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February 2007 bandsters!

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I can not believe you went back to work less than one week after surgery! I would not have been able to do that. It took almost 2 weeks for me to feel normal. Now I am ready to go back to work. I figured once I started working out at the fitness center, I was ready to go back.

I bet your tongue is a mess! Keep up with the meds, I believe yeast infections may be a little slower to heal than bacterial infections, that get strong antibiotics, not for sure though, it is hear to dredge up some things I learned way back when!

Good luck to you, don't do too much at work!

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I'm going to start this by saying.. *Please* don't bother to read this. It's a bitching/grumpy whiny pity party pants session and I needed to sit down and type out my grumblings so I can grab my britches and trek on...

I KNOW I am SO lucky.. for real, to have been given this opportunity, this gift, if you will, of the band and I have been wanting this for FOUR years.. and here I am one week to the day post op, and I'm going to bitch. So, please.. especially for those of you who are not banded yet.. IGNORE MY PITY PARTY.

I am freakin miserable. I flippin mouth feels like a firely dragon took a piss in it because of this hateful thrush crap (which is a yeast overload by the way generaly caused by antibiotics and a low imune system) AND....







ARGH. WHY WHY WHY?!?!?!? ARGH I STILL can't sleep on my side which means I'm stuck sleeping on my back, which causes me to snore, which irritates my already on fire, dry mouth and I don't sleep as well, and I can't take my pain meds because it sets my mouth on fire even worse so when I wake up in the a.m. I feel like a heard of elephants has been tap dancing on my freaking large ass stomach, which by the way, is so freaking large, that I can't really reach my now on fire itchy nether regions for fear of ripping a port stich or opening up an incision. I am also, starting today.... H U N G R Y. so.. what's going through my mind today? I'm HUNGRY.. #$%* one fricking week post op and I want to EAT EAT EAT EAT. I've had

3 oz chicken breast 120c 20prtn 6:30<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>

1 can Atkins 160c 15 prtn 9:36<o:p></o:p>

SF Jello 10c 10:30<o:p></o:p>

1 cup Probiotic Kifir smoothie yogurt thingy 174 c 14Prtn 12:30<o:p></o:p>

Fruit fusion Peach smoothie drink 250 c prtn7 3:30<o:p></o:p>

Sfree pudding 60c 2prtn 4:00

Chicken of the Sea Roasted Garlic Salmon Steak 150c prtn 25

with one slice provolone cheese melted on top 70c 5prtn 5:00

another slice 'o provolone.. well.. I had to read the package so.. I ate a slice 70c 5prtn

Let's add this up shall we..

<o:p>Well.. uh. according to my calculations.. that's only 1064cs with 93 prtn. Ok... I feel as though I pigged out today and now I'm seeing that I've only had 1064 c's. Ok.. so it's not that bad. I felt like I really screwed up when I bought and drank the 250 c smoothie. and I'm really full right now so I reckon I haven't blown it food wise.</o:p>

<o:p>hmmm ANYwho, I was feeling like, oh my god.. maybe I can't do this, I'm never going to even get below 300 little long lose around 170 lbs... and part of me still feels this way. I've been reading post on here (lap band forum) since jan and I have seen some discouragement.. I just wasn't expecting to be one of the discouraged.. especially one week out. This can work. I just have to make good food choices. I need to bring more stuff to work with me tomorrow.</o:p>

<o:p>Part of my issues I think are as far as feeling physically like crap, is that I have Fibromyalgia ( can't spell) and that's really dealing me a hand right now. I can't take my liquid kids ibuprophen because my mouth is so </o:p>

<o:p>$%(*ed up and that really keeps my fibro in check</o:p>

<o:p>whine whine whine. sorry guys. I really think I would feel a little better if I could just freaking sleep on my side again. It will get better I know.</o:p>

<o:p>Thanks for not reading my bull$%^(</o:p>

<o:p>SYNICALchick aka Tracy</o:p>

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I understand, I have been hungry too, and also been feeling sorry for myself quite a bit! It helps to be able to vent, so keep on venting.

I do think that as time goes by, you really do begin to feel better, both physically, and psychologically.

I know that for the first week and 1/2 at least, I did only what was require by me to keep the house going, and spent a great deal of the rest of the day, sitting with my lap top. I am beginning to get over that, and going to the fitness center, much as I hate to say it, has been a good thing.

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Hi Synicalchick....Teacher here, I have fibromyalgia, too. I don't know what I'll do if I get a flare up. I gues Tylenol, but that's never helped before. I'm sorry about your problems ....just awful.

LeeinDe...I'm feeling sorry for myself too. I guess we three girls should have a slumber party and sing " I'll Cry If I Want To".

I'm having so much pain in the right ribcage that I called the doctor again today. Yesterday they said gas...today they said maybe sounds like I have a gallstone stuck in the bile duct. OH GREAT. I don't have a gall bladder so now my body decides to produce a stone and pass it to the bile duct. I'm in so much pain.

