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Okay, just laughed my ass off for the past two hours. Well, actually, my ass is still there, big as ever, but I laughed so hard at Lisa Lampanelli that my cheeks (the ones on my face) are killing me!

Brandy, I am soooooooo happy to hear the news about your DH. That's fantastic. I hope this will take some of the stress off of you and you'll start feeling better too.

I think a lap band ladies weekend of revelry would be the BEST!!! OMG we would have so much fun. And we'll all be total hotties in another year. WOOHOO!!!!! PAAARRRTTTAAAAYYYYYY!!!!!!

dee, when you go to bed tonight, try to refrain from thinking about the big boned banana man. Or chili cheese dogs. Or these two bananas doin' the nasty.:eek: I'm thinking we all need to chip in and buy dee a lady toy to alleviate some of her, ummmm, pent up frustration.

Oh Boy!!! the bananas getting their groove on! Even they are getting more action than me!!! WAH WAH WAH!!!

Aww, thanks for the kind words. I can understand getting sidetracked by the Nasty Banana Man. We went out tonight with friends and I've thought of nothing else! :w00t:

Hey, I've got this one toy (from my single days) called the Blue Dolphin that is sooooo worth the C batteries you put in it. I highly recommend it! Something tells me that Naughty Banana Man and Nasty Humping Banana People don't hold a candle to the Blue Dolphin! :wub:

I've never heard of the Blue Dolphin! Hmmm, is it blue? Is it shaped like a Dolphin?

It should be a big seller. You'd be hard-pressed to find a man with those kinds of skills. :w00t:

Dee, I need your mailing address. I have an early Christmas present for you. :lol:

Christmas in September??? Wow! I am truly excited now!! AND IN A GOOD WAY!

That would be so much fun! I'm hoping I get to meet some of you during my temporary stay in Colorado.:wink:

Can anyone help me out with a multiple post? :mellow: I really like to think of myself as computer literate but geesh...I've had trouble naviagting my way around this site.:thumbup: Until then I guess you will have to put up with all the individual posts.:tt2: Sorry! I know this frustrates some ppl...:frown:

Okay Peeps! Multiquote Lesson 101! Do you see the place on the bottom right of each post? The middle one says "multiquote" click on it. Then go to the next quote you want to respond to, click on it too. Each one you click on, will become muted or change in color. You know you clicked it. After you've clicked on all the ones you want to respond to, click on "NEW REPLY" and voila! Remember to only write your response after the or it won't appear correctly! Try it now! Everyone together!

Tonight we had my daughters birthday party. She is the most beautiful girl in the world...see below for proof!:tt2:

So, let's all focus on her face...forget about the mammograms, the colon surgeries, the broken puppies, the ex-husbands, the bad neighbors, the BAD nurses, the costs of fills, being on-call (and even though I'M not, my husband is and that's just as bad), not losing a lb. this week, non-existent libido, cravings, hurt arms, etc. (because I just can't remember ALL the issues we have going on here) and just enjoy what God put on this earth...little princesses!!:wub:

Your daughter is adorable! You're so cute Marcy posting this! it's true! This is what truly matters in this life -- the innocence and sweetness of our loved ones. I hope she had a party that only a princess deserves! GRAND!

$5 an hour?? Psssttt...I work in the lowest paid area of the country for nursing. We only get $2 an hour. When I agreed to do this (because I am not required to take reduced since I am the weekender) I only did it because it sounded like a sure thing that I would get called in to the other campus because they were so busy. (It usually is a sure thing they will call you in for some stupid thing that they won't suck up and take care of themselves.) Plus, I figured it would be easier than going to my campus, taking 3 patients,having them call and say they needed a nurse, then having to report over to one of the non-Illinois licensed nurses after they came into work from being reduced, drive all the way over to the other hospital, and take report all over again. That usually takes about two hours and it ANNOYS me when they do it to us when we need a nurse, so I was trying to be considerate to them. Well, I fell asleep at 11pm, just woke up, and no phone call all night!! (And they won't call now because it's too late in the game). So I lost a whole nights weekender incentive (which is $7 an hour), and a whole nights weekend night shift incentive (which is $2 an hour). And had to use my stupid earned time to boot. Now I am cranky with myself that I agreed to do it.

