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I am 25 days post op and have followed my nuts guidelines closely. However, I had an experience similar to this while eating something I thought would be safe. There is a recipe that many sleeves have prepared, the ricotta bake. I prepared it and it was yummy. I made the mistake of eating just one bit too much and the mozzarella cheese had harded as it cooled down, which required I chew it to puree consistency before swallowing (I am still on purée). Well I must not have chewed it too well because for two days post that meal....I have had pain and really bad indigestion with everything I eat.

I have backed my foods back to liquids because I feel like maybe I opened up an unhealed area of my stomach. I have been walking on egg shells for the past two days on "leak watch" because I screwed up. So, sometimes when we allow ourselves to take it too far in our early stages, we unfortunately pay the price.....I hate to say this, but experience is the best teacher....now I know better, so I will do better.

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I am kind of scared for you. Hot dogs are on the list of foods that you should avoid forever. Please call your doctor, ok? And please let us know what your doctor says.

Hi Wags, and thank you so much for your reply and concern. Now I'm more concerned because hot dogs were NOT on my list of foods to avoid (I should mention it is a turkey dog, not sure if that makes a difference). I don't even keep any of my avoid foods in the house, so I'm concerned that the list my NUT gave me is inadequate. I will speak to my surgeon about it directly. Thnk you again for letting me know! Very kind of you to reply and share your support, means a lot!!

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I am 25 days post op and have followed my nuts guidelines closely. However, I had an experience similar to this while eating something I thought would be safe. There is a recipe that many sleeves have prepared, the ricotta bake. I prepared it and it was yummy. I made the mistake of eating just one bit too much and the mozzarella cheese had harded as it cooled down, which required I chew it to puree consistency before swallowing (I am still on purée). Well I must not have chewed it too well because for two days post that meal....I have had pain and really bad indigestion with everything I eat.

I have backed my foods back to liquids because I feel like maybe I opened up an unhealed area of my stomach. I have been walking on egg shells for the past two days on "leak watch" because I screwed up. So, sometimes when we allow ourselves to take it too far in our early stages, we unfortunately pay the price.....I hate to say this, but experience is the best teacher....now I know better, so I will do better.

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Ajee, thank you thank you thank you so much for sharing your experience!! I will also be praying for you over the next couple of days that you come out of this just fine! Yes, we have learned a very dear lesson and I hope and pray we can do so without further detriment to our health. My choice was stupid and not worth it. That alone sickens me. But I have renewed resolve since speaking with all of you not to get down in the dumps but be proactive about my mistake. I'm going to walk now, call my surgeon in the morning, and I'm going back to full liquid until further notice. At least until I speak to my NUT and get the motive for my mistake sorted out. As someone else on this thread said previously, it's the mental choice that I need to get to the bottom of, and I do not trust myself with anything but liquids until I do. Thank you again for putting yourself out there for my sake, it is a brave thing to tell your story and I truly truly appreciate you!!! Wishing you all the best, and please do keep me posted!

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Jeffie Beck, my list does have that, but I bet every doctor/nut has a different list. Just as they do for Pre-op/ Post-op instructions. I wish you the best and I think you were very brave to share your experience here. It helped me to realize that head hunger could really get the best of me some day and I need to have a plan for that day.

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It's interesting how this surgery affects people so differently. Yes, a hot dog probably wasn't the best choice, but honestly, you could have had this reaction to anything you ate. I was on Clear Liquids ONLY for the first week, and when I had my first Protein Shake WOAH - it gave me serious gas, weird indigestion gurgling sounds and mild pain in my stomach. And that was something that was liquid! I'd say part of what you're going through is just your stomach saying "WHAT IS THIS!??!?" because it's been on the liquids for so long and is getting used to digesting what it's had so far. Then you over eat this dense food and your tummy is just letting you know it's not ready for all that!

What helped me were gas-x strips - really helps with the gas, and fast! Also, walking around helps too. Drinking too much Water on top if the full tummy sounds good in theory, but it doesn't always work like that. With how small your stomach is, the water could really 'over fill' your tummy and make it more painful. Try to get moving if you can! I hope it works itself out soon.

I'm 17 days post op and I'm eating lots of stuff. I don't know if I have one of those sleeves of steel, but I haven't been sick once. No nausea, vomiting or pains - aside from the Protein Shakes, which still give me some gas, but not pain like the first time - and I'm having deli meats, low carb flat bread, yogurt, cheeses, cottage cheese... lots of stuff. I plan to try some fish this week, and canned chicken, then in a few weeks I'll try some veggies (coincidentally, my local farmers market will be open then, yay!)

I certainly didn't have this surgery to be on a diet for the rest of my life. I like hot dogs every once in a while and plan to have them when I'm ready for it... so I'm not shaming you there. But considering we only get so little in us in the beginning, I'm trying to make it as good as possible. Deli meat isn't something I would normally have that often because of the salt and nitrates, but because it's something that I can tolerate now, I'm having it. While I am able to eat all these things, I can't eat much of it, and that's the key for me. So what if I had deli meat, it was ONE SLICE! I never thought I'd be completely full on just 1 banana for Breakfast. The shakes are saving me with Protein intake, because I really don't eat much. But when I DO eat, I can handle everything I've tried so far... I guess that's just lucky on my part.

