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Dr. Gerald Kirshenbaum - Considering Dr. Kirshenbaum

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Going for a fill today :)

I am hoping that will kick start my loss again. I really need to get in the right mindset. I seem to have lost my motivation ( I really want to lose.... I just don't seem to be motivated to do what I need to do..... if that makes any sense???)

I have been teetering between 88 and 94 pounds loss for months :smile2:.

I really want to get to that 100 pound mark.

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Going for a fill today :mad:

I am hoping that will kick start my loss again. I really need to get in the right mindset. I seem to have lost my motivation ( I really want to lose.... I just don't seem to be motivated to do what I need to do..... if that makes any sense???)

I have been teetering between 88 and 94 pounds loss for months :).

I really want to get to that 100 pound mark.

Good Luck getting back on track! When I get off track which as happened a lot in the past two years, I return to my preop diet! It brings me back to the beginning and puts my mind set where I was when I got banded! YOU ARE so close!:w00t:

I was blessed to be banded by Dr. K on his birthday! I was his 700th patient. I honestly have to say it was an outstanding experience. I came from out of state and would do it all over again in a second. I am home now, learning how to rewire my eating habits and work with my new "tool". I plan on flying back to Colorado in April for fill number 1. So far, excellent care, great experience. Just ready to get over being sore where the incisions are in my tummy.

Congrats! Wow! 700th patient!:smile2:

Hi, I'm new to the forums, though I have been reading this thread for the past couple days looking for a someone else who asked this question already.. cant find it.

I have my surgery scheduled with Dr. Kirshenbaum on April 8th, and I've already talked to the nutritionist and in the midst of trying to write down everything she said and also check my numerous pages of questions for her, I didnt question one comment from her further.

She said I would need the Protein Shakes 3 times daily for the first month, then after that 2 times daily for LIFE.

It didnt really freak me out until I started searching the stores for high Protein shakes. I thought I would buy a whole bunch of different kinds pre-surgery and try them out to see which ones I liked. I am amazed at the cost!!!

Two a day for life will add up! I have a friend who had this surgery a few years ago and she doesnt do them anymore, but she really didnt follow any of the diet rules after surgery and has lost weight, but she has kind of just stopped getting fills now and I dont want to take the wrong advice.

Just wondering if anyone follows the 2 times a day rule or not and what, if any, consequences you have noticed, good or bad.



I can't say I am a perfect bander either, however, I do not drink Protein Drinks everyday. I never have. I have lost 200lbs since banding in two years and have about 68lbs to go before I'm at goal. I can't wait! Anyway, I have always gotten my protein from solid food. It keeps me satiated longer and I eat less. I also log ALL of my intake in on www.fitday.com - if I don't, I tend to overeat! I also get in over 80grams of protein a day. Sometimes over 100grams.

The only Protein Drink I will do is the Premier Nutrition from costco. 160cal, 30grams protein, 5g carbs and 3g fat. It's perfect. I took 14 of them in my suitcase when I went to Mexico for my plastic surgery and drank one each night for dinner with a banana and I loved it!:tt1:

I haven't been on here in forever! I've been very very busy taking a few trips and working out a lot. I'm now doing 2 Water aerobics classes, 2 Zumba classes, and 2 weightlifting classes per week. Any of you who've met me will be suprised when you see me again...I had all the hair dye removed from my hair because I became allergic to it. I'm going to have to find a new avatar with blonde hair, though the more it grows out, it will be white.



for me I drink 1 shake most days 2 if its a day Iam low on protein. I buy them at costco 160 cals and 30 grams protein. If I dont have one I may have a Protein Bar.< /p>

My fave! Have you tried the Premier Nutrition Protein Bars? The protein comes from Cod - so you get the benefit of the Omego Oils.:thumbup:

I can do Red Robin on Tues the 13th - 7pm?

