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Lower BMI Bandsters!

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Hey guys!

Sorry I was away for so long!! I had a curve ball thrown at me that i was not expecting from some "friends"!!!!

I am doin better!!!

I started back to the gym and my husband and I just signed up with a personal trainer!!!

Here I go!!!

I am at 146 now!!!!

How are you all doing??

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First off let me just say thank you for starting this thread almost a year ago. I have read the entire thread and you have all been such an inspiration to me.

A little about me. I am 29 y/o, 5'6" and 188 lbs. I am married with two beautiful little boys. I haven't always been obese, it has been a battle the last 5 years to keep it under control since having my sons. Genetically, I am wired to be obese, diabetic, hypertensive with heart disease. I was dealt a crappy hand, what can I say...:help:

Up until I found this thread, I thought I was alone. I figured no one with a BMI of 30 or 31 had the band so no one would understand why I am doing this. I was so wrong. My husband would not understand, he thinks it is will power, nothing to do with genetics. He loves me how I am and would never ask me to lose weight even though I was only 135lbs when we met 7 years ago. At this point in the game, I have told my best friend and my mother who both support my decision. I am not able to tell my hubby and that has been the hardest part of my battle. I travel a lot and I only live about 2 hours from TJ so I am going to take myself down there, stay a few days and come home. I must be crazy!!!!:dizzy: I have never told him an absolute lie like this. I have let him know that I have to go out of town for a meeting and that I am going to start a fasting/liquid diet before Christmas to get a jump start on my New Year's resolution. He and I work so much that we see eachother for 2 hours a day and then we go to bed. Luckily I work from my home. He is in bed right now as I type.

I am going to need so much support from others and I have never been in this situation. Usually I am the shoulder to cry on and I carry the weight for everyone around me. I don't even know where to begin with all of the feelings I am having now, 10 days pre op!!!! I am scared, excited, nervous, happy, wired, I haven't slept in like 7 days. I am so happy to hear so many wonderful things about Dr. Ortiz, I am not nervous about the surgeon I chose at all. I am more nervous about coming home. What if I PB or slime with my husband next to me. Audree, you are a great post op example, you did soooo well on the liquids, that is going to be so hard for me because I still have to cook dinner for my family while I sip on some broth an crystal light, LOL!!! I am not too worried about the scars, my stretch marks cover my entire abdomen, I had two 9 1/2 lb babies in the last 5 years. Very rarely do I let anyone see me without a shirt on, unless the lights are out!

Enough rambling on, I am so grateful to have found this thread. Any advice from people who did not tell there partner or friends, or kids...I would appreciate it. I am feeling guilty for something I am doing to improve myself, I am such a giver, I never take and it is sooo hard for me to just be happy for me. Thanks for reading everyone, it was hard for me to open up like this. :faint:

Welcome!! Sorry I wasn't around for a week or so!! Our stats are very close. I am 5'5 and was 190 pre surgery. I am now at 146!!!

I also did not tell my kids. My husband was supportive after he started seeing the before and after pics on this thread and I showed him all the research. He was also very impressed with Lapband For Life, the book Dr. Ortiz wrote with top experts in the field also contributing to his book.

I also did have a full Tummy Tuck about 3 1/2 years ago with Lipo, but then gained 30 pounds plus!!! But he did an awesome job!! I had it done in San Bernardino.

Let me know if you have any other questions!!!

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Mostly out of discouragement, but also due to motivation by wasa bubblebutt :)

I thought I would log in and say "hello" The scale isn't moving and although my clothes fit better or don't fit and I feel great; the scale has the brakes ON!

I usually eat:


string cheese

healthy choice chicken Soup (can never finish)

south beach bar (140 cal, 10g protein)

lean cuisine (240 cals max)

1 egg

When I tally everything up, my cals range from 680-1200.....just depends on the day

So I'm back to the gym spicing things up; I was getting bored with my work-out. NowI'm just waiting for things to change....they have to, right?

Less going in than what's expended = weight loss????

I eat SOOOOOO much less than before so I thought I would have lost more?

I was lurking on some other posts and other crazy ates have lost almost double what I have, so I have blamed it on my lower BMI and figured I would hang out in this forum for now :kiss :) :biggrin1:

More updates to come! You guys keep up the good work!

I also just started back to the gym! My husband and I signed up with a personal trainer. I have to weight train 3 times a week and do cardio 2 times. I am at 146 and he said he thought I should weigh about 135. I think that I am going to lose those next 11 pounds but with working out and weight training.