I definitely hope this passes for you soon! :)

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It's interesting how this surgery affects people so differently. Yes, a hot dog probably wasn't the best choice, but honestly, you could have had this reaction to anything you ate. I was on clear liquids ONLY for the first week, and when I had my first Protein Shake WOAH - it gave me serious gas, weird indigestion gurgling sounds and mild pain in my stomach. And that was something that was liquid! I'd say part of what you're going through is just your stomach saying "WHAT IS THIS!??!?" because it's been on the liquids for so long and is getting used to digesting what it's had so far. Then you over eat this dense food and your tummy is just letting you know it's not ready for all that!

What helped me were gas-x strips - really helps with the gas, and fast! Also, walking around helps too. Drinking too much Water on top if the full tummy sounds good in theory, but it doesn't always work like that. With how small your stomach is, the water could really 'over fill' your tummy and make it more painful. Try to get moving if you can! I hope it works itself out soon.

I'm 17 days post op and I'm eating lots of stuff. I don't know if I have one of those sleeves of steel, but I haven't been sick once. No nausea, vomiting or pains - aside from the Protein Shakes, which still give me some gas, but not pain like the first time - and I'm having deli meats, low carb flat bread, yogurt, cheeses, cottage cheese... lots of stuff. I plan to try some fish this week, and canned chicken, then in a few weeks I'll try some veggies (coincidentally, my local farmers market will be open then, yay!)

I certainly didn't have this surgery to be on a diet for the rest of my life. I like hot dogs every once in a while and plan to have them when I'm ready for it... so I'm not shaming you there. But considering we only get so little in us in the beginning, I'm trying to make it as good as possible. Deli meat isn't something I would normally have that often because of the salt and nitrates, but because it's something that I can tolerate now, I'm having it. While I am able to eat all these things, I can't eat much of it, and that's the key for me. So what if I had deli meat, it was ONE SLICE! I never thought I'd be completely full on just 1 banana for breakfast. The shakes are saving me with Protein intake, because I really don't eat much. But when I DO eat, I can handle everything I've tried so far... I guess that's just lucky on my part.

I definitely hope this passes for you soon! :)

Hi Make-Luck, thanks so much for your thoughtful and thought provoking reply. IN truth, i know without a doubt there is no excuse for the choice I made. Doesn't matter how good I'd been, it was a stupid choice. I totally agree with evertyhing you've said, especaily that we didn't make this choice to be on a diet forever! Well said, girl!! But indeed, we did make this choice because we accepted the responsibiity of our different sleeve lifestyle. Yes, there is a transition period, but still doesn't mean I get to make such possibly fatal errors (from what I understand, a leak could be fatal). I walked earlier, and I'll continue to do so as you and others suggested, thanks so much! I'll post an update shortly as to how I feel. Most of all, I want to thank you for your well wishes and for relating to me. Means a whole lot, especially when I've dones something that easily makes other sleevers alienate themselves from me like I'm a terrible person because I've made a really poor choice. I really appreciate you and your very thoughtful and kind reply. You rock, my dear!!!

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Hi all, just wanted to update you so far. I walked earlier, and have had nothing but Water and a little Jello since. I've not taken all of my vitamins/supplements only because my stomach is already quite angry. I think the hot dog has passed from my upper stomach/esophagus (spelling lol) to full on stomach mode. I say that becasue I'm no longer nauseous or feeling chest pain but am having the worst stomach cramps of my life (which I rightfully deserve). I will continue to walk around my house and take in liquids as I can. I've checked so far and no fever either. As this progresses I'll update you all. Please feel free to chime in with other things I can do and look out for until i can reach my surgeon's office Monday. I'm on high alert for any sharp pains or shortness of breath that could indicate a leak. Anything else? Thank you for your throughtfullness. You've been stern and patient with me and most of all informative and kind. Your concern is not lost on me, and I am truly thankful! Please keep me in your prayers!!! xoxox

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I am goinng to treat my stomach like an infant going forward' date=' thank you for the kind wisdom and advice, Ms. Skinniness!! i wasn't aware that the risk was that severe and I'm trying to fight anxiety. Such a stupid move on my part. I'm stronger than this. I got through a 2 week pre-surgery liquid diet NO SLEEVE without cheating once, even though I lost very little weight. I can't believe I would do something this irresponsible. I'm pissed at myself.[/quote']

Don't beat yourself up anymore....time to move forward, I agree that you may need to see a therapist and call your doctor. I must admit I definitely baby my "pouch". At this point you should not feel hungry at all. You have to retrain your thinking. It's not easy because if you're like most of us you used food for other reasons than nutrition. It will take time but you can do it!

