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Lightweights in the house! Any more people with less to lose/less BMI's?

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Wow...I can't believe my 3 week stall right now!!! I lost the majority of my 16lbs down in the first 2 weeks. Of which I lost like 11lbs in the first week (including pre-op diet loss), then I stalled again, starved myself (even more) to lose about 5 more and it took forever to come off. Then stalled again for the next 2 weeks, and now I've GAINED 3 lbs throwing me back at a loss of 13 lbs......what the hell!!!

My calories are consistently 500-590, with 50-70g Protein, and always well under 50g carbs (average of 13-18g, not once above 25g). My fat is also very super clean saturated, and less than it needs to be...but I'm still stuck. And even gained 3 lbs. I mean, I'm 1 month out....what the hell is going on!!! I've half a mind to talk to my doctor directly about this! I am taking prilosec every single day at the recommended dose, and also take liquid antacids before each meal despite the fact that I don't have heartburn, just so that I can shut out all the comments about the whole...oh you're not hungry, its just heartburn thing! lol. I'm still hungry, and the way I can tell is that I get dizzy and lightheaded within 5-8 minutes of the hunger feeling. Yes, I'm eating a lot less often now, and much less food too (I mean flippin' 500-590 cals!!)

Today, I'm doing something different and hoping it'll break this gaining/stall cycle...I'm just having Protein shakes (30g) when I get hungry and drinking more than my full 2 litres to see where that takes me. Only 1 solid meal all day, and even that is 77 calories at 11g Protein, 2 carbs and 2g sat fat. And if I see anything change (going down that is) on the scale tomorrow morning (even a half decimal point lol) I'm going nuts and knocking out even that 1 solid meal and replacing it with more Water and a protein shake!

If this doesn't work, I'm calling my lawyer! ;)

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You didn't mention any exercise. Are you exercising? Also, its VERY common to have a stall during weeks 3-6. It was explained to me that your body is wondering if this is another fad diet or if this is the long haul. As far as the 3 lb gain, are you close to your period? I'm guessing Water weight. You're in starvation mode & your body is trying to hold onto all its recourses because it doesn't trust you're gonna give it what it wants right now. It'll get on board eventually. I really don't think your diet needs to be as strict as it is. If you're hungry eat something. Protein first.

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Well, I've been on the longest period of my life since a week after I got my surgery. So pretty much I had the week of my surgery (6 days) with no period. Had my period before those 6 days off, and still have my period since those 6 days off. Super heavy. Way different for me. I'm thinking this surgery totally threw my hormones off because I've never had a period this long and this ridiculously heavy either!!! Sure I've originally had wonky periods ever since this hellish Mirena (IUD) but, none this long. And the fact that it all wraps around the surgery...well....yeah.

Ugh...sometimes I just want to tell myself that IT IS the period....but goodness, that's depressing seeing as it doesn't seem it's ever going to stop at this rate. LOL

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I always had very regular periods & the surgery threw my period way off too. Only I had the opposite problem as you. I was really late starting. I'm a little worried that you're having such a heavy period for so long. Have you mentioned it to your surgeon or primary care? Maybe you need to go see your gynecologist?

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Hello I am new to the thread. I guess I am considered a 'lightweight' but I sure don't feel like it. My high weight was 220, just a tad below when I went to join the program. My BMI was 35 as I am 5' 5 1/2. I have lost 15 lbs down to 205 on the medically supervised dieting for the last six months. I have to say, that taking six months to do this has worn me down considerably. I feel like all I do is jump through hoops. Psychologist, 6 months supervised dieting, nutrition classes and appointments, more nutrition appointments, sleep study, gastric emptying study. Enough already! I am tired. I just want to do this! I have a follow up with the sleep doctor and my final visit with my primary for the medically supervised diet this week. Then next week one more appointment with the nutritionist and the bariatric nurse practioner. Then HOPEFULLY they will submit for insurance approval. I have been at this since February and I'm so ready to just do this! Did anyone else get worn down by the time they got approved? I'm trying so hard on the diet, and only lost 15 lbs in six months in spite of a 1500 calorie a day diet and working out an hour a day. I really need this sleeve!

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Well, I've been on the longest period of my life since a week after I got my surgery. So pretty much I had the week of my surgery (6 days) with no period. Had my period before those 6 days off, and still have my period since those 6 days off. Super heavy. Way different for me. I'm thinking this surgery totally threw my hormones off because I've never had a period this long and this ridiculously heavy either!!! Sure I've originally had wonky periods ever since this hellish Mirena (IUD) but, none this long. And the fact that it all wraps around the surgery...well....yeah.

