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Hello All---Well, tomorrow is my first fill. I am actually more nervous about it than I thought I would be. I guess I am nervous b/c I dont know what it will be like after I am filled, how I"ll feel, what eating will be like and so on. any words of wisdom, advice? Any experiences you all care to share?

I am wondering if the actual puncture of the port hurts a lot, is there nausea...just hearing about it, the good and bad will help ease my mind!

Thank you all!

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I don't think it hurts at all, my band doc numbs the area, and it is a quick stick and it's over. My first fill was quick and simple. Don't get frustrated if the first fill makes no difference. It took me 2 fills to feel any difference at all. Fill #3 made to too tight, and I had to have a partial unfill. Take it easy, relax, it will be over before you know it. Let us all know how you are tomorrow. ~Mandy

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Hi Cassandra good luck with your fill today. I can tell you my experiences have been easy ones and it didn't hurt me. It's a funny feeling but, doesn't bother me or make me nervous anymore. I'm with Mandy I felt more restriction with my 2nd fill but, again every doc and patient is different. Some docs put quite a bit in the first fill others go easy. I know my doc usually puts in 1-1.5 the first fill.

Good morning everyone...I can't play as I'm already running late. Hope to get here tonight...still reading up on things for my class on Saturday but, I should be able to pop in :) TGIF oh yea oh yea oh yea hee hee

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Good Morning Y'all!


Just wanted to pop in and say "hello". I have been busy and just haven't made it here.

I don't have time for personals again this morning, we are having a special meeting at work today (hiring of a new big shot) and I want to look nice. Today is jean day, but I want my hair etc. to look real nice. I don't know what I will be doing different, I curl it every day etc. but I want to take a little extra care with it this morning.

I have made it through the week without any sweets though and I am happy about that! Of course the weekend lays ahead of me and those are the toughest days of all!

Cass - My fills don't hurt at all, I can't hardly tell anything has been done when he does them. Usually the first fill will be small, and it will have a little effect the first few days/week, then you will be back to normal. I didn't have much restriction until 4 or 5 fills. Don't worry, you'll be fine!

Later y'all!

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Good morning!

Cass, good luck this morning! I just hope and pray that your fills are as easy as mine! My fill doc is wonderful! All the fills are done with flouro (x-ray), and she hits the port the first time (no numbing necessary). It's an odd feeling, but doesn't bother me at all, or make me queazy. She does fills on the slow-as-you-go method, and sneaks up on the sweet spot, which has worked just great for me! I'm a stubborn woman, and completely believe that even though you are in a hurry to lose weight, your mind and your image of yourself will need time to adjust. If you push that, you are setting yourself up for trouble. There's my two cents, as if you need to ask! LOL! Please let us know your experience today! Keeping my fingers crossed for you! Hugs!

Mandy, what's the puppy's name? How are you? How are those tiny little jeans?

Hey, I can't believe I forgot to tell you (or did I? If I did just whack me...), I actually have two pairs of size 16 jeans that I can wear! I still have 18's that are tight, too...you know how different makers cut their clothes differently, but it's just unbelievable to put on anything that says "16", you know? Now, I'm starting to think that I might wear a Large top someday, instead of an XL, and an XL was a huge accomplishment! That's what I mean, Cass, about getting used to your new size...it's kinda weird and wonderful, all at the same time!

Dianne, I am truly happy to hear that you are walking out of the darkness. I knew you would and could, but it is sometimes a longer walk than we want. Like the Good Witch said to Dorothy, "You've had the Power all along..." Of course, you know which Power you have, and it's been there all along...

Jules, that bike butt has GOT to be hurting...you're putting some miles on that machine, girl! Glad you get inspiration from us...that's what we're here for!

Betty, good luck meeting the new big cheese! I'm sure you will look great, and better than that, your job performance will be more impressive! You've got it all! Congrats on avoiding sweets this week...I have done okay with that, too, but after being sick, that just doesn't sound so good...so I'm probably cheating in that way! LOL!

Kat, Anne, Darcy, Pat, Patty, Beanie, and everyone else....have a great Friday!


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I forgot to wish Eileen, the trapped :help: and oppressed :faint: worker, a HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!! :biggrin1:

Your fan, Cindy

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Hi everyone--all is well here, DH is on a stretch of days off, and we have been busy, un-Christmasing the house, and odd jobs. It is snowing here again, so some of the honey do's will have to wait! will try to get back and do some personals....but know you will all understand actually spending time with him while I can---he works so doggone much! Miss You All!!!


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AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!! I was almost done typing out a long post with personals and i hit the back button by mistake and lost it all! DD is sick today with an earache and she won't get off my lap so I typed the whole thing with two fingers, LOL. Oh well, you all know I love ya...

Have a great weekend everyone!

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Hey Y'All


Can you tell I am a little excited about that concept? I have gotten to that point where I am all antsy and weird about my job. I don't actually hate it - it just isn't what I want to do. Of course, I don't really KNOW what I want to do, nor are there any obvious options right now - but I am less than thrilled to drag my ass in here every day. It's very strange.

