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My Journey... thus far! (this is long)

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post-344813-13813141450132_thumb.jpg post-344813-1381314145081_thumb.jpg post-344813-1381314145081_thumb.jpgHello!! My name is Katie. I am 33 years old and on April 8, 2013 I was sleeved at JourneyLIte of Cincinnati by Dr. Trace Curry. But that was not the start of my journey. My journey began two years earlier. When I realized that if I didn't do something, make some changes I was not going to make it to 40. Something, most likely my heart would give out on me. Changes needed to be made.

I have been heavy since I was around 10 years old. The combination of puberty, and eating way too much added up. By the time I was 13 I was well over 200 lbs. So my weight is something that I have struggled with for a very long time. Things just got worse as I got older. I moved from the city where I walked every where, to the country where walking to your local store, or library was not doable. I became lazy even more so.

About a year ago I started to notice that the things that use to be easy for me to do was no longer easy. Walking was a pain literally, both on my knees, ankles and back, along with struggling to breath. Walking from the couch to the bathroom wiped me out. At one point in my life I loved going out. I would go to local band shows, and concerts. I went to fairs, and festivals. But I was starting to tread those things I once loved to do. I started saying "no" when people invited me out because I knew there would be walking that needed to be done, and I just couldn't do it. I mean walking from my door to the car was hard. There was NO way I could walk three blocks to a concert hall! I found myself sitting down. Giving up. And gaining more and more. I even found things like swimming which I love to do dreadful because of the walk from the chair to the pool! Two summers ago I found myself sitting down and watching the world go around me. That's when I decided something needed to be done.

Then my cousin had lap band surgery through the the same surgeon. I started to talk to her, and start my research on the different types of weight loss surgery. At the time I was really looking into by pass, simply because I had never heard of the sleeve. I did a lot of research, but eventually gave up. Mainly because I knew I could not afford the surgery. I didn't have a job, I couldn't work because physically stand to work. And I'm not going to get a job in an office! I knew that. So I gave up. Stopped researching. In my mind it was just a dream of mine that would never happen. I just decided to live the way I had been. I didn't even try dieting.

Then on New Years Eve of 2011 I found myself sitting alone. All because I couldn't go anywhere. I was sad, I was depressed and I was tired of missing out on my life. So I decided to sit down and talk to my mom about it. I know she had seen me start to fall, and seen that I was getting pretty. At this time I didn't even know how much I weighed, I only knew that I had to weigh at least 450 if not more! There was no scale that would read my weight, I was too heavy. She supported my Quest for WLS. And thought it was a wonderful idea! I was so happy that she was supportive that I quickly made a post on Facebook vaguely announcing my happiness. About 5 mins later my friend Cat called me wanting to know about the update. So I told her. Turns out that she herself was doing the same thing. However, she was looking into the sleeve, which I had never heard of. So she explained it to me, and gave me some websites to visit After visiting these websites and doing my research I then decided that the sleeve was probably a better option for me.

I tried everything to raise money. Online fundraisers (got 5 dollars) I tried and tried but it never went anywhere. I even tried to get on disability. Which I was denied, of course. Of course I found out that I had type two diabetes, and VERY high blood pressure, and started my wonderful drug therapy for both. All this time I couldn't find out how much I really weighed because no scales would register my weight. Finally my aunt had an idea. She works in a factory that makes big paper felts. I had to go to where she works to weigh myself on the scales that weigh 1000 lb felts. This was in Feb. of 2012. I weighed 450 lbs. I decided then that I had to make changes before surgery. That's a lot of weight to carry around on a 5'4 frame!

