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January Chat/New Jersey Style

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Morning All..

Chris...YAY..hope moving day goes well!

Eileen...She put me on Cymbalta (sp?) but that ended up being what was making me so nauseated and with stomach pain... so I am on nothing until I see her Monday. So glad your work eval turned out betta than you were fearing! I would have hated to have to come there and give your boss an attitude adjustment!

Cindy.. Don't know... nothing was really going on when it happened... it just froze and I had to shut it down from the tower... never saw it again...lol. Hubby has been working for hours trying to salvage any files he can off of the crashed hard drive... lost a lot of pictures... and some other documents and Outlook contacts and saved emails... etc... also my favorites in Explorer... BUT... some of those things are also on my Lap Top so at least not all is lost. I can't wait to see your family pic!

Mandy... Sorry bout Barley... hope you are able to work things out with him!

Irene...Glad the fill is going as planned... You'll be hitting an alltime low on your scale soon!

Anne...Benn there ...done that...hope to see you back soon. :rolleyes:

Kat...good luck with the UNdecorating. :) We have all of the inside stuff down and packed but still have to tackle the outside.

Betty... How'd everything go with the big shot???? Hang in there with the sweets.

SHerry... Hugs... Your tree should be easy to pack away right???? You weren't able to find all of your decorations before right???? Now that will pay off...lol.

Have a good weekend... I think I will drag the hubby to the Y for our first stab at a healthier life. :)

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Well there are no more Christmas decorations inside my house--they are all properly stored in totes, in the shed. We still have lights on the house, but to take them down DH has to climb onto the roof,and since it is still snow covered---we opted to wait!! We have several inches in the yard--the roadways are cleared, but the ground, and building roofs, and such are still snowy. We live in the NW corner of NM. In the NE corner, the cattle, and even the people are having serious problems. 15 foot drifts are all over, it literally buried cattle. We are feeding ours, more than usual, since grazing is out right now, but they are not in trouble like across the state. There are elderly people who have been unable to get out of their homes in over 2 weeks. Where we used to live, we would literally get snowed in, or mudded in, and have actually had helicopter drops of supplies!!! We were in an El Paso Natural Gas Company Camp. We were 96 miles from the nearest town! There was a camp of 30 homes, and another 10-15 mobile homes, as well as the company plant---it was a great place to grow up!

We met with the family for Breakfast today. We try to meet up 1-2 times a month, for breakfast, we just go to the local Golden Corral, that way each family group can pay for their own as we go in, and everyone can eat what they want. We don't have to cook, we all get to see one another, and there are no dishes to do!!! Then we have the weekend free to do whatever else. In my case, I went back to both my parents and to Ricks, and cut both Dad's hair!!! They were both pretty shaggy!!!

Then I came home and shopped ebay while Rick watched football---don't we live the most exciting life??? It has been really nice, calm, relaxing, lazy....

Congrats on your raise Eileen, I hate that he gets you so upset prior to the meeting, that sucks! Rick starts his performance reviews on his guys this next week too. The company approved him for giving 4% across the board. He has that much to work with...now if he chooses to reward one with 5 and another with 3....he can, and will! But I don't think anyone is scared to go into the review with him.

Hope everyone is hanging in there, and that the creeping crud everyone has had is over with! Hope Chris gets moved without incident. After you move you will have to give us all the jerks address and we will send him all kinds of goodies!!! j/k but isn't it tempting!!!!

Well I am off to see how much more $$$ I can spend on ebay!!! I need to quit!!!


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Everyone must be busy this weekend!

Just came in to tell y'all that my Hubby and I went to the Y for the first time this afternoon... I was really uncomfortable ... but it helped that I wasn't alone. We actually had a pretty good time once we relaxed a bit. ;)


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Hi everyone!! I've been reading along, but don't think I have the energy to write personals tonight. lol. The move went great, but many I am just sitting down now, and I started at 6am. I guess I shouldn't feel guilty about the pizza I had for lunch, huh? lol. Sherry's DH helped me move, and he was a big help. We were all huffing and puffing though. lol.