Oh well. On the bright side, I got to spend extra time with my doggies, Brutus slept on my chest all night and loved me up, and I got extra sleep! (Although how I could even sleep all night is beyond me, I slept all day yesterday!)

I think I will get up now and go to Kohls soon for the early bird specials and see if I can find any new cute clothes! :smile: (With all the money that I didn't make last night, LOL!)

When I worked Nights, I could sleep anywhere at anytime! I was such a slug! I gained all my weight during those night shift years! I was hideous! I only wanted to sleep and eat! I was just like a preemie!

Well, I guess I will have to look for a PACU job too so I won't feel left out. Oh wait-I will be one of those ICU beotches till the day I die (or my back gives out) probably!

Yeah! I figured PACU or Labor and Delivery! but L&D is always known for their primadonna nurses!

I've been avoiding LBT for about a week or so. I guess I just needed a break and did not want to admit that I had been a "bad-bandster"! Well I woke up the other morning and had a talk with myself. And it worked!!! I wanted to loose 100lbs before my birthday (sept. 30) and I've been seeing the same numbers for about a month.


I DID IT!!! 101LBS since January 1st!!!!!! I'm sooo excited I'm going out to buy me some new jeans!!!!

My daughter and I are going out for "girls night" (she's 3 yrs....and loves girls night with mommy! Hubby's at the fire station and she knows we get to do girly things. :) We're going to an amusement park here in OKC (for free!) I'm going to ride some rides with my little girl and celebrate!!! I'll try to post some updated photos soon.


Congrats!!! That's great! AND please don't avoid us when you're being bad! That is when we're here 10 fold! WE all have our bad days and weeks and months! Hopefully, not years! BUT we're human, afterall! Enjoy Girls day out!

Brandy...I am so releived that there wasn't the "C word". Still praying for his speeding recovery and that you can find a way to take good care of yourself.

Mal....35 minutes of running.....shoot girl, you could train me!!! Incredible victory!!!

Denver...I made a mistake a couple weeks ago when I was recommending Protein Powder. My absolute favorite is not made by Desiger Whey....it's made by Muscle Milk and the flavor is chocolate Mint....if you are into that sort of thing. Bandster Hell will be over soon enough. I gained 6 lbs in that month so the fact that you stayed the same this week is a victory in my opinion.

Shelbi, Dee, Anyone else doing BFL. Just checking in here. So far I have gotten my workouts in each day and stuck to my modified eating plan. Once more day until a free day. Woo hoo. Can't wait to eat some ice cream. Shelbi, if you are having your free day today, enjoy and have a pre yardsale drink or two for me. How are you guys doing with BFL? Anyone sore? I had a really hard time with my upper body workout this week due to the lingering pain in my shoulder from my Adventure Race Bike Crash. It's time to make that dr appointment I've been avoiding. If there are any others that want to join the BFL challenge at any time, just let us know. I think Denise, Adork and Mal are the other possible entries....just keep us posted so we don't lose track of you.

My Trapeze were really sore! Plus my glutes! I want a sweet tight little hiney! I've got to get buff so I can have all the sex I want! My goodness, I've got to get ahold of myself! Oops! OR some sweet Man!

I don't know, that sounds like a darn cool job!!! Our hospital is supposed to be "paperless" but we are a looooong way away from reaching that goal. It is a joke!

We have a paperless system and I'm a superuser of it! ARGH! BUT listen to this, we had to transport a really sick baby the other day to another facility and we had to print her chart. She was less than 3 days old and it printed 408 sheets of charting from the computer! YIKES!!! We killed a bunch of trees that day! In the old days, you chart on paper and just walk over to the copy machine and copy them! 408 pages!

Okay, here are the week 2 weigh ins thus far. Denver, did you say you were at 0 this week? I thought I saw that somewhere but didn't write it down. Did I miss anyone else? Congrats to all the losers, BTW.