The next few months nothing was really done. I would try, cry, pray. But nothing. I had no way to pay. And with every day that passed the more and more it seemed as though it wasn't going to happen. Then in October I had an accident in the bath tub. We do not have a shower, so I have to take a bath. I wasn't able to get out of the bath tub, because I could not pull myself up. I was too heavy! There was no home to help me either. I ended up having to basically flop myself out of the tub onto the floor, and in doing this, I slipped and hit my head. I didn't get knocked out, thank God. But once I was out of the tub, I still couldn't stand up. I had to crawl to my couch and take the cushion off and sit myself on the couch to get up. This was embarrassing even though no one was home, no one seen me. It still happened, it still hurt. I told my mom what happened the next morning. She then told my dad. That broke my dad's heart. He then decided that yeah something needs to be done. So he made the decision to take a loan from his 401K to pay for my surgery. This delighted my heart! Many think it's crazy that I would be happy to have surgery, but those of us whose had it knows why.

I quickly made the phone call and set up an appointment with Dr. Curry. I knew I wanted to go to him, I had done my research on him too. My first appointment was Nov. 8, 2012. I was so excited. The appointment went pretty well. Not as scary as I thought it would be. But I did find out that since my BMI was over 60 (Mine was 72 I believe) I HAD to lose 75 lbs before he would do the surgery. I HAD to lose 60 before he would even schedule my surgery. But his team is awesome, and I was a assigned a nutritionist who put me on a low carb, high Protein diet. At the office I weighed 422 lbs, so I had lost .28 lbs since Feb. I left the office feeling happy because I knew the surgery would get done, but discouraged because I had to lose close to 100 lbs before having surgery and I just knew it would take forever.

I was wrong. I lost 30 lbs the first month of my new diet, and met my 60 lbs loss by March of this year. They scheduled my appointment for April 8 (5 months after my first Dr. visit to the day). And I started my 4 week pre-opt diet. Now I didn't lose like everyone else. I lost a total of 4 lbs during my pre-opt diet. I was so scared that he wouldn't do the surgery. But he did.

So on April 8th, I was sleeved. Amazingly I was rather calm, and at peace before surgery. I guess I was REALLY calm and at ease after I got my meds for surgery. Singing, dancing, acting a fool. I don't remember. I don't remember much about that day. I got to go home the same day as well. But recovery wasn't what I expected it to be. I guess I thought I would bounce right back, have all this energy. lol. Crazy girl. I was very blessed on the fact that I didn't have any pain afterward, and I had no throwing up or anything like that. My second day was the worse for me. That's because I was so sleepy, and tired I didn't want to be bothered and my mom was constantly waking me up and telling me to drink drink drink walk walk walk. I just wanted to be left alone. But my energy levels were really zapped and remained that way until about three weeks ago. I didn't feel like doing anything but sit around.

Things have gotten MUCH better. I have stalled in my weight loss. I lost 30 lbs the first month, and maybe 10 the second and nothing since. However I am losing inches. I work out daily (swim for an hour, and do weights for an hour). I was able to buy bathing suits this year, and not have to wear my regular clothes swimming. I actually bought two swimming suits in two different sizes. The bigger suit is too big for me! I can walk and not get out of breath, and or feel pain!! I have may days of discouragement when I see the scale isn't doing anything, but I'm trying to get away from that thought and believe that my success lays in those numbers! There has been times I thought maybe I should have gotten the bypass, but that's only because so far I have been able to tolerate anything I have eaten. There are some things I haven't tried such as chocolate, or anything with process sugar, and gluten. I haven't had either in months and really don't want. I have tired pizza I am guilty. However, I didn't like the way it tastes, I also don't like Breakfast foods anymore?? Not even the thought of breakfast makes me happy. It use to be my favorite meal. I'm really trying to eat clean.

So..so far so good! I am only three months out, well will be on July 8th. I'm praying my scale starts to move again, but either way I am so happy with what I have been giving so far!! Here are some pics of my progress. I started taking pictures in Dec. before my surgery. So the first pictures are from then, after I lost 30 lbs. And the last was taken about a week ago. In total, since Feb. 2012 I have lost around 120 lbs I believe! I wish I had pictures from back then!



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(((Katie)))- Thank you so much for sharing. You're doing so awesome!

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Great job!! Your dedication is an inspiration to us all!! You keep up the good work!

