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over 300lbs?

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Okay, prior to surgery I was 337lbs. I stumbled across this app while I was looking up some questions I had. I appreciate the support but it bugs me to see posts about how people were 200-250 and so fat and miserable blah blah blah. HELLOOOO try being over 300lbs. Maybe I'm just jealous that I let myself get this big before I took action. And going on 6 weeks out down 30lbs I should be so happy but from day one all I can think is what a mistake this was. I hate Greek yogurt now and cottage cheese is nasty. I can't try a salad for another 3 freaking weeks and even then what's the point because after adding Salad Dressing and whatever it won't be good for me anyway. I don't know what to eat. I dread meal times and Snacks. Protein Shakes make me wanna vomit! I just hate every part of this decision I made. I WANT FOOD!

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I'm pre op but I fear what you're going through...I hate Greek yogurt but I like yo play lol and I won't eat salad without dressing..it's going to be a hard adjustment but you have to remember that tasty delicious bad food is why we are all here. Is it really worth having health issues and kicking the bucket over? From what I see it takes a few months to get in the habit of eating healthy cause you have trained your brain to love unhealthy. Also have you tried premier shakes? I actually crave the chocolate some times..you can add fruit to your shakes or Peanut Butter to help them not taste bleh :) I hope it gets easier for you!

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It sounds like you are in the "WTF did I do to myself" phase. I was stuck in the phase for 3 months due to complications.

Only advice I could give you is to take it one day at a time. You have to find something new to occupy your time - to replace the need for food. I promise things will get better - I'm finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Once the weight starts to come off - you start to feel better mentally and physically and you will know it was the right decision.

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I'm pre op but I fear what you're going through...I hate Greek yogurt but I like yo play lol and I won't eat salad without dressing..it's going to be a hard adjustment but you have to remember that tasty delicious bad food is why we are all here. Is it really worth having health issues and kicking the bucket over? From what I see it takes a few months to get in the habit of eating healthy cause you have trained your brain to love unhealthy. Also have you tried premier shakes? I actually crave the chocolate some times..you can add fruit to your shakes or Peanut Butter to help them not taste bleh :) I hope it gets easier for you!

I only drink premier Protein shakes because they are the only ones that I can drink at least 75% before I feel like if I ingest anymore I will barf. Seriously. Not from the taste, or not just from the taste. I hate lunch meat when it's not mushed between a piece of bread. My diet list says I can have toast, not soft bread, but my tummy said "umm no! " haven't tried rice or Pasta even though my list says it's a green light on those. Rice and Pasta? How healthy can that be and do I even wanna try it after toast hurt me so bad? Eh no! Not trying to sway anyone not to get it. It's great for some people.. I know I will be successful with it because I'm literally too afraid to eat anything even close to being bad for me. But these feelings just keep rising. Today was just not one of my good days. Honestly I had a few bites of green Beans and a little bit of rotisserie chicken around 4pm and have been in and out of the kitchen opening the fridge and the cabinets looking for SOMETHING. I just wanna cry when I start to feel hungry.

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I only drink premier Protein shakes because they are the only ones that I can drink at least 75% before I feel like if I ingest anymore I will barf. Seriously. Not from the taste, or not just from the taste. I hate lunch meat when it's not mushed between a piece of bread. My diet list says I can have toast, not soft bread, but my tummy said "umm no! " haven't tried rice or Pasta even though my list says it's a green light on those. Rice and Pasta? How healthy can that be and do I even wanna try it after toast hurt me so bad? Eh no! Not trying to sway anyone not to get it. It's great for some people.. I know I will be successful with it because I'm literally too afraid to eat anything even close to being bad for me. But these feelings just keep rising. Today was just not one of my good days. Honestly I had a few bites of green Beans and a little bit of rotisserie chicken around 4pm and have been in and out of the kitchen opening the fridge and the cabinets looking for SOMETHING. I just wanna cry when I start to feel hungry.

its good for people to know the struggles this surgery brings in my opinion at least. Really ur supposed to stay away from bread,pasta and rice. I tried putting ham and turkey in a lettuce wrap...it wasn't too bad..not better than bread but its doable. I feel you though...you really should try adding different stuff to your shakes and switch between vanilla and chocolate. I add a tiny bit of banana to chocolate when I get sick of plain chocolate..

