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INTRODUCTIONS-please introduce yourself here before going to another thread

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Hey Everybody, I"m really getting in to this Ohio Forum. I was thinking it may be a great idea to ask brand new folks to give an introduction of themselves here so that later if we are reading posts from people and we can't remember what's up, we can refer back to here. I'll start and I look forward to hearing about all of you.

Well, first I waned to share more about myself. I am 36 years old, single (well divorced many years ago) and most times, rather isolated. I've let my weight over the many years be the reason I don't get out and do much. I need to lose a hundred pounds to be where I'm comfortable.

I'm living in Columbus, Ohio but this is not my dream to stay here. I'm pursuing a licensure in community counseling (this will officially allow me to a therapist) and I hope to specialize in eating disorders. I also hope to specialize in disordered eating behaviors. By this, I mean that many folks out there may not necessarily meet the criteria for a full-fledged eating dirsorder and I think the disordered eating behaviors they do warrant attention and understanding.

I have a history of an eating disorder, sometimes ranging from bulimia to anorexia to binge eating and simply disorder eating behaviors/thoughts. Fortunately I have done a significant amount of work with food additions and I do believe that the thoughts don't necessarily go away; rather we get stronger to fight against them. Personally, I use food when I am at home watching tv, when I can't sleep, when I've got something yummy in the house (in those circumstances I can't seem to let myself just have one piece). I think the band will help all these issues,

I have two cats, Snickers and Triskett, and they are my children. One of the reasons I chose the band was so that in a year or two I may be able to have a child of my own. I hope, as the weight comes of, that I will be able to increase my social situations because I'm very easy to talk to and have a genuine sense of concern about people.

I am being banded on 1/10/07 with Dr. Schumacher. I go for pre-admission testing the big 3-hour class where I'll get my post-op meal plan. Fortunately, I don't have to be on a pre-op plan.


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Hello, I guess I'm next. I''m 42 and have been overweight on and off my whole life, just had gradually gotten bigger every year. I am a divorced mother of two grown sons (22 and 19) I have one dog and I don't really go out that often because I am to self concious and I end up coming home feeling worse then if I would of just stayed home in the first place. I had my band surgery Oct. 18th 2006 and have lost 30# so far. I can already tell a difference in my health and how I feel emotionally and that's with just losing 30# just think how I'll feel when I lose 40, 50, and even my ultimate goal of 114#. One of the reasons I decided to have the band was because I am tired of not living, I mean I am only 42 and I live like I'm alot older. There are so many things I want to do but I let my weight hold me back. I want to date again, to honestly let myself have fun and not think " I wonder what they are thinking of me" , I want to go windsurfing, ride my bike, go swimming, just live and make my life more exciting then just working 40 hrs a week and coming home and watching tv. Well that's just a little about the old me and I'll update you later when the new me starts to appear little by little.


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Hey all:

My name is Lisa, and I hope to be approved in January.

I have had issues with food all of my life. I don't call it weight issues, I call it food issues, with the weight just being a side effect.

I use food for comfort, and I don't have any illusions about the band changing that.

I hope that the band will give me a level of control, that will help me deal with the emotional eating.

Some of the results I hope to achieve: improved health ( I am 43, and feel 53 somedays), improved self image (my image of myself affects how I deal with almost all situations and issues), improved lifestyle (less time on the couch).

I live in Dayton, and am looking to connect with other Dayton bandsters, for advice and support.

Take care all :clap2: :kiss2:

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Welcome Lisa: Keep viewing the OH board - I hope we'll be selecting the date soon for us all to meet and get together. Also, are you going to come to the support groups in Kettering? I think one is on the 2nd Wed of each month and the 4th Mon of each month. The first one is 1/10 - I won't be there because that's my surgery day but I will be for later ones. Thanks for sharing and have a great day

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I live in Beavercreek Ohio. I have three teenagers and my husband had a gastric bypass about 4 years ago. We have two cats and two shih tsu's. I had my band in nov. and my first fill today! The weight loss has been very slow so far, but with the holidays I remind myself that I usually gain...I havn't started the excersize yet, I have arthritis and wanted to get a bit more weight off before stressing out my joints.

Good luck everyone!

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I live in West Chester Ohio. I moved here about 5 years ago and I am still adjusting to life in Ohio. I had my band in August of 2006. I actually had an unfill for a bit because the family stress had my esophagus nice and inflamed. Once the holidays relaxed, I had a small fill back in before Christmass. I quickly learned that I am still a "Fat Girl" in my brain. I had another fill yesterday and I am so happy with my restriction in place again.

