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Dr. Gerald Kirshenbaum - Considering Dr. Kirshenbaum

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I've really gotten into the habit of having a Grande Skinny Caramel Latte every morning. 120cals, so it's really not that bad, but typically the espresso keeps me going and I end up not eating until lunch. Then I usually have a small afternoon snack, and then dinner. Well, I think the reason my weightloss has slowed (and stopped) the last few weeks is because I've had a latte nearly every single morning, even on the weekends! As a result, I'm not eating Breakfast. Sure I'm having the steamed milk in my latte, but that's not actual food, and this might be why my weightloss is stopping. Because I'm going too long between meals - with dinner around 7pm and then lunch not until almost 12pm the following day.

Think this could be part of my problem, or am I just grasping at straws here?

I think it's a distinct possibility, although there is something like 12g of Protein in that latte, so technically it should be filling. But your body might still be feeling deprived. Solid calories are going to generally be more sustaining than liquid ones. And 120 calories isn't much for breakfast. I don't know what your totals are for the day, but your weight loss could stop if you aren't getting enough calories.

There's one other thing, too. I got into the habit of drinking coffee every morning, waiting 30 minutes and then eating my breakfast. Then I was getting hungry before lunch. One day I reasoned that the hot liquid could be opening up my band more than it would be otherwise...since people who have trouble eating breakfast are counseled to drink warm liquids before if they're really tight in the morning.

I don't know if that's actually possible or if it was all in my head, but I cut out the daily coffee and the problem did go away.

So maybe try to cut back on those lattes (I know cutting them out completely at first would be tough!), eating a "real" breakfast and see if that helps?

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So now that I'm reading, I'm a posting fool? :confused: I guess! Sorry!

I really just took a break from all band stuff. I was getting busy, impossible to keep up with it all. And you know, sometimes you just don't feel like constantly talking about your band and everything that goes with it!

I'm feeling pretty good about my progress. I was hoping to reach my goal by my birthday, which is mid-May. But I don't know if it's going to happen. Things have definitely slowed down as I've gotten closer and closer to goal. I still have good restriction since my last fill, which was in mid-November. I'm still exercising. My current love affair is with yoga; I've been doing it 30 mins a day almost every day, in addition to my 30-45 mins of cardio. Love it. It makes me feel so strong!

What else? I was nervous earlier this week that something was going on because I was having some reflux. I did have some Indian food for the first time in years on Sunday, so I thought maybe that was it. My system wasn't used to the heat and spices. I also ate some sausage on Sunday.

But of course I consulted Dr. Internet (ha ha) and started worrying about slippage, erosion, hernia and all that stuff. Yet most people with those complications seemed to have severe reflux, pain, vomiting, unable to keep down food, et cetera. I had none of those. I used to have bad reflux before I was banded and this wasn't like that at all.

I ate mild, light foods for the past few days and I'm feeling much better, so I'm thinking it really was just mild heartburn. I was so paranoid that something was wrong with my band. He is my friend -- I want him to stay for always now!

Also, I'm starting to think for real about having a baby. Part of the reason why I got banded was because I wanted to be a healthy mom. I'm going to be 32 on my birthday. I think it's just about time. Even if I'm not right at goal, I'm not morbidly obese anymore. I feel healthy. I need to talk to my fill doc about his policy with regards to pregnancy. I have read that some want you to get a complete unfill to begin with, but others take the "wait and see" approach. Would anyone happen to know Dr. K's feeling on the matter?

OK, I'll let others post a bit here before I get too post-happy again! :w00t:

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Has anyone had any trouble on their flights home after surgery? My flight is around 5PM the following day. Also, was it difficult walking through a large airport right after surgery? I'll be flying into Atlanta, mega-huge airport. Thanks!

I flew out the day after as well. I know at least on the way to my flight in the Denver airport that they were very helpful. I asked for a wheelchair when I checked my bag, and they had a little cart that they took DH and I on to the gate. Don't know about Atlanta though. Make sure to keep your meds with you, and pull them out at security so they don't freak out. Good Luck!

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So, I have been thinking about going to get a fill. The last few days haven't been tight at all, so maybe I will.

So on top of the thing with my Dad, and being stuck with my loss, my husbands car breaks down. His father asks to take a look at it so we drop it off at his house, and 2 days later we find out that he took it to get the transmission replaced! Not that we don't appreciate the gesture, but it was our decision to make! We had already discussed that if it was going to cost more than we could afford that we wouldn't fix it as we have another car and can make do without. Also we have been planning to buy another, more dependable car anyway. So now we have been forced into debt to his parents, without even being consulted on it! We tried to explain to them that we appreciated it but we wish they had talked to us first. But they just kept acting like they had done us this huge favor by making us owe them $2000!!! We just paid off so many of my DH's medical bills with our tax refund, and were getting very excited about paying off the rest this year. Well, now that's out the window. I am still pretty upset about it, can you tell?:confused::cursing::w00t: Anyway, tell me it's not just me? Would you guys be upset about this too?