Adorkable Goal: 15/wk1: +5/wk2:-5:biggrin:

Bahotmomma Goal: 17/ wk 1: -1:laugh:

BellaPerdente Goal: 25/wk1:0/wk2:-7:biggrin:

Bookholder Goal: 15/wk 1: +1:laugh:

Brandymom Goal: 20/ wk1:-3.5/wk2:-0:biggrin:

Deboregon Goal: 15/ wk 1:-1.4/wk2:+1.2 :cool2:

DenverGirl Goal: 8/ wk1:-2

Greenchrysalis Goal: 15/ wk 1: -2 :laugh:

Lifesaver Goal: 15/wk1:+1/wk2:-3 :tt2:

Lotzasunshine Goal: 20/wk 1: -2 :laugh:

Marcyinak Goal: 16/wk 1: -4:laugh:

Minidriver Goal: 16/wk1:-0/wk2:-2.4:biggrin:

Munchkin Goal: 15/wk1:+1/wk2:-3:biggrin:

PrtyAntOvrYt Goal: 28/wk 1: +.8 :laugh:

ShelbiCallie Goal: 22/wk1:0/wk2:0:biggrin:

Sidann Goal: 19/wk 1: -2:laugh:

I have turned into the PUFF Heavy DD! I lost .8 lbs! WAH WAH WAH! WAIT, remember Marcy's daughter's face! I see it! Okay, I'm okay!

Dee-just for the record, if I go to the Marine Corp Ball, I will turn into as much of a raving horndog as you are. I have a SERIOUS thing for Marines in dress blues!!! My sister knew exactly which carrot to dangle in front of me!!!

Did you say Carrot? Dangling in front of me? Carrot? Oh my!!!:tt2::tt1::biggrin:

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Updating with horndog dee's stats.

Adorkable Goal: 15/wk1: +5/wk2:-5:biggrin:

Bahotmomma Goal: 17/ wk 1: -1:laugh:

BellaPerdente Goal: 25/wk1:0/wk2:-7:biggrin:

Bookholder Goal: 15/wk 1: +1:laugh:

Brandymom Goal: 20/ wk1:-3.5/wk2:-0:biggrin:

Deboregon Goal: 15/ wk 1:-1.4/wk2:+1.2 :thumbup:

DenverGirl Goal: 8/ wk1:-2

Greenchrysalis Goal: 15/ wk 1: -2 :biggrin:

Lifesaver Goal: 15/wk1:+1/wk2:-3 :eek:

Lotzasunshine Goal: 20/wk1:-2/wk2:0:mellow:

Marcyinak Goal: 16/wk 1: -4:laugh:

Minidriver Goal: 16/wk1:-0/wk2:-2.4:cool2:

Munchkin Goal: 15/wk1:+1/wk2:-3:biggrin:

PrtyAntOvrYt Goal: 28/wk1:+.8/wk2:-.8 :tt2:

ShelbiCallie Goal: 22/wk1:0/wk2:0:biggrin:

Sidann Goal: 19/wk 1: -2:laugh:

Edited by minidriver
adding lotsa's data

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Updating with horndog dee's stats.

Adorkable Goal: 15/wk1: +5/wk2:-5:biggrin:

Bahotmomma Goal: 17/ wk 1: -1:laugh:

BellaPerdente Goal: 25/wk1:0/wk2:-7:biggrin:

Bookholder Goal: 15/wk 1: +1:laugh:

Brandymom Goal: 20/ wk1:-3.5/wk2:-0:biggrin:

Deboregon Goal: 15/ wk 1:-1.4/wk2:+1.2 :thumbup:

DenverGirl Goal: 8/ wk1:-2

Greenchrysalis Goal: 15/ wk 1: -2 :tt2:

Lifesaver Goal: 15/wk1:+1/wk2:-3 :eek:

Lotzasunshine Goal: 20/wk 1: -2 :biggrin:

Marcyinak Goal: 16/wk 1: -4:laugh:

Minidriver Goal: 16/wk1:-0/wk2:-2.4:mellow:

Munchkin Goal: 15/wk1:+1/wk2:-3:biggrin:

PrtyAntOvrYt Goal: 28/wk1:+.8/wk2:-.8 :cool2:

ShelbiCallie Goal: 22/wk1:0/wk2:0:biggrin:

Sidann Goal: 19/wk 1: -2:laugh:

No loss for me this week:crying:

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No loss for me this week:crying:

okey doke. I added you in the post above. Man, why do so many of us have this "every other week" loss going? Why can't we lose EVERY week?

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My sister wants me to come visit her in NC before she leaves for Iraq. She wants me to come sometime around the 15th of November because the Marine Corp Ball is the 15th and she wants me to go. (I think she secretly wants to find me a new boyfriend or something.)