So tomorrow I have to go back to the old place and vaccuum and pick up a few last minute things (like the food from my fridge), then that is the last time I will ever have to worry about psycho. Yeah!!! The new place looks great and I have about half of my stuff unpacked. It filled an ENTIRE room. I have a lot of stuff and clothes, oh the clothes. lol. That's basically what I have left to do and I'll make a good dent in that tomorrow.

Well ladies, my bed is calling my name. I am so excited to be sleeping in peace finally! Thanks for all your support through this! ;)

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Good Morning,

I just wanted to say hello before I scoot out of the house :) busy day lol

Luv You !!


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Hello Y'all!

Wow, it isn't even noon and I am tired already! We started real early out in the garage this morning and got a lot of it cleaned out, then I did some in the house and doing laundry during the whole time. Now I am taking a break!

My DS needs a bunch of stuff to start up his own place, so I was going through all the stuff I have to get him some dishes, pots/pans, sheets/pillows, etc. You know anything you can find I guess. I know how hard it is when you first start out with nothing at all.

DH and I went out yesterday for lunch, haven't done that in a long time. Well, while we were sitting there a homeless gal came in and sat by us. We were the only ones in the room and they had a fire going in the fire place. The gal took off one coat, and she had another one under it. She grabbed a wad of napkins and blew her nose the whole time. She talked, and was very friendly. Once she said how much she wish she had a cup of hot chocolate, but didn't even have a dollar to buy a box with. I told my DH to go up and buy her one. She thanked us for it and said it helped warm her up. I don't believe in giving money to those people, but I thought she could use something hot in her, and it probably helped her be able to sit at the table and get warm without being told to leave since she had something to that was bought there. She was still there when we left.

Chrispy I am glad you are at your new place!

Well, folks, I am tired and I'm not even going to try to do any personals. I am thinking about each of you though, and I do try to keep reading even when I don't get to post.


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Hello everyone...sorry I haven't been around but, I've been peeking. I was kind of "nesting" this week as well as reading. Basically taking a personal journey that I'm still on I guess. Yesterday, Saturday, I became a Reiki Master...I had my third Attunement. Reiki for me is a spiritual journey. I'm glad I'm on it. I guess that's why my posts, like Darcy and others have mentioned, are pretty upbeat. Since my first attunement I can honestly say I haven't angered like I used to. This redhead could have a quick temper, short fuse believe it or not. Anywho...I know some don't believe in it, others are curious about it and some really understand it....and I understand that. I just thought, since we're so close here that I'd share my journey with you :) So this chicka still has studying to do but, in a very good way :)

Chrispy...DH said your new place is very nice and he's really glad you're away from that turkey downstairs. Unreal how out of control he is. Whatever happened when the maintenance buy heard him complaining?

Betty...it was very nice of you to get that woman a hot chocolate. You believe in angels hon....you're working for them :) You don't know it but, you probably just bought one a hot chocolate :)

Eileen ...what ya doing today thats keepin ya busy? We're having awesome weather here so I got outside for a bit. Need to take down my Christmas lights soon too. I'll do that after my post here I guess.

Darcy...thank you for the kind words regarding my posts. My hip is better, thank goodness the chiro was able to get me back in place quick. Sometimes I wait a little to long to go and end up having to make a few trips. Caught it in time this time around. How is the dog business going? I have two here that could use some training. Man.....they need some grooming too. Jenny lets Jake chew on her ears and the saliva mixed with fur isn't a pleasant smell UGH. They need baths today too but DH is snoring on the couch...you know watching the football game. lol

Kat - that's great you have all your decorations down. I guess I'll be the last one to take mine down just like I was the last getting them up hahaha. I'll get there though. Annual reviews...UGH....don't like doing them. Not that my staff is bad more like trying to come up with the right words for things all the time is hard. You have to say both the negative and the positive in such a way that the employee doesn't go off on it! Good luck to DH on that!