Tracy, I use the whole foods brand 365 vanilla Protein Powder mix for making shakes with skim milk. (then I can add instant coffee or cocoa powder or a banana, or peanut butter). When I want a fruit juice based shake, I use the Natural Factors whey Factors 100% Natural Whey Protein, unflavored, also from whole foods, and then will add fresh or frozen fruit. I usually have 1 shake a day, for Breakfast.< /p>

Bummer! I'm working that night! I want to go to Red Robin! ARGH!!!:lol:

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Hi - I think I have read all 800+ pages of this thread over the last few months. I have met with Dr. K and wouldn't say my experience matches most of what I have read. As a result I checked out some of the other CO doctors for comparison. I find it crazy that none of the doctors have updated websites, but suspect that's not really that unusual for healthcare providers. But back to why I am posting:

My appointment with Dr. K was ok, but I felt rushed, didn't get a lot of specific information about the pre-op diet and generally left feeling like I wanted the surgery but needed more information.

Fast forward a year and I have the money I need (spouse job loss meant I couldn't in good conscious spend the 10K then but have managed to save another 6K so am ready).

Now that I have the money I have decided I can get the information I need, and the one thing I heard from Dr. K that no one else said was that his philosophy was to make sure you could still take a good long drink of Water after exercising rather than making the band so tight you could only take sips.

So, why am I posting? I realize the only thing stopping me is my fear of failure. Imagine spending 10K and failing. I have watched some people with the lapband "fool the system" by drinking with their meals, or eating ice cream and other things that go down smoothly. I don't want to fail. I think I am ready to succeed with the help of the lapband. I wish it was going to be easier than it will be, but ultimately I am going along with Mark Twain or Rory Cochrane who basically said you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do.

Thanks for listening. Posting this is my commitment to calling and getting set up for the surgery, hopefully in May.

I appreciate all that you have shared, even if you didn't know you were helping me!

Still fearful of failing, but know that not trying is the biggest failure of all.

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Hi - I think I have read all 800+ pages of this thread over the last few months. I have met with Dr. K and wouldn't say my experience matches most of what I have read. As a result I checked out some of the other CO doctors for comparison. I find it crazy that none of the doctors have updated websites, but suspect that's not really that unusual for healthcare providers. But back to why I am posting:

My appointment with Dr. K was ok, but I felt rushed, didn't get a lot of specific information about the pre-op diet and generally left feeling like I wanted the surgery but needed more information.

Fast forward a year and I have the money I need (spouse job loss meant I couldn't in good conscious spend the 10K then but have managed to save another 6K so am ready).

Now that I have the money I have decided I can get the information I need, and the one thing I heard from Dr. K that no one else said was that his philosophy was to make sure you could still take a good long drink of Water after exercising rather than making the band so tight you could only take sips.

So, why am I posting? I realize the only thing stopping me is my fear of failure. Imagine spending 10K and failing. I have watched some people with the LAP-BAND® "fool the system" by drinking with their meals, or eating ice cream and other things that go down smoothly. I don't want to fail. I think I am ready to succeed with the help of the LAP-BAND®. I wish it was going to be easier than it will be, but ultimately I am going along with Mark Twain or Rory Cochrane who basically said you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do.

Thanks for listening. Posting this is my commitment to calling and getting set up for the surgery, hopefully in May.

I appreciate all that you have shared, even if you didn't know you were helping me!

Still fearful of failing, but know that not trying is the biggest failure of all.

Sorry that you are feeling so nervous about failing. But you know yourself best, and if you are committed you will be able to follow the rules. About the water. When I go in for fills Dr. K does have you drink some water out of a small paper cup. I want to say there are 4-6 ounces in it. He likes you to be able to drink that without any problems because he says everything is thicker than water. You may still have to sip shakes and things, but water should go down easy. He is very concerned with not overfilling because that will just make it harder to follow the rules, and painful for you. He is great about that. I had a perfect fill, and then went through a really stressful time and my body made it feel like I was over filled. He took out a little, and left me with some restriction so I wasn't completely on my own. When I felt that I was ready he filled me less than my perfect fill to make sure I wouldn't be too tight. I do highly recommend Dr. K because he is so careful! Good luck on going through your process. And if you have more questions, call his office and ask! They are very friendly, and you can talk to the nutritionist about the preop diet to get more specifics. Good Luck!