I would be flying into New Bern and staying in Havelock. She works in Camp Lejune. I don't know how far any of those places are from you, but maybe we could meet up sometime when I am there?

Hey, as a fellow NC'er, I'll go ahead and reply to your question about distance. New Bern and Havelock are far east, near the beach. I'm just outside of Raleigh, which is about 3hrs west of the New Bern/Havelock area, and Shelbi is about 2hrs west of me, if I recall correctly.

So here's a thought! Shelbi - drive east. Munchie - drive west. I won't go anywhere and we can all meet here (in the middle) for an RR date! :thumbup: On November 15th I'll be 10 days post-op and just barely back to work. I'm sure I'd need a night out of the house by that time. But in all seriousness, if you two decide to do some sort of NC get-together let me know.

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My sister wants me to come visit her in NC before she leaves for Iraq. She wants me to come sometime around the 15th of November because the Marine Corp Ball is the 15th and she wants me to go. (I think she secretly wants to find me a new boyfriend or something.)

I would be flying into New Bern and staying in Havelock. She works in Camp Lejune. I don't know how far any of those places are from you, but maybe we could meet up sometime when I am there?

Hey, as a fellow NC'er, I'll go ahead and reply to your question about distance. New Bern and Havelock are far east, near the beach. I'm just outside of Raleigh, which is about 3hrs west of the New Bern/Havelock area, and Shelbi is about 2hrs west of me, if I recall correctly.

So here's a thought! Shelbi - drive east. Munchie - drive west. I won't go anywhere and we can all meet here (in the middle) for an RR date! :embaressed_smile: On November 15th I'll be 10 days post-op and just barely back to work. I'm sure I'd need a night out of the house by that time. But in all seriousness, if you two decide to do some sort of NC get-together let me know.

FOSHO!!!! :cursing: That would be wonderful!!!!!!! I want to meet both of you! I am marking my calendar!! Munchk, is your connecting flight in Raleigh?? Raleigh would be great! I didn't know that New Bern even had an airport. It's gotta be pretty small, so I'm thinking you'd have to connect in either Raleigh or Charlotte. We could meet up on your lay over, if you have one. Or, hell, I'll drive wherever. PM your dates and plans when you know details and we'll plan from there. Yay, an East Coast meet up!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited!!!!!!!

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How funny! I am interviewing for a PACU position too! I would love to try another area of nursing. Do you have PACU experience? I don't, but I hope they would be willing to give me a change. The job I'm interviewing is full time with call requirement!

I don't have any PACU experience. Just something I always wanted to do. This would be my PRN job. My full time job isin HR.

hmmmmm, blue dolphin. interesting . . . .

I prefer the sex&thecity rabbit!

How many of you ladies are nurses? My DH is a nurse. He worked in the ER for 12 yrs. Finally had enough of the crazy schedule.(I think I hated it more than he did, esp.on-call evenings) He now works in dialysis and we are currently on a travel assignment here in lovely Colorado so I can have my surgery with Dr.K.:w00t:

RN here!

Tonight we had my daughters birthday party. She is the most beautiful girl in the world...see below for proof!:tt2:

So, let's all focus on her face...forget about the mammograms, the colon surgeries, the broken puppies, the ex-husbands, the bad neighbors, the BAD nurses, the costs of fills, being on-call (and even though I'M not, my husband is and that's just as bad), not losing a lb. this week, non-existent libido, cravings, hurt arms, etc. (because I just can't remember ALL the issues we have going on here) and just enjoy what God put on this earth...little princesses!!:wub:

She is a princess! Happy Birthday!

Well, I guess I will have to look for a PACU job too so I won't feel left out. Oh wait-I will be one of those ICU beotches till the day I die (or my back gives out) probably!

I used to be in ICU. That is a tough job, you really have to know your stuff.

I just interviewed for the Clinical Informatics RN position at a hopsital being built. DH and I went yesterday and we like a small town nearby. Now the real question is do we want to up root our whole family for this great job offer! Anyone that does my job would jump at the chance to work in a new hopsital completely interfaced with no paper. They will even have vs machines in every room that will auto imput the data to the EMR and will begin with everything including CPOE (Computerized Physician Order Entry). We would have to figure out where DH would work.

I'm getting financing in line and DH said maybe you should wait with everything going on. I told him I would pass on the job if I had to chose. DUH!:crying: He said ok. No problem.

