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January Chat/New Jersey Style

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I've been walking around in a tired haze today. Had both sisters spend the night last night with their spouses and a total of 7 kids. It was a bit of a madhouse, and everybody just left. Drank too much, went to bed at 4am, and ate all day today. I just spent 1/2 an hour throwing out chocolates, cheesecake, and leftover pizza. I did hold onto a very small box of Godiva that I received for Christmas, but nobody's perfect, right?!

Mandy - your new dog is adorable! I'm not good with names but if I get inspired I'll let you know.

Eilene, that chocolate fountain looks like a ton of fun. I thought of getting one for the kids so I've been eyeing the ones on sale. What kind of chocolate do you put in there?

Cindy, how was the North Texas meeting? I laughed when I read that - it sounds so official! I'd like a copy of the meeting minutes so that we don't miss anything please. :girl_hug:

Darcy, congrats on joining the Y. DH and I will be joining the masses heading back to the gym as well. Bah humbug! :)

Alexandra, most of us aren't from Jersey. Shhhh! We'll let you in too if you don't spill the Beans. :)

Beanie, I'm so jealous - you got to meet Cindy today! Hope you guys enjoyed your coffee and chat.

Pat, Patty, Mary, Kat, Crispy, Betty, and Sherry (and I'm sure I missed a few!) I hope you all enjoyed a relaxing day off today!

:notagree :notagree :notagree Time for me to head to bed. Happy New Year's to All!!

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Hello and Happy New Years..

Mandy - You are indeed an Angel ~ He is so adorable..

Dianne & Eileen ~ What a Lovely Pic. Beautiful

Cindy & Beanie ~ Cannot wait to see those Pics.

Well would love to stay longer ~ BB tomorrow ~ I have one day left of vacation.

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Hi everyone---happy 2007!!!

Mandy--what a sweetie, I agree, his name is fine, just love him as he is!!! He has that "eager to please" look.

Alexandra--no--I popped in one time by mistake, I was seeing if anything had ever been posted in New Mexico, and ended up clicking into New Jersey!!! Then I responded to a comment and have hung out ever since, and they let me!!!

Cindy, Beannie, Jules,---so jealous of your fun today!! Although I am down with a tooth/jaw ache. so would have been a whiner!!! Can't wait to see the pics!!

Eileen & Dianne--I am jealous of y'all too!!! You both look wonderful! I agree with all the comments about the amazing smiles!

Anne--Party on girl!!!! WoooHooo!!! Sounds like you had a great time!

Betty--Thanks for starting us up this month, I like the new title--it is good!!! We should have lots of Alex's wondering what is up with all the banding in NJ!!! Glad you had a good time at your party. We did, until DH had to go to work. He is in a BAD mood, he is firing one guy tomorrow, and writing 4 others up, for not responding to a call out, that he ended up handling, because all the on call crew was drinking! One was actually out in his company truck, he is the one who is a goner. So, I spent the evening alone, but he walked in about 3 minutes before midnight!!! So I got my kiss!

Pat--wondering where you are!!! I wanted to tell you how much I loved the little note in my Christmas card!!! Come back!!!

Chris--you didn't Celebrate too loud did you?

Patty--you and the boys ring in the new year having fun?

Darcy--glad to see you back posting--we missed you! Congrats on the YMCA!

Cassie--I still need to go back to the December thread and see if I can get your link to your site---remind me!!!

It quit snowing, and was pretty clear the last 2 days--most of the state is still digging out. My friend Becky went with her family to bury her Dad in TX (Lubbock) and has been unable to get home. She come half way today, and they closed the interstate, they have 20 miles of backed up traffic, cars, trucks, 18 wheelers, off the roads, crashed, you name it! So she is holed up in a motel---going to try tomorrow, because we have another storm due to hit in the next couple of days! They are rationing gas in the area she is, because they have had the roads closed for so long, even the stations are out of fuel! Poor thing!

Well guys--if I missed you, it was not intentional--blame my throbbing face! Wonderful way to bring in the new year! Back to it tomorrow---exercise, and watching what I eat. I have gained 4 pounds---I just refuse to change my ticker! I have a mini goal of 203---which will make me overweight and no longer obese!!! Wish me luck!

Hope 2007 is a wonderful year for all of us!!!