Ugh...sometimes I just want to tell myself that IT IS the period....but goodness, that's depressing seeing as it doesn't seem it's ever going to stop at this rate. LOL

For one I think you should see the Dr over your period issue. Maybe the IUD has slipped or ruptured something. Second if all that is happening and your body is in starvation mode then it is doing everything possible to protect you by saving every calorie it can get. Third if you give your body to few calories then again it will save every blessed calorie it can so don't give up keep eating healthy and see your gyno and the weight will come off. HANG IN THERE

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Thanks guys for all the support!

Yep, I got it checked out at 2.5 weeks post op when bleeding was the worst. (So I thought at the time, lol...it got worse haha). Plus my moms' a nurse and midwife so she keeps checking on me every time I complain a little (yerse...I live with my mommy....sue meh...she's old and my kids need extended family, plus hubby loves having her quirky self around so it all works out doesn't it haha!!! ;) ). Both the doctor and my mom think it's just the Mirena and how it is, add the surgery and the weightloss (more so the inches lost, which is more significant by far) and it sort of makes sense. Ultrasound for placement was fine, it's where it's supposed to be.

Now I think about it, I've noticed this pattern with me before, where I get 2-3 months of 3-6 day light-medium light period and am good, but than 1 month comes where I'm on my period for practically the whole month. But it just has never been this heavy. I guess this was that month after the 2-3 months of normality. Darn this ridiculous IUD from the darkest reaches of hell!!!! I'm so close to just getting it taken out...but with the future weight loss I'm really not interested in getting knocked up yet at all lol.

Anyways....on to some good news. So I did the Protein shakes and 2 litre Water thing yesterday (not gonna lie, I had 3 solid meals though, only they were 66 cals each and kept my calories at 528 w/ fat at almost 13g for the whole day, and carbs under 14g and Protein as high as 91g!!!) But I made sure to have my full 2 Protein Shakes and drink all my Water no matter what and I LOST THE 3lbs I'd gained....plus 2 ounces that I was stuck on for almost a week lol!!!


Better believe I'm doing it again today! HAHA!

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Hello I am new to the thread. I guess I am considered a 'lightweight' but I sure don't feel like it. My high weight was 220, just a tad below when I went to join the program. My BMI was 35 as I am 5' 5 1/2. I have lost 15 lbs down to 205 on the medically supervised dieting for the last six months. I have to say, that taking six months to do this has worn me down considerably. I feel like all I do is jump through hoops. Psychologist, 6 months supervised dieting, nutrition classes and appointments, more nutrition appointments, sleep study, gastric emptying study. Enough already! I am tired. I just want to do this! I have a follow up with the sleep doctor and my final visit with my primary for the medically supervised diet this week. Then next week one more appointment with the nutritionist and the bariatric nurse practioner. Then HOPEFULLY they will submit for insurance approval. I have been at this since February and I'm so ready to just do this! Did anyone else get worn down by the time they got approved? I'm trying so hard on the diet, and only lost 15 lbs in six months in spite of a 1500 calorie a day diet and working out an hour a day. I really need this sleeve!

Ive been at this since Feb also. I am 5'6 and 250lbs. Im right on the border and cant lose any weight since I have no comorbidities, that will dis qualify me from surgery so im trying NOT to lose and if possible gain at least 5lbs to be safe. I have one more appointment, psych eval and Im done...it is stressful, especially since I have to drive an hour to each appointment!!! I am sooooo glad that after Wednesday I am done with them. just met with surgeon and send everything to insurance and wait. It will go by quick, stressful but quick. But I know exactly what you mean!!

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Thanks guys for all the support!

Yep, I got it checked out at 2.5 weeks post op when bleeding was the worst. (So I thought at the time, lol...it got worse haha). Plus my moms' a nurse and midwife so she keeps checking on me every time I complain a little (yerse...I live with my mommy....sue meh...she's old and my kids need extended family, plus hubby loves having her quirky self around so it all works out doesn't it haha!!! ;) ). Both the doctor and my mom think it's just the Mirena and how it is, add the surgery and the weightloss (more so the inches lost, which is more significant by far) and it sort of makes sense. Ultrasound for placement was fine, it's where it's supposed to be.

Now I think about it, I've noticed this pattern with me before, where I get 2-3 months of 3-6 day light-medium light period and am good, but than 1 month comes where I'm on my period for practically the whole month. But it just has never been this heavy. I guess this was that month after the 2-3 months of normality. Darn this ridiculous IUD from the darkest reaches of hell!!!! I'm so close to just getting it taken out...but with the future weight loss I'm really not interested in getting knocked up yet at all lol.

