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Dr. Gerald Kirshenbaum - Considering Dr. Kirshenbaum

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Thank you for letting us know that your Son is safe. I can only imagine your night was very stressful. I'm sorry.

I hope I get the research job too. When they were telling me about it, I was getting more and more convinced that it was right for me.

I hate being the "fat one" I hate being the fattest person in the room! I just hate being fat!

Life goes on... and we continue to ride that wave -

Sometimes, it's a bit rocking and sometimes it's down right evil.

But knowing we can reach our hands out across the waters of

life and touch the hand of another -

One who knows, understands and listens

Makes that wave much calmer and the ride much more tolerable.

Life goes on...

It's been a hard week for many of us. We've had some hard times in our lives these past months. Some heartaches, struggles and sadness from things in our families and our friends. I think of Mal and her Son's friend. I think of many of us. Life changing events have occured for us. But yet, we still come here... we still join together to vent, to listen, to cry and to laugh.

We're so fortunate. We found friendship here. A gathering of like individuals from all corners of this country - and Alaska - who have come here with the need to be healthier and happier.

Each one of you brings to this site a specialness. Remember the movie, You Me and Dupree? Dupree always told his friend, Carl, to be proud of his "Carlness" -- I love that! I need to remember it at times like this. We all do... be proud of who we are, what we've become and the love we have in our hearts.

Our struggles with weight have changed us. It perhaps has made us more sensitive to others who are not perfect - as the world would define perfection - but I say today, each of you is perfect in my mind.

Aww Dee, that was so moving. Thanks!

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Dee, you never did tell us what the interview was for? Or is it top secret classified information until you find out the results? (Cue James Bond music...)

Ok, I saw a couple people mention research, but what kind of research? I must have missed a post somewhere! Or had a blonde moment!:crying:

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Hi ladies.... I am feeling MUCH much better this morning. I think I just needed to vent. I had my first work conflict since my promotion and I think it got to me more than I realized. (Someone who was a friend ran to my boss and said I was spreading rumors about him and trying to drive a wedge between him and another co-worker.. completely untrue and luckily my supervisor knew it... but it still hurts to see people who were friends suddenly gun for you because they are upset you got a promotion they also we going for.) So I guess I need to watch my back more.

I went out to dinner with hubby last night and then returned to soak in the spa with him and hang out by the fire. It was nice & relaxing. It is FINALLY cooling down a bit here and is supposed to drop down into the 80's this weekend. YEAH! So we threw open all the windows and the fresh air helped clear my head.

As for my band and a possible leak. The possibility is still on the back of my mind. I am going to wait it out a bit and see how things go this next week. I just had an upper GI done and everything was fine... but that was before my last 2 fills. I don't think it is good for my body to get poked again and have my fill removed and put in again. That would make 3 times in as many weeks. ??? Nurses??? What do you think? Too much poking and inflating and deflating ??? Or shouldn't make a difference?

Yesterday I did have a glimpse of some restriction again. I was only able to eat half a muffin for Breakfast, 1/3 of a Carl's hamburger for lunch, and a house salad with 3oz of steak at dinner. I think it has been so long since I "pigged" out pre-band, that my brain now looks at piging out as eating 4 taco's from Taco Bell... when that would have been less than a normal portion for me pre-band. Still not good, but world's away from before.

Thank you everyone for your support. Means a ton. On that note... I weighed in at 298 this morning! :lost1lbs: FIRST TIME UNDER 299 in over a month and a half! WOOT!

Dork, You poor girl! How frustrating with your band. I don't understand how a stop cock can be risky to the port. It's an external tool that makes it possible to not have to poke more than once, (once you find your port) and still be able to add and subtract Fluid. I am wondering if you have a slow leak in your tubing.

He didn't like anything that would manipulate a poke in... and then right out. He thinks it risks the needle tip getting damaged using the stopcock which in turns poses risk to the port. ??? He felt it was just safer to re-poke than to keep drawing in and out with the needle sitting in the port the whole time as you adjust.
Deb, I think or rather hope the interview went well. It lasted 1 hour and 45 mins. It was with the Chief Medical Officer and the director of the program. They were both extremely nice! Very personable. They are interviewing 4 other people for the position. It sounds like something I would absolutely love!
Oh good luck missy! I hope it works out for you!!

First and foremost know that I love you and I am here for you.

Second, you can be antidepressant buddies with Shelbi and I. It will be our new club.

