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Good morning!

Much slower pace today, thank goodness...I'm going to get a couple of listings done for Ebay, and go to the post office (daily thing). Then Haven has a basketball game and Girl Scouts. BTW, it's cookie time...now, I know they are evil and all, but see if your local troop has the Troop to Troops program...you can buy boxes of Cookies to send to the wounded soldiers here in the US and in the hospitals in Germany, which is a really nice program. That's it for my sales pitch.

Darcy, I used to take Lexapro, and it did help. I'm happy to say I don't take it any more, but when I needed it, it was very good for me. I hope for the same for you. I had thyroid problems, too...that has corrected itself also. I guess I should know your age, but I don't...I wonder if this is something you "grow out of"? LOL! That sounds funny, but I wonder? Good for you for staying with the Y program!

Not much new going on...I'll check back.

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Good Morning,

Just stopped in for quick bit.. Busy Busy Here.

Well I hope everyone is doing fine / Great and I will be back later..

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Good morning everyone!

Just popping in for a quick hello... DD and I are having a quiet morning at home but I have a lot of busywork to get done. She's still feeling a bit under the weather but I don't think it's anything serious. Just wanted you all to know I was thinking of you... :)


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If I ever mention to y'all that I am going to eat 2 tacos again, someone smack me! 1 fills me fine, I ate 2 and was hurting and refluxing all night long.....will I ever learn?????

Granddaughter is napping, think I will join her, bbl


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Hi, all! I only have a few mins today. I am working in the library at school this afternoon so I am getting me and Abi ready and then we are out the door. I sent out a getting to know you email to everyone that I had an address for. I mentioned in the emial that I am having surgery next week and I wanted a chance to explain what was going on. I have a neuroma in my right foot and the pain has continued to get worse as the days have passed. I finally gave in last week and told the surgeon to put me on the schedual. I am having surgery on the morning of the 17th. It's outpatient and a simple proceedure. I will be in a surgical boot for about 2 weeks, and then I will be walking hopefully painfree. I am sure that I will be fine, but wanted to let you all know what's going on with me. Other than that the last few weeks have been a battle with Abi, she refuses to work on her school work and actually managed to get herself in trouble. She spent 45mins on a worksheet and never finished it. The teacher sent home a note saying that she was easily distracted and not paying attention. I don't know what to do with her some days. I know that she has learning problems but right now she is just being stubborn and lazy. When I work on the flash cards, she won't even look at them and she says "I don't know" and then she says that because I am making her go over them everyday that I don't love her. I need a vacation!!!!! I will post back later today and let everyone know what happens today. ~Mandy

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OK, Mandy, glad you verified that, it combined with your response of knowing you were dying scared the hell outta me to be honest! Having been the recipient of scary news before, I made myself, wait and not push, but man girl I am so glad you are ok! However, I am sorry about the foot!

As far as Abi goes, she is asserting her ability to decide things for herself. It could be things are confusing her, and her response is to just NOT DO IT!!! My dearest, darling Chris (my best friend Becky's oldest son), has several learning disabilities, and while they made exceptions for him, he still participated in many regular class assignments...there came a day he just flat out quit doing any of them. Several meetings with the teacher, and punishments, promise of rewards....you name it...later...Becky was cleaning out his closet one day and found piles of papers he had done, and never turned in! She confronted him, after school, with papers in hand---it finally come out. He was so afraid of being teased, that if the teacher took up the assignment to grade herself, he would turn it in. BUT if it was going to be handed to the student in front of or to the side of you to grade, he would just act tough, like he had not done it! He preferred the other students to think that than to know he was "stupid" he said. Little kids minds work in mysterious ways. And Abi is still young enough to take things very literal, so who knows what her little mind has heard!!!

My DD has it headed her way, right now my granddaughter is running around here with her jeans on backwards, because she refuses any help getting dressed. Sooooo stubborn and she turned 2 less than a month ago!!! Her Mama is gonna have fun!

Anyway glad to hear you are ok!

Glad to see everyone here this morning!


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Good Afternood Kidlets :)

Mandy, its tough when a child is silently suffering. Has she been tested for ADD? ....... ADD/ADHD runs like wildfire in my family and its a hard diagnosis to make, lots of people think these kids are lazy when in fact they are not, its just that they can't concentrate. I have ADHD and didn't get diagnosed until I was in my late 30's. I couldn't figure out why I could not get through an entire book so I said screw it, I'm going to a doctor. I wish some one would have helped me when I was younger instead of being labeled and suffering in my silence. Its tough being a kid, they go through so many changes at once and they dont even understand what their bodies are telling them. Also remember, having a learning problem is embarassing to the child, they feel like an outcast because in truth, they want to be A students and they want to make their parents proud. Children want to know that they are good kids and a learning disability doesn't make them a bad child....even though they feel like it does. Hugs and kisses to you Mandy, its never easy. Oy, I didn't realize you were having surgery... GOOD LUCK !!!!! and a speedy recovery.

