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Yeah I think it's a combo of things... We were talking to one person about it today.. And she was embarrassed that she was doing it, so told no one

I think that's a huge mistake also because now she has no one to talk to... Ad that to kicking an addiction and pain from MAJOR surgery and its a recipe for disaster.

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One if the reasons I am less active now. The whining, complaints, and never ending new threads on the exact same things posted a week or the day before are tedious.

Suck it up. It's not reversible. Put on your big person pants and get to work. It isn't a day spa.

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Nope, nope.. Nope.. You check it out and it isn't the MX sleevers that regret it. Just because we don't have to jump through the loop holes like you guys doesn't mean we don't go through a lot. I don't think there are many MX sleevers who don't thoroughly research this and have good support/PCP post-op. we, after all are making a bigger step than most. We don't go in blind or naive. That would be stupid if not possibly deadly

I have checked it out and I stand by what I wrote. I see a ton of these posts. I'm not knocking people going to Mexico at all, but many folks don't have the support that they need post op. I am not talking about researching, I'm talking about not having access to a nutritionist or looping in their PCP, REGARDLESS of where they have the surgery. If you look at the posts about people that are having regrets about the surgery, you'll see that they are NOT mentally or physically prepared for the surgery, and lack the support that they need for a successful outcome.

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Not to mention that Mexico sleevers are SELF PAY. I don't know about other self pay people.. but parting with $5,000 was a REALLY big deal. I had to make sure I wanted the surgery pretty bad and that I thought I could make it work for me before I forked over the dough!

Okay so before people start getting certain things in a twist, make sure you read exactly what I said. My point AGAIN was that MAYBE some people that go to Mexico don't get or don't ask for the support that they need. I WAS NOT bashing, pigeon holing or whatever you want to call it anyone that had to self pay or went to Mexico. I responded to a post the other day to someone who flat out said that she did not have access to a nutritionist because she went to Mexico. Had she had this access she would have had the information that she needed and probably wouldn't have need to post a fairly routine question. SO again I am in NO WAY bashing on anyone that went to Mexico or had to self pay or anything like that. I stand firm on my point that the reason that some people regret the surgery is that they had no clue what to expect, had higher expectations than is reasonably possible and/or lack the necessary tools (education, access to nutritionist or PCP care) for a successful outcome. Okay?

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I get what you are trying to say John. I have seen a few recently who have run off to Mexico guns a blazing, without a clue!!

But that does not mean that everyone that goes to Mexico is uneducated in the process.

Or that everyone who gets it here are more prepared! Because lord knows there are one or two floating around today that had their surgeries here and are just as clueless as the guns a blazing running off to Mexico gals!

Again this thread has nothing to do with Mexico!!!

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Please' date=' don't pigeonhole us Mexi-Sleevers, if that's what you're doing. I've done nothing but eat, sleep, and drink VSG and VSG/Mx for well over a year. My PCP being on board for WLS/Mx was also important to me. I don't believe I'm the exception either. The very fact that we are traveling to another country for surgery in and of itself is indicative of the need for extensive research.

Amanda Rae[/quote']

Thank you Amanda, so good to hear you're doing we'll. I had surgery in MX and it was the best. My band was removed in NJ and the nurses just left me in my room. Thank God for y husband being there. I did more research on the sleeve that I know some of my friends that had it done in America. While I was doing my research they jumped on the band wagon. Moreover, I follow my dr. Guidelines very closely. I too psychologically thought the weight would come off faster but remind myself it's a tool and I have to make the decision at the beginning f every bite. Besides, my American DR. Knew I was going, gave me his blessings and I'm following up with him and the NUT in his office. Please do not speak on what you don't know. Many of the sleepers that got their surgeries done in MX are probably more informed than you really know. Besides this forum is for us to support each other.....bc if I wanted to there's a lot I can say about some that I've seen that did hav it done here in America.

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For me, I really hated myself and hated my life. My self esteem was so low that I would barely leave my house. I was embarrassed to go to my kids school events.