Third-I will fess up and tell you that I ate Ben & Jerrys this week too. See, doesn't that make you feel a teensy bit better? :rolleyes:

Fourth-Everyone thinks I am younger than I am too. I once had a patient ask me "Are you even old enough to have graduated from nursing school?" This is when I was 30! You have to love it sometimes, right? :smile:

Last, your issues are not petty. And we are your support group. You know you can come here anytime and vent to us and we will be here for you.

And get your butt to Bettendorf to visit your Aunt and Uncle so we can hang! (We will get carded everywhere since we are apparently 12!) :lol:

I think I will join your anti-d club. Thanks for the reminder. Taking mine now. :smile2:

Damn B&J... do they not know the pain and pleasure they cause us all??? I am sorry they got to you too. I was trying to spare you.. yeah that was it. :crying:

I don't mind looking younger... just means I will stay hotter longer. Bwahahahaaa. :laugh: :lol:

And thanks for the support girly... I love ya too. I am going to Milwaukee in a few weeks to visit friends and family. My mom ironically IS going to visit my aunt that weekend in Bettendorf.... but she isn't taking me. Wah! :blink:

I overheard her talking about me and I went over. She said, "That Mom said that the Big Fat Nurse was mean to her." As soon as I heard those words, I left. I went to the bathroom and cried. Everyone has always described me that way! I hate it! I reported her remark to my manager and my manager talked to her and she came and apologized. It hurts to have others only see me as "that big fat" person. I feel I am so much more than that. But even when people like me and they don't know my name, they say that. "The fat one." I'm so tired of being the fat one!
Awww Dee I am so sorry. I totally know how that feels. I think we all do. And it sucks. We all want people to see US... not our fat. :huggie:
Hello All, I have been away for awhile due to various reasons. I got accused by some of the parents that I was flirting with the coach so that my daughter could get ahead, funny thing is she is still starting on JV and not on Varsity so I must not be very good at it.

Now on to the band issues...I went in a little over 2 weeks ago and had all my fluid removed so we could see where I was at. I was at 7.4cc, I had gotten to where I was having a little heartburn and not eating as much, so Tom & I decided to put back only 5.4cc, well that sucked I could eat anything I wanted absolutally no restriction and I gain 4 pounds. I had to go about 1 week like this til I could get back in and have a little more put in. I saw Dr. K last Tues and he put in another 1.3cc, so now I am up to 6.7cc. I still think I need a little bit more I can eat more than I want to and have to remind myself to stop. The good news is I have actually lost the 4 lbs that I gained and am now staying steady. I go this Thursday to see Tom and I will have him add just a little bit more.

I must confuss, last night as I was getting caught up on the hundreds of posts I had missed, I was eating cold stone ice cream and it was so good. I need to get back on the 'bandwagon'.

Welcome back girlie!!! Hope you can get your band back on track this week with your office visit with Tom. Sounds like you have been busy busy!! If they are accusing you of flirting with the coach they are just jealous. I swear... they don't like you when you are fat, they don't like you when you are skinny, we just can't win! Women can be so spiteful and petty. :huggie:
Adork, Oh, I know what you mean. My bandster hell month was just like that. I sure hope your doc can fix what is going on and that there really is no leak or anything.

As for the antidepressants, I know it varies for everybody. Do what you think is best. I have found out that I do better without them. I'm down to 1/8 of a pill (3mg) of effexor, and I am trying my best to taper to zero. Somepeople do best taking them for a lifetime, others do best taking them to get through an episode. Do what you think is best for you!

And, you are very welcome to jump in the hot tub over here in Denver anytime you feel like it! Dr. K said I could go in now, so I enjoyed a nice soak with lots of bubbles and nice fruity scented bath crystals this week. In fact, think I will do it again today.

I wish I could put all that pretty smelling stuff in my spa... ahhh the downfall of a spa vs a stand alone hottub. :blink:

And I pretty much know I need to be on my anit-D's for life, was told that by several Dr's. My depression is pretty severe and not situational. If only I could get my act together! :myscared:

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Puff Mama, I need your opinion on something since you are the neurotransmitter goddess.

I started taking that Pristiq yesterday. I have had that little stomach bug all week, but I felt fine yesterday before I went to work. A few hours into work (about 3 hours after I took the Pristiq) I got clammy, had a low grade fever, almost passed out again, was nauseous, my heart rate was in the 130's, and my blood pressure was sky high. We took my blood sugar and it was 78, so a little low, but it has been down to 60 before and I have not had symptoms like that. So I am wondering if maybe it was a reaction to the Pristiq? Just curious what your thoughts were.

At any rate, I think I will wait until I have my days off to try it again! I almost had to go home from work but we couldn't find anyone to relieve me!