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Hello!! My name is Katie. I am 33 years old and on April 8' date=' 2013 I was sleeved at JourneyLIte of Cincinnati by Dr. Trace Curry. But that was not the start of my journey. My journey began two years earlier. When I realized that if I didn't do something, make some changes I was not going to make it to 40. Something, most likely my heart would give out on me. Changes needed to be made.

I have been heavy since I was around 10 years old. The combination of puberty, and eating way too much added up. By the time I was 13 I was well over 200 lbs. So my weight is something that I have struggled with for a very long time. Things just got worse as I got older. I moved from the city where I walked every where, to the country where walking to your local store, or library was not doable. I became lazy even more so.

About a year ago I started to notice that the things that use to be easy for me to do was no longer easy. Walking was a pain literally, both on my knees, ankles and back, along with struggling to breath. Walking from the couch to the bathroom wiped me out. At one point in my life I loved going out. I would go to local band shows, and concerts. I went to fairs, and festivals. But I was starting to tread those things I once loved to do. I started saying "no" when people invited me out because I knew there would be walking that needed to be done, and I just couldn't do it. I mean walking from my door to the car was hard. There was NO way I could walk three blocks to a concert hall! I found myself sitting down. Giving up. And gaining more and more. I even found things like swimming which I love to do dreadful because of the walk from the chair to the pool! Two summers ago I found myself sitting down and watching the world go around me. That's when I decided something needed to be done.

Then my cousin had lap band surgery through the the same surgeon. I started to talk to her, and start my research on the different types of weight loss surgery. At the time I was really looking into by pass, simply because I had never heard of the sleeve. I did a lot of research, but eventually gave up. Mainly because I knew I could not afford the surgery. I didn't have a job, I couldn't work because physically stand to work. And I'm not going to get a job in an office! I knew that. So I gave up. Stopped researching. In my mind it was just a dream of mine that would never happen. I just decided to live the way I had been. I didn't even try dieting.

Then on New Years Eve of 2011 I found myself sitting alone. All because I couldn't go anywhere. I was sad, I was depressed and I was tired of missing out on my life. So I decided to sit down and talk to my mom about it. I know she had seen me start to fall, and seen that I was getting pretty. At this time I didn't even know how much I weighed, I only knew that I had to weigh at least 450 if not more! There was no scale that would read my weight, I was too heavy. She supported my Quest for WLS. And thought it was a wonderful idea! I was so happy that she was supportive that I quickly made a post on Facebook vaguely announcing my happiness. About 5 mins later my friend Cat called me wanting to know about the update. So I told her. Turns out that she herself was doing the same thing. However, she was looking into the sleeve, which I had never heard of. So she explained it to me, and gave me some websites to visit After visiting these websites and doing my research I then decided that the sleeve was probably a better option for me.

I tried everything to raise money. Online fundraisers (got 5 dollars) I tried and tried but it never went anywhere. I even tried to get on disability. Which I was denied, of course. Of course I found out that I had type two diabetes, and VERY high blood pressure, and started my wonderful drug therapy for both. All this time I couldn't find out how much I really weighed because no scales would register my weight. Finally my aunt had an idea. She works in a factory that makes big paper felts. I had to go to where she works to weigh myself on the scales that weigh 1000 lb felts. This was in Feb. of 2012. I weighed 450 lbs. I decided then that I had to make changes before surgery. That's a lot of weight to carry around on a 5'4 frame!

The next few months nothing was really done. I would try, cry, pray. But nothing. I had no way to pay. And with every day that passed the more and more it seemed as though it wasn't going to happen. Then in October I had an accident in the bath tub. We do not have a shower, so I have to take a bath. I wasn't able to get out of the bath tub, because I could not pull myself up. I was too heavy! There was no home to help me either. I ended up having to basically flop myself out of the tub onto the floor, and in doing this, I slipped and hit my head. I didn't get knocked out, thank God. But once I was out of the tub, I still couldn't stand up. I had to crawl to my couch and take the cushion off and sit myself on the couch to get up. This was embarrassing even though no one was home, no one seen me. It still happened, it still hurt. I told my mom what happened the next morning. She then told my dad. That broke my dad's heart. He then decided that yeah something needs to be done. So he made the decision to take a loan from his 401K to pay for my surgery. This delighted my heart! Many think it's crazy that I would be happy to have surgery, but those of us whose had it knows why.

