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This kind of support is priceless! It's worth millions of dollars! AND just think, it's free!

pRTY, just imagine if we were calling Dr K's office with every little question...we would drive them crazy

I DID get my check at the very last minute in time to run it to the bank Friday, thank goodness! And I was sleeping when you posted this...I was sooooo tired after this weekend for some reason!! It was not grueling or anything so I am not sure why I was so exhausted. I am on call until 3am tonight, but thankfully it sounds like things are ok at work so I won't have to go in.

About the Russia thing...I have to admit I have not paid much attention to this election (usually I fervishly watch election coverage but I just have no desire this time around). Anyway, when I was at my Grammys Thurs night they showed the clip from the Katie Couric interview with Sarah Palin when she was asking her about foreign policy and they were talking about Russia. I have to admit I was fairly horrified at Sarah Palins response because it was NOT good!! I was like "Yikes"! I wish I had seen the Tina Fey spoof the other night, I wonder if NBC has entire episodes of SNL on their website? I will have to check it out fosho!!

That is awesome that you felt human after working 4 12s because I know I don't feel human after I work 4 12s in a row! I am basically comatose for the next two days afterward!!

Happy 8 month bandiversary!! :w00t:

If you can't find the SNL skit, send me a PM and I'll send you a link to it

Marcy! I'm sorry, but I must ask you this -- can you see Russia from your house? (just a question, I'm so confused!)


First - congratulations on figuring out multiquote! Now...as a matter of fact, yes, on a clear, good day and when standing on a hill near my home I CAN see Russia...ok, there are some Russian islands that are near some Alaskan islands and the Russian islands ARE visable. But, please understand people...I'm in NOME!!! Wasilla is on the OTHER SIDE of the Alaska Range (you know, that range with the highest mountain in America?) There's no possible way that 'ol Sarah has laid eyes on Russia...now, Todd DID do his little Iron Dog snowmachine races that end up here and she HAS been to Nome, but I expect that she holed up in her hotel room as to not associate with the locals! :wink2: As for our Alaskan islands, I would bet that they're much like the Russian islands....I have a Bible study lady that just last week declared that those islands have a "cloud of Satan over them"...a little extreme, but probably accurate.:bored: Oh, and I'm not aware of any other "largish" city that is close enough to Russia (an Alaskan city that is) to see 'em. Did that make any sense?

Munch - stop looking for the stuff!!! You're going to get yourself into a tizzy and gorge! We don't want that...with all the gas we're producing already we could light up half the country...wait...what an idea!! Someone call Gore!!:cool2:

I'm doing decent with "moving" lately...been kickin' some butt on Dance, Dance Revolution...totally worked up a sweat, but my friend assumed it was because I had the wood stove burning up the living room already...and it had nothing to do with us jumping around like idiots! The kids thought it was great though!

WELCOME new losers! So many new people...I already have a hard time with the names...especially when the names have nothing to do with the "screen name"...see how I'm so nice to just put two and two together with mine?!?! It's exciting to see so many people happy with Dr. K's work and that there IS support...even for the new folks!

Mal - what happened with Anita? And some of the other "oldies"? I need updates here! Keeps me going! I'm so proud of you with all your goals! I'd love to see you again and be able to give each other hugs that will go all the way around!:drool:

Marcy, thanks for keeping an eye on those rooskies for us every morning! LOL!!!! I do appreciate the explanation

Hello again! Thanks to everyone for the best wishes.:mellow: I thought I would check in again this a.m. I'm having more pain today but to be expected on the 2nd day. :thumbup: I do have TERRIBLE gas pains which is the worst part for me. I've been popping the gasX strips but they don't seem to be helping much. I've also been walk, walk, walking. I thought maybe you gals may have other suggestions for the gas, any thoughts?:tt2: Thanks!

9pd, try laying flat on the floor

Biggest Loser!

Does anyone else watch this show? I am seriously addicted to it. I cry during every episode. :crying: I must be honest - usually I sit on the couch and eat ice cream while I watch this show.

jme, I love it..I've done the same thing

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Marcy, thanks for keeping an eye on those rooskies for us every morning! LOL!!!! I do appreciate the explanation

/quote] :mellow::lol::cool2:

Speaking of eating something bad...I had a yucky experience the other day.

I get the Jack Links Tender Strips beef Jerky and keep a bag in my work bag in case I don't have time to sit and eat real food, I eat them on the run.

I was hungry the other morning, and grabbed a few out of the bag...and noticed some strange spots on them.