Good luck to all in their pursuit of a job they love!:laugh:

Yes, your health comes first, for sure. I hope you get the job, it sounds so high tech.

Brandy...I am so releived that there wasn't the "C word". Still praying for his speeding recovery and that you can find a way to take good care of yourself.

Mal....35 minutes of running.....shoot girl, you could train me!!! Incredible victory!!!

Denver...I made a mistake a couple weeks ago when I was recommending Protein Powder. My absolute favorite is not made by Desiger Whey....it's made by Muscle Milk and the flavor is chocolate Mint....if you are into that sort of thing. Bandster Hell will be over soon enough. I gained 6 lbs in that month so the fact that you stayed the same this week is a victory in my opinion.

Shelbi, Dee, Anyone else doing BFL. Just checking in here. So far I have gotten my workouts in each day and stuck to my modified eating plan. Once more day until a free day. Woo hoo. Can't wait to eat some ice cream. Shelbi, if you are having your free day today, enjoy and have a pre yardsale drink or two for me. How are you guys doing with BFL? Anyone sore? I had a really hard time with my upper body workout this week due to the lingering pain in my shoulder from my Adventure Race Bike Crash. It's time to make that dr appointment I've been avoiding. If there are any others that want to join the BFL challenge at any time, just let us know. I think Denise, Adork and Mal are the other possible entries....just keep us posted so we don't lose track of you.

Rene, thanks, I did find some Protein powder at whole foods, their 325 brand in vanilla, it is very good. I'm not doing a shake even every day though. Maybe that will change after my 1st fill. Thanks for the encouragement...I am ready to start losing weight. This makes me soooo glad I did not tell people about my surgery, as it would not be fun to have others asking now, or wondering why I look the same. The good news is that it has been 2.5 weeks now, and I really do feel great, the anesthesia has completely worn off, and i'm only a little bruised still at my port site. The other incisions are fading fast.

Okay, here are the week 2 weigh ins thus far. Denver, did you say you were at 0 this week? I thought I saw that somewhere but didn't write it down. Did I miss anyone else? Congrats to all the losers, BTW.

No loss for me, I got on the scale and am up 3lbs! darn bandster hell!

Adorkable Goal: 15/wk1: +5/wk2:-5:biggrin:

Bahotmomma Goal: 17/ wk 1: -1:laugh:

BellaPerdente Goal: 25/wk1:0/wk2:-7:biggrin:

Bookholder Goal: 15/wk 1: +1:laugh:

Brandymom Goal: 20/ wk1:-3.5/wk2:-0:biggrin:

Deboregon Goal: 15/ wk 1:-1.4/wk2:+1.2 :cursing:

DenverGirl Goal: 8/ wk1:-2

Greenchrysalis Goal: 15/ wk 1: -2 :laugh:

Lifesaver Goal: 15/wk1:+1/wk2:-3 :mellow:

Lotzasunshine Goal: 20/wk 1: -2 :laugh:

Marcyinak Goal: 16/wk 1: -4:laugh:

Minidriver Goal: 16/wk1:-0/wk2:-2.4:cool2:

Munchkin Goal: 15/wk1:+1/wk2:-3:biggrin:

PrtyAntOvrYt Goal: 28/wk 1: +.8 :laugh:

ShelbiCallie Goal: 22/wk1:0/wk2:0:biggrin:

Sidann Goal: 19/wk 1: -2:laugh:

I will not make a naughty retort. I will not, I will not, I will not :embaressed_smile:

Oh mini, go ahead, your among friends!

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Yeah! I figured PACU or Labor and Delivery! but L&D is always known for their primadonna nurses!

Hey, I resemble that remark!

How many of you ladies are nurses? My DH is a nurse. He worked in the ER for 12 yrs. Finally had enough of the crazy schedule.(I think I hated it more than he did, esp.on-call evenings) He now works in dialysis and we are currently on a travel assignment here in lovely Colorado so I can have my surgery with Dr.K.:embaressed_smile:

Me! I keep getting calls from travel recruiters because I'm licensed everywhere for my current job, but I could never travel -- no current skills in anything! I've spent too many years talking for a living, so I'm pretty much incompetent when it comes to the hands-on stuff anymore. :mellow:

So, let's all focus on her face...forget about the mammograms, the colon surgeries, the broken puppies, the ex-husbands, the bad neighbors, the BAD nurses, the costs of fills, being on-call (and even though I'M not, my husband is and that's just as bad), not losing a lb. this week, non-existent libido, cravings, hurt arms, etc. (because I just can't remember ALL the issues we have going on here) and just enjoy what God put on this earth...little princesses!!:cursing:

Thank heaven for little girls! She is adorable!!! Question -- where do you get supplies for a princess party motif in Nome?? I know you can't run out to your nearby Disney store. And you know Nome life fascinates me!!