Kat WTH is the matter with you eating TWO taco's LOLOL....silly girl. We're they soft taco's? I can eat 2 crunchy ones with no sweat but the soft shell ones are a different animal. We went to Chili's and i took a bite of the soft chicken taco and slimed for 1/2 hr...my eyes were gonna pop out of my head. When it passed I took the innards out and ate them w/out the gluey shell/wrap thingy. ICK !!!!

Mary Poppins, feel better hon.... Do you like the slimfast diet? every time I try it I get wicked stomach pains *shrug* .... oh and your not the only one who has valentines day stuff up LOLOL My christmas trees are still up inside my house but the outside is down with my heart flag hanging up LOLOL silly us.

Patty love, hang in there.... its just a matter of time now before all this is over with. You've been a very patient person....at least here you have LOL. I know that when I had problems, I was all over this board complaining like a mad woman but you my dear, your so patient and I admire that. :)

Darcy, WOWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE girlie, the Y and new meds...your on your way woman. Let me just say that I too am very reserved, panicy, kinda distant but if I get comfy in a crowd, I get very silly and yeah....I can be fun if I"m relaxed enough. How are you feeling on the meds?

Annie Bannannnnnie *high five* catchyah on the rebound :)

Crispy...how's the new home ? bet ya got a lot of settling to do before you can relax with us. Well I'm glad your away from the nut job :hug:

Cindy loooooooo, aren't you just enjoying your days :biggrin1: I know I would. How is everything in your world?

Crappp gotta run...sorry I can't finish this, I'll try tomorrow.

Sorry FOLKS !!!!!!!!!!!! BBL

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Hey All

Another boring day... I guess boring is good, right?

DH and I went to the gym last night... no doubt inspired by Darcy - and I am trying something new in my eating plan. We will see how it goes (and how long it lasts) but I am trying to eat my "big" meal of the day for Breakfast - eat a normal lunch, and then have a Protein shake for dinner.

As far as calorie burn - eating the max calories in the morning makes sense, plus, I have heard that this type of eating can help to even out your restriction. I am really hoping for success in both of those areas.

I'll let y'all know if I make it thru Day 2 of this plan sucessfully! LOL.

My body is a little sore, but it doesn't seem that I have lost much (if any) ground in my cardio vascular health from lazing around on my butt for the last 2-3 mos... I was able to do 25 minutes on the eliptical without two much gasping and panting. (Just say NO to bike butt)

Otherwise, there isn't a darned thing going on in my life. No Drama, Low Stress, Boring as Hell.

Cindy - Girl, I would HAVE to retire to pack as much into my days as you seem to do... Don't forget to breathe! And don't make me call you the Evil Spawn of the Cookie Brigade... *hiss* I am trying to do BETTER. Cookies are sooooo 2006. :]

Darcy - I probably wouldn't notice my own Mom, either - but because I am pretty much oblivious to my surroundings unless they directly impact me. For me, it's narcisism - not fear. :] Good luck with the Thyroid thing. They say that getting those levels correct will help with weightloss. I haven't actually seen any evidence of that - but my thyroid meds started around the same time I started exercising and fighting the insurance battle - so it could have contributed to losing 9 lbs before I even went in for my consult.

Mary - Hugs!! Hope you and the boys are doing well.

Anne - Give that DD a hug from me!

Kat - I can so totally relate to the taco thing. I did the same thing on Sunday. Not my best plan... Hugs! Hope you feel better.

Mandy - Sorry about your foot surgery! Hugs!!! I wish I had more helpful advise to give on Abi and her continued struggles. Has new person come into her life? Is she reacting to some kind of change? I am thinking good thoughts for communication and patience. Hugs!!

Well, it's back to the excitement of work.... I guess it's good that work is so boring right now... it makes me yearn for 6:30 pm so I can leave and go to the gym! (ACK!)

Hugs and Love to All.

