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We want to help both you girls. When was your surgery? If you are newly sleeved' date=' the hormones are flying. I was so mean to everyone that I am surprised anyone speaks to me now.

It gets so much better as time goes on and the added prize you will be thinner. Just sip sip sip your liquids and try to get your Protein in. You did this for a reason. Keep your eye on the ending result. You have children and you need to be healthy for them.

Best of luck and get help if you need it.


I was sleeved 4 weeks ago. April 8.

I am according to my book free to soft foods. But nothing works. I am to scared to try any foods anymore BC one time works great the next I vomit.

Trying to get liquids in when you sleep all day BC u have no energy and depressed, BC everyone can go do whatever whenever... I can't. I'm not even ready to start work again. All the questions. And all I can say is I regret it. I don't recommend it. And people are gonna be like told you so. :+( tunnel is dark in my life. I see no future. Just misery. Can't even eat 3 teaspoons of anything. Let alone soft foods. All I really want is a sub from subway. Drink gallon of Water. And be happy. And not change the outside BC I was and was meaning not anymore good on the inside.

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I am so sorry you ladies are feeling this way.

I know this is a cliche but try talking to your surgeon or nut regarding how you are feeling. It sounds like a vicious circle: you can't eat or drink so you feel low energy and depressed which just makes you lethargic, making if harder to get up, eat & drink, and Live well. Something has got to end this unfortunate pattern for you. I'm hoping their help will do that.

Anyway, my heart is with you. I'm glad you reached out. We are all here to help in whatever way we can.

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I was sleeved on 4/23 i i regret it so much. I wanna give thanks to all of you trying to help me but is really really hard. I just wanna be normal. I dont eat anthyng just Soup like 2 times a day and i drink apple juice. My goal is to lose at least 70 pounds

It's so early on ... Once u start dropping the pounds u will be glad u did this ! Hang in there ... There is many people that would love to be in your shoes right now. ( my daughter just got denied surgery) . U need to try and think positive in a couple months u can eat pretty much anything and feel "normal " again . You got this girl !!!

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Sorry having hard time, it does work and we had sleeve for a reason.

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I was sleeved 4 weeks ago. April 8.

I am according to my book free to soft foods. But nothing works. I am to scared to try any foods anymore BC one time works great the next I vomit.

Trying to get liquids in when you sleep all day BC u have no energy and depressed' date=' BC everyone can go do whatever whenever... I can't. I'm not even ready to start work again. All the questions. And all I can say is I regret it. I don't recommend it. And people are gonna be like told you so. :+( tunnel is dark in my life. I see no future. Just misery. Can't even eat 3 teaspoons of anything. Let alone soft foods. All I really want is a sub from subway. Drink gallon of Water. And be happy. And not change the outside BC I was and was meaning not anymore good on the inside.[/quote']

Forget about the subway it's what got you here. Yeah it tasted good but when you finished then what?? It didn't give you superpowers or lasting love, it just gave you a gut!

Now down the road will you be able to eat some of that again? Yes! So let it go for now. You are 4 weeks out and any food you put in your body is more for "medicinal" reasons to live and to heal are the goals right now! You need to get your Protein in right now and if you stomach can't take food yet so be it, drink your shakes for a few more weeks. And get you Water in. Try a bite of soft food like baked fish and leave it at a bite.

If 2 teaspoons make you throw up don't eat that much.

Finally go outside get some air and clear your head, life does not have to revolve around food at every corner, I know that part is hard! Because so much of our lives involved it. And it's a hard addiction to break. But you need to step away from it for a minute and do what you need to do.

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Forget about the subway it's what got you here. Yeah it tasted good but when you finished then what?? It didn't give you superpowers or lasting love' date=' it just gave you a gut!

Now down the road will you be able to eat some of that again? Yes! So let it go for now. You are 4 weeks out and any food you put in your body is more for "medicinal" reasons to live and to heal are the goals right now! You need to get your Protein in right now and if you stomach can't take food yet so be it, drink your shakes for a few more weeks. And get you Water in. Try a bite of soft food like baked fish and leave it at a bite.

