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Hello Ohio, let's get this started

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Hello Ohio,

Hope your weekend is going good so far. Mindful here's my answers for you poll. Yes I would love to have a band support group. Dayton or Colombus is good for me. Would like to meet every month but if not able everyother month is ok. I work 3rd. shift so it would have to be during the day or on the weekend. About your question of taking pills after surgery, I myself didn't have any problems taking any of my medication after surgery.

Like I have already said this Ohio thread is getting me so excited, so many people going through the same thing and being able to help others figure things out. I really would love for us to beable to get together soon, as many of us as possible. The support of others can do wonders for someone when just needs somebody to talk to.

My weekly weigh in is tomorrow so I'll let everyone know how I did. I'll be happy if I stayed the same with Christmas and all.

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Hi again! I am around 31 miles from UPMC in Greenville. I have seen the cheaper prices also in Mexico but want to stay here. I also checked out St. Vincent, Cleveland Clinic, etc... It will be 15 -17K where I am going and I believe it will be worth every penny. I just pray there won't be any need for another surgery because of the expense. I know you must be counting down the days since your surgery is so close. Good Luck! Are you on a pre-op diet?


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Hello Ohio,

Hope your weekend is going good so far. Mindful here's my answers for you poll. Yes I would love to have a band support group. Dayton or Colombus is good for me. Would like to meet every month but if not able everyother month is ok. I work 3rd. shift so it would have to be during the day or on the weekend. About your question of taking pills after surgery, I myself didn't have any problems taking any of my medication after surgery.

Like I have already said this Ohio thread is getting me so excited, so many people going through the same thing and being able to help others figure things out. I really would love for us to beable to get together soon, as many of us as possible. The support of others can do wonders for someone when just needs somebody to talk to.

My weekly weigh in is tomorrow so I'll let everyone know how I did. I'll be happy if I stayed the same with Christmas and all.

Hey Lisa:

I read your intro - thanks for sharing. I found myself really relating to what you said regarding feeling so socially isolated. I know it's my own fault in many ways but somehow I feel so discriminated against even IF no one says anything. And, I seem to be a master at picking up people's looks. I'll be thinking about you tomorrow and I hope your numbers are where you want/need them to be. I'm getting nervous but also excited. Thanks for the feedback about pills and stuff - ever get that feeling that if something tastes nasty you would pb that up more so than if you took the risk and just swallowed without crushing? That's where I'm at on that subject. I now know of four of us who want to get together. There's me, you, Juli (she hasn't posted in this forum yet) and I think Teresa (the RN). We'll figure something out as more people say they would want to get together. From what I hear there IS a band-only support group here in Columbus sponsored by Cincinnati Weight Loss Center. Meets in Dublin. I'm going to go in January with Juli and I'll report back if it was decent. Have a great New Years EVERYONE! :clap2:

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This is interesting ! Check out the times of postings. We must be all "night people" ! LOL

I have been a "night person" for the past 43 years. I have worked as a secretary in an ER and as a police/sheriff's dispatcher on midnights because they always needed "night owls". I have done extensive research into body clocks, working shift work, and some of us were just made to be alert at night. Both my parents are up late and sleep late. (Retired RN & retired LEO)

Just thought I would throw out that observation !


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You can count me in on wanting to get together for support.

The group through Dr. Schumacher's office meets the second Wednesday of the month at 7:00 pm. They meet in the same building that his office is in. Right now they only have one group meeting (RNY and LapBand) but I heard that last month they had enough lapbanders to split into separate groups. I haven't had a chance to attend there yet but I plan to go to January's meeting.

I'm also open to meeting during the day somewhere convenient for everyone. I live in Englewood, (NW of Dayton) close to I70 and I75, so it would be fairly easy for me to get most anywhere.

I'm retired from the US Postal Service. I started working part time at a local bank here, so I may have a scheduling problem, but if I know the meeting time far enough ahead, I can schedule for it. (Or just call in sick!!:sick) Just let me know when. Meeting every month would be fine with me. I need the support.