Thank goodness the Water is starting to drop off my body. My ankles are starting to look less puffy and the scale is behaving in a more civilized manner. I credit this to more Water and more sleep in the last couple of days. Of course, it could be the new fill, too. :]

It took me about and hour and a half to eat about 2 cups of mixed up mashed potato, chicken breast, kale and corn. My plan is to eat my "big" meal of the day at lunch and try to eat less at night.

The fill is doing it's thing - now it is just the battle between my brain and my eyes. Somehow, the amount of food that I know is correct, and that would satisfy me, seems WAY too small to my eyes. While I was agog at the amount of food my DS ate at Christmas - I am still not quite to the correct level on the "How much is enough" question. I suppose it is just going to take some more time. Maybe by December 2007 I will have a better handle on that... :]

Jules - GREAT JOB!!! I hate the bike butt, that is why I am getting an eliptical machine. I would rather stand than have bike butt.

Cindy - Glad you are feeling a little bit better. It sounds like you are having a great time being a full time Mom. Enjoy! I totally agree with the "going slow" theory. I really beleive that half the reason I failed to maintain my losses in the past was because of the shock factor. I mean, the attention was overwhelming when I lost 80 lbs before.. I actually got under 200 lbs and looked pretty good - but I got so many comments... I think it just freaked me out. This time, I am going so slowly that hardly anyone notices. I only have a couple of people asking me "how much have you lost"...

Dianne - Dad is 71 - almost 72. He had his first heart attack at about 35 - and has had other incidents with clogged arteries and such. As my Sis Mary said - his heart has been trying to kill him for over 30 yrs. It probably won't succeed any time soon. :]. I am so glad you are seeing light at the end of the tunnel. Hugs and more Hugs!!

Cass - Oh yeah - the first fill... How cool! If you have the big Vanguard band - you probably won't even notice the fill after the initial swelling goes down. One hint: I made sure NEVER to look at the needles. Just don't look. I know in my mind and from descriptions that they are sorta big - so I knew that if I saw it I would be afraid. So long as I don't look, it is all fine. My doc gives a little numbing shot - then I don't even feel the big needle go in. I have had 6 fills, now. It has taken until now to get GOOD restriction - but every fill has gotten me a little closer. They do mine under fluro - so they just make it really tight - have me swallow the barium and then loosen the band until the barium flows thru. I know lots of docs that sneak up on it and lots of people like that. I am sure it will be fine. HUGS! Oh - and I got a look at the dresses for your wedding. FABULOUS!

Mandy - Hi! What name did you pick for your new puppy. Enquiring minds want to know... :]

Sherry - somehow I missed it. What class are you taking on Saturday?

Betty - Good Job on no Sweets. I can only do that if I lay in a good supply of sugar free popcicles and fudgecicles. So, how was the big meeting?

Kat - enjoy the time with your DH. I completely understand! Hugs and have a great weekend!

Anne - don't you just hate losing a long drawn out post... I know I do. I use a couple of things to never lose all my work. Highlight all your text every so often while you are typing and hit Control & C at the same time. That copies the text. To paste it back in - Hit Control & V - V for Victory over the Back key... Or some people just type up the whole post in a word document and then paste it into the reply box. Either way works. Highlight what you want to copy and hit the "CTRL" key and the "C" key at the same time. To paste - Put the cursor where you want the text and then hit "CTRL" key and the "V" key at the same time. Love you, too!

Well - I am off to enjoy another five hours of employment "bliss". All I can say is that I have bought my lottery tickets for January... *sigh*

Happy Friday to All and to All a Good Night...

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We have decided to stick with Barley for the doggers name. He is being a total brat, he has decided to mark my house by peeing on everything. This must stop. I am going to petSmart and getting some enzyme cleaner, that should stop the problem. Other than that bad habbit, he is a a begger. If there is food out he is looking for a bite. Yesterday he took a beef Jerky out of my hand and then spent the next few hours locked in the kitchen for his crime. I finally took down the tree, Dave threatned to start cutting out red hearts for valentines day. (he did that a few years ago) I am what some might call a procrastinator, really I just think things through before leaping into them. LOL. Be back later, I have a friend coming over, maybe I can talk her into taking my pics in my new jeans. ~Mandy

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Hey All...Just a quick hello... I'm a little devastated as my hard drive crashed today and EVERYTHING is lost. I had not backed up my system so I am just sick. Oh well... no use crying over spilt milk right??? ANyhoo... going to pout...lol

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Just wanted to pop in and say hi to everyone! Moving day is tomorrow!! Yeah!!!

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And a GOOD morning to you all :rolleyes:

Finally I am able to read up on you all :clap2:

My week was nuts. Yesterday was the worst day for me because it was my 2006 year end review. I was so nervous that all morning all I did was eat, and eat alot of chocolate that was in a big ol bowl in my office. You see my boss is unpredictable, you never know what he's gonna throw at you and you never feel like you are doing a good job. I went from a 5 rating (which is the highest you can get) to a 3 rating with him.... so yesterday I thought man.... I'm screwed. My nerves were so shot I had the hershey squirts that morning. Anyway, at 2:30 PM he sat me down and did my review and all i kept saying to myself was don't cry, don't cry (because last year I did)...... guess what he rated me at this year.... a 4.