Cindy - I remember having pictures taken for our church directory with my EX. I remember having fought on the way there and the smiles were so fake. I guess I wasn't happy then with him either but, I stuck it out for another 6-7 years. Did I read you're going on a cruise? You definately should tell the Host about your band. When I went on mine I didn't tell them and found them haunting me about my food, wondering why I was taking so long until my DH pulled the Host aside and explained. After that the guys got their apps, food and dessert at a faster pace than me and I was able to take my time without being haunted. Also....he knew to bring me extra gravy and he made sure my meats were extra tender :) My son is allergic to Nuts so when we told him that as well my son was able to pick from the menu the night before and the Host made sure his food was prepared separate from everyone elses. They truly do bend over backwards for you when you let them know! Where are you going?

Mandy - Barley is a cute name for a dog! Peeing all over UGH.....we never let my Jake out of the kitchen because I was afraid of that. We got him fixed so he's allowed out of the kitchen AFTER he goes pee outside lol. Good luck breaking him of that!

Bean - Sorry you're going through that yucky stage at work. I've been there a few times. Have you thought about it and what you'd like to do instead? Maybe get some training, schooling or something so you can move on to something else? I know there was a program I used one that was like a survey. AFter answering it it pointed you to some careers and jobs that would fit your interests...I bet if you googled it online you could find something similar. Good luck and know I'm thinking of ya.

Anne - Oh I hear ya on the long posts being wiped out. I've had it happen more than once or I've had to leave the computer only to come back to see the screensaver on and my post completely gone. Yuck! How are things going? You getting ready for the new job? When did you say you're starting?

Ann, Allison, Cassandra, Mary, Dianne....hello goils. This thing doesn't go back far enough again but, I'm thinking of ya. Hope you're all doing well.

Well, off to get the stuffed peppers out of the oven before DH hits the chips. Got chicken boiling on the stove to make chicken Soup too yummmm. Maybe it will help get these sniffles in line, they say Grandma was right and that homemade chicken Soup does the trick :)

Hope you're all doing well and shrinking...oh and my BP meds seem to help get rid of 2 of the pounds. Now for the rest! lol

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Hey Sherry.. I may have to check into the Reiki as I can really be a redhead at times as well! I haven't been a happy camper these days so maybe it's time for me to figure out a journy for myself. I can't remember who sings the song... but the one line has been running over and over in my head this week... "If you want to be somebody else...change your mind". As far as the dog situation... I hurt my knee the end of November so all of that has been on hold... it's feeling better so need to get back on it. ANyhoo... I really thank you for the positive vibes you put forth... (((hugs)))

CHris... GLad you are all moved and away from that creepy guy!

Betty... I am so glad you and you hubby helped that woman... I always figure that if somebody asks for food... they really must be hungry or they would just ask for money. I bet doing that probably made you feel as warm as that hot chocolate made her feel. :(

Eileen... Hope your weekend was fun as well as busy!

Well...here we go... another week. :( My hubby managed to save some of my files off of my hard drive but lost a good deal of everything...lol. Oh well! It was a good lesson. Have to go discuss my ole thyroid with the doc this morning... hopefully it's dead and we can start the thyroid replacement. We go for the first session at the YMCA Personal FItness Program tonight so that should be interesting. I was sore in the oddest places after using that elliptical trainer on Sat. I think that is probably a good thing... at least I was sore for doing something!

Hope you all have a great week!

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Hi Kids :(

I'll be back soon to catch up with you all. Work work work.

Its raining out ... bleh !


Lov yah's

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Good Morning,

Happy Monday ~

Well I have been really tied up sick. My sinus infection turned into a Bronchial thing as well.

As of Thursday I am on Z-pac ( Azithromycin) and Prednisone. I have so much crap coming up it is just unbealivable. But feeling alot better today.

