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February 2007 bandsters!

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Without restriction my portions are definitly smaller than they were pre band but larger than they should be. After my first fill I felt a little bit tighter in the morning. I would have my protien shake which was about 12 oz of milk and the powder and that would damn near stuff me for almost 4 hours. I never had a problem getting it down but it definitly helped me to stay full. After about a week though it could eat fast again, gulp Water, and not chew as well. I had maybe one or two time were I chewed so little that the food would not really get stuck, but I could feel it in the upper pouch then squeezing through to the bottom. But I could still eat bread and when I managed to eat almost a whole grilled chicken sandwich (bun included) I called the Dr. for another fill. As for this fill I don't know how it is going to be. I did manage to drink a 16 oz water throughout my 50 minute workout. The working out is one thing that is keeping me going. It is probably the key to any weight I have lost so far. I far from love it but I am getting to the point now where I feel guilty if I don't do it. All I am doing is walking now but I have managed to get myself up to 3 miles a day at a 3.5mph pace. Not too shabby for 250lbs. I would say if you are ahving any problems with overeating before a fill to just get up and walk. At least then you are counteracting against it in a way. Supposedly the real wieght loss isn't supposed to really start until the 6th week and I am there now and ready to go.

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Yesterday i had my first fill or "adjustment". i LOVE my surgeon. He does all of his out of staters himself. I met with his nutritionalist and the whole experience was pleasant, even though the 'finding the port" wasnt so much, it didnt really hurt, it just felt weird and it was fantastic to look in my nutritionalists face and talk about something else while it was going on. They made sure i was able to drink Water and felt okay before leaving. They are extremely attentive over there. I feel tighter, and im still on liquids. Im supposed to eat some fish tonight to make sure it goes down before i leave tomorrow.

I fly back home in the wee hours tomorrow morning. Im very sad about this, ive had a wonderful stay and its been beautiful here. THeres already a foot n half of snow there, and its supposed to dump two more feet the day i get back. im not looking forward to any of it.

I have only lost three lbs in this past month. thats WITH me riding the bike every day for 8 miles, limited intake and that blows my mind.

I was told, that after liquids im going to be eating more solid food and to NOT DRINK MY cALORIES!!! no more Soups, no more SQUISHIES, im moving onto solids.

im nervous about this, but in all fairness, i had female stuff going on that would explain some water retention. I am confident its been more.

still..im on my way to normal living with the band.

I still think its wild that in a three month span, im banded, filled, and being significantly more active than before.

im happier. much much happier than when i got on that plane. i hate to go back. When its that cold, theres NOTHING to do like what ive been doing. eh...we will see right?


i suppose my next post will be from across the country. My next appointment with Dr St Laurent is April 27th. (six weeks)

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BYEBYE Lizrbit!!! I know you've enjoyed your stay in Texas. I love that town,too!! I'm sorry I didn't get over there to see you in person, but a death in the family prevented me from going anywhere. Please keep in touch and Congratulations on your new life!!!!! I see that 3 more pounds are gone for you...whoo hoo!!!!!!a


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I am feeling just like you sunnysea! NO restriction whatsoever. My family had chinese food last night and I ate it. I just wanted to experiment, but I was shocked at how much I can eat. My portions are down though, and I don't feel really hungry or anything, but it's not enough to lose weight right now. I'm also getting a fill early April and am hoping I'll feel the restriction I did right after getting the band. I can see it working, I just hate to be at this standstill. Take care.


banded 2/23

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Mmmmm… Chinese food! My favorite Chinese place makes a delicious Cashew chicken with diced carrots & zucchini as the veggies in brown sauce over rice. (Of course, I have no clue as to the cal/fat makeup of this dish.)

I’ve been thinking that this might be a good meal with the band…minus the rice, naturally. Protein with the tender chicken & nuts, and small, soft veggies – it sounds like the perfect WLS meal. I can almost taste it…:hungry: But I'm too scared to actually try some! :nervous

Have any of you with “filled restriction” ventured into nuts yet & how did it go?