I almost fell off my chair and I got a 6% raise. :faint: So last night when I got home I crashed b/c my nerves were shot. He's an army guy of 23 years and his standard are very high, even for people like me and I thought there was no way I could please him....phewwwww.

Cindy congrats on the size 16 pants :) I'm waiting for that day myself lol. How are you feeling?

Beanie good news for dad :) Good luck with your fill and I hear ya on the ol eyes being litterely bigger than our stomachs LOL. Slow is the best IMHO. Can't wait to have lunch with you.

Jules how goes the ol bike butt? I give you credit 30 minutes is a looong time to be on that thing. I love bikes but hate the seats....when they come out with a lazy boy style seat, I'll buy one ;)

Crispy are you in your new place yet? did you moon the jerk on yer way out? lol

Darcy sorry to hear about your pc :( I don't back anything up either. What new meds are you on? and how are they working so far?

Mandy the pup is soooooooo cute.

Kat, enjoy the snow (ick) lolol, its supposed to be 65 - 70 here today in dirty jersey.... LOVE IT!!! the christmas decorations are coming down and my car is getting cleaned whooooooooooooooooot!!!! :)

Betty no matter what you do to your hair your gonna look cute ;) Dont you love jean day. My co worker never dresses down on fridays and I take it to the max....the sloppier the better LOLOL

Cassy how did the fill go ? my first one was a doozie, I almost passed out b/c the doc didn't know what he was doing. I had to go back a week later to have the OTHER doctor do it and when he did, it was perfect. Hope yours went well.

Anne, don't you hate it when you lose a post, it drive me nuts, and its so frustrating. How are the kidlets? are you getting excited with the new job around the corner?

Dianne, glad your feeling better :huggie: how was the rest of your trip to NJ? did you get to see the picture I posted of us? I have one of you and grace and it is sooooooooooooooo pretty. I'll have to send it to your home email addy.

Pat where are you??

Patty, you too??? miss yah.

Well kids..... I'm outside for the day. Got decorations to put away and a car to clean. 70 degrees man oh man. I got married in January in 1990 and it was 65 degrees....nobody believes me LOLOL.... they believe me now :heh:

Happy Saturday Everyone :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

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Happy Saturday!

Eileen got a raise! Yea, Eileen!:clap2: :clap2: I know it was a nerve-wracking day, so that chocolate just got burned right up. You know I'm right.

Mandy, you'll calm ol' Barley down and teach him better habits. Almost all rescue dogs have some undesirable habits, and begging and marking are just his. I have faith in you, girl. (shhhhh...my tree is still up, too :) ) do Dave thinks hearts would look good? I may consider it! Let's make next week our clear out the tree week, how about it?

Beanie, it sounds like your fill is going very well...you are describing exactly the contrast between knowledge and imagination about portion size that I experienced, and we talked about at lunch the other day. It has taken a long time to get over that...and I still have trouble with it, especially when I really enjoy the food. It is easier when I am at home, than when I am eating out, but it gets easier with passing time. It will be interesting on the cruise, that's for sure! I am planning to explain to my waiter right off the bat, so he or she won't think I don't like the food, and try to "please" me with more! :)

Darcy, oh bummer! I hate, hate, hate computer problems.....what caused the crash, do you know? Not that it matters....the result is the same. I guess that's a good lesson for all of us though. Good luck re-building the data and whatever you had on the computer. :rolleyes:

Chrispy, good luck on moving day! I am sooooo glad you are getting away from that moron. He's gonna be a jerk to whoever is there, but at least it won't be you! Let us know about your new place!

Kat, enjoy the time with you DH...how much snow have ya'll had? We see on the news alarming stories of the cattle being in trouble in NM and CO...is that in your area? My grandfather was a cattle rancher in KS, and I always relate to those situations, having been around it for many years.

Anne, sorry about your sick little kid...I wrote a post once with my dog on my lap, and the same thing happened...it drives me crazy! Take good care, and check back in when you can!

Cass, waiting to hear about your fill! I sure hope it went okay, and you were happy with the result...or at least not traumatized! :huggie: Send in a report, please!

Pat, Patty....(sounds like nursery rhyme!)...where are you guys! Miss you!

Today is just a goof around day...DD is going over to my sister's to help her play with the baby (DD's cousin). She is almost 1 year old (next month). DD LOVES that baby!

I'm going to visit there for a while, then come back here and wrangle some more clothes out of my closet...that's kind of satisfying, even though it is work!

We had family portraits made last night for our church directory, and they were actually good...so we ordered some. We'll get them in 6 weeks. I'll try to scan one of the wallets, so you can see them.

Gotta scoot....hugs to all!


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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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