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Hey Disco Diva, Good to hear from another valentines day bander...

Each day seems to get a little better, however I still sometimes wonder if I made the right choice. I know as I start loosing weight I will probably be alot more happier with my decision. I am still sore. I think my coughing has had a lot to do with that. I don't see the doctor again Mar. 1. Hopefully then I will be able to go to soft foods. I miss my food!!How is the other diva doing?? Does she live with u? That is great that u both did this together. My husband of 21yrs in April has been very supportive. He's from New Castle Indiana, were are your grandkids from?? Are you from OHIO??

Keep in touch, Missy

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Hi again Valentine,

Yes I live in Ohio, and my grandkids and stepdaugher and her husband live in Greenwood. My daughter still lives with us and will until she graduates from Collage. I like her still living at home she is one of best friends even if we still do cross words some days. LOL

I am having pain at the port site. Mostly if I cough or roll over in the bed. OUCH Have you been on the scale yet? We couldn't wait..LOL I think she has lost over 9 lbs and I have lost around 6. She will lose faster because she is younger and I take many meds. Oh well any loss will be better than none.

We have been eating Soups and other liquid stuff, even pudding. Tomorrow is our week and I think I am going to make me some mashed pot and gravy, yum that sounds good. Tonight I made a large pot of homemade creamed Soup and I am having some of that tonight. I wonder if I still can't drink anything at this stage with meals even if it is liquid meals? What has your Dr told you about what to eat now? Well I better get off here and get ready for some soup.


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Disco Diva,

Glad to hear you both are doing good (except for the ole port hole)..

I have the same pain there but I'm guessing that's pretty normal. How was the mashed potatoes??? I am only allowed liquids for the first 2 weeks. I guess I'll find out more after my 2 week checkup. I'm not hungry but I do feel light headed sometimes. I don't think I am getting enough protein..How about u? I was told 60 grams a day but thats very hard to do when u can only take a few oz's in at a time..I did get on the scale too. I might be down 10 but that's the 10 I probably gained the night before surgery..lol Are u enjoying this nice sunny weather?? I wish I had a little more energy and I would get out there and walk...maybe tomorrow.. Keep in touch, Missy

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Hello every one!!

I live in Columbus Ohio, I am 39, married with 2 sons (21, and 16) I have decided not to tell anyone about being banded, I'm a private kind of girl, and don't want every one looking over my shoulders asking me questions trying to give me unwanted advise! My Husband is very supported on my choice with this Surgery tool!

I have decided to go with Mt. Carmel also DebbieK1. I just went to the seminer on Feb. 28, 2007 I have mailed in my paper work I received at the seminer, so now I guess I just have to wait to hear back from them.

DebbieK1 1:how long did you have to wait for a call back. 2# did you have to pay the $300.00 for the "administrator" fee, and the $200.00 for the nutrition class I kinda thought that as much as the surgery will cost that would have been included! But I guess I will suck it up and pay the cost. I guess I see them not scheduling every one to see a surgeon untill every thing else is in place.

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hi Lady QT--glad to see columbus represented.

i went to the seminar on dec 15. after you send your packet in you will get a reply packet detailing all the steps you have to take before you can see the surgeon. i only had to see a psychologist, the dietitian, go to a support group meeting and submit a diet history.

you have 30 days to send the $300.

because of the holidays i didnt get in to see the psychologist till jan 17.

then i saw the dietitian feb 2. went to the support group on feb 6 and a two hour dietitian class of feb 8.

after they get all those clearances you are supposed to hear from the coordinator in a week to schedule with the surgeon. but they seemed to have lost my paperwork and i didnt get to see the surgeon till last thursday. so now it is in the hands of the insurance company and i am waiting again.

all this waiting is driving me nuts. I want this done NOW. i wish i could afford to just selfpay. but that would be stupid when my insurance will supposedly pay.

hope this helps and may your journey go faster than mine.