The whole bag of beef jerky was COVERED in mold!!!! Eeeewwww!!!!!!!!!

And it was only a few weeks old!!:drool:

Okay, that is really disgusting. I mean, really, really disgusting.
Fairmont. Apparently it was up here in Sugarhouse and I had no idea until my SIL said we should sign up for classes together. They have Tues and Thurs night classes. We just do Tuesdays. My MIL comes now too, and one of her friends will be coming as well, getting a bigger group! I have ALWAYS loved Water aerobics! I was going to take it as a class at the community college again(I've taken it for a few years now), but they decided to close the pool this year, which sucks!

Is the pool warm?

Biggest Loser!

Does anyone else watch this show? I am seriously addicted to it. I cry during every episode. :thumbup: I must be honest - usually I sit on the couch and eat ice cream while I watch this show.

Love it. I cry too. then beat myself up for not exercising.

I have a question for you girls, you all have so much great information and advice. I have had a few fills and scheduled for another in a couple days. I can eat anything and any amount I want without much consequence (sp), I ate supper about an hour ago, and had to stop myself, believe me I could have kept going, and I am still hungry. The last fill I had my stomach growled thru the whole procedure, Dr K said he could hear the fill talking to him, so stopped with a small fill. Let me know what you think.

I've also had two fills and don't have much restriction. You and I are band twinsies! We were banded one day apart, had somewhat similar starting BMI's and have lost about the same amount and are the same age!!!

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I have a question for you girls, you all have so much great information and advice. I have had a few fills and scheduled for another in a couple days. I can eat anything and any amount I want without much consequence (sp), I ate supper about an hour ago, and had to stop myself, believe me I could have kept going, and I am still hungry. The last fill I had my stomach growled thru the whole procedure, Dr K said he could hear the fill talking to him, so stopped with a small fill. Let me know what you think.

Oops, you've had three fills. I'm getting my third tomorrow. And our starting BMI's were almost exact! You must be shorter than me though cuz I started out quite a bit heavier than you.

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Hi Everyone,

Drive by post here. I have been incredibly busy and may not be able to check in very often this week since I am traveling for work.

Mini....My Halloween Challenge weigh in for last week was -2lbs. I haven't had a good week since then with eating so I'm not sure my results this week wont be sabotaged.

Mal...good luck on your run. You will be awesome!

Dee, Shelbi, any other BFL'ers. I haven't been doing great with the workouts and eating since I have been traveling. It's really hard to do this on the road. How are you guys doing?

I had a really great NSV last saturday. I hiked four (4) 14ers on Saturday. It was a series of four 14,000 or above mountains (Democrat, Lincoln, Cameron and Bross Mountains) and it almost killed me, but I did it! I am really, really proud of myself. I cried on the way down because I was so happy.

Bella, your fill is too tight girl. I also like the feeling of being a little tight, but I have to compensate by slowing my eating way down and figuring out how to get in all of the nutrition I need. You don't want to lose your hair, look sickly, or not have any energy, so you must get in your nutrients. Try a slight unfill and see how it goes.

I read a few days worth of posts and you girls are obsessed with ice cream. I am too! When I am eating ice cream, it's the only time I feel like I did before lap band....it goes down so easy....so that's why I have to be very careful with it.

Talk to you crazy folks later.


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Adding Lifesaver's week 3 results. Congrats on your multiple 14s. You are an animal! Dang!!!

Adorkable Goal: 15/wk1: +5/wk2:-5/wk3 -1:rolleyes2:

Bahotmomma Goal: 17/ wk 1: -1:laugh:

BellaPerdente Goal: 25/wk1:0/wk2:-7/wk3 -2:rolleyes2:

Bookholder Goal: 15/wk 1: +1:laugh:

Brandymom Goal: 20/ wk1:-3.5/wk2:-0biggrin.gif

Deboregon Goal: 15/ wk 1:-1.4/wk2:+1.2/wk3:-3:rolleyes2:

DenverGirl Goal: 8/ wk1:-2/wk2:0biggrin.gif

Greenchrysalis Goal: 15/ wk 1: -2 :drool:

Lifesaver Goal: 15/wk1:+1/wk2:-3/wk3:-1:thumbup:

Lotzasunshine Goal: 20/wk1:-2/wk2:0/wk3:-.5:rolleyes2:

Marcyinak Goal: 16/wk 1:-4/wk2:-0/wk3:-.5:rolleyes2:

Minidriver Goal: 16/wk1:-0/wk2:-2.4/wk3:-.8:rolleyes2:

Munchkin Goal: 15/wk1:+1/wk2:-3/wk3:-2:rolleyes2:

PrtyAntOvrYt Goal: 28/wk1:+.8/wk2:-.8/wk3:-3.2:rolleyes2:

ShelbiCallie Goal: 22/wk1:0/wk2:0biggrin.gif

Sidann Goal: 19/wk 1: -2:laugh:

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My sister forwarded a text that my mom sent her that read "Be careful what bridges you burn because it makes it really hard to get back."