I quickly made the phone call and set up an appointment with Dr. Curry. I knew I wanted to go to him, I had done my research on him too. My first appointment was Nov. 8, 2012. I was so excited. The appointment went pretty well. Not as scary as I thought it would be. But I did find out that since my BMI was over 60 (Mine was 72 I believe) I HAD to lose 75 lbs before he would do the surgery. I HAD to lose 60 before he would even schedule my surgery. But his team is awesome, and I was a assigned a nutritionist who put me on a low carb, high Protein diet. At the office I weighed 422 lbs, so I had lost .28 lbs since Feb. I left the office feeling happy because I knew the surgery would get done, but discouraged because I had to lose close to 100 lbs before having surgery and I just knew it would take forever.

I was wrong. I lost 30 lbs the first month of my new diet, and met my 60 lbs loss by March of this year. They scheduled my appointment for April 8 (5 months after my first Dr. visit to the day). And I started my 4 week pre-opt diet. Now I didn't lose like everyone else. I lost a total of 4 lbs during my pre-opt diet. I was so scared that he wouldn't do the surgery. But he did.

So on April 8th, I was sleeved. Amazingly I was rather calm, and at peace before surgery. I guess I was REALLY calm and at ease after I got my meds for surgery. Singing, dancing, acting a fool. I don't remember. I don't remember much about that day. I got to go home the same day as well. But recovery wasn't what I expected it to be. I guess I thought I would bounce right back, have all this energy. lol. Crazy girl. I was very blessed on the fact that I didn't have any pain afterward, and I had no throwing up or anything like that. My second day was the worse for me. That's because I was so sleepy, and tired I didn't want to be bothered and my mom was constantly waking me up and telling me to drink drink drink walk walk walk. I just wanted to be left alone. But my energy levels were really zapped and remained that way until about three weeks ago. I didn't feel like doing anything but sit around.

Things have gotten MUCH better. I have stalled in my weight loss. I lost 30 lbs the first month, and maybe 10 the second and nothing since. However I am losing inches. I work out daily (swim for an hour, and do weights for an hour). I was able to buy bathing suits this year, and not have to wear my regular clothes swimming. I actually bought two swimming suits in two different sizes. The bigger suit is too big for me! I can walk and not get out of breath, and or feel pain!! I have may days of discouragement when I see the scale isn't doing anything, but I'm trying to get away from that thought and believe that my success lays in those numbers! There has been times I thought maybe I should have gotten the bypass, but that's only because so far I have been able to tolerate anything I have eaten. There are some things I haven't tried such as chocolate, or anything with process sugar, and gluten. I haven't had either in months and really don't want. I have tired pizza I am guilty. However, I didn't like the way it tastes, I also don't like breakfast foods anymore?? Not even the thought of breakfast makes me happy. It use to be my favorite meal. I'm really trying to eat clean.

So..so far so good! I am only three months out, well will be on July 8th. I'm praying my scale starts to move again, but either way I am so happy with what I have been giving so far!! Here are some pics of my progress. I started taking pictures in Dec. before my surgery. So the first pictures are from then, after I lost 30 lbs. And the last was taken about a week ago. In total, since Feb. 2012 I have lost around 120 lbs I believe! I wish I had pictures from back then!


What an inspiration you are! You don't even look like the same person! Congratulations on such a great accomplishment! Continue to keep us posted! You are a warrior for sure! Stay blessed sister!

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wow, im so proud and happy for you sweetie, im stalled also sometimes i wish i got the bypass

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I think you are AMAZING!!!

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Thank you for sharing your story! Your hard work is paying off and I know you will be successful with your determination :)

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Hello!! My name is Katie. I am 33 years old and on April 8' date=' 2013 I was sleeved at JourneyLIte of Cincinnati by Dr. Trace Curry. But that was not the start of my journey. My journey began two years earlier. When I realized that if I didn't do something, make some changes I was not going to make it to 40. Something, most likely my heart would give out on me. Changes needed to be made.