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Thank you Debbie for your info:clap2: . I guess I just sit around the house waiting to hear the mail man to bring me the next package of papers to fill out!! Hopefully you won't have to much longer before you see the surgeon and get you Surgery date! I have BCBS insurance and when I called them they said they treat Obesity as they treat all other illness/health issue so I just hope this is a speedy process so that I can become that healthy active "young":heh: lady that is screaming:second: to come out. I also hope that they SPEED delivery your paper work to the insurance company and back to Mt. Carmel so you will a surgery date soon and very soon!!!! Thank you again

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Hello Ohio!

I'm Donna a 48 year old Mother and Grandmother. I'm scheduled to be banded 3/20/07 (in a week). Growing up I was not a heavy child nor into my teens. It was after I had my second child that I started to gain weight. I tried diets only to find out that my will power wasn't mine! I slowly kept gaining weight over the years. My first weight loss success was with the Atkins Diet. I lost 55 pounds and kept it off for two years. Then I needed both knees operated on. The surgeries were six weeks apart and recovery was hard. The diet slipped away and I put most of the weight back on. Now my doctor is telling me that I will need knee replacements soon. Sooner if I can't get the weight off of them. I also have high blood pressure, asthma and hypothyroidism. All of which will benefit from weight loss.

Besides my 5 grandkids, Geocaching is my hobby (sport?) It's helped me by getting me out and walking (even on vacation). It's been fun and I have met quite a few other cachers. All of them have been really nice. If anyone is interested check it out at geocaching.com.

I'm going through Dayton Bariatrics, Dr. Clarey. A co-worked had the RNY done there. He's lost too much weight and now if trying to put a few pounds back on.

I'm really hopeful and up beat about the whole ordeal. The operation doesn't bother me. It's the liquid diet. At the moment I'm 3 days into the pre-op liquid diet and it seems to be going well. OK, my boyfriend just walked into the room with a pizza. How bad should I hurt him?

I'm 234 pounds and want to weigh 150. 84 pounds to lose...maybe another 250 if he keeps eating that pizza in front of me.

I met a woman in Dr. Clarey's office that told me about this web site. If you read this email me! And thanks for telling me about this. I'm sure it will help and maybe I can eventually help others too.

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well, that is a new one on me!! i never heard of geocaching. i went to the website and it sounds like a lot of fun. Now i gotta get a GPS--great another thing I want to spend money on!!

your ailment list sounds just like mine.

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Hello everyone.

I was banded on March 8th here in Columbus. My doctor has me on mushies already which is a god send. I'm off work until the 27th which makes me happy too.

All in all the first few days were HARD, but I'm getting better with each day.


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Hi all I'm a newbie here and have joined the forum for informational purposes until I make the decision to get the lap band. I live near St. Clairsville, Ohio and am looking for a surgeon either in Wheeling, WV or Pittsburgh. I have a lot of questions, and will be reading the forums to get information.

I start my new job on MOnday and wonder how long after my insurance kicks in should I seek out a doctor to start the process for the surgery. I don't have a PCP here, I suppose that would be my first step?

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well, that is a new one on me!! i never heard of geocaching. i went to the website and it sounds like a lot of fun. Now i gotta get a GPS--great another thing I want to spend money on!!

your ailment list sounds just like mine.

The GPS can be costly, but there are some out there for under $100. I try to combine trips to justify to my self the gas cost.....It works, I'm a push over!

I'll be visiting Columbus sometime this summer to visit my sister. We're planning a Geocaching day. She did a couple with me one day and really liked it.

Where do you stand now on surgery? Mine is around the corner...the 20th.

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Hi everyone. I am new here but glad to see such support. You guys are great! I am 46 yrs old and the mother of 2 great guys who are 24 yrs old. In a great relationship with a wonderful man. Oh and a mother to a little rag muffin we call Goosiebug. She is part terrier and who knows what else. She rules our world!

I always say I have been overweight since birth....10.9 whewww. I have always been insecure about my weight and appearance but it seems in the last few years its been worse. Pounds just continue to creep on...my list of medications seems to get longer and longer. Nothing seems to work for me.