Sigh.... She HAS turned into mommy dearest! Repeat after me, "No wire hangers!"

I am disturbed by her!!:mellow:

Munch: Ok, the line is...."No more wire hangers, EVERRRRR!!!!" Trust me, my sister and I thought we were watching a movie of our lives...I wanna say that my little sister was even strapped into bed like Christopher Crawford was! My mom was just here for the weekend and let me tell you...that was PLENTY of time! I managed to get through the weekend unmedicated though! :thumbup:

Bella - yes, you're too tight, but don't be ashamed to say that you "like" not being able to eat much....I feel the same right after a fill...although it loosens up on me and I'm usually just right for quite some time...I know that as little as .1 or .2 cc's makes a BIG difference so maybe just have a little taken out.

magains and mini (or was it someone else? cripe, there's so many people now, but you know who you are) - has Dr. K pulled the Fluid out to see if you really have the amount he put in? If you can still eat quite comfortably then it makes me wonder (there was talk a long time ago that the band "absorbs" a little fluid - not a leak, just something to check out if you're going in for a fill)

So...if I'm not back on for a couple of days know 2 things...first, I get my daily email from lapbandtalk late in the evening (for me, so it's even later for you all) so I'll be reading...second, volleyball on Thursday...I'm preparing for war - with my own team! :drool:

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Munch: Ok, the line is...."No more wire hangers, EVERRRRR!!!!" Trust me, my sister and I thought we were watching a movie of our lives...I wanna say that my little sister was even strapped into bed like Christopher Crawford was! My mom was just here for the weekend and let me tell you...that was PLENTY of time! I managed to get through the weekend unmedicated though! :thumbup:

Bella - yes, you're too tight, but don't be ashamed to say that you "like" not being able to eat much....I feel the same right after a fill...although it loosens up on me and I'm usually just right for quite some time...I know that as little as .1 or .2 cc's makes a BIG difference so maybe just have a little taken out.

magains and mini (or was it someone else? cripe, there's so many people now, but you know who you are) - has Dr. K pulled the Fluid out to see if you really have the amount he put in? If you can still eat quite comfortably then it makes me wonder (there was talk a long time ago that the band "absorbs" a little fluid - not a leak, just something to check out if you're going in for a fill)

So...if I'm not back on for a couple of days know 2 things...first, I get my daily email from lapbandtalk late in the evening (for me, so it's even later for you all) so I'll be reading...second, volleyball on Thursday...I'm preparing for war - with my own team! :drool:

I hear ya on the crazy mom thing. One of my big goals in life is to NOT be as crazy as my mom. So far so good. I think.

Now you be careful with that whole volleyball thing. We wouldn't want you mowing down the Relief Society President or something :mellow: (Sorry ladies, inside humor).

The second fill I had, the fill doc here withdrew what I had and then added some more. But I only have a little over 3ccs total. I am definitely hoping to get a bit more restriction tomorrow. I'm ready for this whole weight loss thing to speed up a bit.

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Hi Everyone!

Just popping in to let you know that I haven't dropped off the face of the Earth. :mellow:

I am hyper-focused on work, kids and, let's be honest, obsessing about the Election and the Economy! NC is a swing state and I don't think I've ever been as absorbed by the process as I am this time around. I want to encourage everybody here to VOTE -- please exercise your ballot rights, which were hard earned by women 88 years ago! (Stepping down off the soap box now...:cursing:)

To be brutally honest -- I totally suck at BFL!!! I don't want to let you down, but I am hating this and myself right now. Consistency has never been my strong suit. :cool2:

Take care everyone and know that I'm sending positive thoughts your way,


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Oops, you've had three fills. I'm getting my third tomorrow. And our starting BMI's were almost exact! You must be shorter than me though cuz I started out quite a bit heavier than you.

Yep, I'm pretty short, 5 ft on a GOOD day.