Edited by lotzasunshine
I can't spell!

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Hi - I think I have read all 800+ pages of this thread over the last few months. I have met with Dr. K and wouldn't say my experience matches most of what I have read. As a result I checked out some of the other CO doctors for comparison. I find it crazy that none of the doctors have updated websites, but suspect that's not really that unusual for healthcare providers. But back to why I am posting:

My appointment with Dr. K was ok, but I felt rushed, didn't get a lot of specific information about the pre-op diet and generally left feeling like I wanted the surgery but needed more information.

Fast forward a year and I have the money I need (spouse job loss meant I couldn't in good conscious spend the 10K then but have managed to save another 6K so am ready).

Now that I have the money I have decided I can get the information I need, and the one thing I heard from Dr. K that no one else said was that his philosophy was to make sure you could still take a good long drink of Water after exercising rather than making the band so tight you could only take sips.

So, why am I posting? I realize the only thing stopping me is my fear of failure. Imagine spending 10K and failing. I have watched some people with the LAP-BAND® "fool the system" by drinking with their meals, or eating ice cream and other things that go down smoothly. I don't want to fail. I think I am ready to succeed with the help of the LAP-BAND®. I wish it was going to be easier than it will be, but ultimately I am going along with Mark Twain or Rory Cochrane who basically said you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do.

Thanks for listening. Posting this is my commitment to calling and getting set up for the surgery, hopefully in May.

I appreciate all that you have shared, even if you didn't know you were helping me!

Still fearful of failing, but know that not trying is the biggest failure of all.

Try not to be nervous..Dr. K is the best out there at this procedure. You WILL be successful if you want to. The band is not a magic bullet, but the best tool I've ever found.

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Imagine spending 10K and failing.

I think I can safely say that we all had the same fear. It is a lot of money so spend on yourself. That is actually one of the things that keeps me motivated. I think I'd feel guilty for spending all that cash and then cheating around the band.

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Since I first came across "considering Dr. K" I have been following this thread trying to gather as much info about him and his procedure as I could. Now, after all the researching and following up, I finally have something to share...this afternoon I got my surgery date scheduled with Dr. K for June 29th! This appears to be a predominately female thread but since Dr. K is the common denominator I had to share my excitement with those who know what I'm about to embark upon. I live in the Florida Panhandle and have already sought out post-op care with Dr. Friedman in Pensacola. Now I'll start booking my flights and checking hotels, many of which I've heard suggested on this thread. I can't say enough about how much I've learned, been inspired, and ultimately led to my decision, from this site and this thread. Thank you all for sharing your experiences and congrats on your successes.

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Since I first came across "considering Dr. K" I have been following this thread trying to gather as much info about him and his procedure as I could. Now, after all the researching and following up, I finally have something to share...this afternoon I got my surgery date scheduled with Dr. K for June 29th! This appears to be a predominately female thread but since Dr. K is the common denominator I had to share my excitement with those who know what I'm about to embark upon. I live in the Florida Panhandle and have already sought out post-op care with Dr. Friedman in Pensacola. Now I'll start booking my flights and checking hotels, many of which I've heard suggested on this thread. I can't say enough about how much I've learned, been inspired, and ultimately led to my decision, from this site and this thread. Thank you all for sharing your experiences and congrats on your successes.

Congratulations!!!! The ladies on here are so great! I turned to them when I started too. June 29th is going to be a wonderful day for you!!!

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This appears to be a predominately female thread but since Dr. K is the common denominator I had to share my excitement with those who know what I'm about to embark upon.

That makes me wonder if there are more women banded, or if women are just more chatty...well, I know we're chatty, but on websites like this. Hmmm.