I was not an obese child. I was not an obese teen. I had some seriously dangerous eating disorders throughout college, though I was quite active in NCAA sports. After my first child, I returned to a small size. After my second child---well-lets just say I have not seen a single digit pant in years. I yo-yo dieted, I Atkins and the whole lot. Finally my PCP said my BMI was too low for any Bariatric Surgery but I should try Jenny Craig.

Instead I found Cincinnati Weight Loss Center. There I found support and soon I will find single digit pants again.

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I live in West Chester Ohio. I moved here about 5 years ago and I am still adjusting to life in Ohio. I had my band in August of 2006. I actually had an unfill for a bit because the family stress had my esophagus nice and inflamed. Once the holidays relaxed, I had a small fill back in before Christmass. I quickly learned that I am still a "Fat Girl" in my brain. I had another fill yesterday and I am so happy with my restriction in place again.

I was not an obese child. I was not an obese teen. I had some seriously dangerous eating disorders throughout college, though I was quite active in NCAA sports. After my first child, I returned to a small size. After my second child---well-lets just say I have not seen a single digit pant in years. I yo-yo dieted, I Atkins and the whole lot. Finally my PCP said my BMI was too low for any Bariatric Surgery but I should try Jenny Craig.

Instead I found Cincinnati Weight Loss Center. There I found support and soon I will find single digit pants again.

Great big welcome to you Miss Banster! We are trying to arrange a get together for Ohio people. Would you be interested? This would be for pre-banders or veterans - let us all know on the Ohio Let's get started forum! Thanks for your intro. I can relate big time to the eating disorders in college. I was anorexic and bulimic before I got fat too. Now, I'm excited because I get banded on Wed 1/10 and I need the band to help with the overeating. Look forward to talking with you more. Paige :)

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GOOD LUCK TODAY MINDFUL! Be sure to post and let us know how you are doing. Today is the first day of the rest of your life......!

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I second a GOOD LUCK and welcome to the other side Miss MINDFUL!!!

About your questions with the cream soups---I made Tomato creamier with a dash of heavy cream and sometimes I would add a little parmesean & oregano to give it some flavor. I really was not hungry during the liquid phase--more bored than anything.

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Hello everybody,

This is a great site. I was banded on 9/22/06, as of today, I have lost 20 lbs. I know I am not eating as I am suppose to. I have had one fill in December, but as far as I could tell I can still eat as much as I want no restriction. I am gong to call the doctor tomorrow to get an appointment to get another fill.

I absolutely have no restriction. I am also drinking diet soda, that is so hard for me to give up.

Any advice?

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Hello everybody,

This is a great site. I was banded on 9/22/06, as of today, I have lost 20 lbs. I know I am not eating as I am suppose to. I have had one fill in December, but as far as I could tell I can still eat as much as I want no restriction. I am gong to call the doctor tomorrow to get an appointment to get another fill.

I absolutely have no restriction. I am also drinking diet soda, that is so hard for me to give up.

Any advice?

Hello and welcome. You know, I was not too restricted at first and still losing. My doc said if I was still losing and eating properly I did not need to be over restricted for the band to work. I pushed it and ended up too tight for about a week, but in the end worked it out.

Now for the soda....sounds like you need to see your doc soon. I know I was instructed not to drink any soda or carbonated beverages because of possible discomfort and overinflating the stomach which could lead to a slip. Which I must confess is my biggest fear.

Finding the "sweet spot" with adjustments took a few fills for me, I hope you do well. Trust us when we say you will know as soon as you are restricted. It makes me so happy to feel it sometimes, because then I know this may actually work!!

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Hello All,

Guess I missed posting my introduction here. So here goes.....

My name is Barbara and I've been overweight most of my life. Not always alot but none the less overweight. My most recent and biggest weight gain came after my open heart surgery three years ago. Since then, I gained over 40 pounds all during a time I was supposed to be losing weight. My blood pressure was up, I developed diabetes, I couldn't walk without huffing and puffing. I was a mess. I decided I needed to do something and I'd better do it quick or I'd be dead before I turned 65. (I was 60 this past September.)