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magains and mini (or was it someone else? cripe, there's so many people now, but you know who you are) - has Dr. K pulled the Fluid out to see if you really have the amount he put in? If you can still eat quite comfortably then it makes me wonder (there was talk a long time ago that the band "absorbs" a little fluid - not a leak, just something to check out if you're going in for a fill)

No he hasn't, I will ask him tomorrow when I go to check what is still there. Thanks to everyone for the responses.:cursing:

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Someone said we are all obsessed with ice cream. I'd just like to point out that I am the one who is obsessed. All these other wonderful ladies avoid ice cream like the plague as they should but I'm still pre-band and having total Last Supper Syndrome. So I've been bringing them down, one by one, and I'm sorry!!! :cursing:

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Well, it has been one week tomorrow since my fill. I haven't been able to keep much down. What's weird is sometimes I can eat but sometimes I can't....well to be honest....most of the time I can't. I don't have any trouble with liquids and if it is really soft. I really hate to go have an unfill :mellow:. Do you think if I give it more time, that it will eventually settle down???

I have a confession: I like that I can't eat much :cursing:. I know that it is wrong and I do hate to throw up and BP for an hour, but before the fills, I was eating too much. I have been losing steady and I don't want to give it up. OK girls, let me have it:scared2:

Okay Bella! Lap Band Buddy!!

I've been pretty concerned at your fills since your last one. If I read your signature right, you've had 3 fills in 5 weeks. It's so surprising to me that your fill doctor would allow this aggressive management of your band. You and I both know how wonderful it is to lose fast, but we also both know we didn't gain this weight in a year! AT least I know I didn't. This is a new lifestyle. It's not a race. We have to protect our bands and more than that, we have to protect our stomachs. Our stomachs are part of our bodies, they are vital for life and if we squeeze them super tight to restrict us from feeding and edifying our bodies properly so that we lose fast, we are robbing our bodies of great nutrients and we can do severe damage to a vital organ. It's scary to think that you threw up for an hour. Think of what that was doing to your poor stomach. I trust our doctors to tell us when we are asking for something that is not healthy, but I also trust us to be the advocate of our own health. Bella, you're a single mom, you have three sweet children and they need you to be healthy. Slow down a moment, get a slight unfil and take some time to learn the Band Lifestyle. This is not easy. We are fighting habits of a lifetime. I gobble my food, I inhale it! It's a task that is not easy for me to eat slower.

I care for you and your well-being and this is why I say these things... not to be bossy or hurtful.

Be good to yourself! You deserve it and so do your children! Take care of your band. It can be easily lost from a slip or an erosion. IN my mind losing my band would be bad, but doing permanent damage to my stomach would be much worse.



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Okay Bella! Lap Band Buddy!!

I've been pretty concerned at your fills since your last one. If I read your signature right, you've had 3 fills in 5 weeks. It's so surprising to me that your fill doctor would allow this aggressive management of your band. You and I both know how wonderful it is to lose fast, but we also both know we didn't gain this weight in a year! AT least I know I didn't. This is a new lifestyle. It's not a race. We have to protect our bands and more than that, we have to protect our stomachs. Our stomachs are part of our bodies, they are vital for life and if we squeeze them super tight to restrict us from feeding and edifying our bodies properly so that we lose fast, we are robbing our bodies of great nutrients and we can do severe damage to a vital organ. It's scary to think that you threw up for an hour. Think of what that was doing to your poor stomach. I trust our doctors to tell us when we are asking for something that is not healthy, but I also trust us to be the advocate of our own health. Bella, you're a single mom, you have three sweet children and they need you to be healthy. Slow down a moment, get a slight unfil and take some time to learn the Band Lifestyle. This is not easy. We are fighting habits of a lifetime. I gobble my food, I inhale it! It's a task that is not easy for me to eat slower.

I care for you and your well-being and this is why I say these things... not to be bossy or hurtful.

Be good to yourself! You deserve it and so do your children! Take care of your band. It can be easily lost from a slip or an erosion. IN my mind losing my band would be bad, but doing permanent damage to my stomach would be much worse.



One more suggestion Bella, you say you were overeating before your last fill. I suggest after getting a slight unfill to measure 1 cup of food. Eat it. Then when you get hungry again eat another cup of food. Maybe you'll be eating every 2 hours or so. But that is okay. Just make sure that you are choosing high Protein meals and food that edifies your body. You'll be okay. Try to eat slowly and work on that portion of the Band Lifestyle. It's not easy. I know! But use this time to form some good new habits that will work to your advantage when you do have restriction.

Take Care Missy~

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Hi Everyone!

