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Lower BMI Bandsters!

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Audree, where do you get those? I need some of those too!

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<TABLE class=tborder id=post428388 cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=thead> #1468 <!-- [sTART HACK='vB Pager' AUTHOR='UAEWEB.COM' VERSION='3.0.0' CHANGEID= 6 ] --><!-- [END HACK='vB Pager' AUTHOR='UAEWEB.COM' VERSION='3.0.0' CHANGEID= 6 ] -->

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HI all I see your doing great Audree and still losing that weight, Im happy to see that. Im still a waiting on the money. Longest wait of my life I think, watching everyone lose weight, Im still in my 190s and hate it and no clothes fit, summers almost here mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I cant wait much longer. Boyee Im really incouraging LOL! Sorry Im in a Hurry I got passport Im ready to Fly! Anyway ive whined enough you all keep up the good work and dont give up you will get to your goals! Ill check back in aday or so. Remember me in your prayers Audree.


I know how you feel! I am 190 never ever weighed so much in my life. I am only 4'11 and NOTHING FITS!

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You sound just like me. I am 5' and just weighed myself today and am up to 194 :D. I was holding steady at 180-186, I guess i was eating all my last meals. Enough of that. Jeans I was wearing two weeks ago wont even button now. I went and bought 3 outfits just to hold me over until surgery and a little there after. :omg: I am scheduled for surgery April 18th... and still scrounging money. I should have all the money by the time surgery rolls around. Keep your fingers crossed and include me in all your prayers. :)

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Angie38 at least you have a date and its almost here, Im hoping soon I will have mine, just waiting on a settlement, Ill keep you in my prayers do the same for me. I used to stay @ 175-179 then this winter i just felt like I didnt have energy for nothing so I hoping the band will change my enery level. Talk to ya soon bye

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My BMI was at 37 before I lost 16lbs. When I went back before the surgery, I was actually at 34 BMI.

I had my surgery on Monday, 3-26-07, weighing in on my scales at 227.5. Wednesday when I got home, I was at 233.5 (fluid). Today is Friday and I'm at 223.5. :clap2:

I've been drinking the low-carb Slim-Fast. The doc said I could drink anything that would go through a straw. So I've stocked up on those. They have 20 grams of Protein each! If you don't get the Protein in, you have a greater risk of losing your hair.:faint:

My goal is to lose to about 165. I hope that I can do it!

Did anyone have the left shoulder pain? Mine has been horrible. The dr. said it was the nerve in the diaphragm that was stitched around the band causing the pain. I sure hope it heals quickly! It is so bad at times that I could cry.:cry

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Did anyone have the left shoulder pain? Mine has been horrible. The dr. said it was the nerve in the diaphragm that was stitched around the band causing the pain. I sure hope it heals quickly! It is so bad at times that I could cry.:cry

I was banded 12 days ago and still have pain in my left shoulder but thought it was the gas pains everyone talks about. I had it a lot at first and walking around and using the heating pad really helped and usually got rid of it. Now, I wake up around 2:00 a.m. with the pain but if I walk around a few minutes and put the heat on it I can usually go back to sleep comfortably for a few more hours. How do you know if it's the nerve or gas? I guess it doesn't matter--it hurts either way! Good luck! Karen

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Hello everybody, sadly i was not approved by insurance for the band so i am in the process of trying to get financing for it. as of right now my doctor has me on a VLCD (very low calorie diet) meaning i too am on liquids and can only consume 500 calories a day which i think is totally crazy but at this point trying anything, i hope i can stick to it. she says it has the same effect as the band BUT the only difference is you can feel restriction with the band and you're not constantly hungry, which is what i think is going to be my worst problem, i am ALWAYS hungry. i'm on this for 4 weeks now, and according to the doc it has an average of 3-5 pounds lost a week. does this sound healthy to anyone else, it just sounds like a little too much weight is being lost with this program. i mean i'm all for losing th weight of course but i want to still live in order to enjoy it.

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Hello everybody, sadly i was not approved by insurance for the band so i am in the process of trying to get financing for it. as of right now my doctor has me on a VLCD (very low calorie diet) meaning i too am on liquids and can only consume 500 calories a day which i think is totally crazy but at this point trying anything, i hope i can stick to it. she says it has the same effect as the band BUT the only difference is you can feel restriction with the band and you're not constantly hungry, which is what i think is going to be my worst problem, i am ALWAYS hungry. i'm on this for 4 weeks now, and according to the doc it has an average of 3-5 pounds lost a week. does this sound healthy to anyone else, it just sounds like a little too much weight is being lost with this program. i mean i'm all for losing th weight of course but i want to still live in order to enjoy it.

That's sad! Darn it! Good luck on the financing--I was self-pay and it's definitely a BIG bite. We worried so much about complications adding to the cost during surgery or after but so far so good.

I just don't know what to think about a diet that low in calories. supposedly a weight loss of 1-2 lbs. is considered healthy and that is what my dr. told me to expect with the band. I can't imagine surviving on 500 calories without ever feeling full. I think the basic band diet is about 1000 calories but I'm still on mushies so I haven't gotten to that point yet. I'm just judging from what others have reported eating after being banded and on regular food.

Good luck to you! You must be very disappointed. I do hope things work out for you. Karen

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Yes i am truly disappointed. but i am going to stay focused and positive. I applied last night around 8 pm for a loan to have the procedure done, i should hopefully know something by monday afternoon _ tuesday at the latest. i have fairly decent credit, the only thing that i am concerned about it is that i'm a divorcee and that factor has kept me from being approved from a LOT of things. i'll just keep my fingers crossed and continue to pray for a miracle.