Thank God I actually went to the Doc.

Not much else happening in my neck of the woods. I have been doing slim fast drinks here at work with Yogurt and Wt Watcher meals for lunch. By the time I get home I am not hungry so no need to eat at night or I just drink another slim fast. I have yet to get back to curves. I guess I will wait when I can breath a little better.

This weekend I too took down the Christmas decorations and I am who is a know procrastinator already put up the Valentine Stuff up.. I love Valentines don't know why ~ maybe it is the Color Red:) The kids loved it when they came home on Sat after their day with him.

Chrispy ~ how is your new place?? Quite and Safe??? I hope you did not have any trouble with that maniac on your way out..

Mandy ~ I hear you about losing everything. I still get upset after 2 yrs that my system crashed. You think I would have learned something from it.. I still have yet to back up anything this time. Seems you have your hands full with this new addition. I hope you can get him to stop putting his mark..

Sherry ~ Hi how are things going?? Are you still doing the line dancing???

I have been wanting to get into some kind of class for awhile now.

Hopfully soon..

Betty ~ we have a dress code here. Semi Professional but some depts do not enforce it and so we have people that actually come into work with sweats and tennie shoes. Some where jeans all week long but in my dept it is enforce.

Kat ~ More Snow in your area?? We were Ok, but man was that Avalanche Scary or what...?? My sister works up by WinterPark. They are talking about snow coming in this weekend. I guess I really don't mind it if I can drive in it.

Irene / Seems like this fill is working ou ~ Good News

I feel the same way about my job right now, maybe it is the time of year. I have actually had friends tell me about opening in other places that I would like. Crazy huh? Maybe this too will pass

Anne ~ How is DD doing? Cristian still has his left ear bothering him. Not infected but he must have wax/fluid in there. Is she on meds?

Hope she gets better soon.

Jules / I have a bad enough time with chair butt. I need to find a good cushy chair for my bottom. I don't know why it always hurts...

Eileenee ~ CONGRATS that is awesome.. Talk about a big weight lifted off your shoulders.. I have yet to hear anything on this side. All the boss is complaining about is looking at the work load. Humm ~ lets see

They went from 9 people down to 3 and now down to 2. Yep I can say there is a problem... I just keep plugging away.. ~can you tell?

Cindy ~ so are you taking it slow?? Must be nice to not be free from the Alarm..

Well chicas got to go.. Sorry if I missed anyone but it is getting busy here with people.

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Good morning everyone!

Betty, your woman and the hot chocolate, made me realize it is time for me to do something for someone!!! Years ago (lots of them!), I was single and living in an apartment, when one of my friends who managed the complex told me about this old woman who lived in another building within the complex. She had seen her at the store, and she didn't have enough money at the checkout, so she had to put something back. My friend/manager, Reta, was unable to help her at the time because she was using food stamps, as her DH had just been killed, and she was just beginning the job at the apartments. She said the woman had bought cat food, but elected to put her own food back. We were fervently hoping she was secretly feeding stray cats, as it was a no pets building! We, along with another friend decided to help her, so we would shop, and always pick up something extra, especially the buy one get one free items, and we would leave a bag on her step. With Reta being the manager, she was the one the woman called when it first began showing up...and Reta said she would stand there looking around, and then tell her, "My angel struck again". As luck would have it--and it was lucky for all of us--my DD and I got caught putting the bag out one morning by another neighbor, who ratted us out! And that is how Grandma Sarah come into our lives. She had 2 grown daughters who lived in Arizona, and never come to see her. She had been widowed for years. Soon we would visit as we took things, and we could take bowls of dinner over---and her favorite, rice pudding with raisins. Grandma Sarah was soon going to the senior center every day ( My Mom was the director for the Senior Center), the van would come pick her up, take her down, for companionship time, feed her lunch, then bring her home. She told us all over and over she knew we were her angels, that we had saved her. We had Grandma Sarah for 5 years---long after my now DH come into my life, she approved him btw!!! It eventually proved to be too much for her own daughters to deal with, her talking about us, and Reta's family all the time, and they went through legal channels, with the State, proving she was now legally blind--and had her put into a nursing home---here---NOT where they, her family was! We visited her, it was hard, she would beg us to take her out of there. I tried to get permission to take her down the the Senior center, or to dinner, her daughter refused to let us. Grandma Sarah, went from vibrant, and feisty, to dying within 6 months. Now she is our angel! I used to feel so good about helping her. She brought so much into OUR lives! She told the best stories, she was NOT a meek mild little lady, she had a crazy life, she rode logs in a saw mill--welded on ships in WWII, awed my DD with knowing someone who rode wagons like in Little House on the Prairie!!! I know there are people out there who need help now....it is time to DO something!