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Good Morning Y'all!

Well, it's here! Back to work and back to eating right again! I can't say I am looking forward to either one right now, but I am looking forward to no more sweets! Gosh, I felt like I couldn't get through the day without a cookie or a piece of chocolate candy! I am not a sweet eater, so it's been a real trip for me. Now, give me the mashed taters and gravy, along with a good hunk of meat and I am good to go. I do like my veggies though!:hungry:

Cindy - I laughed when I read your post because the first name I came up with for Mandy's dog was cookie. I thought one was oreo, the other could be cookie. Great minds think alike! I am looking forward to your pictures from yesterday!

Kat - It's hard to believe some people just can't be trusted but it happens all the time. Sorry DH had to leave, but glad he got back in time for that special kiss!:clap2: :clap2:

Beanie - Hope you had a great time with the girls yesterday! I wish I could have made it, maybe next time.

Darcy - good for you for joing the Y. I am proud of you!

Eileen - I love it that you blacked out the faces, the internet is a scary place for children's faces!

Anne - Glad you had fun at your party!

Dianne - It looks like you enjoyed your trip! Glad you go to meet up with Eileen, we got to see your purdy face again!:girl_hug:

Mary - Hope you enjoyed your vacation with all the problems you had.

Well, I know I missed some of you, but it's time for me to get dressed and go to work. Oh yeah, remember my tire I got fixed? Well, it was flat again the next day! So, now I have to go back again to see what is wrong! UGH!

Catch y'all later!

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Well... Can't get rid of this gosh derned cold... thank goodness it didn't hit until after out family gathering here last Thursday! I never did get enough og the little gifts done to have a basket of give-aways... darn... but all turned out well anyway. I don't think we will be able to start at the Y until my chest clears out... pretty junky in there right now... yuck. Well go today though and get registered for the PFP... I think the next 4 wk session starts the week of the 6th.

Mandy... Oreos always go well with milk... maybe you should name him Latte or Two Percent... heeheehee.... ohhh... how I crack myself up. :girl_hug:

Betty... I know what you mean... if I see one more cookie or pie I think I'll barf. I think chocolate would still go over well though. :)

Anne... I'm proud of you for throwing MOST of the goodies away... hey...consider the Godiva chocolates as a rewards for tossing the rest. :) I just ate all of the bad stuff before January 1st... boy... some things just never change..lol.

Kat... Glad you got your New Years Kiss! No worries about the few pounds... that'll be gone before you know it!

Mary... Sorry your vacation is coming to an end but hope you were able to enjoy your time off!

Eileen... I'm sure your children are adorable... they certainly have cute hair...lol.

Cindy... Can't wait to see the pictures from the get-together!

Okay... must go enter the food and Water that I've taken in today... then maybe I'll rest since I was up most of the night. :sick


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Hi All

Not much time today - I just dropped in to say that I posted some pics from our little TX get together in our picture thread.

Mandy - I looked at your pup and the name Baxter popped into my head. Don't ask me why... What a cutie!

I had the most fabulous time with Cindy & Jules. I can't believe we talked for so long - and it felt like no time had passed at all - but it was getting dark!

I think we should do that at least quarterly! We will have to figure out another place, though. The food at the Cracker Barrell is too good... :]

Well, my refridgerator is bare, except for some SF popcicles and fudgecicles... which is perfect. All of the Holiday badness is gone - and I have to run so I can get my fill.

Love you guys - I will try to catch up later and do personals.


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Not much time here either. The only time I am ever busy at work is the beginning of the month (for about a week). I just wanted to say that I had a BLAST visiting with Cindy and Beanie. We left there at 5:45!!! We got there at 2. lol I had no idea we had been there that long. I will do my best to make it to the next one.

I only know one other bandster, so it was really cool meeting these two gals.

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It's good to be home. It sure was a nice visit though. We actually had the ac on, on Sunday! It was so humid here. But now we are back to heat and the fire place is on. I just can't take the tree down yet. It looks to pretty with the stockings hung and the fire place on. I think I'll take my village down tonight and leave the rest up for a while.

Our local Lapband group is meeting again on Saturday and one of the girls is staying her Friday night. I'm real excited about that. All of those girls are now hanging out at band2gether.net so I never see them here.