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Marie, I would be really upset also. It is one thing for your FIL to "take a look at" your car, but another to decide to take it somewhere for $2000 worth of work without your consent! :w00t: Is there any way that you can negotiate with them to only pay part of it, since you didn't approve the work, or are you stuck? Is there no way that they can see your perspective here? I'm hoping, at least, that you can pay them back in small payments. Ugh, that's just such an awkward situation.

I just read about what's going on with your Dad. You and he will be in my thoughts. Hang in there! :confused:

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Marie, I would be really upset also. It is one thing for your FIL to "take a look at" your car, but another to decide to take it somewhere for $2000 worth of work without your consent! :w00t: Is there any way that you can negotiate with them to only pay part of it, since you didn't approve the work, or are you stuck? Is there no way that they can see your perspective here? I'm hoping, at least, that you can pay them back in small payments. Ugh, that's just such an awkward situation.

I just read about what's going on with your Dad. You and he will be in my thoughts. Hang in there! :confused:

They told us that we don't have to pay them back right away, but that is the wrong thing to say to two people who hate debt so much. Also, they have a son who owes them $9,000 and are constantly talking about it to their other children, and I REALLY don't think our debt is anyone's business in the family, but I have no doubt that they will be discussing it with everyone. We are having to give up paying off our last loan early, but we decided to pay them $200 a month or more if we can. But that will also depend on if I have a job next fall. My school district is getting a 16% budget cut, so non-teacher employees like me don't have much hope of a job next fall. Thank you for keeping me in your thoughts!

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Has anyone had any trouble on their flights home after surgery? My flight is around 5PM the following day. Also, was it difficult walking through a large airport right after surgery? I'll be flying into Atlanta, mega-huge airport. Thanks!

HOTlanta, close enough. I fly to Tampa.

Stay an extra day. You'll be sleepy.

You will need wheelchair assistance. Call the airline, request a wheelchair coming home. Tell them you are post surgical and will need a wheelchair coming home. They will put that in the computer and when you head home, the wheelchair won't be there...so you tell the airport people ' I NEED WHEELCHAIR ASSISTANCE '. Once you check in, the wheelchair info is on there. You get wheeled up to Homeland Security, shoes off, wear slip ons (mules).

They will carry your carry on for you but some Nazi's will not load it in the overhead, I suggest carrying only a shoulder bag.

When you get to Atlanta, you are the last one off. They will take you to baggage claim and your family. Some of them will go all the way to your car in airport parking. I tip the ones who are super nice and take care of me.

Cheryl see you there.

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So, I have been thinking about going to get a fill. The last few days haven't been tight at all, so maybe I will.

So on top of the thing with my Dad, and being stuck with my loss, my husbands car breaks down. His father asks to take a look at it so we drop it off at his house, and 2 days later we find out that he took it to get the transmission replaced! Not that we don't appreciate the gesture, but it was our decision to make! We had already discussed that if it was going to cost more than we could afford that we wouldn't fix it as we have another car and can make do without. Also we have been planning to buy another, more dependable car anyway. So now we have been forced into debt to his parents, without even being consulted on it! We tried to explain to them that we appreciated it but we wish they had talked to us first. But they just kept acting like they had done us this huge favor by making us owe them $2000!!! We just paid off so many of my DH's medical bills with our tax refund, and were getting very excited about paying off the rest this year. Well, now that's out the window. I am still pretty upset about it, can you tell?:w00t::cursing::thumbup: Anyway, tell me it's not just me? Would you guys be upset about this too?

Marie you can do what you want but let me tell you something here, when it comes to money, some families go through the roof and get off the chain about it.

We own a business and have encountered 'estate settlements' for years. If there is an evil side to a person it tends to come out when it comes to money and who gets what...but anyway.

My inlaws 'sold' a car to my brother in law. The car was a Datsun, probably not worth $1000. My poor bro in law paid, and paid and paid. He never kept track of it but trusted his mom to follow the payments, pop took the cash and she sort of never remembered to always write it down. Finally my sister in law interveened. She went over to the house and insisted on a copy of the IOU. Eventually one was produced and the debt was paid off, OVER Bluebook value. They charged their own son above Bluebook value. So.....

Asking you to bring it by so he can 'have a look at it' and having the work done without your okay sounds odd.