Shelbi, Dee, Anyone else doing BFL. Just checking in here. So far I have gotten my workouts in each day and stuck to my modified eating plan. Once more day until a free day. Woo hoo. Can't wait to eat some ice cream. Shelbi, if you are having your free day today, enjoy and have a pre yardsale drink or two for me. How are you guys doing with BFL? Anyone sore? I had a really hard time with my upper body workout this week due to the lingering pain in my shoulder from my Adventure Race Bike Crash. It's time to make that dr appointment I've been avoiding. If there are any others that want to join the BFL challenge at any time, just let us know. I think Denise, Adork and Mal are the other possible entries....just keep us posted so we don't lose track of you.

Yard Sale day was absolutely my free day!!! I only ate 2 meals and they were BAD!! Not near enough Water. No Breakfast and lunch was a Wendy's chillie. For dinner, I had a huge margarita, about a third of a Blooming Onion, a good part of a grilled portabella salad. The margarita put me to sleep; I'm so old!! THE BFL challenge is hard, but I'm hanging in there. My butt hurts!! I never realized how weak I am -- I am huffing and puffing and sweating like a fool!


I DID IT!!! 101LBS since January 1st!!!!!! I'm sooo excited I'm going out to buy me some new jeans!!!!

Way to go, girl! Rock those new jeans!!!!

I will never participate in another yard sale again. But, yippee skippee, the house is empty! We worked our asses off for about $125. We ended up taking most everything to the curb with a huge sign that said "FREE -- PLEASE TAKE" and when I drove back by a few hours later most everything was gone! I'm doing the happy dance! No more stuff to sort or move or ditch or move. I hate stuff. I've got to keep reminding myself of how much I hate stuff so I won't buy stuff. Too much stuff is stifling!

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Hey, I resemble that remark!

Me! I keep getting calls from travel recruiters because I'm licensed everywhere for my current job, but I could never travel -- no current skills in anything! I've spent too many years talking for a living, so I'm pretty much incompetent when it comes to the hands-on stuff anymore. :embaressed_smile:

Thank heaven for little girls! She is adorable!!! Question -- where do you get supplies for a princess party motif in Nome?? I know you can't run out to your nearby Disney store. And you know Nome life fascinates me!!

Yard Sale day was absolutely my free day!!! I only ate 2 meals and they were BAD!! Not near enough Water. No Breakfast and lunch was a Wendy's chillie. For dinner, I had a huge margarita, about a third of a Blooming Onion, a good part of a grilled portabella salad. The margarita put me to sleep; I'm so old!! THE BFL challenge is hard, but I'm hanging in there. My butt hurts!! I never realized how weak I am -- I am huffing and puffing and sweating like a fool!

Way to go, girl! Rock those new jeans!!!!

I will never participate in another yard sale again. But, yippee skippee, the house is empty! We worked our asses off for about $125. We ended up taking most everything to the curb with a huge sign that said "FREE -- PLEASE TAKE" and when I drove back by a few hours later most everything was gone! I'm doing the happy dance! No more stuff to sort or move or ditch or move. I hate stuff. I've got to keep reminding myself of how much I hate stuff so I won't buy stuff. Too much stuff is stifling!

George Carlin used to say, "Americans are strange, while they are out buying more stuff, someone breaks into their home and steals the stuff they already have!" -- "It's all about their stuff."

I hate stuff too! My plan, as you know I always have a plan, is to go from room to room and throw a lot of stuff in a big box for the ARC people. I vow to never move this stuff again! EVER!