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Hi all, just wanted to update you so far. I walked earlier, and have had nothing but Water and a little Jello since. I've not taken all of my vitamins/supplements only because my stomach is already quite angry. I think the hot dog has passed from my upper stomach/esophagus (spelling lol) to full on stomach mode. I say that becasue I'm no longer nauseous or feeling chest pain but am having the worst stomach cramps of my life (which I rightfully deserve). I will continue to walk around my house and take in liquids as I can. I've checked so far and no fever either. As this progresses I'll update you all. Please feel free to chime in with other things I can do and look out for until i can reach my surgeon's office Monday. I'm on high alert for any sharp pains or shortness of breath that could indicate a leak. Anything else? Thank you for your throughtfullness. You've been stern and patient with me and most of all informative and kind. Your concern is not lost on me, and I am truly thankful! Please keep me in your prayers!!! xoxox

Hey Jeffie! I hope it's getting better for you over there! I agree with KC above who says it's time to stop beating yourself up. It's a learning experience! You certainly aren't the first or last sleever to make a mistake like this. Just know that it's too soon for that and stay on course as much as possible! It's only a matter of weeks before you can eat more normally, so you're bound to make some other bad food choices at some point - but that's life! I track everything I eat, so even when I indulge, I still can keep it in perspective vs. all the good I'm doing. Yes, it's dangerous to indulge now when you're recovering, but in just a short amount of time, it will be all about balance! :)

Don't let any naysayers get you down - it's possible to be stern without being condescending. I really think you've learned from this, and I'm glad I could help you through it! I hope you didn't do any damage, as leaks are serious and can be fatal - and recovering from one is no picnic either. If you want some scare tactic type inspiration, go search out some threads about leaks and read what they go through!! I hope all is well. Good luck, hon! :)

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Jeffie, how are you? Can you please give us an update?

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My dietitian just went over the purée phase with me because I start it next week. He recounted to me a story of another one of his patients. This man was sitting with his family while they ate roasted chicken. He was still in the full liquid phase. He was overcome by a craving for the chicken. He rationalized to himself that he would chew it and savor the flavor, then spit it out. He really meant to spit it out. But he could not control his swallow reflex and before he knew it, he had swallowed it! He called the dietitian in such a panic because he thought he was going to die. On the phone he stressed himself out so much that it came back up!

My dietitian shares this with me because this swallow reflex is part of our "lizard brain". This is not part of our human self, but our animal self. You absolutely can't put something in your mouth that is not on your plan, because when it is in there, all bets are off. You need to decide you will never tempt yourself like that, and that you will NEVER put your poor husband in the position where he is doing something for you that will harm you and could put you in the hospital. That poor man must be beside himself. You owe him a big apology.

Put your big girl pants on and learn from this. If you want something salty, have some broth.

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My dietitian just went over the purée phase with me because I start it next week. He recounted to me a story of another one of his patients. This man was sitting with his family while they ate roasted chicken. He was still in the full liquid phase. He was overcome by a craving for the chicken. He rationalized to himself that he would chew it and savor the flavor' date=' then spit it out. He really meant to spit it out. But he could not control his swallow reflex and before he knew it, he had swallowed it! He called the dietitian in such a panic because he thought he was going to die. On the phone he stressed himself out so much that it came back up!

My dietitian shares this with me because this swallow reflex is part of our "lizard brain". This is not part of our human self, but our animal self. You absolutely can't put something in your mouth that is not on your plan, because when it is in there, all bets are off. You need to decide you will never tempt yourself like that, and that you will NEVER put your poor husband in the position where he is doing something for you that will harm you and could put you in the hospital. That poor man must be beside himself. You owe him a big apology.

Put your big girl pants on and learn from this. If you want something salty, have some broth.[/quote']

Oh please....quit being so self righteous!! It has been mentioned before and I'll mention it again...

We've all been sleeved because we're overweight and have food issues. Those food issues don't resolve the minute you have the surgery. Its a journey and a learning curve. Its obvious that Jeffie was crying out for reassurance and to share her fears. Where is the support? Give her a break will ya...


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Oh please....quit being so self righteous!! It has been mentioned before and I'll mention it again...

We've all been sleeved because we're overweight and have food issues. Those food issues don't resolve the minute you have the surgery. Its a journey and a learning curve. Its obvious that Jeffie was crying out for reassurance and to share her fears. Where is the support? Give her a break will ya...


I wasn't self-righteous at all. Maybe you used the wrong word. What I was doing is sharing a story about how once you put it in your mouth, you have a biological urge to swallow. I was encouraging the OP not to put anything in their mouth that isn't on their plan.

I was also thinking about the position the OP put her spouse in, and how awful he would feel if she had done damage. Thank goodness she didn't.

The OP got a lot of support in the thread. I was giving support of a different kind. I don't see what there is to get offended about.

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What I was doing is sharing a story about how once you put it in your mouth, you have a biological urge to swallow. I was encouraging the OP not to put anything in their mouth that isn't on their plan.

Oh man..don't tell my boyfriend this!

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