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lunch meat and cheese wrapped like a sandwich. tuna with a little mayo and the juice from sweet pickles. Use canned chicken in the same way. Have these thing prepared so you can grab out of friz. Also can freeze serving sizes to grab and thaw. What about shrimp seasoned the way you like it?

Look at all the recipes on egg face, ricotta bake, scrambles eggs, the list is endless.

Best of luck and enjoy the journey. Accept what is done and learn to live with it.

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I also started over 300 pounds. I do understand what you mean about being irritated that we have so far to go! I've lost nearly 70 pounds and still weigh more than lots of people at their starting weight. I've decided to let that go, thinking about it is not helpful to me. It's just the way it is, and I prefer to focus on the fact that I'm that much lighter, and that much closer to goal! I feel better, look better, move better. I can't change anything, and for me, it's a GOOD thing! One major thing I have realized is that probably the major contributor to my super obesity was the fact that I was unsatisfied with the speed of my weight loss and could not sustain major diet changes over time. I'm now forced to sustain them, and guess what? Eventually, the weight comes off! Each pound adds up as it comes off, just as it did going on. I'm learning to put food in the background of my life, instead of the main attraction. I exercise and stay busy, which keeps me from looking for something to eat all the time, like I used to. Some days are easier than others, for sure! I hated the whole concept of eating at first, too, because I none of it sounded very appealing, and it was more work than it was worth. I can tell you from experience that it does get better. My advice - Try to take one day at a time, busy yourself with other things, and make decisions that are about YOU! You deserve to have some focus and attention that centers around your best interests.

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Okay' date=' prior to surgery I was 337lbs. I stumbled across this app while I was looking up some questions I had. I appreciate the support but it bugs me to see posts about how people were 200-250 and so fat and miserable blah blah blah. HELLOOOO try being over 300lbs. Maybe I'm just jealous that I let myself get this big before I took action. And going on 6 weeks out down 30lbs I should be so happy but from day one all I can think is what a mistake this was. I hate Greek yogurt now and cottage cheese is nasty. I can't try a salad for another 3 freaking weeks and even then what's the point because after adding Salad Dressing and whatever it won't be good for me anyway. I don't know what to eat. I dread meal times and Snacks. Protein shakes make me wanna vomit! I just hate every part of this decision I made. I WANT FOOD![/quote']

At one time I was pushing 400 lbs so when I would see a smaller weight like 250 lbs I'd think, that's a weight I'm excited to reach!!

I'm not having trouble adjusting. I have my moments of extreme head hunger, but I'm adjusting well.

There are plenty of sleeve approved recipes floating around that are quite tasty. Like my own chicken 2 bean chili and the infamous ricotta bake.

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You definitely need to stop dwelling on other people's starting weight. I'm pretty sure those people felt just as fat at 250 as you did at 330. Having said that, I was just over 300 and am now at around 214 and I feel positively freaking skinny. LOL As far as food issues, you are in the phase of missing your old friend and confidante, food. I think we all go through that. We also all have had our tastes change- foods we loved before surgery no longer appeal. You may be able to go back to those foods- I noticed that some slim fast shakes I bought to drink after surgery that were positively vile are now palatable. It does get better, I promise. Keep us updated!


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I started at 308 BMI was over 50. I am a normal BMI and lost 150#

I never regretted the surgery AT ALL, but it wasn't always easy.

You need to keep your eye on the prize, remember why you did this.

I lost 50 pounds before ANYONE EVEN NOTICED... well except a best friend and I think she was lying...lol

I had lost 120 some pounds when i finally asked my hubs if he had noticed.. since he hadn't said a word.

