posts, looks like they ladies here are getting quite thin -- very impressive stats Whoot!

Mandy: Good luck with the surgery. Next time you go to WDW it will be without a cast or the pain. I said a little prayer for Abi. My Garrett is having some issues also and I've had a few sleepless nights. This too will pass. I am more than greatful that I work for the school district. Just the other day I sat down with our school psych and she gave me a direction and offered a shoulder to lean on. I will address Garrett's problem next week. In the meantime I'm having a margarita!

Darcy:Exercise is freakish. and I love ya!

Eileenie:When are you going on vacation? Me no like your boss-man. As for being calm and quiet about waiting -- ummm no, I'm not. The cool thing about a computer is that you don't have to listen to me. And the hagen-daz that I just ate..... stress eating, but yummy too!

Rene: Did you read about that lady who eats backwards? dinner for breakfast and B-fast for dinner. She lost gobs of weight. So the theory could work!

Sherry: My tree is still up too.... and I am in no hurry to take it down!

Betty:Hugs girlie, I don't like it when you feel sick. Take it easy, huh.

OK, gotta scoot.... those kids at Hayden School will be anxious to get out of class, and I'm the one that gets to mess with them -- oh what fun!

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Eileen, I agree the fight is totally worth it. Abi came down this morning and ask me to review her sight words with her....2 days ago she was screaming that she hated it here and wanted to move in with my mom. Now she is asking to study? I rewarded her with 2 temporary tattoos, they are her favorite. She is upstais getting ready for school, without a fight. I think she is having a hard time adjusting to going back to school after having weeks off. Oh well we are back and getting into full swing.

Mary, we don't do the patch on off school days. So she went 2 weeks without it. I think it was more of the adjustment of returning to school then med problems.

My foot problem is an on going thing. This is my 4th surgery on my feet in 4 years. I have had plantar facitis (sp?) fixed on both feet, then I had to have plantar warts burned off, they gren into the muscle and I had to have major laser surgery 2 years ago. Now this. I love the foot doc, he is honest, and very kind and gentle. We have tried every avenue to fix this without surgery, with little to no results. I know that the surgery will fix this problem, it's not at 50/50 thing. The neuroma will be removed and I will have less pain. There is a chance of it returning but that chance is small. It has gotten so bad, and so big you can see a knot on my foot and there is a bruise on my foot all the time. I am sure that recovery will be hard, but it will be over soon. I'll check in later. ~Mandy

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Here's one pair of my disney pants. They are a 12 WooHoo!!


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Here is a pic of Abi, me and the dogs.


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The rescue sent me the vet rocords for the dog and guess what??? His name is Harley, not Barley. That is why he was ignoring us. When I opened the letter from the vet, and said his name is Harley, he came running over to me and started licking me and jumping on me. I think he was excited that we finally had his name right. So Harley it is. He is the one with the blue collar on the right. They are in harnesses now, after reading about the choking hazard of collars. ~Mandy

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Hi everyone!

Just got back from Curves, the granddaughter is sleeping, and I should be cleaning house, but am choosing not to!

Betty--so sorry you are sick--hope you continue to improve quickly. I have a neighbor who would have noticed, but she is just a busy body, who notices EVERYTHING!!! Gotta love 'er anyway!

Mandy--OMG girl you look amazing! I bet your healing on your foot will be so much easier, now that you have so much less weight on it--hope it all goes well. Maybe Barley pee'd on everything to tell you to call him by the right name dammit!!! Poor Harley!! Now you and Betty both own Harleys! Abi is so cute, I bet you are right about the patch, and the readjustment time. Hope it all goes well for both your sakes. Give her a squeeze for me!

Patty--your good news will be coming soon---then you will be the newbie like Cassie with the weight dropping so fast!!! Will say a prayer for your sons problems... (((hugs)))

Eileen--sounds like you are surrounded by bossy people today! One of those cases of "too many chiefs...."?

Sherry--tell me more about what this Reiki is---I am in the dark! Interested, but dense! Hope Boston is a good trip for you!

Darcy--I got sick eating plain old crunchy tacos---I think my stomach could have handled the 2 tacos to be honest, I think I likely ate them too fast, and in too big of bites. Tacos are hard to take small bites of---especially crunchy ones they break!!! Hope they get your meds fixed up for you! I know exactly what you mean with the exercise!

Mary--good for you--losing that weight!!! I don't do any shakes anymore, only when I had my fills---maybe I should!

Cindy--glad you found a slower pace, I was thinking---she retired to get BUSY!!!!

Jules---aka Miss Bike Butt--I intend on riding more when Spring comes, maybe if I can do it without killing myself!

Maybe I ought to ride the stationary one to condition my butt--I have zero padding there either. Now if they made one you lay down on---I have plenty of belly padding!

Beannie--exercise is one of those things I have found I really, truly enjoy doing---but yet when I don't, it is harder than hell making myself go again. Go figure! I have always been told to eat breakfast like a King, lunch like a Prince, and dinner like a Pauper. Keep us posted on how you do!

Cassie--glad the fill went well. I didn't get a lot of restriction from my first, but it did make me slow down---I need to relearn that! I had my wisdom teeth surgically removed when I was 16--and it was a week before I could close my mouth! Hmmmm---nope only one set of those per person!

Anne--what are you and those kiddos up to? She feeling any better? I bet you are exhausted if she is still sick--let us know!

Sorry if I missed anyone, wasn't intentional---I have an old brain!