Mandy-The dog is so cute! How wonderful of you guys to be courageous enough to take him in. I love Darcy's name of Latte! Oh I just read Beanies Baxter I really like that name!

Betty-Cookies have been my down fall. But thank goodness I left them in NJ. So far today I've been on track!

Anne-Thank goodness I didn't have much in our house. But I did bring back my favorite Cookies from NJ and stuck them in the freezer. They were calling me all day on Sunday and I finally broke them open. Ate some of them and froze the rest back up. Now I'm ok with them in there for a while. Enjoy those Godiva's.

Darcy- My co-worker got me a 3 month membership to the Y for Christmas and also 5 sessions with a personal trainer! So I am going to go over there in the morning and check things out. I went to curves today I won't quit that cause it's so close to home and they have been wonderful to me. They even have my shorts hanging in the window..lol Hope you feel better soon.

Cindy-The pictures are great. You and all look great! How nice that you guys got together. How is retirement life treating you?

Eileen-Thanks again for a Breakfast it was great seeing you and dd again. That chocolate fondue looks like fun. Is it a real pain to clean?

Beanie-Oh is today fill day? Good luck I hope all goes well!

Alexandra-I'm a Jersey girl..always..lived there all my life up until 5 1/2 yrs ago. Now I just go back a few times a year to visit.

Pat, Patty, Chrispy, and everybody else. Hi and Happy New Year!

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Hello Everyone,

I just made dinner with my new George Foreman grill. I tried chicken breast and it was really good! I went grocery shopping and refused to let myself buy even one "junk food". I bought the kids some pretzels (which I can easily avoid since they make me PB every time) and that's it. Bought lots of fruits and veggies too.

I got my formal work offer today. Unfortunately, I have to give up paid holidays if I want to work 35 hours a week instead of 40, but otherwise I get full benefits. The hourly rate is better than I expected, so that was exciting news. I don't own one piece of clothing other than the suit I bought for the interview, which means it's time to shop! I don't plan on being a size 20/22 next winter, so it's killing me to buy this stuff! Fortunately, there are lots of sales going on right now.

Dianne, I'm glad you had a nice visit! It's always so nice to be back home, even when I the trip is a fun one. I agree - keep your tree up for a while and enjoy it. I usually take mine down on New Years Day but this year I wanted to enjoy it a little while longer.

Jules, that's so cool that you got to meet Cindy and Irene! What type of work do you do?

Darcy, good idea waiting until the chest clears up before trying to exercise. Feel better soon! :sick

Kat, I'm sorry you were stuck home alone on New Years! Tell DH to give those guys hell. :angry Has your friend made it home yet? What a stressful situation. I've heard all about Colorado but didn't realize that the snowstorms were so widespread.

Betty, I feel the same way as you - It's actually a relief to be eating good food again. There's not a baked good in sight, and it feels great.

Mary, are you back to work today? Hope you enjoyed your break!

Beanie, did I tell you how great you're looking? It's so fun seeing the before and after pics. When is your fill scheduled? How is your Dad doing?

It's time to get the kids in the tub. Back to school for them tomorrow!


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Geesh forgot to fix my subscription to instant and didn't get anything from you gals until tonight. I was wondering where everyone was hahaha. Anywho...back to the healthier way of eating today. Gotta get the pounds that snuck up on me this past week back off. Grrrr so what did I do? Had ice cream yesterday UGH. Actually I think the problem is ummm I've forgotten to take my bloodpressure medicine over the past week. UGH. I wasn't on my regular work routine so I forgot to take it. Back to taking it today so hopefully this added Water will go away FAST.

Ohhhh Mandy that pup is so cute :)

No time for personals....I have to go read up for an all day class on Saturday. I'm looking forward to it but, theres lots of reading to do.

Thinking of you...wishing you the best on your new start for the new year...hope you're all doing well and shrinking. HUGS!

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Hi there,

Just stopped in for a bit. Getting everything ready to go back to work tomorrow. I hate it ~ I got lazy and am really afraid to step on the scale, But I can tell the differance in my clothes. Did I mention I am sick again?? Dang it ~ same crud as the last time. I am really getting tired of this. But all things considered it is better than what Kat has to go through.. Hope you get the Pain under control Kat.