I'm on 4 different medications for my heart (I had open heart surgery 3 years ago.) and I didn't have any problems taking them after surgery. I did have to split them after my second fill but only for a few days. I'm back to taking them whole.

Can't wait to meet all of you!


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HAPPY NEW YEAR! Well another New Years by myself but hey it wasn't all that bad I got to watch some more TV :phanvan I can't wait till our first get together, I think it will be neat to meet all of you who want to meet. I weighed myself this morning and I lost another pound bringing my total weight loss thus far to 31#. I'm pretty happy with the one pound and I expect to do better because the holidays are over and all the tempting food won't be around. What does everyone think about having an exercise goal for the month of January? It can be whatever you want it to be.... walk in place 5min three times a day, park in the back of the parking lot when you go to the store (during the day of course), stretch 10 min. when you first get up, it doesn't have to be much just something to get yourself moving. Last week when I went to the store I parked my cart at the end of the isle and went and got what I needed and brought it back to the cart, you wouldn't believe how much more you walk by doing that, it took more time but that day I had extra time and it was kinda fun. One of my goals is going to be to walk on my treadmill for at least 15 min. a day, I know I can do more but just getting myself to do it is a challenge and once I'm on there I actually like it. That is going to be my only goal of Jan. and if I walk more then that's all the better. So what are your Jan. goals going to be?

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Mindful I was trying to say that I like Linadu work nights so it would be better for a day meeting. Hard to do night meetings if we are at work. I am not sure about Linadu but I work 650p til after 730 am so that would make it impossible for me to attend anything at night. time I will be off.

Happy New Years to everyone also. I spent it with some friends but was so ready to be back home way before new years stuck. Would have rather been home and in the bed. I really can't stand being with a group of drunks let alone a group or couples and I was all alone.

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Mindful I was trying to say that I like Linadu work nights so it would be better for a day meeting. Hard to do night meetings if we are at work. I am not sure about Linadu but I work 650p til after 730 am so that would make it impossible for me to attend anything at night. time I will be off.

Happy New Years to everyone also. I spent it with some friends but was so ready to be back home way before new years stuck. Would have rather been home and in the bed. I really can't stand being with a group of drunks let alone a group or couples and I was all alone.


I was wondering if you could give me some insight on the surgery since you see this first hand?! Do you see success with the lap band, what drawbacks have you seen, if any? Any info that you can share would be great.


Christine :party:

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Christine, The surgery is very cool to watch. Watching the RNY absolutely scared the shit out of me. So far I have not seen any drawbacks personally to the Band. The rny is a completely different story. There is always a chance of complications with any surgeries. That is a risk everyone takes when having any type of surgery. This is a tool that you will have to work with. It isnt something that just does everything for you without you putting work into it as well. There are alot of changes that you have to make to make this successful. If you read through the postings on here you will be able to see the drawbacks that some people have had. Just because something happens to someone doesnt mean that it will happen to you and vice versa. If there is anything else you want feel free to contact me. I will then try and help you all I can. People on this site are very helpful as well. Good luck in your search. Happy New Years!

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HAPPY NEW YEAR! Well another New Years by myself but hey it wasn't all that bad I got to watch some more TV :phanvan I can't wait till our first get together, I think it will be neat to meet all of you who want to meet. I weighed myself this morning and I lost another pound bringing my total weight loss thus far to 31#. I'm pretty happy with the one pound and I expect to do better because the holidays are over and all the tempting food won't be around. What does everyone think about having an exercise goal for the month of January? It can be whatever you want it to be.... walk in place 5min three times a day, park in the back of the parking lot when you go to the store (during the day of course), stretch 10 min. when you first get up, it doesn't have to be much just something to get yourself moving. Last week when I went to the store I parked my cart at the end of the isle and went and got what I needed and brought it back to the cart, you wouldn't believe how much more you walk by doing that, it took more time but that day I had extra time and it was kinda fun. One of my goals is going to be to walk on my treadmill for at least 15 min. a day, I know I can do more but just getting myself to do it is a challenge and once I'm on there I actually like it. That is going to be my only goal of Jan. and if I walk more then that's all the better. So what are your Jan. goals going to be?