Like most everyone on here I have been on every kind of diet that I can think of with limited success. I think the worse was the Aloe Vera diet..gagggggg. Its amazing what we try when we are desperate to lose weight isnt it? Anyways I have been thinking of the Lap Band for a while now and went to my first seminar in Jan of this year. I had pretty much made up my mind that it was what I wanted to do but then it was comfirmed while on a flight shortly after attending the seminar. A woman sitting next to me wanted to use the arm rest but it wouldnt stay all the way down...she was slamming it down saying "Why wont this stay down" I had to explain that it was because part of my hip was under the arm rest. Needless to say we were both embarrassed. Right then and there I decided that I would not continue this way. That and the fact that I have been very worried about my health...high blood pressure, high cholestoral and reflux.

So here I am waiting for my appt with the nutritionist later this month then all my information will be submitted to my insurance co for pre authorization. Hopefully with in the next few months I will be able to have surgery. I have already had my appt with Dr Bruce at the Dayton Bariatric Center.

I look forward to getting to know those on this site! It seems that you are all great and very supportive to one another. What a great place to be able to come and not be judged. Thanks for being here.


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Welcome to all of you newbies, It's been awhile since I'v been on and I come back and I see all of these post and it's a wonderful thing to see. I was banded Oct 18, 2006 and I haven't had one regret. I did really well up till a month ago and I have been eating more sweets, I'm not hungry but still want my sweets, I haven't gained and have actually lost 3# but I know that I could of done better. I can actually say that since my banding that I haven't been physically hungry just emotional hungry and that's what I always knew, that the band is not a cure all but a tool, there are still things that you will need to work through to be sucessful in losing weight, it's not going to happen just because of the band, don't get me wrong the band has been a BIG BIG HELP with my weight loss and I do see myself being able to lose all that I want to but I need to do my part also.

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Hello Debbbie, How are things coming along for you? Have you seen the surgeon, or have a date to see him/her? I have one more question for you .... Did you have to submitt a medically supervised diet with your forms? I have not had a "Supervised" Medical diet for at least 5 years! Do you think they are going to make me do that before they will let me do the surgery? This is VERY NERVE RACKING!!!!! I don't think I can wait if they are talking about me having to be on a supervised diet for 6 months before they will concider me!!!! I guess I will just have to :pray: so I don't have to jump thru those hopes. I want this done soon and very soon!


hi Lady QT--glad to see columbus represented.

i went to the seminar on dec 15. after you send your packet in you will get a reply packet detailing all the steps you have to take before you can see the surgeon. i only had to see a psychologist, the dietitian, go to a support group meeting and submit a diet history.

you have 30 days to send the $300.

because of the holidays i didnt get in to see the psychologist till jan 17.

then i saw the dietitian feb 2. went to the support group on feb 6 and a two hour dietitian class of feb 8.

after they get all those clearances you are supposed to hear from the coordinator in a week to schedule with the surgeon. but they seemed to have lost my paperwork and i didnt get to see the surgeon till last thursday. so now it is in the hands of the insurance company and i am waiting again.

all this waiting is driving me nuts. I want this done NOW. i wish i could afford to just selfpay. but that would be stupid when my insurance will supposedly pay.

hope this helps and may your journey go faster than mine.


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the coordinator seemed pretty convinced that my insurance would require such a list of diets. but i told her that when i called they did not say that was a requirement.

I went to see the surgeon on Feb 8. and i was all happy thinking that it was now in the hands of the insurance company. but i talked to my insurance about another matter on friday, which was 8 days after my appt, and they said nothing had been submitted yet. so i called the coordinator and she said that it sometimes takes her two weeks to transcribe the surgeons notes and submit it. so here i sit once again as anxious as all get out.

I just feel that maybe this is not meant to be.

The psychologist never submitted the $350 charge to my insurance. i went to see him on jan 17. now i have to start hounding him to submit it so i can get some of that money back. he made me pay him in advance.

then the dietician lost my paperwork

the coordinator is taking forever to submit it.

it just goes on and on. i am getting so dishearted.

i wanted to have this done by my birthday in april. i can forget that.

now i am beginning to think i should just forget about it and try to do it on my own. do i really want to do this? every time i am out driving i see all these restaraunts i want to try and then i think--I wont be able to go there after my surgery.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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