Anne ~ you are doing good. I wish I had done that when I went grocery shopping the other day. Instead I ended up with pies. I am going right now to dump them in the garbage container.

Dianne ~ AC??? Brrr cannot even think of that yet. Glad you trip went well. How are you feeling???

Betty ~ Good you noticed the tire this time. I too am going to get back on track going forward. I ate so much crap that thinking about it makes me sick.

Well better get back to getting my stuff ready or I should say the kids stuff ready. Sorry I missed some of you Lovelies

Oh did I mention the Power steering went out in my car.. It is never something easy. The ex has voluntered to fix it for free. That is a good thing at this point cause I called the repair shop and they want over $300.00.

I just hope I do good on my refund this year so that I can get something else...

BB Tomorrow

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Jules, that's so cool that you got to meet Cindy and Irene! What type of work do you do?

I work in Purchasing at a beer distributor. I buy beer for a living. I am going to school as well to become a teacher. I start working on my master's degree this month. I hope to be done in 1 to 1.5 yrs and start teaching. It will depend on what classes are offered this summer.

I promised Beanie I would chat more and not just read. I am a lurker. lol

I made an appt. for my second fill. It is on January 11. I am looking forward to it. I am going on a cruise during Spring Break so I want to get below 200 if I possibly can. I should be able to do it because it is 2.5 months from now.

Take care everyone.

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Hi Sherry! I was wondering where you were off to. I can't seem to get my email to notify me when someone posts on this thread either. Can I get some of that blood pressure medication to get my extra pounds off too? :mad: I got on the scale this morning and 2.5 of those little suckers jumped on when I wasn't looking. :)

Jules, I'm glad Beanie talked you out of lurker status! I always thought purchasing would be an interesting job. With a masters program and a full time job you're going to be busy! Tell us more - what subject do you want to teach? What age group?

Mary, sorry you're feeling under the weather! Good for you for throwing out the pies. It's so hard getting back on track once the guard is down, but you're going to do it! I feel your pain about the car - mine is in the shop today. Just waiting on the call with the estimate - ugh.

Time to head to bed. Back to the grindstone tomorrow! Goodnight all.

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Just waiting for my Tylenol to kick in and I am off to bed.

Hope all the car problems are fixed soon!! I hate that. My check engine light come on not long ago. We had a scan done on it, and it is some component of the smog control. It is not affecting the engine itself, it is programmed to have a sensor changed at 90,000 miles....so now I either cough up the $425.00 to have the sensor changed, pay $392.00 for the sensor itself and have DH do it...or live with the little light. Guess what I am doing??? Gives the car a nice orange glow!!! Will deal with it now that the holidays are over. DH wants to trade it in, I don't!

My dinner feels like it is just sitting in my belly, not digesting. I did not overeat...I chewed well. 1/2 of an enchilada and some beans---should have been fine, but it isn't working. Or maybe the Tylenol is causing me to feel this way---who knows???

Going to have to try to do things Annes way and not buy any junk, it is so hard!!! I tend to still buy it, and then throw a bunch of it out---what a waste, I need to just not buy it in the first place!

Glad you found us Sherry---I was missing you!

ok, going to go do a slow walk on the treadmill, and see if it helps my digestion.....wish me luck!


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Pushin my luck here as I should be on the road already but, I had to say hello lol. So hello hee hee

Dealing with some pain here this morning...back was sore so I went to the chiro last night now my hip is out. OUCHY. DH and I are wondering if our bed is off. We have one of those dial-a-number beds that is adjustable. We have to play around with the air levels on both sides of our mattress and possibly lay it flat. (Right now the angle may be too much.) All I know is I'm not liking this right hip much this morning. Going to be a long day if it doesn't go back into place. Back to the chiro for me today I guess UGH.

Anne - Lets say I'm hoping thats where the extra 3 pounds came from was the lack of BP meds hahaha.

Kat - I miss ya too! Just couldn't figure out what the heck happened then it dawned on me...duh fix your preferences silly lol. I forget to do that everytime I join a new thread.

I'll hopefully be back later on today to do personals...got more reading to do.

Oh saw Chrispy last night...she looks awesome but, I know she'll feel even better after her move. Saw the new place location..NICE!!!! She's such a sweetheart!

Have a great day goils....bb tonight HUGS!

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