I have been heavy since I was around 10 years old. The combination of puberty, and eating way too much added up. By the time I was 13 I was well over 200 lbs. So my weight is something that I have struggled with for a very long time. Things just got worse as I got older. I moved from the city where I walked every where, to the country where walking to your local store, or library was not doable. I became lazy even more so.

About a year ago I started to notice that the things that use to be easy for me to do was no longer easy. Walking was a pain literally, both on my knees, ankles and back, along with struggling to breath. Walking from the couch to the bathroom wiped me out. At one point in my life I loved going out. I would go to local band shows, and concerts. I went to fairs, and festivals. But I was starting to tread those things I once loved to do. I started saying "no" when people invited me out because I knew there would be walking that needed to be done, and I just couldn't do it. I mean walking from my door to the car was hard. There was NO way I could walk three blocks to a concert hall! I found myself sitting down. Giving up. And gaining more and more. I even found things like swimming which I love to do dreadful because of the walk from the chair to the pool! Two summers ago I found myself sitting down and watching the world go around me. That's when I decided something needed to be done.

Then my cousin had lap band surgery through the the same surgeon. I started to talk to her, and start my research on the different types of weight loss surgery. At the time I was really looking into by pass, simply because I had never heard of the sleeve. I did a lot of research, but eventually gave up. Mainly because I knew I could not afford the surgery. I didn't have a job, I couldn't work because physically stand to work. And I'm not going to get a job in an office! I knew that. So I gave up. Stopped researching. In my mind it was just a dream of mine that would never happen. I just decided to live the way I had been. I didn't even try dieting.

Then on New Years Eve of 2011 I found myself sitting alone. All because I couldn't go anywhere. I was sad, I was depressed and I was tired of missing out on my life. So I decided to sit down and talk to my mom about it. I know she had seen me start to fall, and seen that I was getting pretty. At this time I didn't even know how much I weighed, I only knew that I had to weigh at least 450 if not more! There was no scale that would read my weight, I was too heavy. She supported my Quest for WLS. And thought it was a wonderful idea! I was so happy that she was supportive that I quickly made a post on Facebook vaguely announcing my happiness. About 5 mins later my friend Cat called me wanting to know about the update. So I told her. Turns out that she herself was doing the same thing. However, she was looking into the sleeve, which I had never heard of. So she explained it to me, and gave me some websites to visit After visiting these websites and doing my research I then decided that the sleeve was probably a better option for me.

I tried everything to raise money. Online fundraisers (got 5 dollars) I tried and tried but it never went anywhere. I even tried to get on disability. Which I was denied, of course. Of course I found out that I had type two diabetes, and VERY high blood pressure, and started my wonderful drug therapy for both. All this time I couldn't find out how much I really weighed because no scales would register my weight. Finally my aunt had an idea. She works in a factory that makes big paper felts. I had to go to where she works to weigh myself on the scales that weigh 1000 lb felts. This was in Feb. of 2012. I weighed 450 lbs. I decided then that I had to make changes before surgery. That's a lot of weight to carry around on a 5'4 frame!

The next few months nothing was really done. I would try, cry, pray. But nothing. I had no way to pay. And with every day that passed the more and more it seemed as though it wasn't going to happen. Then in October I had an accident in the bath tub. We do not have a shower, so I have to take a bath. I wasn't able to get out of the bath tub, because I could not pull myself up. I was too heavy! There was no home to help me either. I ended up having to basically flop myself out of the tub onto the floor, and in doing this, I slipped and hit my head. I didn't get knocked out, thank God. But once I was out of the tub, I still couldn't stand up. I had to crawl to my couch and take the cushion off and sit myself on the couch to get up. This was embarrassing even though no one was home, no one seen me. It still happened, it still hurt. I told my mom what happened the next morning. She then told my dad. That broke my dad's heart. He then decided that yeah something needs to be done. So he made the decision to take a loan from his 401K to pay for my surgery. This delighted my heart! Many think it's crazy that I would be happy to have surgery, but those of us whose had it knows why.