Just popping in to let you know that I haven't dropped off the face of the Earth. :smile2:

I am hyper-focused on work, kids and, let's be honest, obsessing about the Election and the Economy! NC is a swing state and I don't think I've ever been as absorbed by the process as I am this time around. I want to encourage everybody here to VOTE -- please exercise your ballot rights, which were hard earned by women 88 years ago! (Stepping down off the soap box now...:mellow:)

To be brutally honest -- I totally suck at BFL!!! I don't want to let you down, but I am hating this and myself right now. Consistency has never been my strong suit. :sad:

Take care everyone and know that I'm sending positive thoughts your way,


Yup Michelle Obama is going to be in Boulder at the University to get people registered. I'm going to go! This is such an exciting time in our country. We are struggling with the economy, the war and the health care crisis. It's important everyone does there part and vote! It's an honor for us to have that opportunity in this country!

Munch: Ok, the line is...."No more wire hangers, EVERRRRR!!!!" Trust me, my sister and I thought we were watching a movie of our lives...I wanna say that my little sister was even strapped into bed like Christopher Crawford was! My mom was just here for the weekend and let me tell you...that was PLENTY of time! I managed to get through the weekend unmedicated though! :cursing:

Bella - yes, you're too tight, but don't be ashamed to say that you "like" not being able to eat much....I feel the same right after a fill...although it loosens up on me and I'm usually just right for quite some time...I know that as little as .1 or .2 cc's makes a BIG difference so maybe just have a little taken out.

magains and mini (or was it someone else? cripe, there's so many people now, but you know who you are) - has Dr. K pulled the Fluid out to see if you really have the amount he put in? If you can still eat quite comfortably then it makes me wonder (there was talk a long time ago that the band "absorbs" a little fluid - not a leak, just something to check out if you're going in for a fill)

So...if I'm not back on for a couple of days know 2 things...first, I get my daily email from lapbandtalk late in the evening (for me, so it's even later for you all) so I'll be reading...second, volleyball on Thursday...I'm preparing for war - with my own team! :tt2:

I loved that movie, Mommie Dearest! It's so horrible! BE on the look out for Comet! Speaking of Comet, I need to clean my bathroom floor! "Hurry strap yourself into bed." That woman was insane!

Hi Everyone,

Drive by post here. I have been incredibly busy and may not be able to check in very often this week since I am traveling for work.

Mini....My Halloween Challenge weigh in for last week was -2lbs. I haven't had a good week since then with eating so I'm not sure my results this week wont be sabotaged.

Mal...good luck on your run. You will be awesome!

Dee, Shelbi, any other BFL'ers. I haven't been doing great with the workouts and eating since I have been traveling. It's really hard to do this on the road. How are you guys doing?

I had a really great NSV last saturday. I hiked four (4) 14ers on Saturday. It was a series of four 14,000 or above mountains (Democrat, Lincoln, Cameron and Bross Mountains) and it almost killed me, but I did it! I am really, really proud of myself. I cried on the way down because I was so happy.

Bella, your fill is too tight girl. I also like the feeling of being a little tight, but I have to compensate by slowing my eating way down and figuring out how to get in all of the nutrition I need. You don't want to lose your hair, look sickly, or not have any energy, so you must get in your nutrients. Try a slight unfill and see how it goes.

I read a few days worth of posts and you girls are obsessed with ice cream. I am too! When I am eating ice cream, it's the only time I feel like I did before lap band....it goes down so easy....so that's why I have to be very careful with it.

Talk to you crazy folks later.


BFL is very hard! Sorry to admit that! I'm doing well with the eating! It's the working out that is hard! I'm still doing my cycling and swimming and trying to stay on track with my lifting, but I missed a day with work and now I am dreading it! Yikes!

Rene', you are an ANIMAL! That's amazing! 4-14'ers in 1 day? Oh my goodness! You have so much to be proud of! Wow!

Taxes do suck, I just renewed my car registration the other day also! And of course I was late (because I always forget these things) so I had to pay $20 more...nobodys fault but my own though! :cool2:

Well, I think I at least have a reason for having no motivation today. I took a short nap and when I woke up I was instantly nauseous...really, really nauseous. So I think I ate something bad or I am getting the flu. Blech!!!:bored:

How's your tummy feeling now? Yesterday, I thought I had my plastic surgery consult appt. BUT when I got there, I found out it is today! ARGH! AND you wouldn't believe what I had to do to get there! Crazy Stuff!

Biggest Loser!