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Same here. No restriction, but I am only letting myself eat at about 60-70% of the quantity I was before. I can eat bread, in fact, I haven't had trouble with anything yet. I even had a sushi roll the other night.. ONE sushi roll, normally I could have put away 2 or 3 but I only ordered one and was fine when I was done. Today for lunch I had Apricot chicken and mashed potatoes. It comes with two chicken breast, so when she brought it out I went ahead and asked for a to go box and boxed up half the potatoes and one chicken breast then ate the rest and I am pleasently full andssssssleeeeepy. now, I COULD HAVE eaten more that one roll and I could have finished all the chicken and potatoes, but knowing that I could I tried to take preventative measures and so far it's worked.

hang in there.... trust me, it will be different 1-3 fills down the road I think.


p.s. by the way.. my nick name is Gretchen... I wish it was my real name.. I lOVE it.

Hi Guys,

I am getting soooo frustrated. I dont have any restriction at all. I was banded on 24th February and should still be on mushies but Im just not getting full. I can eat a tonne.

Tonight I went out with friends for lebanese and tried to stick to mushies but I didnt, I ate solids and almost as much as I would have done before the band. Why is this not working for me? I feel like an absolute failure. I have no self control.

Im really scared Ive done myself some damage, ie my band slipped, port flipped etc ...

I know most people dont feel severe restriction until their first fill but Im not feeling any at all ...

:phanvan :faint: :phanvan :faint: :phanvan :faint: :phanvan

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Hey Everybody:

Haven't posted recently -- but always keeping updated.

Just wanted to know if any on my fellow Feb. bandsters are experiencing the same as me.

I was banded on Feb 5th - had great success immediately (pre-op diet and banding I lost approximately 30lbs:biggrin1: by March 5th)

I haven't lost one ounce since!!!!

Went to Doc yesterday, he suggested a fill.

My issues are: I'm not hungry.

Dont eat more than 1000- 1100 calories a day

Hardly find my way around getting in 8oz of Water.< /p>

I'm nervous about getting a fill because I don't feel that I'm eating enough now!

I asked if I could think about it for a week and get back to him. And of course he said yes. (Dont get me wrong, I want to lose more weight, I just don't want more restriction until I need it!!)

;) Is there anybody else like this?

:) can I have some of your opinions?

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Hey Everybody:

Haven't posted recently -- but always keeping updated.

Just wanted to know if any on my fellow Feb. bandsters are experiencing the same as me.

I was banded on Feb 5th - had great success immediately (pre-op diet and banding I lost approximately 30lbs:biggrin1: by March 5th)

I haven't lost one ounce since!!!!

Went to Doc yesterday, he suggested a fill.

My issues are: I'm not hungry.

Dont eat more than 1000- 1100 calories a day

Hardly find my way around getting in 8oz of Water.< /p>

I'm nervous about getting a fill because I don't feel that I'm eating enough now!

I asked if I could think about it for a week and get back to him. And of course he said yes. (Dont get me wrong, I want to lose more weight, I just don't want more restriction until I need it!!)

;) Is there anybody else like this?

:) can I have some of your opinions?

Just to begin with:

I have learned that when I drink more water (64 oz) ( I swear on a bible to this) I will lose weight WITHOUT changing anything else I do.

How healthy are the calories you are eating? Are they good calories or are they higher fat and higher carbs? Are you eating smaller meals or is it one big meal (you need to eat smaller meals all day long to help boost your metabolism) You really DO NOT want to go below 1000-1100 cal per day you WILL slow down your metabolism and will not lose weight.

What kind of job do you have? Do you sit all day? Have you tried walking?

1st thing I would do is increase water (add Crystal light to bottled water)

Take a 1-2 mile walk every night.

Evaluate what you are eating and maybe try fitday.com to see how much fat you are getting in your daily diet.

Let me know how it goes.....

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I'm getting my first fill tomorrow....I'm going to tell Dr. I can eat a whole horse....I hope he fills it good!!!!!

