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Sending you healing thoughts and energy. So sorry you have to go through this.

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I'm so so sorry you are going through this. It will get better.. You're just going to not know it for awhile. I wish we all could be with you to help you out some how, but please know you are in our prayers and definitely in our thoughts. YOU WILL GET THROUGH THIS.. And become the healthier you you wanted to be.

Warm and healing thoughts your way

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Pascale, first, I'm so sorry you are going through this. I know where you are coming from because I have been there myself. I was not as lucky as you. My leak was not discovered for several weeks so it damaged my lungs and I ended up in a pulminary unit for care before they could attempt to fix the leak. I was weeks without any fluids (NPO SUCKS!) and I was hours away from my husband and son when I finally was given proper care. I spent two months in hell, another two just trying to find the strength to be alive again, and boy do I have regrets! Mostly because, like you, it was my choice to do this :(

WHen I was sick I posted here daily and some dear people went along my terribly bumpy ride with me here. The thread is gone now, but it did help to have support here. My family and friends were darling and all stepped in to help me and my son, but it's still hard to be away. I cried like a baby constantly...and I'm a heart hearted old ******...I never cry LOL

Do a few things....first, get some art from the kids for your hospital walls. It helps :) Secondly...my son loaned me "Charlie". He's a big soft stuffed toy that is always with us when we are sick. Poor Charlie...Gad I cried over that silly old dog's fur almost daily but it helped me to have a piece of my child in my hospital room when I was alone and feeling down, even if he did make me cry. Bring a pillow from home. Leave it in a colored pillowcase so that you can tell it's yours and the cleaning folks won't take it accidentally. Ask for the delux version of the hospital bed. They inflate and adjust to your needs (soft, medium, hard, whatever you like best). They are for longer term patients and help when you can't move around. Don't stick the needle with the blood thinner into the mattress however or you'll deflate it...don't ask how I know that :P DON'T BE NICE!!!!! HONEY IF YOU NEED PAIN MEDS ASK FOR THEM NOW!!!! If your doc disagrees ask for another doctor. No I'm not kidding. There is no reason to suffer as you are and the stint won't make that suffering easier! Insist. Pain meds are available for a reason. I was on a pump (on demand) and used it quite a bit. For me, the narcotics would bring my blood pressure down dangerously low (on paper) but they still gave them to me because they determined that even if it was low I wasn't having any additional symptoms of low BP so it was ok. Don't suffer. Don't be nice....get something to help you darling.

And night and day when you hurt or feel sad or happy or mean or whatever....post here and someone will respond. Many people don't like the position I have on the sleeve...but they were still there for me when I was at my worst. I declined the Chaplin twice and just whined here and felt much better.

Ohhhh and when on the good drugs, be sure to post...I read a couple of mine and they were doozies :)

Hugs sweetheart. I don't know you, but we're sisters in this at this point so I'll try to stay along for the ride with you if you don't mind.

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I hope u are able to get some peace and quiet in the private room. Like iggy said there are nightowls like me up at all times of the night so ppst away.

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Iggychic....you look amazing! Do you still regret the sleeve???

Thanks dear :) I do wear much smaller jeans now :P

But ya, sadly I do still regret it. My complications left me with challenges that will last a lifetime :( My biggest challenge will be to stop losing weight as my stomach is now too small because of all the scar tissue built up from the late leak and it's repair. I could have gotten off my arse and done this another way. Actually the lapband would have been a better choice for me given my history (I was only overweight for a few years after multiple failed pregnancies and fertility treatments). And my poor little guy, who spent most of his early life in hospital is back to being afraid to go to the doctor or have his parents go because he thinks they will keep us away again. I hate seeing that fear after he'd gotten over it :(

The thing is though, it's done and there is nothing to do but move forward, so off I go :) I am hoping to hear the OP found herself a stash of morphine and is sleeping like a baby in a brand new used hospital bed!

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Thanks dear :) I do wear much smaller jeans now :P

But ya' date=' sadly I do still regret it. My complications left me with challenges that will last a lifetime :( My biggest challenge will be to stop losing weight as my stomach is now too small because of all the scar tissue built up from the late leak and it's repair. I could have gotten off my arse and done this another way. Actually the lapband would have been a better choice for me given my history (I was only overweight for a few years after multiple failed pregnancies and fertility treatments). And my poor little guy, who spent most of his early life in hospital is back to being afraid to go to the doctor or have his parents go because he thinks they will keep us away again. I hate seeing that fear after he'd gotten over it :(

The thing is though, it's done and there is nothing to do but move forward, so off I go :) I am hoping to hear the OP found herself a stash of morphine and is sleeping like a baby in a brand new used hospital bed![/quote']

I am praying for the OP as well, and grateful that you were able to give her such helpful advice! I am two weeks out, so there is no going back at this point, but I feel it is dangerous that doctors hide the implications of a leak from us! I specifically asked in the informational seminar, "what happens if you have a leak". NO ONE ever mentioned weeks or month in a hospital and a feeding tube! I feel so heartbroken for both of you. I'm crying as I type this, because it seems unfair. Also because I'm afraid now, and there is nothing I can do about it!

