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Lap-Band on the Today Show

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I just saw a very accurate story, for once, about banding in the major media. Matt Lauer did a piece on the lap-band and other bariatric procedures, but the band was front and center. The only piece of inaccurate information they gave was to say that the band was FDA-approved in 1991, 10 years earlier than it was. But just about everything else they said was spot-on!

Methinks there will be a lot of interest in the band come the new year. :)

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Overweight? Think twice about surgery

More obese Americans are going under the knife to lose their extra pounds, but it is right for you?

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By Madelyn Fernstrom, Ph.D., CNS

TODAY nutrition and diet editor


Updated: 5:13 p.m. CT Dec 22, 2006

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More obese Americans are choosing to have surgical procedures to help them lose weight. In fact, the number of obesity surgeries in the U.S. has quadrupled since 2000 to 171,000 cases in 2005 from about 40,000 cases in 2000. And the numbers keep increasing. Obesity surgery includes several procedures: stomach stapling, stomach banding, gastric bypass and combinations of these procedures. The idea of having surgery is to limit how much patients can eat, so that they’ll consume fewer calories. Since obesity surgery is one of the few weight-loss services covered by health insurance, many people who need to lose 100 pounds or more consider it as a weight-loss option.

Ongoing research, particularly in the last 10 years, continues to make big strides in providing safer and more effective obesity surgery techniques to optimize long-term weight loss. Non-surgical techniques are also being explored. The intragastric balloon procedure, for example, entails inserting a balloon filled with saline Water in the stomach. The balloon floats freely in the stomach, taking up space and enhancing the sense of fullness. It can remain in place for up to six months, after which time it is deflated through another brief procedure and removed.

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But remember, if you’re obese, surgery isn’t a magic bullet. Even though obesity surgery limits a patient’s daily caloric intake, she must still be committed to monitoring her eating habits and increasing her physical activity, if she wants to achieve long-term success. Given all the publicity about medical procedures to combat obesity, I wanted to take a closer look at the surgery procedures available and who is best suited for them.

Who is a good candidate for surgery?

We are continuously reminded that Americans are getting fatter, but only about five to 10 percent of the population is considered to be severely obese. Only those who are severely or morbidly obese (someone who has to lose about 100 pounds) should consider obesity surgery. You can gauge whether you’re a good candidate for it based on a weight index called BMI (body mass index). BMI looks at your body weight and height and links it to your health risk. You meet the criteria for surgery if your BMI is 40 or more, or 35 or more if you have illnesses related to your weight, such as high blood pressure and diabetes.

To find your BMI, you can ask your doctor, search for a BMI chart, or even calculate it yourself. Here's an easy way to determine your BMI:

  • <LI class=textBodyBlack>Take you weight in pounds and multiply by 703. Divide this number by your height in inches.Finally, divide this number again by your height in inches.
  • BMI isn't the only criteria, though — a total commitment to long-term lifestyle changes and dedication to positive health habits are also a must.

What kinds of surgery are currently used to treat obesity?

There are several types of surgical techniques available to help reduce your caloric intake. These can be based on:

  • <LI class=textBodyBlack>Restriction: the stomach is made smaller. <LI class=textBodyBlack>Malabsorption: less food and calories are absorbed during digestion. <LI class=textBodyBlack>Combined procedures: the stomach is made smaller and there’s some mild absorption of calories.
  • Staged procedures: sequential surgeries, where restriction is performed first, and then there’s a second malabsorption procedure.

What are the specific procedures?

The surgeries can be performed with a large abdominal incision (called “open”) or with small, Band-Aid-sized incisions (called “minimally-invasive” or “laparoscopic”). The operations are the same, regardless of the incision type. Here are the operations currently available:

  • <LI class=textBodyBlack>Vertical Banded Gastroplasty (VBG): Many people are familiar with this technique, commonly known as “stomach stapling.” This is one of the oldest tools and uses restriction only. It is usually discouraged, though, since weight loss is hugely variable afterwards and often there’s complete weight regain within the first few years after surgery.
    <LI class=textBodyBlack>Laparoscopic Banding (Lap-Band): This technique restricts the size of the stomach. It involves placing a large band around the stomach, which can be tightened as needed, and doesn't require the stomach to be cut. The band can actually be removed if needed. Weight loss with this procedure is slow and steady, reaching its maximum about two years after the surgery. Lifelong surgical follow-ups are necessary to adjust the band for the long-term success of this surgery, and it is believed that this will also enhance lifestyle changes.
  • Roux en y Gastric Bypass: Often referred to as the “gold standard” for obesity surgery, this operation, also simply called gastric bypass surgery, creates a small stomach pouch that is about the size of an egg and physically separate from the rest of the stomach. At the same time, a part of the intestine that normally absorbs calories is “bypassed,” allowing less food to be retained by the body. This means that both fewer calories are consumed (due to the small stomach size) and digested (because of the rerouting of intestines). Weight loss is relatively rapid with this surgery — you can lose 100 pounds or more within nine to 12 months, with a maximum loss expected by 18 to 24 months.

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Here is the story I believe Check it out, see if this is what youwere asking about>

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Wish I had bought stock in Inamed/Allergan (?) way back when.

I enjoyed the story and will be emailing the Today show about the veracity of the story.

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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