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Good Afternood Kidlets :)

Mandy, its tough when a child is silently suffering. Has she been tested for ADD? ....... ADD/ADHD runs like wildfire in my family and its a hard diagnosis to make, lots of people think these kids are lazy when in fact they are not, its just that they can't concentrate. I have ADHD and didn't get diagnosed until I was in my late 30's. I couldn't figure out why I could not get through an entire book so I said screw it, I'm going to a doctor. I wish some one would have helped me when I was younger instead of being labeled and suffering in my silence. Its tough being a kid, they go through so many changes at once and they dont even understand what their bodies are telling them. Also remember, having a learning problem is embarassing to the child, they feel like an outcast because in truth, they want to be A students and they want to make their parents proud. Children want to know that they are good kids and a learning disability doesn't make them a bad child....even though they feel like it does. Hugs and kisses to you Mandy, its never easy. Oy, I didn't realize you were having surgery... GOOD LUCK !!!!! and a speedy recovery.

Yep. she is ADHD, and she is on her meds. She seems to be playing high drama lately. If I ask her to review these sight words, she says I don't love her and I am making her feel all sad inside. I am doing everything that her psych doc suggested. I even tried bribary. I don't care if she learns these words or not to be honest with you, but the fact that she won't even look at the flashcards makes me upset. I broke them down into small groups of words so she isn't overwhelmed, but she won't budge. I took away tv last night and I am not seeing tv in the future for tonight either. If she would look at the words and repeat them back to me, that's all I ask. I know she can identify the letters, and then repeat the word after I say it. I'm not asking a 5 year old to read or write an essay, but I am asking her to try. Abi is a very special kid, she has seizures, and her seizure meds really mess with her memory and cognative function. She tested really high on intelligence, coordination, and vocabulary. He memory stinks, and so does her self esteem. We are working on both. The school is doing a special ed program for her, but that has been in the works since Aug (when school started) and she has had exactly 4 sessions with a special ed teacher. We don't meet again until Feb 8th (my b-day) and we will see what they say from there. We have seen 2 behavior specialist, a psychiatrist, she sees a neuro every month, and we have a reg doc for her. It is a long battle, and she seems to be falling behind more and more with each fight. I am going to demand that they give her the help she needs rather than just sending her to speech therapy, (the child has the vocabulary of an adult). This is all so overwhelming, I just want to crawl in bed and cry about it. I'm so glad I have you guys to vent to, and talk to. I wish you all lived closer so we could meet for lunch, dinner or a few rounds of martinis. I need a vacation. ~Mandy

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Hello everyone,

Miss Bike Butt here has been quite busy. Yes, I still have the bike butt, but it is getting a little better each day (I think).

I have been offered another position at work. Pricing Analyst. I originally turned it down because the pay wasn't enough and I have a fast track plan for school. To make a long story short, I had a meeting with the Gen V.P. and they are going to pay me a lot more. So I am going to slow down on school a bit (only take 2 classes at a time). I have been in a hurry to try and get to some decent money. Now I can slow down and breathe. I will also be able to focus on exercise and eating too!

I go for my second fill on Thursday. I am READY!!!!!!

I hope to have more time in the next couple of days. I am having withdrawals from not being able to read the posts. lol

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Eileenie -

How did you slip by me? We must have been typing at the same time.

Hugs! Hope to get the rest of the story, soon.

Mandy -

I wish we lived closer, too. Hugs on-line just can't compare to the real thing - but for all they are worth, (((((((HUGS!))))))))

Jules -

Congrats on the new job and the pay increase. I guess they really wanted YOU to do it... Any chance you can move to the plant closer to your house? That would really be the icing on the cake, huh? Hugs!! Oh, and great work on the exercise. I want you to know that I thought of you while I did my Elliptical thing last night. My DH was on the bike and I looked over and laughed at him. He must have thought I was losing my mind... Bike butt.... hahahahaha.

Love and Hugs - see y'all tomorrow!

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Whew got here before it turned into Wednesday hahaha. Barely making it but, i'm here for a bit. Just wanted to say hello to everyone, HELLO and make sure you're all ok. I'm exhausted to say the least and looking forward to hitting the sack.

Darcy - I'm serious when I say...I've never felt more balanced or at peace with myself as I do right now. Take a peek around the internet regarding Reiki. I forget what first got me interested in it but, I'm glad it came my way. I hope you're feeling better soon.

Bean...my tree is still up...all decorations included lol The intentions are there but, I can't get my butt to do it!

Chrispy...sorry I missed dancing tonight :) DBIL was glad we were there though...Gosh the food DSIL prepared. Two roasted chickens, mashed potatoes, squash, gravy, spaghetti and meatballs, salad, two types of Cookies and ice cream. Good Gosh! She had enough there for an army and there were only the 5 of us lol. All was good though...they were happy we were there.

Mary...as you can see above I haven't been to dancing. I've wanted to be but haven't made it for over a month now. Hopefully next week I can do-see-do again lol

Betty...when you see a penny don' forget it's an angel letting you know they are near. Doesn't matter what side is up....IN GOD WE TRUST is on every one of them :) (Did I send you that story?)