I quickly made the phone call and set up an appointment with Dr. Curry. I knew I wanted to go to him, I had done my research on him too. My first appointment was Nov. 8, 2012. I was so excited. The appointment went pretty well. Not as scary as I thought it would be. But I did find out that since my BMI was over 60 (Mine was 72 I believe) I HAD to lose 75 lbs before he would do the surgery. I HAD to lose 60 before he would even schedule my surgery. But his team is awesome, and I was a assigned a nutritionist who put me on a low carb, high Protein diet. At the office I weighed 422 lbs, so I had lost .28 lbs since Feb. I left the office feeling happy because I knew the surgery would get done, but discouraged because I had to lose close to 100 lbs before having surgery and I just knew it would take forever.

I was wrong. I lost 30 lbs the first month of my new diet, and met my 60 lbs loss by March of this year. They scheduled my appointment for April 8 (5 months after my first Dr. visit to the day). And I started my 4 week pre-opt diet. Now I didn't lose like everyone else. I lost a total of 4 lbs during my pre-opt diet. I was so scared that he wouldn't do the surgery. But he did.

So on April 8th, I was sleeved. Amazingly I was rather calm, and at peace before surgery. I guess I was REALLY calm and at ease after I got my meds for surgery. Singing, dancing, acting a fool. I don't remember. I don't remember much about that day. I got to go home the same day as well. But recovery wasn't what I expected it to be. I guess I thought I would bounce right back, have all this energy. lol. Crazy girl. I was very blessed on the fact that I didn't have any pain afterward, and I had no throwing up or anything like that. My second day was the worse for me. That's because I was so sleepy, and tired I didn't want to be bothered and my mom was constantly waking me up and telling me to drink drink drink walk walk walk. I just wanted to be left alone. But my energy levels were really zapped and remained that way until about three weeks ago. I didn't feel like doing anything but sit around.

Things have gotten MUCH better. I have stalled in my weight loss. I lost 30 lbs the first month, and maybe 10 the second and nothing since. However I am losing inches. I work out daily (swim for an hour, and do weights for an hour). I was able to buy bathing suits this year, and not have to wear my regular clothes swimming. I actually bought two swimming suits in two different sizes. The bigger suit is too big for me! I can walk and not get out of breath, and or feel pain!! I have may days of discouragement when I see the scale isn't doing anything, but I'm trying to get away from that thought and believe that my success lays in those numbers! There has been times I thought maybe I should have gotten the bypass, but that's only because so far I have been able to tolerate anything I have eaten. There are some things I haven't tried such as chocolate, or anything with process sugar, and gluten. I haven't had either in months and really don't want. I have tired pizza I am guilty. However, I didn't like the way it tastes, I also don't like breakfast foods anymore?? Not even the thought of breakfast makes me happy. It use to be my favorite meal. I'm really trying to eat clean.

So..so far so good! I am only three months out, well will be on July 8th. I'm praying my scale starts to move again, but either way I am so happy with what I have been giving so far!! Here are some pics of my progress. I started taking pictures in Dec. before my surgery. So the first pictures are from then, after I lost 30 lbs. And the last was taken about a week ago. In total, since Feb. 2012 I have lost around 120 lbs I believe! I wish I had pictures from back then!


Good luck to you Katie! You are amazing. Keep up the good work!

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Great job!!!

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wow ! Just imagine how you'll feel and look by this time next year! Your parents have given you the gift of life - twice. God bless them and you !

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Hello!! My name is Katie. I am 33 years old and on April 8' date=' 2013 I was sleeved at JourneyLIte of Cincinnati by Dr. Trace Curry. But that was not the start of my journey. My journey began two years earlier. When I realized that if I didn't do something, make some changes I was not going to make it to 40. Something, most likely my heart would give out on me. Changes needed to be made.