My weight (and super short height) made it VERY hard to buy clothes that fit or that reflected who I am. I literally had 3 t- shirts that I bought at Walmart in the men's department for 3 at 4th of July. 2 were exactly the same and one was a gray version. These shirts were also seen on just about every far poor man in our town. (Navy w a us flag) I felt frumpy and dumpy and ugly. I was a shell of who I once was as a younger, thinner (but never skinny) more active me. I had serious depression from all of this and was becoming more of a recluse and fatter because of it. What else is there to do? Guess I'll eat this whole box of Cadbury eggs.

The week before surgery I went into a store in the mall becaise I saw hot pink t shirts that made me happy. Nothing in my size. It was a great big smack in the face, reminding me WHY I was going to get surgery. I wanted it so bad I could taste it.

MY POINT BEING: maybe those that regret the surgery just thought "oh my gosh ill be like SO skinny like SO FAST!! I can't wait to be skinny, yeahhhh". Maybe they didn't hate their life and really would be ok with themselves if they were just living in the fast lame again.

I didn't get this surgery to be skinny, (although skinny would be nice, yes?) I got this surgery to save my life. To get Amy back. And I was willing to fight for it dang it. I knew tere would be pain. I pictured myself laying in a hospital with blood clots. I pictured myself w a structure. Envisioned being miserable with a stent for 6 weeks and every move making me nauseous. I knew this was my answer and that even if I suffered all of the above, I'd still be a better me in the end.

***. Side note to Laura, some of the Protein drinks don't just taste bad, they are repulsive. Sometimes My body yells that is not food, it's poison!!" And I get a nauseous feeling with every drink. So I kinda get where the Protein Drink haters are ck oh my gosh from. :P

Also, I did not proofread becaise I'm lazy and I'm on my IPHONE. lol our pc's are lame and the screens screw with my eyes. Such is life.

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I get what you are trying to say John. I have seen a few recently who have run off to Mexico guns a blazing' date=' without a clue!!

But that does not mean that everyone that goes to Mexico is uneducated in the process.

Or that everyone who gets it here are more prepared! Because lord knows there are one or two floating around today that had their surgeries here and are just as clueless as the guns a blazing running off to Mexico gals!

Again this thread has nothing to do with Mexico!!![/quote']

No one said the thread was about Mexico exclusively. However, Mexico was mentioned specifically in a comment, and said comment has since been effectively rebutted. Specifically. :-)

I agree that under informed and under prepared ppl are getting this surgery on both sides of the border. The initial Mx reference came across to me, and obviously others as well, as generalizing Mexi-Sleevers.

One could even argue that an opinion was being formed with very little research on the Mx/VSG experience. Kind of like the popular opinion on this thread as to why ppl are regretting VSG even tho surgeries and recoveries are successes in and of themselves?

"That's all I have to say about that." Forrest Gump

Amanda Rae

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Yes, I think that you can be underprepared or uninformed even if your surgeon has a great pre- and post-op program. A great example is that I read a poster tell someone that you shouldn't have Protein during the first couple of weeks post-op because your body can't process it at that point. I posted that actually my surgeon stresses how important protein is during those first couple of weeks, to help you heal--he also says that not enough protein during the first 2 weeks is one of the major causes of Hair loss later on. I said it nicely and said maybe our surgeons just have different approaches. But I wanted the OP to have the correct info. Then I happened to see that the person who said that about protein not being a good idea the first couple of weeks post-op had the same surgeon that I do!!! I felt like they (surgeon, handouts, RDs, PAs) told me so many times how important the protein was. It was in the book we were given, which I literally read through 3x while I was waiting around on pre-op testing day. Then I read it again after surgery, went over it in post-op appts, and we went thru it page by page on pre-op day in a group setting. Plus the RD stressed it so much in my pre-op and post-op appts. I am not criticizing the person who made this comment, but it is just an illustration of how even when people are given the same tools, they may have different impressions. It reminds me of people saying their surgeon didn't tell them what to eat/drink on full liquids. Really? I mean, if I weren't given a meal plan for something that important, I would have chosen a different surgeon (we received ours before surgery). The post-op care is just as important as the actual surgery. I'm actually really glad my insurance required 6 months of pre-op medical and nutritional appts, too. That really helped prepare me.