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Adork-I am sorry about the situation with your coworker. People can be so two faced, especially in a field such is yours that is so laden with politics. That was the only thing I hated about that field was the politics. You just have to learn how to play the game I guess. (Which I was admittedly never good at! I am just not like that!)

Yes, the Ben & Jerrys is evil. I did try the cake batter one and thankfully, did not like it that much. But the cinnamon Buns one was a different story!!

As far as the inflating and deflating of the band, I hope it's not bad for it because I have lost track of how many times I have had mine inflated and deflated!! I do have to say though, that I do not understand your doctors explanation of why he wouldn't use a stopcock. I don't know why that would affect anything since it is on the outside attached to the syringe. Anyone else want to weigh in on this? Maybe I am missing the point since I have never had a fill with a stopcock?

Darn it, I wish your mom would bring you with to Bettendorf! Even though it IS really boring here!!!!!

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I just put the bark collars on all my dogs before I go to work. I feel SO bad to do this to them. I hate what these people are doing to us. Now they can't even be dogs and bark to protect the house if they need to! (My mom didn't think this was necessary, but I told her my dogs only bark when someone rings the doorbell or is walking around outside the house. They are doing their job of guarding the house. But these people are so conniving I would not put it past them to stand out there and taunt my dogs to get them to bark, and then call the police and complain.) Paranoid? Maybe. But I will do anything to protect these guys.

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Mini-No, it doesn't get any easier no matter how many times you go through it, and it is very hard living life always waiting for the "other shoe to drop" so to speak. But I am glad everything turned out ok. HUGS!!!!!!!

Thanks, Munchi.

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Deb, I think or rather hope the interview went well. It lasted 1 hour and 45 mins. It was with the Chief Medical Officer and the director of the program. They were both extremely nice! Very personable. They are interviewing 4 other people for the position. It sounds like something I would absolutely love! I'm waiting to hear back from them... and if it's right, it will happen. I have no experience in that area. And I don't know if any of the other applicants do, but I'm sure they are going to hire the person with the most experience.

I was so scared the day of the interview. I was on time, left my house an hour early to drive there and find her office. ON the way I hit so much traffic and 4 school zones. I got there 4 mins before 8am! I ran! (something I haven't done in years!) and made it 1 minute late! I don't think they noticed. I hope!

Well Folks,

Yesterday at work, I upset a Mom. She wasn't following instructions and it had gone on all day, all night and then I arrive in the morning to find the same issues are present. A baby at risk of having big problems. In front of the practitioner and another nurse, I spoke pretty firmly with her about her actions. She was tired, I'm sure, stressed and probably sick of nurses telling her what to do. Anyway, she left our unit and went out to the floor to report that I was mean to her. Me? I'm not ever mean to people. I'm mean to myself, but I'm not mean to others. I can be firm, however. Anyway, the charge from the floor came in and said something to one of the other nurses about it. I was charge, not the other nurse. I overheard her talking about me and I went over. She said, "That Mom said that the Big Fat Nurse was mean to her." As soon as I heard those words, I left. I went to the bathroom and cried. Everyone has always described me that way! I hate it! I reported her remark to my manager and my manager talked to her and she came and apologized. It hurts to have others only see me as "that big fat" person. I feel I am so much more than that. But even when people like me and they don't know my name, they say that. "The fat one." I'm so tired of being the fat one!

U will be at the top of the heap when it comes to interviewees. We can't do anything about ignorant people. We need to come back to this site and express ourselves. Here we receive the truth in response.

Okay, first: I received word awhile ago that my son showed up at his girlfriend's house and he's okay.

Thank you so much to everybody for your support and kind thoughts last night. Sorry to worry everyone . . . I was feeling pretty low last night. Even though we've gone through this sort of thing over and over, it never seems to get much easier. We tossed and turned all night and now I have one heck of a headache, but at least he's okay. This time.

dee - I am soooo sorry about what happened with the mom and stuff. I know it's hard to believe it right now, but there will come a day when no one calls you fat ever again. Please don't let this detract from the incredible progress you're making. Isn't it amazing how people feel free to say those sorts of things though? Incredible.

I'm excited that your job interview went well! I hope it works out! I love research.

I lost 1 lb last week. Better than no pounds. I think my new fill might be working though. I had a little bit of food at 5 yesterday afternoon and was still full at midnight!!

Love all you guys. Thanks so much for your support. It means alot. :crying:

Oh, Mini, I am so relieved you received good news for a change.

Thank you for letting us know that your Son is safe. I can only imagine your night was very stressful. I'm sorry.