I am so glad you told us about the hot chocolate.....I am going to find a way to make a difference! Sherry is right, an angel will come to you as a stranger---you didn't disappoint her! Maybe your angel inspired us all!

I'll try to get to personals later, I need to get changed, it is time to go to Curves. DH and I split wood yesterday, and then lifted some free weights last night, my shoulders and upper arms feel it today---yea!!!! My upper arms need help!!!



how wierd I can't cut and paste anything this morning----wonder if it is my mouse...nope, I just can't right click anything on the site....off of it I can. hmmmmmmmmm

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Happy New Year

I'm back from my trip to Santa Barbara and I have just a few moments to touch base with you all.

I still do not have a date for my pre-op/surgery. My medical neccessity fax was sent 12/13/06 and I was told approval would be 5 days. I have made repeated calls and just now contacted my attorney again. Nothing in my life is simple. Today is my first day back at work and I want to focus on that right now. The holidays went well, my trip was good, with no car troubles. The boys have been boys and we had fun at D-land a couple of days ago. We have some housecleaning to do and can't find a missing key but other than that everything here is going OK. I have some major post reading to do so I plan to do that later.

I'm sorry that I don't have better news to share, my hope is that this all ends soon. Hugs,


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Hi All

Another glorious day in Mortgage Lending... Same as it ever was. 'nuff said.

Not much going on here, today. I had a nice, uneventful weekend. We went to Sam's Club on Saturday and to a couple of other stores. Sunday I did many loads of laundry and we watched "The Closer" on TV. DH has been taping it - so we got all caught up.

Mandy - Barley is a cute name - and a cute pup. I guess it's going to take some love and attention to turn him into the dog you always dreamed of, huh? Hearts? LOL! You know I never got decorations on my tree. Hearts would look so pretty! Yep - I didn't get the tree down - although I did pack up the rubble from wrapping and such and put most of the small stuff away.

Darcy - thanks for the reminder to back up my photos to disk. There isn't anything else that would be a huge loss - but the photos.... Oh I am so sorry! Hugs!! And before I can hit an all-time low, I have to get back to where I was before Christmas... five more pounds to go. *sigh* At least it's coming off, now. Great Job for you and DH getting to the Y. I have yet to make THAT resolution come true. :]

Chris - Congrats on getting the heck outta there... Sayonara Psycho Boy. I feel better just knowing that you won't be near him when he explodes into a thousand tiny pieces. Now you can get back to your clogging lessons... :]

Eileenie - WOO HOO!!! Maybe Boss Man gets to live another year... BWAHAHAHAHA. I remember last year's fiasco. So glad this year was better. Hugs! and congrats on the raise.