If 2 teaspoons make you throw up don't eat that much.

Finally go outside get some air and clear your head, life does not have to revolve around food at every corner, I know that part is hard! Because so much of our lives involved it. And it's a hard addiction to break. But you need to step away from it for a minute and do what you need to do.[/quote']

First of all you have no idea what got me to where I was heavy? You obviously didn't read the part where I never grew up on fast foods at all! So for you to say subway is what got me to where I am is a judgement you can't predict!

Shame on you!

Just because someone is over weight does not mean they had the love for fast foods or fattening foods either!

Id go outside and get fresh air if I could keep my eyes open for more then an hour at a time! I take a shower and need a nap! Losing 35 pounds in four weeks isn't worth losing my energy and trying to figure out how I am gonna ever work and do what I do. Before I enjoyed it! Now I'm dreading going back!

Can't be with people BC they feel bad for you. And I don't want sympathy. I did make the choice. But all these restrictions, and not being able to tolerate anything even Water BC all I have is acid reflux from that too!

Headaches are worse and more frequent now then ever before!

Nap time. :+(

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First of all you have no idea what got me to where I was heavy? You obviously didn't read the part where I never grew up on fast foods at all! So for you to say subway is what got me to where I am is a judgement you can't predict!

Shame on you!

Just because someone is over weight does not mean they had the love for fast foods or fattening foods either!

Id go outside and get fresh air if I could keep my eyes open for more then an hour at a time! I take a shower and need a nap! Losing 35 pounds in four weeks isn't worth losing my energy and trying to figure out how I am gonna ever work and do what I do. Before I enjoyed it! Now I'm dreading going back!

Can't be with people BC they feel bad for you. And I don't want sympathy. I did make the choice. But all these restrictions' date=' and not being able to tolerate anything even Water BC all I have is acid reflux from that too!

Headaches are worse and more frequent now then ever before!

Nap time. :+([/quote']

Well at least you still have some fight in you!


Listen I didn't mean to imply that you are a fast food junky... I'm not into fast food either but that didn't change to fact that I'm fat!

You need to get yourself in a better frame if mind.

You really don't have a choice right now. Also I can cry and pout about what I can't have (restrictions) and I do have moments like last night that I was so thirsty but couldn't drink and it SUCKED! But is my life ruined? No unless I chose to make it that way. Eating is no fun anymore.. Oh well! Life goes on and it's beautiful outside. And I can walk easier through life now.

Oh and before you say it again I know...

Shame on me :D

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Listen take your nap... I know I was tied a lot the first month or so too. But try to find some strength afterwards to do the hard work you have to do right now. Yes it involves blood sweat and tears but it will get better if you push through the tough spots.

You need to force the Water and walk, laying down is not helping with the acid I'm sure.

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I think both of you depressed posters need a hard serious talk with your medical help. Don't let up on them until you get straight talk and you are satisfied you can make it through. If you want to get well you need help. You guys need to fight the funk, don't accept it.

Noone is blaming you. I've been backed into many corners. I've shed many tears of self-pity. Doc said I would be dead in 2 years. I felt bad...why me? Feeling sorry for myself got me nothing. Fighting for myself did. I am 4 years out and I am not a ghost typing this. Fight for yourself like you would fight for a friend.

Us forum folks can give you pep talks but your real help has to come from your own mind and heart.

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I am so depressed i want to be normal again. I wish i could go back and just get on a diet. I wanted to lose weight the easy way and i didnt care what plp said to me so many times and i didnt listen. They told me i dont need to do it but i did it without thinking im so stupid. I cant even drink Water like i want to im always thirsty and all i want is pepsi and food. I am going trough a lot right now the only thing that is keeping me alive and a lil strong are my two daughters i love them and dont want to leave them. I wish i could go back and not do this surgery god please help me.

This is only the beginning. No matter what your reasons were for doing it, it's done. But it gets better. No, you won't be able to drink Pepsi or eat massive quantities. You probably won't be able to "chug" Water ever again either. Those are the realities that we've ALL had to deal with.