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I also just read someone's post saying they didn't have any post-op care bc they went to MX...just like choosing a doctor in the US, I think it's important to find someone who offers good pre-op and post-op care, and/or to have it lined up with a dr here if going out of the country for the surgery. It sounds like the VSGers who have been most successful with surgeries, such as people posting on this thread, both in MX and the US have done that, which is great!

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I am one of the posters who have said in the past that I have regrets...Not all of the time' date=' but yes - I have. I *did* do my research...I had psychological counseling... my entire preparation time was over a year. I KNEW what I was getting in to.

I have had a love/hate relationship with food for over 40 years. So yes - it IS hard to adjust to a different style of eating. I WANTED to lose weight...I STILL want to lose weight. I am down almost 70lbs in six months. I am healthier... I exercise EVERY day. But. This is still the hardest thing I have ever done. And I can't say for sure that if I had to do it over again, I would. The last 6 months have been the hardest 6 mos of the last 30 years of my life... So, it hasn't all been rainbows and unicorns.

People who think that weight loss surgery is an "easy way out" or a short cut? I want to punch them smack in the mouth. It was VERY hard. For me. Some folks seem to have the surgery and bounce right back and go to work the next day, run a 5k, etc, etc... ~shrug~ Flame away, but that is how *I* feel.[/quote']

I agree!! It's hard! I am still in a regret stage just being sleeved 4 weeks ago. It's hard to change old habits even if I have done the work and research to prepare for this lifestyle change. Until you do it you don't know how u will feel. But the big difference for me is although I have regrets I know it was he right choice for me. I had to change and this surgery has been the tool to do that! I can't go back now so I have to move forward and accept this change and do all I can in my power to make it a great decision! I know in a few lore months I will heal and be happier as I get use to all the changes. So maybe regret is a harsh word to use but it describes the feeling right after because this is uncharted territory we are facing in front of us. We are scared.... But my faith is keeping moving forward.

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No one said the thread was about Mexico exclusively. However, Mexico was mentioned specifically in a comment, and said comment has since been effectively rebutted. Specifically. :-)

I agree that under informed and under prepared ppl are getting this surgery on both sides of the border. The initial Mx reference came across to me, and obviously others as well, as generalizing Mexi-Sleevers.

One could even argue that an opinion was being formed with very little research on the Mx/VSG experience. Kind of like the popular opinion on this thread as to why ppl are regretting VSG even tho surgeries and recoveries are successes in and of themselves?

"That's all I have to say about that." Forrest Gump

Amanda Rae

Thanks --- Specifically

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I was sleeved 3 months ago used to be a diabetic high BP all gone. Lost around 55 lbs only 45 left to reach my goal of 180 . I have been having some issues there were days I wanted to eat something but I didn't . My doctor told most of the people who are overweight use food as a blanket for their emotions and when that blanket is taken away they react in different ways. I can assure you that this surgery is the best decision of my life I look 6 years younger according to people. My issues are related to body adjusting to the changes but my eyes are on the prize and first time in a long time it's within the reach...

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There comes a time in your life, for your life, that you have to become aware that being healthy is more important than your psychological need for food.< /p>

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The other problem is some people will never be happy and need someone or something to blame for their own mistakes. Depression is a known side effect and some people do not know when to get help and just want to complain. This surgery imo should only be used as a last resort.

I also regret that I can not use my handi-cap permit anymore because I look to healthy.

I also regret that I have no excuse to have a large vehical because I now fit in small car that gets good gas milage.

I regret that I do not watch as much TV

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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