Ok, I need to get something done while she sleeps! She is off to the Dr. today for immunizations--poor baby. Her Mama will be here to get her before too long--almost forgot! We have made 4 days now with no potty training accidents, through naps and all---hope this doesn't set her back---been too long for me to remember!



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Howdy Folks.

Today, I had an EXCITING training from 9-12... Well, at least it filled my morning and now I have stuff to do for the afternoon.

Let's see - the scale is happy about the new eating and exercising thing. I am only 2 pounds away from my Post-Illness/Pre-Christmas weight. That's pretty exciting. I have found one or 2 snags in the system already (for instance - I can't eat my "big meal" during a training... and if you drink a Protein Shake that is chock-full of Vitamins in the evening, it is akin to drinking 2-3 cups of coffee right before bed) however, I am modifying the system and so far it is working.

One thing that I CAN manage for sure is to eat no carbs at dinner. I haven't gone totally over to the low/no carb way - but I am eating no carbs at night. I am also going to keep whatever I do eat at night under 500 calories - preferably closer to 300. Last night I had 2 scrambled eggs with grilled onions and cheese with a slice of sausage. It was really quite filling and only 500 calories. I could do that every night.

I figure as long as I keep my calories under 1500 and keep on exercising, the weight is going to continue to slide off. According to the calorie calculator, http://www.my-calorie-counter.com/Calorie_Calculator.asp it takes about 2800 calories a day to maintain my present weight... So, if I am at 1500 - I should lose a pound every 3 days. That sounds like a plan to me.

Sherry - you are up WAY past your bedtime if you have to get up at FIVE. (ick!). I feel abused if I have to get up at 6:45! Hugs! Hope your meeting went well. **Oh - and I am considering just leaving my tree up for next year... hahaaha.

Betty - I am starting to feel like maybe my maladies are being transmitted over the net... I had that nasty UT infection... now you have a bladder thing. Hmmm. I think I am going to have to try and stay healthy so the rest of y'all can get on with your lives! Hope you feel much better very soon!

Cass - Sorry about the teeth. There isn't much worse pain that anything that happens in your head. Teeth are a particular pain, when they aren't doing normal teeth things. Hugs!! Glad you got them fixed and that the worst is over. I would say to let your fill go for 2-3 weeks before you get another. I have heard of people having the fill "kick in" after a couple of weeks. If yours doesn't - then go in for another one. Don't be shy. Restriction is the way....

Mary - 180 ROCKS!!! I think I could live with that weight for the rest of my life, if I had to. Wahooooo!! Oh - I guess my theory on chair butt and bike butt don't hold up very well - cause I have the bubble butt from heck and I still get both when I sit or ride for too long. *sigh* oh well. Maybe it's cause there is muscle under there...

Jules - I must confess that I do 20-25 minutes on the elliptical and then I go to the bike to cool down. That elliptical kicks my heart rate up so high that I have to do something so my ticker doesn't explode after I get off. 10-15 minutes is about the most that I can take of sitting on the bike.

Eileenie - I am still scheduled for the trip in January - but we might have to do dinner or something if I can't get a car. I can always cab to where you are at night. I just might not be able to do that at lunch due to time constraints on this short trip. We'll figure it out. I am landing at LaGuardia sometime near 10pm on Sunday Jan 21. Hugs!

Darcy - Sorry about the med thing. "Freakishly starting to love it" pretty much explains my relationship with exercise, once I get into a habit of it. My thighs are sore after 2 days of elliptical & bike - but my scale is happier, and so am I. I will never understand why I fight it so hard... every time.

Darcy & Patty - I read about the lady who does the reverse diet. I saw the "half their size" article in a recent People mag and one of the gals in there had done that plan. Since it totally makes sense, I decided to try it. I also decided to throw in the "no carbs at night" cause I read about that somewhere a long time ago. I know that I always lose when I do low carb, so the less of them I eat, the better it will be.

Patty - Hugs and Love for you and your boys. I still don't know how you manage FOUR of them with a job. I hope you hear back from the insurance company soon. Stay on them. xo

Mandy - WAHOOOOOOO!!! So glad to hear that Abi is getting back into the swing of things. I am thinking good thoughts for your foot surgery. I hope it fixes you right up. LOVE the pictures! Love the Disney Jeans, too. How cute are you and Abi in that picture!!! And Harley - maybe now that you know his name he will stop peeing on stuff! LOL! Hugs!

Kat - You must be the Queen of Curves... Hope you get lots done while your Darling GD is sleeping. Hugs.

Well, I must go. I am past my lunch hour again... *sigh*.

Hugs and Love to All.

Pat, we miss you. xo

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Just call me Arnold... learned how to use the weight machines tonight...lol.

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Hey guys,

I just got an email from my attorney and PacifiCare says that I have no coverage! I paid my premium Dec 17 and mailed it so that it would arrive before the 1st. Why does this happen to me time and time again. I am exhausted. My whole life where there is paperwork involved the redtape is an enormous mess. When I tried to become an american citizen as a teenager it was a horrible 2 year screw up by the government and I had to do the whole messy business a second time. Citizens have no idea what a blessing it is to have been born here. I am SO mad that I could spit and have a feeling that I'm gonna miss work tomorrow because I need answers IMMEDIATELY and before the sun sets tomorrow. I hate myself.

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Patty---I am really sorry to hear about your situation. I definitely can understand from a variety of other experiences. It seems that a lot of times our world revolves around the paperwork and red tape. But you can do this, you have already come so far and have put so much effort into the process and it will eventually all be worth it. Hang in there! ;)

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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