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Hi all, wanted to make a quick post. I've been so busy since surgery that I haven't had a chance to post but I have been keeping up with my reading and I want to thank everyone for their postings. It's amazing how much support you can get from just reading that someone is going through the same thing and that you aren't going crazy. I have my first post-op appointment next Thurs. (3/29). I'm hoping that he gives me a fill while I’m there. I've noticed that I can eat almost anything I want. I'm definitely eating less but haven't had problems with chicken or a tortilla I ate the other day. I guess I just thought it would take me longer till I could eat those types of things again. As of today I’m down 25 pounds and am so glad that I made this life changing choice. I've been working out at least 3 times a week at the gym. I'm still a little sore so it's hard sometimes but I know I will lose more if I go to the gym, so that is my inspiration.

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Hi all. I haven't posted in quite sometime. Have been watching everyone's progress and seems most are doing really well. I am going in for my first fill on Monday. Am nervous, but excited as well. I had a pretty long plateau (2weeks), but noticed that if I concentrate on getting in MORE food, I lose more.

I was eating less than 1200 calories and that is when I wasn't losing anything. For the past 10 days, I have really made an effort to get in between 1200 and 1400 calories and I have lost a pound every day. I think my body was in shock that I wasn't feeding it and it was holding on to every ounce that I put in it. I am eating 3 small meals a day and a couple small Snacks (applesauce or cottage cheese).

I eat only when I am hungry, which is usually about 4 hours past a meal, and that seems to keep me very satisfied. I really don't feel the hunger that I thought I would experience. It just took what seems like a long time to get the losing back on track. Hope everyone keeps up the great work!!!

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I am starving, but have been all along. My portions are smaller, though. I get my first fill on Friday, and can not wait!

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Hello All,I have an confession.:cheated:My son brought home some chocolate chips Cookies from school today. School house has the best chocolate chips in the world. I have not had any school house cookies since high school. Im 28 & back in my days the chocolate chips cookies in school was the bomb. You could'nt get those chocalate chip cookies from no where. The was ALWAYS good and ALWAYS soft. If i did'nt eat lunch i made sure i had a bag of them cookies in my purse. Any way guys I ate 2 cookies and :omg: OMG them cookies tasted soooo good. I was so tickle inside on how much I enjoyed them. Soooo I told myself, Michelle you been doing good. I had surgery 02/27/07 & lost 15lbs since. Don't beat your self up. Its been hard staying on my P's and Q's but i been making up. Sooo 10-15 minutes passed by & i sat on the couch wanted another cookie. I told myself "NO"....WHY DID I GET ANOTHER COOKIE. Lorddddd, it was so good, but i felt so bad. I said I was going to do some sit ups tonight until i could'nt do it know more and shake them calories off. I had to tell somebody because I feel so bad, but i know we fall down sometimes, but we will GET UP. Well that is my confession for today. Everyone take care

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I'm feeling rather well, but still very tired. I'm waiting for this surge of energy I should have since surgery. I haven't exercised once yet since banded and am finding it really hard to get off the computer to use my eliptical.

I also didnt' loose any last week, but it was my first week of solids, so maybe that's why. Dr. said I can get a fill, but not sure I really need one yet. I am eating more than last week, but only about 2 oz of meat and 2 tsb..veggies. I started using fit day to see how much I'm really getting cause it's hard to tell.

How do you drink 64oz a day? I've always been a gulper and that's the only way I can get my Water, becuase I knew if it was the end of the day and didn't drink it I'd chug it down. Sipping I'm barely getting 25-30oz a day.

Overall still very excited about the band and the sucess i've had so far.

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Maybe I am a gulper but don't know it. But I put crystal light into a water bottle and keep it at my desk and I just keep drinking from it all day. Crystal light makes all the difference in the world to me, but with drinking as much as I do I need to brush my teeth a couple times per day to keep the stains off of them from the red and tea flavors/dyes.

I don't think I gulp but I certainly don't sip... But I also don't have a fill or any restriction.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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