When you make your plans to hit town, let us know and we'll roll out the welcome wagon with a light dinner the evening before your surgery. We like to go out.:cool:

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Had fun at RR last night, as usual :Dancing_wub:

Theresa---- Hope you are having a blast on your cruise. Looking forward to finding out what you decided on in the Bahamas.... I still think the glass bottomed kayak sounds awesome!!! :thumbup:

Nora---- Hope you had a great time skiing today :thumbup:


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Hotel inquiry. My surgery will be at Parker hospital on Tuesday and Dr. K will do my post-op there on Wednesday since he is there all day for surgeries. I'm looking into either the Holiday Inn or Hampton Inn that are across from the hospital, any preferences or shared experiences for these two? Like the fact that they are so close to the hospital.


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Had fun at RR last night, as usual :Dancing_wub:

Theresa---- Hope you are having a blast on your cruise. Looking forward to finding out what you decided on in the Bahamas.... I still think the glass bottomed kayak sounds awesome!!! :thumbup:

Nora---- Hope you had a great time skiing today :thumbup:

Thanks, skiing was great! It is nice to be able to enjoy skiiing again after taking a couple years off.

Look at the waistline you have, and your jeans are so baggy - you are making great progress.

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Thanks, skiing was great! It is nice to be able to enjoy skiiing again after taking a couple years off.

Look at the waistline you have, and your jeans are so baggy - you are making great progress.

Isn't life so much better when you're so much healthier and so much tinier? I love it!

Hotel inquiry. My surgery will be at Parker hospital on Tuesday and Dr. K will do my post-op there on Wednesday since he is there all day for surgeries. I'm looking into either the Holiday Inn or Hampton Inn that are across from the hospital, any preferences or shared experiences for these two? Like the fact that they are so close to the hospital.


I would highly recommend the Holiday Inn. I'm an RN at the Parker Hospital and have stayed there many times during snow storms! The beds are dreamy! AND the prices aren't too bad!

Had fun at RR last night, as usual :Dancing_wub:

Theresa---- Hope you are having a blast on your cruise. Looking forward to finding out what you decided on in the Bahamas.... I still think the glass bottomed kayak sounds awesome!!! :thumbup:

Nora---- Hope you had a great time skiing today :thumbup:

Thanks for posting the picture! You guys look great! I have more clothes to share! Some longer tops that I've been hanging on to because they were brand new!!! ARGH!
Since I first came across "considering Dr. K" I have been following this thread trying to gather as much info about him and his procedure as I could. Now, after all the researching and following up, I finally have something to share...this afternoon I got my surgery date scheduled with Dr. K for June 29th! This appears to be a predominately female thread but since Dr. K is the common denominator I had to share my excitement with those who know what I'm about to embark upon. I live in the Florida Panhandle and have already sought out post-op care with Dr. Friedman in Pensacola. Now I'll start booking my flights and checking hotels, many of which I've heard suggested on this thread. I can't say enough about how much I've learned, been inspired, and ultimately led to my decision, from this site and this thread. Thank you all for sharing your experiences and congrats on your successes.

We are mostly female but back in the day - there were several nice men who posted here. One is John T. He's at goal and out living and loving his life! He and I became very close friends and it was nice to have a support person! You are more than welcome here! Don't let all the estrogen scare you away! Bring it on! We can take it if you can take us!!! Congrats on your upcoming surgery! I was banded 1/29/08 and I've lost over 200lbs! I have about 60 to go before I'm at my personal goal. I'm thrilled and also very anxious to get there! Life is out there and for so many of us, we didn't allow ourselves to live it because of our obesity! Welcome to the wonderful world of the LapBand!

Hi - I think I have read all 800+ pages of this thread over the last few months. I have met with Dr. K and wouldn't say my experience matches most of what I have read. As a result I checked out some of the other CO doctors for comparison. I find it crazy that none of the doctors have updated websites, but suspect that's not really that unusual for healthcare providers. But back to why I am posting:

My appointment with Dr. K was ok, but I felt rushed, didn't get a lot of specific information about the pre-op diet and generally left feeling like I wanted the surgery but needed more information.