I hope I get the research job too. When they were telling me about it, I was getting more and more convinced that it was right for me.

I hate being the "fat one" I hate being the fattest person in the room! I just hate being fat!

Life goes on... and we continue to ride that wave -

Sometimes, it's a bit rocking and sometimes it's down right evil.

But knowing we can reach our hands out across the waters of

life and touch the hand of another -

One who knows, understands and listens

Makes that wave much calmer and the ride much more tolerable.

Life goes on...

It's been a hard week for many of us. We've had some hard times in our lives these past months. Some heartaches, struggles and sadness from things in our families and our friends. I think of Mal and her Son's friend. I think of many of us. Life changing events have occured for us. But yet, we still come here... we still join together to vent, to listen, to cry and to laugh.

We're so fortunate. We found friendship here. A gathering of like individuals from all corners of this country - and Alaska - who have come here with the need to be healthier and happier.

Each one of you brings to this site a specialness. Remember the movie, You Me and Dupree? Dupree always told his friend, Carl, to be proud of his "Carlness" -- I love that! I need to remember it at times like this. We all do... be proud of who we are, what we've become and the love we have in our hearts.

Our struggles with weight have changed us. It perhaps has made us more sensitive to others who are not perfect - as the world would define perfection - but I say today, each of you is perfect in my mind.

Dee, thank gawd you continue to see the best in life, in others; your words are such balm to those of us in heartache.

I just put the bark collars on all my dogs before I go to work. I feel SO bad to do this to them. I hate what these people are doing to us. Now they can't even be dogs and bark to protect the house if they need to! (My mom didn't think this was necessary, but I told her my dogs only bark when someone rings the doorbell or is walking around outside the house. They are doing their job of guarding the house. But these people are so conniving I would not put it past them to stand out there and taunt my dogs to get them to bark, and then call the police and complain.) Paranoid? Maybe. But I will do anything to protect these guys.

How about just one on a bark collar and then moving it around? Maybe they would get confused on who has it and who doesn't??:smile2:

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Hi Everyone! Sorry I have not posted in a while. I have not been feeling well since being banded. :) I did well the first couple of days but am finding myself in a lot of pain. I have a lot of pressure on my sternum pushing up into my chest so I called the office on Friday. Natalie thought it would be a good idea for Dr. K to look at me. Dr. K said the only thing he could think of is possible Fluid in the band. He accessed my port and removed 1.2 cc's from the band. He thought this would give me some relief but no luck. :tongue2: Last night the pain even got worse and I can't seem to get comfortable in any position. Is this normal? Does anyone have any advice? Tomorrow will be a week post-op and I feel like I should be doing a lot better. Thanks!

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Puff Mama, I need your opinion on something since you are the neurotransmitter goddess.

I started taking that Pristiq yesterday. I have had that little stomach bug all week, but I felt fine yesterday before I went to work. A few hours into work (about 3 hours after I took the Pristiq) I got clammy, had a low grade fever, almost passed out again, was nauseous, my heart rate was in the 130's, and my blood pressure was sky high. We took my blood sugar and it was 78, so a little low, but it has been down to 60 before and I have not had symptoms like that. So I am wondering if maybe it was a reaction to the Pristiq? Just curious what your thoughts were.

At any rate, I think I will wait until I have my days off to try it again! I almost had to go home from work but we couldn't find anyone to relieve me!

Hmmm, I am not really familiar with Pristiq . . .I'll look into it though. Is it in the same class as Effexor by any chance?

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Hi ladies.... I am feeling MUCH much better this morning. I think I just needed to vent. I had my first work conflict since my promotion and I think it got to me more than I realized. (Someone who was a friend ran to my boss and said I was spreading rumors about him and trying to drive a wedge between him and another co-worker.. completely untrue and luckily my supervisor knew it... but it still hurts to see people who were friends suddenly gun for you because they are upset you got a promotion they also we going for.) So I guess I need to watch my back more.

I went out to dinner with hubby last night and then returned to soak in the spa with him and hang out by the fire. It was nice & relaxing. It is FINALLY cooling down a bit here and is supposed to drop down into the 80's this weekend. YEAH! So we threw open all the windows and the fresh air helped clear my head.

As for my band and a possible leak. The possibility is still on the back of my mind. I am going to wait it out a bit and see how things go this next week. I just had an upper GI done and everything was fine... but that was before my last 2 fills. I don't think it is good for my body to get poked again and have my fill removed and put in again. That would make 3 times in as many weeks. ??? Nurses??? What do you think? Too much poking and inflating and deflating ??? Or shouldn't make a difference?