Praying for you both! And that my staples hold for the sake of my four little boys.

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So sorry that you are going through this. My thoughts will be with you!

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Pascale, first, I'm so sorry you are going through this. I know where you are coming from because I have been there myself. I was not as lucky as you. My leak was not discovered for several weeks so it damaged my lungs and I ended up in a pulminary unit for care before they could attempt to fix the leak. I was weeks without any fluids (NPO SUCKS!) and I was hours away from my husband and son when I finally was given proper care. I spent two months in hell, another two just trying to find the strength to be alive again, and boy do I have regrets! Mostly because, like you, it was my choice to do this :(

WHen I was sick I posted here daily and some dear people went along my terribly bumpy ride with me here. The thread is gone now, but it did help to have support here. My family and friends were darling and all stepped in to help me and my son, but it's still hard to be away. I cried like a baby constantly...and I'm a heart hearted old ******...I never cry LOL

Do a few things....first, get some art from the kids for your hospital walls. It helps :) Secondly...my son loaned me "Charlie". He's a big soft stuffed toy that is always with us when we are sick. Poor Charlie...Gad I cried over that silly old dog's fur almost daily but it helped me to have a piece of my child in my hospital room when I was alone and feeling down, even if he did make me cry. Bring a pillow from home. Leave it in a colored pillowcase so that you can tell it's yours and the cleaning folks won't take it accidentally. Ask for the delux version of the hospital bed. They inflate and adjust to your needs (soft, medium, hard, whatever you like best). They are for longer term patients and help when you can't move around. Don't stick the needle with the blood thinner into the mattress however or you'll deflate it...don't ask how I know that :P DON'T BE NICE!!!!! HONEY IF YOU NEED PAIN MEDS ASK FOR THEM NOW!!!! If your doc disagrees ask for another doctor. No I'm not kidding. There is no reason to suffer as you are and the stint won't make that suffering easier! Insist. Pain meds are available for a reason. I was on a pump (on demand) and used it quite a bit. For me, the narcotics would bring my blood pressure down dangerously low (on paper) but they still gave them to me because they determined that even if it was low I wasn't having any additional symptoms of low BP so it was ok. Don't suffer. Don't be nice....get something to help you darling.

And night and day when you hurt or feel sad or happy or mean or whatever....post here and someone will respond. Many people don't like the position I have on the sleeve...but they were still there for me when I was at my worst. I declined the Chaplin twice and just whined here and felt much better.

Ohhhh and when on the good drugs, be sure to post...I read a couple of mine and they were doozies :)

Hugs sweetheart. I don't know you, but we're sisters in this at this point so I'll try to stay along for the ride with you if you don't mind.

I ‘m more than honored and touched. thank you for being so honnest.

I am praying for the OP as well, and grateful that you were able to give her such helpful advice! I am two weeks out, so there is no going back at this point, but I feel it is dangerous that doctors hide the implications of a leak from us! I specifically asked in the informational seminar, "what happens if you have a leak". NO ONE ever mentioned weeks or month in a hospital and a feeding tube! I feel so heartbroken for both of you. I'm crying as I type this, because it seems unfair. Also because I'm afraid now, and there is nothing I can do about it!

Praying for you both! And that my staples hold for the sake of my four little boys.

EXACTLY!!!!! Had I known before about the treatment of this so called complication, maybe I would’ve thought twice. Now I believe it is not rare at all !!! When I started searching on the net I was like OMG...there are too much people suffering!

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My dear friends, your prayers have been responded I guess, well at least for those who really prayed lol... :P

Yesterday, I had a stent placed over the leak. it is gonna stay in for 6 weeks and after it should be removed and if I’m lucky enough, the leak would have gone.

Before, I used to feel like someone is stepping on my chest 24 hrs a day, now I’m more comfortable. I had a very miserable time dealing with the needles and the IVs, the nurses were unable to find any more vein for blood tests. I was like a dog in cage and I wouldn’t let any needle come close to me. The IV s places should’ve been changed 2 times a day because my veins were blowing...so since yesterday I’m on a feeding tube. No drains. I feel much much better cause I don’t have to fight with the nurse and I can sleep without cables around my hands....

As for the bad news, I gained back all my lost weight :angry:

Voila. Thanks again for reading and caring. Please be safe.