I live in the Dayton area and worked in Cincinnati, so in May of this year I decided it was time to retire and take care of my health. I was working with a personal trainer, trying to diet...all to no avail. Then I saw an ad for lapband surgery. I had to check it out! It sounded pretty good. I had never considered WLS before because I thought it was too invasive. I didn't want my insides rerouted. Also, some of the people I worked with had a pretty rough time with it. And with my heart problems, I didn't think I could get my cardiologist to approve me for it.

I attended an informational meeting for the Cincinnati Weight Loss Center, made my appointment and got the ball rolling. Well, my insurance would not approve them because they were out of my network. So it was back to square one. So I looked around somemore and found Dr. Shumacher at Kettering Bariatric. I made my appointment, attended one of his informational meetings and started the process all over again. It didn't take long and before I knew it, I had a date! October 11 is my new birthday! That's when I entered Lapband Land and became a Bandster!

For me surgery was a breeze. I can't complain one bit. My stomach was a little sore but the pain was minimal. I was up and walking within a couple of hours of getting back to my room. And I walked and walked and walked. I walked for 30 minutes everyday for the first month. (Not real fast, but I moved.)

How have I done??? Well, I've dropped nearly 35 pounds. I've had two fills and am scheduled for another one on Monday. I'm ready for another one. I feel restriction, but it's getting looser every day. So it's time.

Do I regret having this done? No. My only regret is that I didn't do it sooner. My blood pressure is normal, my blood tests are normal, my diabetes is almost non-existent. I also have more stamina than I've had in years. And, I have ankles!!!! (I had trouble with endema before the surgery and it looked like my legs just sat on top of my feet....no ankles.)

I would love to get together with other bandsters in the area. I attend the support group at Dr. Schumacher's but I would like to have a support group just for bandsters. We are not RNYers and have different issues. So let's get one started.

I'd love to talk to anyone out there that's contemplating or has had the lapband. You can email me direct at bforman911@yahoo.com.

Talk to you all soon.

BabyBoomer Barbara

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Hello to All,

I am a 60 year old widow of 4 years, after a 36 year marriage. My 2 sons are married with 2 children each. My daughter is single and likes it that way. We have a very close family. I have been heavy on and off all my life. I can lose the weight, but, have always gained it back and more. I have a younger "gentleman friend" in my life and I want to be able to do things, like walking through the woods or go shopping with him without huffing, puffing, and getting so tired. My bones & joints "ain't" what they use to be and I know that it is time to start taking better care of my body if I want to live with a good quality of life. I am young at heart and there is so much more I want to experience that now is the time. Next Wed. the 31st I will be banded and will start a new phase of my life.

Am sooo looking forward to this new adventure !

My motto is..........

Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well perserved body, BUT RATHER, to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand and wine in the other, body thoroughly used up totally worn out and screaming.......Woo Hoo, DAMN WHAT A RIDE !!! :mad:

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i guess i should formally introduce myself on the ohio board.

i live in columbus and am still in the process of trying to get the lapband at mt carmel hospital. it seems to be taking forever--i went to the seminar on dec 15 and still havent seen the surgeon. they have all kinds of stipulations and it takes time to make appts and go to meetings. i have a nutrition class this week and i am hoping that after that i will finally be scheduled to see the surgeons. mt carmel is a preferred provider for my insurance and i think it would be dumb to pay more just to get it done sooner. so i will just jump thru the hoops!! hopefully this thing will take place in april or may.

i am 56, divorced with a grown married son and one grandson.

i am in a relationship with an older guy who is thin and is very energetic and i cant keep up with him!!!

right now i am 290 and 5'10". these last 40 pounds just came so fast and i seemed powerless to get rid of them.

my knees and feet are killing me which makes it impossible to go for any walks. i joined lifetime fitness so i could use the pool to do Water walking and aerobics but only get over there once a week.

i have high blood pressure, arthritis and now my ankles are swelling and hurting really bad. i have an office job so i sit most of the day.

just recently discovered my TSH levels are low and i have a goiter, so now i am on synthroid. this is helping my energy level somewhat. i used to get overwhelmed just walking to the back of a superwalmart. now i seem to be better.

i am always hungry. i need something to help with that. i am hoping the lapband will help. i have to do something if i want to live long enough to retire. i want to be able to live long enough to draw my full retirement which is age 66.

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Hey Debbie:

I just wanted to say welcome. I usually post on the Ohio, Let's get this started thread so I'll see you there. I just want to encourage you - it IS a long process but so worth it. I've been banded only a month but so far have lost a good amount of weight. I just got my first fill this week and I'm loving it. Welcome and I hope you get your date soon.

Mindful (Paige)

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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