I'd love to travel and have thought of it many times. I did do an assignment once and it was okay. People, okay, nurses, if they aren't nice will dump on their travelers! It sucks! I'd love to do what you do! I forgot you were a L&D nurse! Sorry!! Did you like it? That was always one of my dreams. But I got into the NICU and just couldn't leave my babes! I did however, leave them once and worked Ped's Triage and Walk In Clinic. Then I did telephone triage every weekend over a year! Great money! Damn, it was all overtime, 48 hours of overtime a week, and I didn't it from home! I wish I could do that job now! Then for 16 months I was a Diabetic Educator. But once more I missed my Babes and had to return! So here I am feeling a little antsy and wanting to try the PACU or L&D.

Tomorrow is my free day! I am sore too! But I've already lost .5 inch in my waist. I can't wait for my free day!

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Prty and Shelbi,

My mom says you spend the first half of your life accumulating stuff, and the next half trying to get rid of it! ha! Prty, congrats on the improved waistline already - you gals are so buff and athletic! I can hardly mow the lawn without exhaustion.

well, in my desire for more stuff...LOL...am perusing craigslist for a new coffee table. Tired of how my living room looks, and thought i'd spruce it up a little!

Hey Denver area girls (and those willing to travel) ....i know this is far ahead, but how about instead of a December Tuesday night red robin night we do a potluck and $5 gift exchange? I live in SE Denver and would be willing to host at my place! What do you think? 12/9 maybe?

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George Carlin used to say, "Americans are strange, while they are out buying more stuff, someone breaks into their home and steals the stuff they already have!" -- "It's all about their stuff."

I hate stuff too! My plan, as you know I always have a plan, is to go from room to room and throw a lot of stuff in a big box for the ARC people. I vow to never move this stuff again! EVER!

I'd love to travel and have thought of it many times. I did do an assignment once and it was okay. People, okay, nurses, if they aren't nice will dump on their travelers! It sucks! I'd love to do what you do! I forgot you were a L&D nurse! Sorry!! Did you like it? That was always one of my dreams. But I got into the NICU and just couldn't leave my babes! I did however, leave them once and worked Ped's Triage and Walk In Clinic. Then I did telephone triage every weekend over a year! Great money! Damn, it was all overtime, 48 hours of overtime a week, and I didn't it from home! I wish I could do that job now! Then for 16 months I was a Diabetic Educator. But once more I missed my Babes and had to return! So here I am feeling a little antsy and wanting to try the PACU or L&D.

Tomorrow is my free day! I am sore too! But I've already lost .5 inch in my waist. I can't wait for my free day!

I'm just giving you a hard time, my dear friend! :embaressed_smile: I'm an old L&D, Peds, newborn nursery (the healthy ones) and postpartum nurse, but have been away for so long I'd be dangerous at this point. I'm spoiled by working at home, but I miss working with other nurses -- never a dull moment! I've been working 3 12's for the last few months, but am switching back to a M-F 8-5 shift next week. I'm going to miss my days off during the week, but I am having a hard time sitting and focusing for 12 hours and I want free evenings again.

That's great that you've already lost from your waist!!!

Prty and Shelbi,

My mom says you spend the first half of your life accumulating stuff, and the next half trying to get rid of it! ha! Prty, congrats on the improved waistline already - you gals are so buff and athletic! I can hardly mow the lawn without exhaustion.

well, in my desire for more stuff...LOL...am perusing craigslist for a new coffee table. Tired of how my living room looks, and thought i'd spruce it up a little!

I love craigslist! Found my den furniture there a few months ago! Re: accumulating stuff -- I am absolutely forcing myself to enter the "getting rid of it" stage of my life. However, I'm married to a collector of anything and everything and my children seem to have inherited that tendency from him. Even Barkley doesn't want to part with his most ragged, gross stuff! I'm surrounded!

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Ok, girls! I told myself I wasn't going to bed until I figured out this multiquote thing. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it works. :w00t:

Maybe you would be able to go to the group at Dr K's office in October. I'm sure there will be a few of us there.:cursing:

Would love to! Please let me know the date.:crying:

I've been avoiding LBT for about a week or so. I guess I just needed a break and did not want to admit that I had been a "bad-bandster"! Well I woke up the other morning and had a talk with myself. And it worked!!! I wanted to loose 100lbs before my birthday (sept. 30) and I've been seeing the same numbers for about a month.


I DID IT!!! 101LBS since January 1st!!!!!! I'm sooo excited I'm going out to buy me some new jeans!!!!