Odd in that somewhere along the line, dad got the idea he could make the decision. I think I would have some questions for my husband like...did you think it might be the transmission? (maybe) Did you tell your dad if it was anything high end like that could he help you out for now?

Usually there is a cause for the effect.

Luck dear.

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They told us that we don't have to pay them back right away, but that is the wrong thing to say to two people who hate debt so much. Also, they have a son who owes them $9,000 and are constantly talking about it to their other children, and I REALLY don't think our debt is anyone's business in the family, but I have no doubt that they will be discussing it with everyone. We are having to give up paying off our last loan early, but we decided to pay them $200 a month or more if we can. But that will also depend on if I have a job next fall. My school district is getting a 16% budget cut, so non-teacher employees like me don't have much hope of a job next fall. Thank you for keeping me in your thoughts!

Marie, again, luck to you...this time on the job. Cuts already happening in my district.:w00t:

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Lap_dancer, you have a good point. Money does tend to bring out the ugly side in people -- I have had relatives who blatantly stole from each other because they were greedy and saw an opportunity. It's sad when you can't trust your own family, but sometimes you can't.

Lotza, I hear you on the job front. Both my husband & I work in education. I am paraprofessional staff and he is a teacher. He is not getting let go next year, thankfully, but he may lose some of the local supplement that makes up a good chunk of his salary. There's talk of furloughs for people at my institution but nothing's been officially announced.

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I was just banded on Wednesday and flew home Thursday evening (last night). The only thing that troubled me was pulling my bag on wheels was more difficult that I'd intended. Doc K, whom I think is wonderful, advised me to walk and walk and walk, so I was doing hotel laps hours after surgery. I was a little slower, but I felt strong enough to get through the check point, catch the mini-train, find baggage, etc. Oh, and remember to get up and move around during your flight so you don't get clots. Other than that, I didn't have any troubles. I just wish I hadn't had the bag to deal with, but it wasn't something I could check. Good luck!

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I was just banded on Wednesday and flew home Thursday evening (last night). The only thing that troubled me was pulling my bag on wheels was more difficult that I'd intended. Doc K, whom I think is wonderful, advised me to walk and walk and walk, so I was doing hotel laps hours after surgery. I was a little slower, but I felt strong enough to get through the check point, catch the mini-train, find baggage, etc. Oh, and remember to get up and move around during your flight so you don't get clots. Other than that, I didn't have any troubles. I just wish I hadn't had the bag to deal with, but it wasn't something I could check. Good luck!

Yay! Welcome to the loser's bench!!!

It looks like I'll be back in the office for my 4th fill on March 27th. My weight loss has stalled again, this time only working for about two weeks after my fill. So frustrating, but I'm eating less and less so I guess that's good.

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I was just banded on Wednesday and flew home Thursday evening (last night). The only thing that troubled me was pulling my bag on wheels was more difficult that I'd intended. Doc K, whom I think is wonderful, advised me to walk and walk and walk, so I was doing hotel laps hours after surgery. I was a little slower, but I felt strong enough to get through the check point, catch the mini-train, find baggage, etc. Oh, and remember to get up and move around during your flight so you don't get clots. Other than that, I didn't have any troubles. I just wish I hadn't had the bag to deal with, but it wasn't something I could check. Good luck!

I am so glad your surgery went well! Congratz on joining the losers bench!

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So I've been having this reflux off & on all week, pretty mild, but naturally I've been worrying about it. Going back and forth between thinking it was because of eating spicy food (which it sort of seems to be, but I'm not sure), or whether I have a slip, or what. It's definitely a new phenomenon as of this week, starting on Sunday night.

I finally decided to make an appointment with my aftercare doc. I waffled a lot because obviously I don't want anything to be wrong with my band at all. And because he's an hour away and I have a different doctor's appointment the following week, so I'm already taking off work. But I also know that if there is something wrong, it's better to find out sooner than later.

So keep your fingers crossed that I just need Prevacid or something...please.

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I was just banded on Wednesday and flew home Thursday evening (last night). The only thing that troubled me was pulling my bag on wheels was more difficult that I'd intended. Doc K, whom I think is wonderful, advised me to walk and walk and walk, so I was doing hotel laps hours after surgery. I was a little slower, but I felt strong enough to get through the check point, catch the mini-train, find baggage, etc. Oh, and remember to get up and move around during your flight so you don't get clots. Other than that, I didn't have any troubles. I just wish I hadn't had the bag to deal with, but it wasn't something I could check. Good luck!

Wow, you did great, I stayed in Denver for 3 nights and thought I was brave! I'm glad to hear it went well for you. Welcome to the Dr. K fan club and the loser's bench!

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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