Yesterday I did have a glimpse of some restriction again. I was only able to eat half a muffin for breakfast, 1/3 of a Carl's hamburger for lunch, and a house salad with 3oz of steak at dinner. I think it has been so long since I "pigged" out pre-band, that my brain now looks at piging out as eating 4 taco's from Taco Bell... when that would have been less than a normal portion for me pre-band. Still not good, but world's away from before.

Thank you everyone for your support. Means a ton. On that note... I weighed in at 298 this morning! :sad: FIRST TIME UNDER 299 in over a month and a half! WOOT!

He didn't like anything that would manipulate a poke in... and then right out. He thinks it risks the needle tip getting damaged using the stopcock which in turns poses risk to the port. ??? He felt it was just safer to re-poke than to keep drawing in and out with the needle sitting in the port the whole time as you adjust.

Oh good luck missy! I hope it works out for you!!

I think I will join your anti-d club. Thanks for the reminder. Taking mine now. :)

Damn B&J... do they not know the pain and pleasure they cause us all??? I am sorry they got to you too. I was trying to spare you.. yeah that was it. :tongue2:

I don't mind looking younger... just means I will stay hotter longer. Bwahahahaaa. :thumbup: :party:

And thanks for the support girly... I love ya too. I am going to Milwaukee in a few weeks to visit friends and family. My mom ironically IS going to visit my aunt that weekend in Bettendorf.... but she isn't taking me. Wah! :huggie:

Awww Dee I am so sorry. I totally know how that feels. I think we all do. And it sucks. We all want people to see US... not our fat. :thumbup:

Welcome back girlie!!! Hope you can get your band back on track this week with your office visit with Tom. Sounds like you have been busy busy!! If they are accusing you of flirting with the coach they are just jealous. I swear... they don't like you when you are fat, they don't like you when you are skinny, we just can't win! Women can be so spiteful and petty. :thumbup:

I wish I could put all that pretty smelling stuff in my spa... ahhh the downfall of a spa vs a stand alone hottub. :party:

And I pretty much know I need to be on my anit-D's for life, was told that by several Dr's. My depression is pretty severe and not situational. If only I could get my act together! :)

I'm glad you're feeling better today. And congrats on the 298! Woohoo!!

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Hi Everyone! Sorry I have not posted in a while. I have not been feeling well since being banded. :) I did well the first couple of days but am finding myself in a lot of pain. I have a lot of pressure on my sternum pushing up into my chest so I called the office on Friday. Natalie thought it would be a good idea for Dr. K to look at me. Dr. K said the only thing he could think of is possible Fluid in the band. He accessed my port and removed 1.2 cc's from the band. He thought this would give me some relief but no luck. :tongue2: Last night the pain even got worse and I can't seem to get comfortable in any position. Is this normal? Does anyone have any advice? Tomorrow will be a week post-op and I feel like I should be doing a lot better. Thanks!

I had a lot of pain and pressure under my sternum and I honestly think it was gas that I just couldn't get rid of. It would be a little better some days, worse on others. One night we were at our out-of-town property and it was so bad that all I could do is pace back and forth.

After about two weeks, though, it just all went away and I felt MUCH better. Are you taking lots of Gas-x?

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Hi ladies.... I am feeling MUCH much better this morning.

Thank you everyone for your support. Means a ton. On that note... I weighed in at 298 this morning! :tongue2: FIRST TIME UNDER 299 in over a month and a half! WOOT!

Congratz!!!! Glad you are feeling better!

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Hi Everyone! Sorry I have not posted in a while. I have not been feeling well since being banded. :) I did well the first couple of days but am finding myself in a lot of pain. I have a lot of pressure on my sternum pushing up into my chest so I called the office on Friday. Natalie thought it would be a good idea for Dr. K to look at me. Dr. K said the only thing he could think of is possible Fluid in the band. He accessed my port and removed 1.2 cc's from the band. He thought this would give me some relief but no luck. :tongue2: Last night the pain even got worse and I can't seem to get comfortable in any position. Is this normal? Does anyone have any advice? Tomorrow will be a week post-op and I feel like I should be doing a lot better. Thanks!

I didn't know there was fluid in the band when you first get it. Is it true there is fluid in the band with Dr. K patients?

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I didn't know there was Fluid in the band when you first get it. Is it true there is fluid in the band with Dr. K patients?

I don't think he does. Dr. K didn't have any in mine at all. Some doctors fill during surgery though.

BTW congrats on being in Onederland!

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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