I have been heavy since I was around 10 years old. The combination of puberty, and eating way too much added up. By the time I was 13 I was well over 200 lbs. So my weight is something that I have struggled with for a very long time. Things just got worse as I got older. I moved from the city where I walked every where, to the country where walking to your local store, or library was not doable. I became lazy even more so.

About a year ago I started to notice that the things that use to be easy for me to do was no longer easy. Walking was a pain literally, both on my knees, ankles and back, along with struggling to breath. Walking from the couch to the bathroom wiped me out. At one point in my life I loved going out. I would go to local band shows, and concerts. I went to fairs, and festivals. But I was starting to tread those things I once loved to do. I started saying "no" when people invited me out because I knew there would be walking that needed to be done, and I just couldn't do it. I mean walking from my door to the car was hard. There was NO way I could walk three blocks to a concert hall! I found myself sitting down. Giving up. And gaining more and more. I even found things like swimming which I love to do dreadful because of the walk from the chair to the pool! Two summers ago I found myself sitting down and watching the world go around me. That's when I decided something needed to be done.

Then my cousin had lap band surgery through the the same surgeon. I started to talk to her, and start my research on the different types of weight loss surgery. At the time I was really looking into by pass, simply because I had never heard of the sleeve. I did a lot of research, but eventually gave up. Mainly because I knew I could not afford the surgery. I didn't have a job, I couldn't work because physically stand to work. And I'm not going to get a job in an office! I knew that. So I gave up. Stopped researching. In my mind it was just a dream of mine that would never happen. I just decided to live the way I had been. I didn't even try dieting.

Then on New Years Eve of 2011 I found myself sitting alone. All because I couldn't go anywhere. I was sad, I was depressed and I was tired of missing out on my life. So I decided to sit down and talk to my mom about it. I know she had seen me start to fall, and seen that I was getting pretty. At this time I didn't even know how much I weighed, I only knew that I had to weigh at least 450 if not more! There was no scale that would read my weight, I was too heavy. She supported my Quest for WLS. And thought it was a wonderful idea! I was so happy that she was supportive that I quickly made a post on Facebook vaguely announcing my happiness. About 5 mins later my friend Cat called me wanting to know about the update. So I told her. Turns out that she herself was doing the same thing. However, she was looking into the sleeve, which I had never heard of. So she explained it to me, and gave me some websites to visit After visiting these websites and doing my research I then decided that the sleeve was probably a better option for me.

I tried everything to raise money. Online fundraisers (got 5 dollars) I tried and tried but it never went anywhere. I even tried to get on disability. Which I was denied, of course. Of course I found out that I had type two diabetes, and VERY high blood pressure, and started my wonderful drug therapy for both. All this time I couldn't find out how much I really weighed because no scales would register my weight. Finally my aunt had an idea. She works in a factory that makes big paper felts. I had to go to where she works to weigh myself on the scales that weigh 1000 lb felts. This was in Feb. of 2012. I weighed 450 lbs. I decided then that I had to make changes before surgery. That's a lot of weight to carry around on a 5'4 frame!

The next few months nothing was really done. I would try, cry, pray. But nothing. I had no way to pay. And with every day that passed the more and more it seemed as though it wasn't going to happen. Then in October I had an accident in the bath tub. We do not have a shower, so I have to take a bath. I wasn't able to get out of the bath tub, because I could not pull myself up. I was too heavy! There was no home to help me either. I ended up having to basically flop myself out of the tub onto the floor, and in doing this, I slipped and hit my head. I didn't get knocked out, thank God. But once I was out of the tub, I still couldn't stand up. I had to crawl to my couch and take the cushion off and sit myself on the couch to get up. This was embarrassing even though no one was home, no one seen me. It still happened, it still hurt. I told my mom what happened the next morning. She then told my dad. That broke my dad's heart. He then decided that yeah something needs to be done. So he made the decision to take a loan from his 401K to pay for my surgery. This delighted my heart! Many think it's crazy that I would be happy to have surgery, but those of us whose had it knows why.