But for the sake of your two beautiful little girls, pull yourself together. :) Fix yourself a glass of water to sip on or a warm cup of tea, whatever works best for your new tummy, and sip on it while you think about a course of action. Make yourself a schedule for your meals (protein!) and your liquids and adhere to it. If at all possible, please call your surgeon and ask for a counseling referral. It will help make this lifestyle change a bit less difficult for you. It would have been easier before surgery, but it's not impossible now, I promise.

Please, remember that you're not stupid. You have two daughters that are depending on you to do what you need to do, Fran25. If nothing else will do it, allow the love you feel for them to be your guide and your motivation to do what you need to do.

You're in my thoughts and prayers.

Sent from my iPhone 5 using VST

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I am so sorry to hear you are struggling. First of all, you are NOT alone. You can come here any time to find comfort and support. Its hard in the beginning, but it really does get better especially when the weight starts to fall off! The first thing you should do is try to change your attitude. You can not go back. You can only move forward. If you focus on the negative, you will only feel worse. Start looking at the positive things this surgery will do for you. I am 15 months out and have lost 104% of my excess weight. I had a major complication which led to a second surgery and minor complications as a result of the second surgery. Would I do it again? Faster than you could blink your eyes!! I was able to succeed because I kept a positive outlook. I kept telling myself that I Am Strong! I Can overcome the problems! And I did. In order to achieve, you must believe! When you start feeling down, go to Pinterest or a fashion website and look at all the cute/sexy clothes you're going to be able to wear. Think of all the activities you will be able to do but couldn't before because you were too heavy. Plan ways to reward yourself when you achieve certain weight loss goals, 25 pounds, 50 pounds etc. You have to be your own cheerleader. Don't waste your energy on something you can't do or can't have back. Look to the future. Where I am now, I can eat almost anything I want. I just eat a LOT LESS! And there are a lot of things I can eat but choose not to. I spent most of my life living to eat. I then made the choice to eat to live, and a wonderful thing happened. food lost its importance to me. Things I didn't think I could live without, rarely tempt me anymore. All because I changed my mind set. You can too! It just takes practice like anything else. So hang in there! Here's wishing all of you who are struggling my very best!

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I still have a couple of months before I get sleeved. When I found out it was going to take six months of supervised diet, monthly pcp visits, monthly health coach visits, and dietician visits, I was so disappointed. Well, now that I'm almost done with all that I can honestly say it was for my own good. I've lost 22 lbs. so far. I've learned so much about nutrition. I wasn't ready six months ago. I needed this time to learn. I think, thanks to everyone on here, that I truly know what I'm getting myself into now. I'm so sorry for those with regrets. I'm not saying I'll never feel that way, but I think I understand I'll go through all kinds of feelings and I'll hopefully be able to deal with them. So, thanks everyone for expressing the good, the bad, and the ugly. Yes, I'm ready to do this for myself!

Sent from my iPhone using VST

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I am amazed by how much heart and soul is possesed by so many people on this forum. You folks impress me so much. I'd like to give ya all a bear hug!

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I feel you on that I was sleeved om 4/23 & sometimes im like I cant eat nothing dang my doc said I can strt on my pureed food past wed so I was like yes ima just be smart and just chew solid foods up real fine like its pureed and usually its back up n minutes, so I just decided stop being curious and stick to liquids and blender pureed food but honestly its one thing that stay dwn fine and im only able to eat about 4bites krystal low carb scrambler I was so happy to eat real food but maam I feel u the thought and feeling of rushing water/juice down your throat or just your mouth natural chewing allowing the food to just rush down your throat is all missed but I get frustrated and yes im a b***ch rite now but im 15lbs down and I no longer have. back pain or painful feet my skin looks healthy and im looking so forward to getting on a rollercoaster and taking my 5yr old daughter to Disney world and keeping my body im good health. My daughter is my rock I knew if I stayed on my path eventually I would start getting fat complications and I tried every diet. So its hard but im looking at the long term benefits were gonna be alright just be focus try creative recipes take your Vitamins get active and I always try to focus on I dont live to eat but eat live

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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