Fast forward a year and I have the money I need (spouse job loss meant I couldn't in good conscious spend the 10K then but have managed to save another 6K so am ready).

Now that I have the money I have decided I can get the information I need, and the one thing I heard from Dr. K that no one else said was that his philosophy was to make sure you could still take a good long drink of Water after exercising rather than making the band so tight you could only take sips.

So, why am I posting? I realize the only thing stopping me is my fear of failure. Imagine spending 10K and failing. I have watched some people with the LAP-BAND® "fool the system" by drinking with their meals, or eating ice cream and other things that go down smoothly. I don't want to fail. I think I am ready to succeed with the help of the LAP-BAND®. I wish it was going to be easier than it will be, but ultimately I am going along with Mark Twain or Rory Cochrane who basically said you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do.

Thanks for listening. Posting this is my commitment to calling and getting set up for the surgery, hopefully in May.

I appreciate all that you have shared, even if you didn't know you were helping me!

Still fearful of failing, but know that not trying is the biggest failure of all.


I look at the LapBand this way. IF you really want to lose the weight you will do the work. YOU won't cheat the "no drinking rule with meals" and you won't sneak in those slider foods. I have several friends who have been very bad with following the rules and they have failed. They have only failed themselves BECAUSE the Band is still there! I love the Band because it's so adjustable. When I had my plastic surgery recently, I allowed it to be a little less tight so I could get in more calories and Protein. I enjoy eating salads and other healthy foods so I do keep my band less snug.

I know we are all food addicts or we wouldn't be here, BUT there comes a time when you have to have a long and very serious talk with yourself and say - enough is enough! I am just over 2 years out and I've lost over 200lbs. I am still not at goal and that's frustrating because I see other lightweight banders reach goal pretty quickly! For me it's taking forever! BUT I also started at over 430 lbs! I have learned to live the life I needed to live a long time ago - listening to your body and feeding your body good and whole foods gets you to your goal. I can't say it's easy. The Band is the most difficult of all WLS BUT it's the most forgiving! AND it allows me to be in control of what I consume! Yes, I need to learn how to eat slower and smaller bites but that forces me to pay attention and not just mindlessly eat lots and lots of calories! Some things that have helped me -

I have never cheated the NO Drinking with Meals rule - if I'm home I set my timer on the oven so that I know when I can drink again - if I'm out I will jot down the time I take my last bite! I learned this from when I was a pre-diabetic - I did 2 hour postmeal glucoses and I needed this information.

2nd, I write down every bite that enters my mouth! I even record my Calcium chews! (I know I'm bad!) BUT it keeps me honest! IF I decide I want a bite of ice cream or a cookie, I eat a bite or two, I record it in my daily intake and I take the rest of the cookie and put it in the sink and run water over it! I know myself all too well!

3rd, I eat my protein first and foremost! I never eat carbs after 1400. (this is my own rule) IF I do eat carbs I have them for lunch or breakfast and they are only good whole grain carbs or veggies and fruit carbs.

4th, I don't live on protein drinks. I do have one once in a while HOWEVER, if my band is so tight that I can't eat solid protein then it's too tight - IF I eat solid protein - I am more satiated and I eat less and less often.

It's absolutely possible to be successful with the LapBand - but it's totally up to you. You are truly the boss of your tool, unlike other WLS - but remember other WLS have a failure rate too and RNY has a very high "re-gain" rate.

Think about it and do what is right for you!

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Going for a fill today :thumbup:

I am hoping that will kick start my loss again. I really need to get in the right mindset. I seem to have lost my motivation ( I really want to lose.... I just don't seem to be motivated to do what I need to do..... if that makes any sense???)

I have been teetering between 88 and 94 pounds loss for months :thumbup:.

I really want to get to that 100 pound mark.

I know! You are soooo close I bet you can taste it! (no pun intended Sweetie!)

YOU can do it! When I need to get motivated, I re-start my pre-op (no carb) diet for 10 days and that gets the mind back to the beginning and why I got this silly tool in the first place! YOU CAN DO IT!!!:Dancing_wub:

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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