I am excited! I have to go now since we are paying a trainer and my husband loves it and we train together. So, now I have no excuse or way to get out of it!!

What kind of routine are you doing at the gym?

I never thought I was only supposed to do cardio 2 times a week and weight training 3 times a week. I had thought I had to do cardio 5 days a week, but didn't need weight training.

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I started with a BMI of 37, weight 222, height 5'5". Banded 9/25. Total loss 24. Haven't had a weight loss for 3 and a half weeks. Had two fills. Neigher helped. Was tighter after surgery. Any advice on how to get a tighter fill. My doctor uses no fluro. All blind fills. Last fill I got light headed and felt I was going to throw up.

Can you find someone else to do it under fluero? That is the best way to get restriction faster.

It does take time to get to the "sweet spot".

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Audree, I love weight training and my trainer. I lost 4 inches on my thighs and 6 on my waist from exercise, not the band. My legs have a lot of muscle in them and for the first time in my life, my thighs don't stick out farther than my hips.

I am glad I have gotten addicted to exercise. I feel really guilty when I don't go. It's so cool that your husband is going with you!

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I started with a BMI of 37, weight 222, height 5'5". Banded 9/25. Total loss 24. Haven't had a weight loss for 3 and a half weeks. Had two fills. Neigher helped. Was tighter after surgery. Any advice on how to get a tighter fill. My doctor uses no fluro. All blind fills. Last fill I got light headed and felt I was going to throw up.

You sound exactly like me SueSue. I started at the same weight and height as you and am going for my second fill on tues, Dec.4th. I have lost under 9 pounds in total. I feel some restriction from my first fill and am encouraged that I will have a much better chance to lose after the next one. 1cc for the 1st fill and another 1cc. on Tues.

If I were you I would barf if I had to. I would get me another fill until it worked! I have looked back on some of the threads for people banded in May and June and some are not losing. They haven't even had a second fill, for heaven sake. Why would you wait??? I just don't get it.

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Audree, I love weight training and my trainer. I lost 4 inches on my thighs and 6 on my waist from exercise, not the band. My legs have a lot of muscle in them and for the first time in my life, my thighs don't stick out farther than my hips.

I am glad I have gotten addicted to exercise. I feel really guilty when I don't go. It's so cool that your husband is going with you!

I am really excited to see how my body is going to change and tone up.

I feel better and have more energy just from the 1 week of going.

I am glad my husband is going or I'd be to lazy to go for myself.

I don't feel that "addicted" feeling yet, but I can't wait to!!

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audri: YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Only you know how to best approach your husband. Just from reading the few posts I have, I would say that you are doing the right thing for you. I think when it does come to a head and you fess up that you will need to point out the support you have given for his passion the boat......... this is your passion... becoming healthy for you, him and your boys.

For the non banded and even more for the non obese... they don't understand what we go through.... and some never get it. My husband used to make fun of me when I would try going back to low carb.. he just didn't get it... (I did all my research without him knowing, I signed up for several seminars but then backed out... until finally I decided... come hell or high Water I was getting it done... I looked into Mexico, denver and other self pay options near me........... then I found out that my insurance DID cover it!................. so I hem hawed back and forth until I finally told him I was "thinking" about it and asked him if he would attend the seminar with me.... suprisingly he said yes......... He went........ he only really wanted to know how it would affect HIM.

I put the money in my flex account for all the deductibles, it was my insurance that I work with daily so I handled all the details of approval, ....... still....... he was worried about how it would affect HIM........ how would HE deal with me not eating the same types of things, how would HE deal with going to buffets, how would HE deal with MY surgery......... still sometimes there are issues.......... he doesn't like to eat alone, but in reality he had to get over it......

When the family has spaghetti, I only have the sauce and a few crackers, when the family eats at the buffet I take my time and only eat a bite of this or that, while the rest waste plate after plate....... when we go out for mexican (like we are tonight) he will have an entire order of fahita's and a basket or two of chips and I will have MAYBE 3 chips and a bowl of tortilla soup............... the moral....... YOU CAN DO THIS and HE CAN GET USED TO IT!