And to all of you i just want to say that you guys are all excellent, there is so much love and support here, and people like me really need that at times. Especially times like this, when i am feeling so depressed and disappointed. I will surely keep you posted on how the outcome is with the financing. --Nikki

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Sorry I took so long to get back to you I got home from the hospital late last night. Fingers are crossed for you hun!

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My BMI was at 37 before I lost 16lbs. When I went back before the surgery, I was actually at 34 BMI.

I had my surgery on Monday, 3-26-07, weighing in on my scales at 227.5. Wednesday when I got home, I was at 233.5 (fluid). Today is Friday and I'm at 223.5. :clap2:

I've been drinking the low-carb Slim-Fast. The doc said I could drink anything that would go through a straw. So I've stocked up on those. They have 20 grams of Protein each! If you don't get the Protein in, you have a greater risk of losing your hair.:faint:

My goal is to lose to about 165. I hope that I can do it!

Did anyone have the left shoulder pain? Mine has been horrible. The dr. said it was the nerve in the diaphragm that was stitched around the band causing the pain. I sure hope it heals quickly! It is so bad at times that I could cry.:cry

Yes-left shoulder pain-the pain some surgeons forget to tell you about. I am 5 days post op and the shoulder pain was the last to go-my incisions were nothing compared to the neck and shoulder. It will go away-though it seems how long varies from person to person. I felt better once I stopped taking the heavy meds and switched to liquid tylenol. Walking as much as possible helps too.

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Oh---You will actually be heavier right after the surgery-it is bloat from the gas and all the IV liquids so be prepared. Most of my bloat is gone know and I am at 200 exactly.

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<TABLE class=tborder id=post431808 cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=thead id=currentPost> #1482 <!-- [sTART HACK='vB Pager' AUTHOR='UAEWEB.COM' VERSION='3.0.0' CHANGEID= 6 ] --><!-- [END HACK='vB Pager' AUTHOR='UAEWEB.COM' VERSION='3.0.0' CHANGEID= 6 ] -->

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</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- / user info --></TD></TR><TR><TD class=alt1 id=td_post_431808><!-- message, attachments, sig --><!-- message -->I was lucky I only had pain in the left shoulder the day of sugery on Friday.


Yippee!! You did it! Your begining your new life :clap2:. How do you feel? Are you hungry? Tired of liquids? What liquids are you on? I hear alot of people on slimfast and Atkins I think I will do that along with broth, Jello and possibly yogurt (is that a liquid or cremy?) .... oh you have to tell us everything... you know how we are just dying to hear all the details. :high5:

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I not only had lap band, but I had to have a heital hernia repaired as well. Mine was hereditary like my mother's. It was attached to my heart and had to be cut away from the sac. The dr. said he lost 4lbs during my surgery from sweating. He told me he would not be doing anymore of those. He said that he would cut, let my heart beat, then cut, heart beat. I think it scared him enough that he doesn't want to attempt those anymore. Mine was the second one he had done. My mother's was the first.

I do feel good. I went back to work (school teacher) today. We were on spring break last week, so I had my surgery last Monday. What a way to spend spring break, ugh? I thought that I would be well recovered and skinnier by summer break by doing it then:)

My dr. told me I could have anything that would go through a straw. I did just Clear Liquids the first couple of days. Then I went to low-carb Slim Fast. It has 20 g of Protein per can. This is the most protein I've found.

My dr. said it was good to drink those for the nutrients and protein. Then, about Thursday, I had cheddar cheese Soup (canned) with milk. I made it thin enough to go through the straw. That was a pretty good change. I've also done milk shakes. Some I've made at home, others I've gotten at Burger King and Sonic. The ones I made at home was about Wednesday or Thursday. I took the chill off of them in the microwave. The ones from BK and Sonic, I just sort of held in my mouth to kind of "warm it up" before I swallowed it. My dr. told me no popsicles for about a week or so. He didn't want me having anything too hot or too cold. Something with the lining around the stomach slothing off. Which then would not heal properly.

Today, which is Monday and 8 days after my surgery, I did the milk with cream of chicken soup for supper. That was even better. I was careful not to get a big hunk of chicken. That could cause a problem.

I weighed this morning and was down 6 pounds! I wore pants to school today that I've not worn in a couple of years. That is a GREAT FEELING!The only thing that has bothered me is the pain in my left shoulder. There is a nerve that is somewhere around or in the diaphragm that is stitched to the lap band. It runs all the way up to the neck and shoulder area. When that heals, it is suppose to stop hurting. It is somewhat better now, but I'll be glad when it is completely gone. I'm still taking the pain meds for that, not my stomach.

As far as sleeping, I can only sleep on my back or my right side. If I try my left side, it feels like gravity is pulling on that area and it hurts. I've just stayed in those two positions, so far.

Another thing that is happening from not chewing, is my teeth get that "scummy" feeling on them by about mid afternoon. When I get home, I go straight in to brush my teeth because I can't stand that feeling. I chew gum, but that has not helped with that. I need to find some "dental" gum and see if that would help.

I go to see him on Thursday. I guess he'll update me on what I can eat then.

I hope that I've given you some tips and didn't just ramble on. I learn something new each day, it seems.

I hope you do very well on this journey:)

Keep in touch:)

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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