Does anyone else watch this show? I am seriously addicted to it. I cry during every episode. :crying: I must be honest - usually I sit on the couch and eat ice cream while I watch this show.

I do love Biggest Loser! It's so motivating! I love it!

My sister forwarded a text that my mom sent her that read "Be careful what bridges you burn because it makes it really hard to get back."

Sigh.... She HAS turned into mommy dearest! Repeat after me, "No wire hangers!"

I am disturbed by her!!:crying:

I am disturbed by her too! Your sister must be thinking, "What on earth?" Why would she text that? Makes no sense!

I agree a billion percent! Best place to be and the best ladies ever!~

Youtube is the place!

i SO agree......love the "bluegas"

Yup Bluegas! BUT I blame Mini for this! She always gets me going! I'm so innocent!

First - congratulations on figuring out multiquote! Now...as a matter of fact, yes, on a clear, good day and when standing on a hill near my home I CAN see Russia...ok, there are some Russian islands that are near some Alaskan islands and the Russian islands ARE visable. But, please understand people...I'm in NOME!!! Wasilla is on the OTHER SIDE of the Alaska Range (you know, that range with the highest mountain in America?) There's no possible way that 'ol Sarah has laid eyes on Russia...now, Todd DID do his little Iron Dog snowmachine races that end up here and she HAS been to Nome, but I expect that she holed up in her hotel room as to not associate with the locals! :wink2: As for our Alaskan islands, I would bet that they're much like the Russian islands....I have a Bible study lady that just last week declared that those islands have a "cloud of Satan over them"...a little extreme, but probably accurate.:bored: Oh, and I'm not aware of any other "largish" city that is close enough to Russia (an Alaskan city that is) to see 'em. Did that make any sense?

Munch - stop looking for the stuff!!! You're going to get yourself into a tizzy and gorge! We don't want that...with all the gas we're producing already we could light up half the country...wait...what an idea!! Someone call Gore!!:thumbup:

I'm doing decent with "moving" lately...been kickin' some butt on Dance, Dance Revolution...totally worked up a sweat, but my friend assumed it was because I had the wood stove burning up the living room already...and it had nothing to do with us jumping around like idiots! The kids thought it was great though!

WELCOME new losers! So many new people...I already have a hard time with the names...especially when the names have nothing to do with the "screen name"...see how I'm so nice to just put two and two together with mine?!?! It's exciting to see so many people happy with Dr. K's work and that there IS support...even for the new folks!

Mal - what happened with Anita? And some of the other "oldies"? I need updates here! Keeps me going! I'm so proud of you with all your goals! I'd love to see you again and be able to give each other hugs that will go all the way around!:w00t:

Thanks for clarifying that Russia thing! I was pretty confused! AND pretty dumb about that!

Marcy~I dunno where our Woofay is...probably busy with school, I miss her too! She is one of my heros!

Dee~I guess I better be ready for our 5k this weekend! I try to run every other day and yesterday was my running day...I did terrible and ended up walking more than running. I've got Wednesday and then Friday before the big day. Oh, yes and my fill on Thursday. I haven't lost pounds in months, inches, yes, but you know how we all like to see those numbers on the scale to move!!! How many inches can one lose without the scale moving??? So sad! I suppose next week I will give BFL a shot...How is your BFL going? What is the most challenging for you? I think the early morning workouts will be a challenge, and the daily workouts. I wish I had a home gym...

Munchkin~I love you!!

I have a question. What are your thoughts about www.drinkables.com I have a hard time getting my fruits and veggies in and I thought I would give this a try. I bought the Fruits and Vegetables supplement. The Miracle Teas of the World tasted gross, and I didn't need the Miracle Fruits of the World because I already take pure Acai. I was curious about any thoughts about this product???

I've wondered where Anita is too! The last time we heard from her, her SIL was visiting! Hmmm, I wonder! The BFL eating isn't hard, working out 6 days a week, lifting and aerobics is hard. The swimming and cycle isn't hard for me, but the lifting is hard work! That's why I got a personal trainer. I missed a day for work and now I'm having a hard time getting back on track with the lifting portion!

I haven't ever heard of drinkables. I'll check the website out.

I'm so excited about Sunday. You can walk and run or just walk. You're making the committment to be there and that is the biggest part of it!

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dee - how cool that you get to go meet Michelle Obama!!! Oh my goodness! Living in Utah, NONE of the candidates come. It's kind of awful.

I really try to encourage my students to vote. It's disheartening to see how little interest they have in politics when it is their futures at stake.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
      · 1 reply
      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

      · 3 replies
      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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