To everyone keeping up with my drama. I told my hubby today that I wanted to get banded. We were just chatting and I was complaining about all of my failed attempts at weight loss, and I said that I am going to do something about it once and for all. He said are you going to get a Tummy Tuck, and I said possibly. Then he said are you going to get "that band thing" and I said yes I am. He just rolled his eyes and started going on about how we need to do this together and he will go to the gym with me and I don't need the band. I basically told him that this is about me and how I feel and that I have lost faith in him trying to do this with me. How can he do this with me, he is not overweight, he doesn't feel how I feel. I didn't go into detail, I didn't tell him I was doing it on the 6th, I just told him I was doing it. Later in the day he said, I promise I will go to the gym with you and we will eat better, I stuck to my guns and said that I am going to get banded. Again I told him this was about me and he said (and I knew he would say this) "it won't be about you when you have complications and I have to deal with them". Geeee, I didn't see that one coming.

Just wanted to give everyone a quick update. He took it way better than I tought he would, of course he doesn't know I am having it done on Thursday either. At least when he does see the incisions I can say "I told you I was going to have it done". BTW, he just went behind my back and dropped another $2000 on the boat last week. He can't keep secrets either, he told me lastnight. I didn't get mad at all, I have no right too.

Surgery is Thursday the 6th! Wish me luck:whoo:

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I am glad you told him. I wish you the best for an easy recovery!

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Yippee! Glad you told him and it is just one more thing that you do not have to worry about come surgery day - you will be fine and I can not wait to hear how it all goes!

Good Luck!

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Thanks everyone for your support. I hope my recovery is uneventful too! He will be mad once he finds out I did it behind his back but, he will get over it. Once he sees that I can lose weight and keep it off he will be happy for me. Once I feel better about my body image, things will be better for him (in bed, where it matters!) LOL!

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Audri - You go girl!! I am so glad that you stuck to your guns and are going for it! You will be fine honest, the surgery is nothing to be frightened of and the recovery is waaay quicker than I thought it would be. Good luck for Thursday and I hope to see you back here boasting about how much you have lost in no time hon!You are doing this for you, and as a wife/mother I know how bloody rare it is that we do anything that is just for us!!

Baby - Way to go on joining the gym, I have been sooo lazy the last week or so, but i have been flying up and down the country. You will get that last bit of weight off in no time, but I bet you see the inches some off first.

Denise - I am hoping to start my gym program in the New Year, in the run up to Christmas my house is insane, just sorting out the pressies for all the kids, decorating the house and all that has me meeting myself coming back! I hope that I will get to the stage that you are at :P

Falls - my weightloss stopped recently about 2 weeks after having the band put in I lost not one more ounce, it didnt matter what I did, power plate cross trainer weights etc. I stuck there for 3 weeks! I started eating a bit more on the advise of my sister, did it for about 10 days ( put on 4 lbs) then went for my fill and the weight is coming off really well now. I think sometimes you have to get your body used to a bit more to kick start it again. I have lost the 4 that I put on plus another 7!!

I ended up having 2 fills in one week!! I went for the first fill under floro on the Tuesday and could tell when I was watching that the barium was going down waaay to quick, he wook me from 4cc to 7.5, but at 4cc I had no restriction at all. Told him at the time that I thought it was still going through too quick, and he said that it normally takes 3 fills to get restriction and wasnt prepared to put anymore in.

I was pissed cos I have to fly down to get the fill, and he gets paid per fill, so why would he worry??

I rang my patient coordinator and told her that 2 days after the fill I was stuck in Manchester still, and had got caught up at work starving, and the only thing that we could get to eat was a Subway which slid down noooo problem. Not very happy! She was a star and managed to get me another fluro fill that day and I got another 1.5cc , so I am now at 9cc in a 10cc band and I am loving it!!!

The weight is coming off really well - no surprise really as I spent most of the week on liquids!! - but the great thing is that I have RESTRICTION!! Wooooo Hooooo!!! I am so happy, I feel full after a tiny amount, I have to eat slowly and chew really well (had my first stuck, slime and PB all in one meal!!)but other than that learning curve,it is fan-flippin-tastic!

I have got to get to goal by Feb or a stone within it so I can't afford to mess around now.

Hope that everyone else is doing fine and that we dont all fall off the wagon over Christmas!

Nina x

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Nina, you're lucky. Having restriction is a great thing. I miss it. I am getting another fill on the 12th and it can't get here soon enough.

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Audri: It is best he knows. It would have been hard to hide!!

Nina: I am loving the gym! It is so true, give it about 2 weeks and you feel so great, that you can't help but go!

How is everyone else doing?

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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