You need to find your motivation from within during those times

click on my profile to see my before and after pictures... for me it has been worth it times 10!

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As someone who is in that 250 - 200 lb range... I'll just say wait until you get here, and see how you feel. I was once 320 and got to this range 5 years ago, and I'm no where near where I want to be. I still feel all this weight on my body, and it keeps me from doing the things I want to do. So...don't judge. We are still "obese" and unhealthy, just as you are.

I know many people say how hard it is once you are sleeved and have to finally deal with your emotional attachment to food. It's a hard road we'll all go through, and I hope you find emotional healing and acceptance soon. I do dread that part of this journey, but as many have said, they are so glad they did it and will do it again. Hang in there.

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I too felt irritated hearing the complaints at lower weights until I reminded myself we are all different, and weight affects each one of us differently.

You have to take into account someone's height and frame. At 5'8" and 338, I probably carry my weight better than someone 5'1" and 250. Many people don't believe I'm over 300. Heck, I'm still a competitive horseback rider! (granted, my horses have to be big!)

Just do what you need to do for you, and don't make it a competition.

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Okay' date=' prior to surgery I was 337lbs. I stumbled across this app while I was looking up some questions I had. I appreciate the support but it bugs me to see posts about how people were 200-250 and so fat and miserable blah blah blah. HELLOOOO try being over 300lbs. Maybe I'm just jealous that I let myself get this big before I took action. And going on 6 weeks out down 30lbs I should be so happy but from day one all I can think is what a mistake this was. I hate Greek yogurt now and cottage cheese is nasty. I can't try a salad for another 3 freaking weeks and even then what's the point because after adding Salad Dressing and whatever it won't be good for me anyway. I don't know what to eat. I dread meal times and Snacks. Protein shakes make me wanna vomit! I just hate every part of this decision I made. I WANT FOOD![/quote']

How far out are you?

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I am 6 weeks post op. I started at 332 and hit 289 yesterday. Its a small win but I felt awesome when I hit below 300! I can sympathize with you and food can get very frustrating! Who says you have to give up things? You don't have to give them up but just find healthier options to the things you love. I haven't ate a salad but munch on a few cucumbers with bolt house farms ranch or salsa ranch yogurt dressing. Talk about yummy...35 calories a tbsp and some protein...it's really good. Instead of bread I have a Flatout Flatbread with my sandwich (whole grain, 6 carbs for 1/2 a flatbread). I have spent hours going through the grocery store looking for new things. I buy a lot of precooked frozen like turkey meatballs, lean hamburger patties, and chicken fajita strips...stuff I can just pop in the microwave. Easy, no fuss. I'm with you, I HATE Greek yogurt...so guess what, I don't eat it. I spent 20 days preop eating cottage cheese and Protein Drinks and I won't go near cottage cheese again. I find other ways of getting my protein! Change up your Protein drinks. I use premiere. I will add banana to my chocolate or mix a cup of coffee with it for a mocha...or add strawberry and banana to the vanilla. My point is you can make it work, you just have to find what works for you! :)

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I know where you are coming from...but just be patient. It gets better. I know every dr/nut guidelines for us are different...but on my 3rd week out (I am currently 5 weeks out) - when I was able to eat ff refried Beans with some ff cheese & ff sr cr and a scrambled egg with whole wheat toast, and then, eat fish my 4th week....I felt 1000% times better about the food. I don't do the shakes. My first 2 weeks was sf Jello and sf pudding - and nothing else til Peanut Butter was okayed by my nut because I couldn't do anything else that I could stand. I am trying to get the Protein in by food now. It is crucial for the muscle and the hair loss...some days I do well, others day, I don't. I am struggling still to drink, but I keep at it. Just keeping trying. Good luck!!

It does get easier. Be patient. Just do a little more each day. Best of luck to you. And when the negative people (those who have been 300 or those who haven't been 300) start with their negative crap, don't let it get to you. I've started just ignoring them; I don't even respond to them when they reply on something I've posted or commented on...I don't have time for them! Again, good luck!!!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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