Cindy - thanks for that survey thing I love those. It's great to learn about you gals :) I didn't realize you had so many animals...I guess I never added it up before even though I know you've mentioned their names.

Eileen - Congrats on your review and raise! It's always nice when they don't base your review on the last few weeks. Hate it when managers andd supervisors do that. I never did that to my people but had it happen to me. Me...I keep notes on everything throughout the year good and bad so no one is shocked and the employee gets a fair review...but that's me.

Kat - I can soooo picture you taking care of that woman. I can tell from your pictures you have a heart of gold. Sounds like you're on your way to finding your angel too :)

well now it's almost midnight so I have to scram. 5am is going to come WAY too quick and I have a meeting in Boston tomorrow YUCK. 45-1 hour drive to work then another 30-45 to Boston. Ooo just thought of something... I need to get gas in the AM lol. Better go lol

Hope you're all doing well and shrinking!

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Good Morning Y'all!

Just a quick note to let y'all know I am still kicking. I went to work on Monday, started getting a fever and started feeling really bad. I left at 10:00and came home, took some meds and went to bed. I got up a couple of hours later feeling worse, and my side was hurting really bad. I called the doctor, they couldn't get me in until Tuesday morning at 9:15. UGH! So kept taking drugs to keep the fever down and laying in bed. Then on Tuesday I was walking out the door to go to the doctor and the phone rang. It was the Doctor's office telling me my doc. wasn't in today, he called in Sick! They said they had to reschedule me for another day. I said "no! you have to find someone to see me today", and they said the NP could see me and I said ok. So now, I am set for 10:15. She thought I had a bladder infection, so she gave me a script for it and on my way I was. I guess she was right, because this morning I am much better. The side still hurts, but not as bad and no fever! That means back to work! UGH!

The nice thing about it all, was last night the neighbor called and asked if I was alright. I told her what happened and she said it was so unusual for me to miss work she knew something was wrong. I have the best neighbors!

So, just wanted to expain why I was mia, I'll try to catch up soon. I tried a couple of times to come on and post but it hurt so bad to sit up I couldn't do but a couple of minutes. By the time I read something I was ready to go back to bed.

Later! Mandy good luck with your surgery and your daughter!

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Hello Everyone! Sorry that I have not been on in awhile!

I had all four of my impacted wisdom teeth pulled on December 29th, and I am just beginning to get over the pain from it. I wound up getting a dry socket, and the surgery really caused my TMJ to act up!

In fact, I had to go to the oral surgeon right after my fill on last Friday. The fill did go just fine, even though I am not really feeling the affects of it, which I have heard is to be expected.

My surgeon did the fill under fluro with the barium and all. He gave me a numbing shot on my tummy which just felt like any other shot. When he stuck the needle into my port it felt really really odd and gave me the heebyjeebys!

I have a small band, and he told me that he put in 2.6 ml. I see that everyone usually notes their fills as C.C.? What is different?

I notice that I am able to eat a bit less, but definitely more than the doctor said I would be able too. What is the advice for how long I wait for the next fill?

Mandy-I am really sorry to hear about your foot issues! How did that happen? I am looking forward to meeting you in person on Saturday! I can who you my very first tattoo that I just got about two weeks ago!!

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Good Morning Chicas

Cannot stay too long.

Mandy {{{HUGS}}} now did this just come about when Abi went back to school?? Is she still on the same Script? D

Betty ~ I am so glad you got the infection caught and taken care of. You have great Neighbors that is for sure... get 100% better...

Irene / We are in the same boat ~ I get her at the crack of dawn so that I can leave early but I am bored when I am here all day long. I am thankful that I have a job but I wish I was busy moving around making a differance..

Jules ~ Way to go .. I am still having problems with my chair butt ~ but Irene says it's cause there is not much padding on my booty. I see and feel like it did not shrink but maybe it is my distorted sight and it did. I guess that is good huh??

Eileen ~ Slim fast is ok I am down to 180.00 this am Nakid ~ TMI HUH??

at the Docs office I was 186.00 with clothes and shoes on so I might have lost 1 whole pound. Yesterday I went for a 1 mile walk. About killed myself since there is still snow and ice everywhere I stepped. Won't do that again. My plan is to hit curves today..

Sherry ~ You are busy busy ~ I really do not have anything that holds or keeps my time ~ that is besides my kids.

Well chicas I know I missed a great Part of you but have to be going..

Darcy ~ Cass ~ Pat (where is Pat?) Dianne ~ Annie


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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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