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I ‘m more than honored and touched. thank you for being so honnest.

EXACTLY!!!!! Had I known before about the treatment of this so called complication' date=' maybe I would’ve thought twice. Now I believe it is not rare at all !!! When I started searching on the net I was like OMG...there are too much people suffering![/quote']

I agree with you! You post prompted me to search the Internet myself! But don't feel bad, we actually did this to be around and have richer lives FOR our children. I am ssssoooooo glad you had some relief. Do you think you'll be back home sooner?

I read that some people were supposed to have the stent for 6 weeks, but were healed in 4. More prayers that yours heals quickly too, and that this is all a distant memory very soon!!!

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My dear friends' date=' your prayers have been responded I guess, well at least for those who really prayed lol... :P

Yesterday, I had a stent placed over the leak. it is gonna stay in for 6 weeks and after it should be removed and if I’m lucky enough, the leak would have gone.

Before, I used to feel like someone is stepping on my chest 24 hrs a day, now I’m more comfortable. I had a very miserable time dealing with the needles and the IVs, the nurses were unable to find any more vein for blood tests. I was like a dog in cage and I wouldn’t let any needle come close to me. The IV s places should’ve been changed 2 times a day because my veins were blowing...so since yesterday I’m on a feeding tube. No drains. I feel much much better cause I don’t have to fight with the nurse and I can sleep without cables around my hands....

As for the bad news, I gained back all my lost weight :angry:

Voila. Thanks again for reading and caring. Please be safe.[/quote']

LOL At the dog in a cage vision. I SOOOOO know what you're talking about. I was getting to the point that if the blood letters came in the room I'd ask for anesthesia LOL I have always been so good with needles but after they poke and prod you too much you just lose it! I did insist that any blood draws had to be done by an IV Nurse, which did help for a while, but my veins also gave out eventually and I had to get a PICC line. Try to insist on the IV nurse though. It makes them grumble because they sometimes have to wait for a draw, but it's worth the wait for you hun, really! Gad one morning some stupid tech was trying to draw blood by cramming a needle into my left wrist which is actually on the bionic side...it's full of pins and needles and a huge plate. He was trying to shove the damn needle into the plate...I nearly killed the man! That was my last tech experience!

As to the weight thing honey....don't let it bother you. I gained 40lbs during that month in the hospital. Ironic when we have this to lose weight, but it's all those IV fluids and tube feedings. Not real weight but your body holding onto fluids because of the trauma it's been through. When I was finally sent home that 40 fell off in unimaginable rates!

Are you going to get to go home with the stint or are they keeping you there? Many stay in hospital but I've heard of one person who went home. I want to caution you to be really really really careful if you do go home. Those stints have a way of slipping out of place and you then have to do it all over again, so it's important to keep your activity levels really super low to baby it along.

I'm so glad you're more comfortable hun. It's all so hard and it's hard to explain the pain levels to anyone who hasn't been there. Being in the hospital can knock down the strongest of people...pain 24/7 is so so so hard! Hearing yours is easing is nice to see.

Towards the end of my hospital stay I heard that the hospital had concierge services which included videos. If you need the distraction, find a series you haven't seen and watch them all LOL I was the one human being on earth who hadn't seen Harry Potter and I watched every single one of them over a period of a few days. It got to be a joke with the nurses to see which one I was one. Downton Abby is another wonderful time chaser! (I'm currently addicted but then I live in a victorian built by an english gentleman so I kind of fantasize about the danged house being filled with servants anyhoo LOL).

I didn't do well with the feeding tube. It makes things so much easier so I'm glad to read it's working for you! I had to stick to the PICC and clear IV feedings which aren't as good for you, and the PICC has it's risks (blood clots).

Stay comfy and baby your stint darling. And keep in touch with us. I want to hear this all ends well for you!!!!! Kiss your girls for me :P I know they have got to be missing mommy something crazy!

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Elpaso73. I'm sorry to hear of your leak. I'm amazed that you didnt go in for surgical repair. I had same symptoms. Drs found a leak. Immediately went into surgery for repair. Due to the leak, 2 days later an abscess was discovered. Again surgery. From there things got worse for me for the next 9 months... Please if you don't feel right immediately get it checked out. It is your life and you are worth living. Prayers are with you.

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Elpaso73. I'm sorry to hear of your leak. I'm amazed that you didnt go in for surgical repair. I had same symptoms. Drs found a leak. Immediately went into surgery for repair. Due to the leak' date=' 2 days later an abscess was discovered. Again surgery. From there things got worse for me for the next 9 months... Please if you don't feel right immediately get it checked out. It is your life and you are worth living. Prayers are with you.[/quote']

Can you please share the symptoms you experienced?

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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