Well, I decided at the last minute to go to my sister's for the new year deal. It was nice and it was just her family - so not a lot of people. Really hate big parties with a lot of people. Maybe won't mind them after my surgery. I hope everyone had a good new year and that everyone made some awesome resolutions (ones you can actually achieve). I was thinking about what Lisa just wrote. I'm definitely for some accountability. My surgery is next week and I know I'd love to have an exercise challenge.

Since I will be just post-op, my goal is to walk three times a day for only 10 minutes during the weeks of 1/14, 1/21 and 1/28. I'll check in weekly to let you all know how I'm doing.

Thanks for all the feedback about getting together. Right now, I'm counting the following: Me (Paige), Linadu (Lisa), Juli (my friend), Carolyn, Barbara and Teresa. Both Teresa and Lisa must do a daytime meeting. So, here's my thoughts:

Since Kettering will have the monthly support group on the 2nd Wed of each month in the evening and since it appears they will be separating out the RNY's from the Bands, that should cover us for any evening help we need (this and of course, the board). Since Linadu and Lisa can't attend the monthly group due to the hours, how about we all set a once per month lunch meeting at a restaurant for added support and friendship. First, I think we need to pick a day that EVERYONE can attend with the night-shifters being given first priority. Right now, I'm pretty flexible b/c I'm not working. So, post what days and times you can do. Then, I figure we'll decide location. Also post your city so that we can pick a central location (preferably not out in the country because we'll all be forced to eat crow!!!)

I cannot attend the support group on 1/10 at Kettering because I'll be recoving at Sycamore that evening. For any of you who go to the support group, feel free to come over to visit since it's across the street. If you want to, let me know and I'll email you my full name so you'll know who to ask for. My surgery is at 1:45p that afternoon - YEAH!!

Thanks for everyone's support. :gluck:

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Hello, and Happy New Year to everyone. I work during the day but as you can tell I don't go to bed very early. I would love to meet some of the banders and the ones looking to get banded. Best thing I have ever done for myself. It was worth it, just to be able to actually walk up stairs and not get out of breath. Mindful, good luck it really is NOT a bad surgery. You will do great. Babyboomer I as also sure I will be at the meeting in January I had my surgery done by Dr. Martin. Hope to see you there. I would also like to get together with THE BANDERS but I work days, so I would have to go at night or Weekends either would be fine. As for the holidays, I go Thursday for my Weigh In and Fill. I will let you know how I have done, I would be happy if I lose a Pound. HAHA. Well till next time, Good Luck to everyone.

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hey all:

Trying to be patient and hope I hear of any approval this week. Please keep your fingers crossed. :rolleyes

Nurse Theresa: Can you give any tips on facilitating your own recovery? Walking, drinking, etc????

I would love to meet anyone in our area who is interested?!?

Guidance from you 'veterans' out there would be greatly appreciated.

Take care

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Hello Ohio, sorry I haven't been on in a few days, I've been grouting tile and it's kicking my butt. I never realized how much work it would be, one good thing is I love the look and can't wait till I get it cleaned up and sealed. Well it looks like we have two Lisa's here, if it would make it easier I can go by Lisann (my first and middle name) I kinda like the sound of it. I haven't walked on my treadmil but I am very sore from grouting so I know I'm using muscles that I forgot about. I started back to work last night after being off for the christmas break and there was some leftover chocolate and fudge that someone brought in and you guessed it I ate it, I did so good at home while I was off that it pisses me off at myself that I caved, I wasn't even hungry, oh well there's always today. Paige my e-mail is linadu64@msn.com, I wont beable to come down on the 10th but I will try to come see you in the morning on the 11th. I had my surgery at 11 a.m. and I didn't really come to myself until the next morning, but then I felt real alert and went home around 3 that afternoon. Lisa just hang in there, the waiting is the hardest thing but it'll be here before you know it.

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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