Anyways....on to some good news. So I did the Protein shakes and 2 litre Water thing yesterday (not gonna lie, I had 3 solid meals though, only they were 66 cals each and kept my calories at 528 w/ fat at almost 13g for the whole day, and carbs under 14g and Protein as high as 91g!!!) But I made sure to have my full 2 Protein Shakes and drink all my Water no matter what and I LOST THE 3lbs I'd gained....plus 2 ounces that I was stuck on for almost a week lol!!!


Better believe I'm doing it again today! HAH

. Way to go now the downward slide begins

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Ive been at this since Feb also. I am 5'6 and 250lbs. Im right on the border and cant lose any weight since I have no comorbidities' date=' that will dis qualify me from surgery so im trying NOT to lose and if possible gain at least 5lbs to be safe. I have one more appointment, psych eval and Im done...it is stressful, especially since I have to drive an hour to each appointment!!! I am sooooo glad that after Wednesday I am done with them. just met with surgeon and send everything to insurance and wait. It will go by quick, stressful but quick. But I know exactly what you mean!![/quote']

Oh well girls , iIm in the same boat....borderline bmi 35. I began with 195, I have diabetes and hbp, my first appointment was on May 28, I did all the pre op stuff, in the meantime I had my gallblader out. I had to lose 10 pounds by my surgeon orders, I'f not, no surgery...Well yes terday was my last appointment with him, he said I'm ok, and he looks very confident on my approval. So, I'm nervous about my weight loss, but I didn't have another options about that, no weight loss no surgery date!. I'm now in the insurance waiting game!!! Please wish me good luckkkkkkkkk!!!! Ufffff

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Hello I am new to the thread. I guess I am considered a 'lightweight' but I sure don't feel like it. My high weight was 220, just a tad below when I went to join the program. My BMI was 35 as I am 5' 5 1/2. I have lost 15 lbs down to 205 on the medically supervised dieting for the last six months. I have to say, that taking six months to do this has worn me down considerably. I feel like all I do is jump through hoops. Psychologist, 6 months supervised dieting, nutrition classes and appointments, more nutrition appointments, sleep study, gastric emptying study. Enough already! I am tired. I just want to do this! I have a follow up with the sleep doctor and my final visit with my primary for the medically supervised diet this week. Then next week one more appointment with the nutritionist and the bariatric nurse practioner. Then HOPEFULLY they will submit for insurance approval. I have been at this since February and I'm so ready to just do this! Did anyone else get worn down by the time they got approved? I'm trying so hard on the diet, and only lost 15 lbs in six months in spite of a 1500 calorie a day diet and working out an hour a day. I really need this sleeve!


Your efforts on the diet give the insurance company more proof that the surgery is necessary for you. It can be a long process, but it also prepares you better for your life after the sleeve. You have already started making changes in your diet and exercise which will help you post-surgery. If you hadn't started making any lifestyle changes, imagine how much more difficult it would be to have to do them all at one time.

Good luck. I also am waiting on an insurance company decision. My doctor has submitted my claim early due to complications. However, if they deny the request, I will have to finish the six month supervised diet. I know I will be approved after the 6 month diet for sure since I met my ins. co.'s initial criteria. Hang in there, it will be over before you know it and you will be on to the next step of slimming down and becoming more healthy.

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Oh well girls , iIm in the same boat....borderline bmi 35. I began with 195, I have diabetes and hbp, my first appointment was on May 28, I did all the pre op stuff, in the meantime I had my gallblader out. I had to lose 10 pounds by my surgeon orders, I'f not, no surgery...Well yes terday was my last appointment with him, he said I'm ok, and he looks very confident on my approval. So, I'm nervous about my weight loss, but I didn't have another options about that, no weight loss no surgery date!. I'm now in the insurance waiting game!!! Please wish me good luckkkkkkkkk!!!! Ufffff

GOOD LUCK!! I just did my last preop appointment and now gotta make my first appointment with surgeon and wait and see what he and the insurance have to say...I need luck too! lol

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GOOD LUCK!! I just did my last preop appointment and now gotta make my first appointment with surgeon and wait and see what he and the insurance have to say...I need luck too! lol

Good luck to you too!!!!!!!!

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Guess I fit into this category, too. Never thought of myself as a lightweight LOL. I think the weight loss could be different for those starting with lower BMI's. I started at 36. I am always in awe of the huge losses I see from people with higher starting BMI's. I've done all the math with my base metabolism, etc. and I can't see how I personally could lose more than 2-3 pounds of fat a week, maybe 10 lbs a month. I'm happy with that, though, the important thing is keeping it off. I'm so hoping this is the LAST time I have go on a diet and the sleeve + good eating habits + exercise will "cure" me for good.

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I have about 100 lbs to lose. I started at 232, i am215 now. Being sleeved 10/22. I am 5 ' 1 1/2" tall so I am pretty round....cant wait to feel and look ...well not like a Weeble ( kids toy)

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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