I have to call a doctor in my hometown and set up a test. I'm not over THIS surgery yet....I'm not realy for another one.


Dr. Spivak


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Hi Teacher, oh no, I was thinking of my Kerr's sign pain, and not right sided GB pain. How long ago was your gall bladder removed? I thought that there was a limit to the time that a stone could get stuck after removal, but then again it has been a long time since school. (Nursing).

If a stone is stuck in the duct, that could need immediate attention, I would think. Get it looked into as quick as you can.

Oh yeah, a pity party sounds like a very good idea!!

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Thrush? Wow.

I got my first fill today. I am at 28 days. It wasn't super painful but it was definitly not a comfortable thing. More pressure than anything else. He put in .75cc. I ma a little freaked out as to how this is going to affect my eating, and I know I ma going to be scared to take that first bite once I ma back off liquids again.


What size portions and what were you meal choices prior to fill?

I am 5 days post op and I just ate a tamale no problem, I don't feel full.

I am just wondering,what were you portion sizes prior to the fill.

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I probably could have eaten anything. The most I ate at one time was a toasted tuna fish sandwhich. That was the most I was even going to push it. I was very very concerned about over eating which is why I wanted to get my fill.

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I'm going to start this by saying.. *Please* don't bother to read this. It's a bitching/grumpy whiny pity party pants session and I needed to sit down and type out my grumblings so I can grab my britches and trek on...

I KNOW I am SO lucky.. for real, to have been given this opportunity, this gift, if you will, of the band and I have been wanting this for FOUR years.. and here I am one week to the day post op, and I'm going to bitch. So, please.. especially for those of you who are not banded yet.. IGNORE MY PITY PARTY.

I am freakin miserable. I flippin mouth feels like a firely dragon took a piss in it because of this hateful thrush crap (which is a yeast overload by the way generaly caused by antibiotics and a low imune system) AND....







ARGH. WHY WHY WHY?!?!?!? ARGH I STILL can't sleep on my side which means I'm stuck sleeping on my back, which causes me to snore, which irritates my already on fire, dry mouth and I don't sleep as well, and I can't take my pain meds because it sets my mouth on fire even worse so when I wake up in the a.m. I feel like a heard of elephants has been tap dancing on my freaking large ass stomach, which by the way, is so freaking large, that I can't really reach my now on fire itchy nether regions for fear of ripping a port stich or opening up an incision. I am also, starting today.... H U N G R Y. so.. what's going through my mind today? I'm HUNGRY.. #$%* one fricking week post op and I want to EAT EAT EAT EAT. I've had

3 oz chicken breast 120c 20prtn 6:30ffice:office" /><O:p></O:p>

1 can Atkins 160c 15 prtn 9:36<O:p></O:p>

SF Jello 10c 10:30<O:p></O:p>

1 cup Probiotic Kifir smoothie yogurt thingy 174 c 14Prtn 12:30<O:p></O:p>

Fruit fusion Peach smoothie drink 250 c prtn7 3:30<O:p></O:p>

Sfree pudding 60c 2prtn 4:00

Chicken of the Sea Roasted Garlic Salmon Steak 150c prtn 25

with one slice provolone cheese melted on top 70c 5prtn 5:00

another slice 'o provolone.. well.. I had to read the package so.. I ate a slice 70c 5prtn

Let's add this up shall we..

<O:p>Well.. uh. according to my calculations.. that's only 1064cs with 93 prtn. Ok... I feel as though I pigged out today and now I'm seeing that I've only had 1064 c's. Ok.. so it's not that bad. I felt like I really screwed up when I bought and drank the 250 c smoothie. and I'm really full right now so I reckon I haven't blown it food wise.</O:p>

<O:p>hmmm ANYwho, I was feeling like, oh my god.. maybe I can't do this, I'm never going to even get below 300 little long lose around 170 lbs... and part of me still feels this way. I've been reading post on here (lap band forum) since jan and I have seen some discouragement.. I just wasn't expecting to be one of the discouraged.. especially one week out. This can work. I just have to make good food choices. I need to bring more stuff to work with me tomorrow.</O:p>

<O:p>Part of my issues I think are as far as feeling physically like crap, is that I have Fibromyalgia ( can't spell) and that's really dealing me a hand right now. I can't take my liquid kids ibuprophen because my mouth is so </O:p>

<O:p>$%(*ed up and that really keeps my fibro in check</O:p>

<O:p>whine whine whine. sorry guys. I really think I would feel a little better if I could just freaking sleep on my side again. It will get better I know.</O:p>

<O:p>Thanks for not reading my bull$%^(</O:p>

<O:p>SYNICALchick aka Tracy</O:p>


I was banded 3/1 and today is my worst day as well and I have the exact same hunger pangs as you and I don't have thrush but my tongue is black from the antibiotics from the 1st attempt surgery. So when I read your post I was sooooooooooo relieved that I am experiencing the exact same post op feelings that somebody else is. And IF I get a yeast infection I think I will be a real B**ch.