Cindy - Just tell your waiter-guy that you want French Nuveau (sp) portion sizes. That would be about right. A big plate with a cucumber slice, a cube of steak and some artfully placed parsley - Manifique! Maybe you will get a great Avatar shot on your cruise... :]

Kat - Yeah - I am thinking those outside lights can wait until the weather clears up a bit. No DH on the roof in the snow. That sounds like a recipe for disaster, to me... Oh - and that money thing is the reason I try to avoid things like E-bay and QVC! I'm a sucker for a good marketing ploy... Ooooo. Grrrrrrr. Those children of Grandma Sarah make me so angry!... THEY didn't want to see her - but they were so spiteful and jealous that they wouldn't let YOU see her, either. I hope Karma gets them, but good. Call me uncharitable - but just can't stand it when people are like that. **Kat - I can never right click paste in this site. It has always been Ctrl C and Ctrl V.

Betty - sounds like you had a somewhat busy weekend. So your boy is getting his own place, huh? That's pretty momentous stuff. I am with you on giving food instead of money. It sounds like your homeless lady needed that chocolate - and the company.

Sherry - I think if I took one of those tests - I would be most suited to being an international playgirl... lol! Of course, I would LOVE to be an editor or something - but I have zero experience - AND I am not sure that the money could compare to the ridiculous sums I get for being a mortgage underwriter. I will get over this Blech feeling and be ok with it again... soon, I hope. Oh - and we might have to have a contest to see who can keep their tree up the longest without DH intervening... LOL!

Mary - yep - that's pretty much what I said when the doc gave me the antibiotics - Thank God I went to the Doc. :] Hope you feel better soon! Of course, being sick is GREAT for keeping the appetite down. Now all you have to do is NOT go insane (like I did) when you feel better. Hugs! Oh - and that chair butt is what happens when your behind gets really skinny! I guess that's why skinny girls are more active than us... their butts hurt if they sit for too long!

PATTY!!! I wish you had better news, too - but we are just glad to have you back. Don't let the stress of "catching up" keep you from coming out to play. Hugs!!! We'll try to keep you sane while you wait for your insurance peeps to pull their heads out...

Well - Lunchtime has come and gone - so I must get back to the old grind.

Hugs and Love to All

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Hi pals!

Sorry to say this is just a "fly-by" post...I've been running around all day, and I need to make some dinner for the "kids" (DH & DD) before I go to meeting tonite...oh, the wonderful world of the retired!!!

Glad that Chrispy is moved, Mary is feeling better and has some meds, Betty is an angel (!), Sherry is doing well on her Reiki journey, Kat is inspired, Beanie is gettin' happy about mortgage lending, Darcy is going to the Y, Eileen is gettin' more $$$, Mandy's dog has a name, Patty is back from vacation, and hopefully, Cass is happy with her fill! We ARE a busy group! :welldone:

Betty, thanks for the inspiration to do random acts of kindness. I do believe we are all happier when we look for things to do like that...or at least recognize them when they are right in front of us. Way to go!

My cruise is not until June, so we have lots of time to get ready for that! We still have wedding to plan around here for Cass, right? That's gotta be more fun!

Gotta go peel potatoes! (I love it!)


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LOL Cindy... *ducking* so I don't get hit in the "fly by" posting. :welldone:

Went to the Y again last night... not much working out but we will go again tonight as my daughter has her teen on weights class. It's just been awesome being out of the house in the evening! I am majorly hypothyroid right now so that is prob why I have been so depressed and gaining the freaking tons of weight. Anyhoo... starting on thyroid replacement andLexapro so hopefully I'll be back to "normal" before long.

Mary... I sure hope you feel better soon now that you are on meds.

Patty... Soon you will be bouncing in here busting with excitement to tell us your surgery date... I just know it! (((Hugs)))

Kat...WTG on the exercise girl!

Irene... You will have the 5 pounds off before you know it... and believe me girl... I sure do understand weight regain! As far as the Y goes... I wouldn't have done this in a million years without my hubby along. I am the biggest chicken ever in social situations. I have to literally force myself to look at the people that surround me. My own mother could walk past me and I probably wouldn't see her due my inner terror...lol. THe funny thing is that I am such a clown once I am comfortable in a social group... *shrug*.

ANhyhoo... (((hugs))) have a good day all...

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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