My daughter and I are going out for "girls night" (she's 3 yrs....and loves girls night with mommy! Hubby's at the fire station and she knows we get to do girly things. :) We're going to an amusement park here in OKC (for free!) I'm going to ride some rides with my little girl and celebrate!!! I'll try to post some updated photos soon.


You have got to be kidding?!?! That is amazing! You are my hero!:wub: 101 lbs. in 8 1/2 mths.WOW! You give me great hope. I have PCOS so I am terrified of only losing 30lbs.:tt2:

Well, I have been on here for a year and still haven't figured out how to do it so I probably REALLY annoy people!!

I'm glad I'm not the only one then. :lol:

Oh Boy!!! the bananas getting their groove on! Even they are getting more action than me!!! WAH WAH WAH!!!

You are too funny! I love the dancing bananas.:embaressed_smile:

I've never heard of the Blue Dolphin! Hmmm, is it blue? Is it shaped like a Dolphin?

Yeah, what the heck is a blue dolphin? We want details!:laugh:

Okay Peeps! Multiquote Lesson 101! Do you see the place on the bottom right of each post? The middle one says "multiquote" click on it. Then go to the next quote you want to respond to, click on it too. Each one you click on, will become muted or change in color. You know you clicked it. After you've clicked on all the ones you want to respond to, click on "NEW REPLY" and voila! Remember to only write your response after the

or it won't appear correctly! Try it now! Everyone together!

Thank you for the multiquote lesson 101. I'm hoping it works! It would make it so much easier to keep up with you girls.:cool2:

We have a paperless system and I'm a superuser of it! ARGH! BUT listen to this, we had to transport a really sick baby the other day to another facility and we had to print her chart. She was less than 3 days old and it printed 408 sheets of charting from the computer! YIKES!!! We killed a bunch of trees that day! In the old days, you chart on paper and just walk over to the copy machine and copy them! 408 pages!

I don't know how you nurses do it. The long hours,shifts,holidays,on-call and crappy schedules. Ugh...

RN here!

I didn't realize so many of you were nurses. That's so cool!:laugh:

She is a princess! Happy Birthday!

She is a doll baby! I can't wait to have my own.:wink:

Me! I keep getting calls from travel recruiters because I'm licensed everywhere for my current job, but I could never travel -- no current skills in anything! I've spent too many years talking for a living, so I'm pretty much incompetent when it comes to the hands-on stuff anymore. :sad:

Lol...travel assignments aren't at all like the recruiters crack them up to be. The travel companies promise you this and that and then after you sign the contract...NOTHING! Plus, the insurance really sucks. Usually the deductible is $500-$1,000 and seriously who meets that in 12 wks.? We were in Phoenix for our last assignment and yes, the hottest months of the year. It was miserable! Especially for this AK girl. :lol:

Thank heaven for little girls! She is adorable!!! Question -- where do you get supplies for a princess party motif in Nome?? I know you can't run out to your nearby Disney store. And you know Nome life fascinates me!!

Ha! Ha! After spending my childhood in North Pole, I was wondering the same thing.:laugh:

I hate stuff. I've got to keep reminding myself of how much I hate stuff so I won't buy stuff. Too much stuff is stifling!

I second that! We had to put all of our "stuff" in storage during our travels. So, we have a whole unit full of crap and I don't miss any of it. Except maybe my skinny clothes that I won't be able to wear b/c they are stored away.:laugh:

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Chiming in re: stuff. I can't wait until we move forward with the motor home plan and get rid of all our stuff. It has taken over our lives. Seriously.

I didn't realize how bad it was until we built our "treehouse". It doesn't have stuff in it . . . just what we need to get by. And it's absolutely fine. It will be awesome to just get the "stuff" monkey off my back. My whole paycheck goes to supporting our house and our stuff. Yikes.

So I decided to try an experiment and eat more calories for a few days in a row to see if maybe I was in "starvation mode" or whatever. Promptly gained back the 2 lbs that I lost last week. Swell. I am SOOOOOO discouraged right now.

Well, back down to the basement to help hubby.

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Maybe you would be able to go to the group at Dr K's office in October. I'm sure there will be a few of us there.:embaressed_smile:

Would love to! Please let me know the date.:cursing:

I belive it is on October 7th at 6:30, at his office. If I am wrong somebody please let me know.

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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