I just love to read your posts because you tell it just like it is and you don't sugar coat anything.

I am still dealing with gas pains in my left shoulder, I got really really really really hungry about 30 minutes ago and was not prepared to really eat something, started chomping down on real food swallowed and then paniced. Everything was okay but I sure had some scary thoughts there real quick. So that meant if that went down okay, I proceeded to eat a tamale and I am still not full. Did I get banded????? Hello!!!!!!!!!!!! Tracy are you feeling restriction??

Did I ever tell you about the dog with 3 legs, deaf in one ear, only one eye no teeth a broken tail named LUCKY?

If you lived closer, I would come sit next to you because misery loves company.

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If you need a laugh.. you MUST visit this thread...http://www.lapbandtalk.com/whats-biggest-weight-t29823.html?t=29823 HOLY CRAP>>>>> I've had a CRAP day and this thread made me laugh out loud SEVERAL times.

hmmm.. am I feeling any restriction. Well, I haven't 'pushed it' so to speak so as far as I know... I don't think so, though today I thought I had really pigged out until I typed it all down. Pain is a real motivator for me so I'm to scared I guess you could say.. to allow myself to eat certain things or a certain amount... now... ask me again a few days before my 1st fill and I'll probably have a different answer for you....

Ok.. Did you own this dog called *lucky*?


I was banded 3/1 and today is my worst day as well and I have the exact same hunger pangs as you and I don't have thrush but my tongue is black from the antibiotics from the 1st attempt surgery. So when I read your post I was sooooooooooo relieved that I am experiencing the exact same post op feelings that somebody else is. And IF I get a yeast infection I think I will be a real B**ch.

I just love to read your posts because you tell it just like it is and you don't sugar coat anything.

I am still dealing with gas pains in my left shoulder, I got really really really really hungry about 30 minutes ago and was not prepared to really eat something, started chomping down on real food swallowed and then paniced. Everything was okay but I sure had some scary thoughts there real quick. So that meant if that went down okay, I proceeded to eat a tamale and I am still not full. Did I get banded????? Hello!!!!!!!!!!!! Tracy are you feeling restriction??

Did I ever tell you about the dog with 3 legs, deaf in one ear, only one eye no teeth a broken tail named LUCKY?

If you lived closer, I would come sit next to you because misery loves company.

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I am so sorry.. you poor thing. I'll be sending you some good enery.



Hi Synicalchick....Teacher here, I have fibromyalgia, too. I don't know what I'll do if I get a flare up. I gues Tylenol, but that's never helped before. I'm sorry about your problems ....just awful.

LeeinDe...I'm feeling sorry for myself too. I guess we three girls should have a slumber party and sing " I'll Cry If I Want To".

I'm having so much pain in the right ribcage that I called the doctor again today. Yesterday they said gas...today they said maybe sounds like I have a gallstone stuck in the bile duct. OH GREAT. I don't have a gall bladder so now my body decides to produce a stone and pass it to the bile duct. I'm in so much pain.

I have to call a doctor in my hometown and set up a test. I'm not over THIS surgery yet....I'm not realy for another one.


Dr. Spivak


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No I don't have a dog named lucky, but I have read about that dog everywhere.

I am totally testing the waters today with food, and so far so good.

You know what I did about 45 minutes ago was take some pain meds and right now I am mellow with my heating pad. Do you have any pain meds you could take.

I must say you did really good on eating today.

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Lee, my gall bladder came out 2 1/2 years ago after 10 months on Atkins. After surgery, I never could get back on my diet and gained everything back..what do you remember from your nursing school about length of time??? I have a doctor appt. on Thursday.

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Meds?? I have Meds... but I can't stand to take 'em cause my mouth is on :flame:FIRE!!!:)

No I don't have a dog named lucky, but I have read about that dog everywhere.

I am totally testing the waters today with food, and so far so good.

You know what I did about 45 minutes ago was take some pain meds and right now I am mellow with my heating pad. Do you have any pain meds you could take.

I must say you did really good on eating today.

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Hello all,

I was banded on 02/27/07, i was told to remain on liquids for the 1st 2 weeks after sugery before mushies. I also was told my stomach can only hold 4 oz at a time. My 1st dr. appt is 03/07/07. Some post states they are are able to eat anything without having a problem & once we get the 1st fill that is when the real restrictions come in and you get full faster than not have the fill. So far i have lost 9lbs since i been banded. I'm very careful when i choose and drink my fluids but by reading the post im under the impression if i decided to eat something before my 1st fill it ok, as long as i don't over do it.

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From everything I have read the reason not to eat solids yet was to prevent slippage by letting the stitches heal and the stomach relax while it un-swells from being banded. The Innamed book is very consevative on this subject, like clear fluids for the first two weeks and then soft mushys. My Dr. isn't that strict but I have just started creamy stuff. I know every Dr. is differant with pre-diets and fills, but I kindda thought not eating regular food right now made since when the maker of the band even says so?????:) Does your Dr. let you start solids early? just wondering? Sunnysea

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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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