I quickly made the phone call and set up an appointment with Dr. Curry. I knew I wanted to go to him, I had done my research on him too. My first appointment was Nov. 8, 2012. I was so excited. The appointment went pretty well. Not as scary as I thought it would be. But I did find out that since my BMI was over 60 (Mine was 72 I believe) I HAD to lose 75 lbs before he would do the surgery. I HAD to lose 60 before he would even schedule my surgery. But his team is awesome, and I was a assigned a nutritionist who put me on a low carb, high Protein diet. At the office I weighed 422 lbs, so I had lost .28 lbs since Feb. I left the office feeling happy because I knew the surgery would get done, but discouraged because I had to lose close to 100 lbs before having surgery and I just knew it would take forever.

I was wrong. I lost 30 lbs the first month of my new diet, and met my 60 lbs loss by March of this year. They scheduled my appointment for April 8 (5 months after my first Dr. visit to the day). And I started my 4 week pre-opt diet. Now I didn't lose like everyone else. I lost a total of 4 lbs during my pre-opt diet. I was so scared that he wouldn't do the surgery. But he did.

So on April 8th, I was sleeved. Amazingly I was rather calm, and at peace before surgery. I guess I was REALLY calm and at ease after I got my meds for surgery. Singing, dancing, acting a fool. I don't remember. I don't remember much about that day. I got to go home the same day as well. But recovery wasn't what I expected it to be. I guess I thought I would bounce right back, have all this energy. lol. Crazy girl. I was very blessed on the fact that I didn't have any pain afterward, and I had no throwing up or anything like that. My second day was the worse for me. That's because I was so sleepy, and tired I didn't want to be bothered and my mom was constantly waking me up and telling me to drink drink drink walk walk walk. I just wanted to be left alone. But my energy levels were really zapped and remained that way until about three weeks ago. I didn't feel like doing anything but sit around.

Things have gotten MUCH better. I have stalled in my weight loss. I lost 30 lbs the first month, and maybe 10 the second and nothing since. However I am losing inches. I work out daily (swim for an hour, and do weights for an hour). I was able to buy bathing suits this year, and not have to wear my regular clothes swimming. I actually bought two swimming suits in two different sizes. The bigger suit is too big for me! I can walk and not get out of breath, and or feel pain!! I have may days of discouragement when I see the scale isn't doing anything, but I'm trying to get away from that thought and believe that my success lays in those numbers! There has been times I thought maybe I should have gotten the bypass, but that's only because so far I have been able to tolerate anything I have eaten. There are some things I haven't tried such as chocolate, or anything with process sugar, and gluten. I haven't had either in months and really don't want. I have tired pizza I am guilty. However, I didn't like the way it tastes, I also don't like Breakfast foods anymore?? Not even the thought of breakfast makes me happy. It use to be my favorite meal. I'm really trying to eat clean.

So..so far so good! I am only three months out, well will be on July 8th. I'm praying my scale starts to move again, but either way I am so happy with what I have been giving so far!! Here are some pics of my progress. I started taking pictures in Dec. before my surgery. So the first pictures are from then, after I lost 30 lbs. And the last was taken about a week ago. In total, since Feb. 2012 I have lost around 120 lbs I believe! I wish I had pictures from back then!


Your story inspired me!

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Katie your story is inspiring!! I just started the process with Dr Curry. Their staff is amazing!

...and you look amazing too! You can really tell the difference in your before and after pics. Please keep us posted! I would love to see how you progress !

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    • BetterLeah

      Woohoo! I have 7 more days till surgery, So far I am already down a total of 20lbs since I started this journey. 
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      1. NeonRaven8919

        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

    • Ladiva04

      I had my surgery on the 25th of June of this year. Starting off at 117 kilos.😒
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      1. NeonRaven8919

        Congrats on the surgery!

    • Sandra Austin Tx

      I’m 6 days post op as of today. I had the gastric bypass 
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      Hi, I’m new here. I’m currently on the liver shrinking diet. So far so good, but I have to say I haven’t found a protein shake I like. Anyone have any suggestions please? My surgery date is September 17th. 
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      1. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

      2. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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