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Ok guys I need to vent. I guess I took a leap of faith and started a profile at match.com a while ago. I have winked, emailed and im'd. Nothing:cursing: Most guys want fit and slender women. No one even gives me a chance to get to know one another. What's the harm in talking. My profile picture is not too bad either. My daughter thinks it looks nice.

I am feeling better about myself since I have started losing weight and I think I am ready to pursue a companion. I am not looking for a long-term relationship at this time but I would like to have someone to talk to and have the occasional date. Why are men so shallow. Should I take my picture off and let them get to know me first before they see me? Do men even look if there is no picture.

Has anyone been on this site?

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Ok guys I need to vent. I guess I took a leap of faith and started a profile at match.com a while ago. I have winked, emailed and im'd. Nothing:cursing: Most guys want fit and slender women. No one even gives me a chance to get to know one another. What's the harm in talking. My profile picture is not too bad either. My daughter thinks it looks nice.

I am feeling better about myself since I have started losing weight and I think I am ready to pursue a companion. I am not looking for a long-term relationship at this time but I would like to have someone to talk to and have the occasional date. Why are men so shallow. Should I take my picture off and let them get to know me first before they see me? Do men even look if there is no picture.

Has anyone been on this site?

Bella-If they are that shallow they do not DESERVE you anyway!!:sad: Hold out for someone who will cherish you because you deserve that! Just my two cents...:angry:

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Originally Posted by BellaPerdente viewpost.gif

Ok guys I need to vent. I guess I took a leap of faith and started a profile at match.com a while ago. I have winked, emailed and im'd. Nothing:cursing: Most guys want fit and slender women. No one even gives me a chance to get to know one another. What's the harm in talking. My profile picture is not too bad either. My daughter thinks it looks nice.

I am feeling better about myself since I have started losing weight and I think I am ready to pursue a companion. I am not looking for a long-term relationship at this time but I would like to have someone to talk to and have the occasional date. Why are men so shallow. Should I take my picture off and let them get to know me first before they see me? Do men even look if there is no picture.

Has anyone been on this site?

Bella I have an unusual take on some things. I believe there is destiny and a path for you. The lesson for Match.com is??? for you it could be whatever you have learned from the experience. You put the energy and effort out and if it is meant to happen that way it will. My story:

I dated my high school sweetheart four years. I moved my senior year of high school to another state. We continued a long distance relationship but started itching for something new. He persisted. Friends met him and said it wasn't a good match. I insisted they were wrong. After graduation I took one year before marrying him and ended up at a business that I worked at until I married. Fast forward two years: I seperated from my husband and we divorced. In need of a job I went back to the old business and they hired me back. Within three months I met a great guy that I ended up dating. He was friends of the owners and had my head been in a different place two years prior I probably would have met him anyway since he was in there often. I ended up marrying that guy and we have two great kids, 25 years of marriage under our belt and a new grandson.

Put the effort out there, try new things and if it is to be it will.

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Ok, so for the last few months, I have been telling my mom "I think if one more bad thing happens I will snap-I am that close." All things considered with the divorce, the financial difficulties I am having at times, the stress of my job, etc, I think I have been holding up pretty well. Especially since I haven't been on antidepressants.

Well, some of you may remember my dispute with my a-hole neighbors across the alley. For those of you that don't, I will make a long story short by telling you that they hated my husband, and therefore hate me by association (even though I have never done one thing to them) and they go out of their way to cause trouble in my life in very unscrupulous ways.

The latest is that the wife of this couple has relayed to the lawyer for the estate next door that my fence is over the property line. I received a letter from him today stating that it is 16 inches over the property line (which it isn't, if it is over the line, it is only 4-6 inches). They informed me it is going to cause problems selling the house and DEMANDED that I move it IMMEDIATELY. And if I want to dispute it, I am to apparently pay for the survey. Ok, rationally, I know they have the burden of truth-if they have a problem with the fence they should be paying for the surveyor. But the thing is, seriously, I have NO money to pay to have the fence moved if it is over the property line. I also have NO more money to pay my lawyer to take care of this matter for me. I don't know what to do. AND I DON'T KNOW WHY THESE PEOPLE CANNOT LEAVE ME ALONE. Seriously. I know they didn't like my husband, but he is gone. I don't do anything but go to work and stay in my house. I even pay someone to do my lawn work so I don't have to EVER go outside and interact with these people. I will not even take my garbage out if they are outside. That is how stressed they make me.

It is going to put a serious financial burden on me to hire my lawyer to deal with this issue also, but I don't really see any way around it.

Sorry for the long post, I need to vent. I don't even know what to do anymore, I have so many problems piling up on me. :angry:

Also, moving is not an option for me at this point-I don't think I would be able to obtain a mortgage in todays housing market. AND, it would almost KILL me to give them the satisfaction of thinking they ran me out of here. I am far too stubborn to give them what they want!

Edited by munchkin392
More to say, as usual...

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Originally Posted by BellaPerdente viewpost.gif

Ok guys I need to vent. I guess I took a leap of faith and started a profile at match.com a while ago. I have winked, emailed and im'd. Nothing:cursing: Most guys want fit and slender women. No one even gives me a chance to get to know one another. What's the harm in talking. My profile picture is not too bad either. My daughter thinks it looks nice.

I am feeling better about myself since I have started losing weight and I think I am ready to pursue a companion. I am not looking for a long-term relationship at this time but I would like to have someone to talk to and have the occasional date. Why are men so shallow. Should I take my picture off and let them get to know me first before they see me? Do men even look if there is no picture.

Has anyone been on this site?

Bella I have an unusual take on some things. I believe there is destiny and a path for you. The lesson for Match.com is??? for you it could be whatever you have learned from the experience. You put the energy and effort out and if it is meant to happen that way it will. My story:

I dated my high school sweetheart four years. I moved my senior year of high school to another state. We continued a long distance relationship but started itching for something new. He persisted. Friends met him and said it wasn't a good match. I insisted they were wrong. After graduation I took one year before marrying him and ended up at a business that I worked at until I married. Fast forward two years: I seperated from my husband and we divorced. In need of a job I went back to the old business and they hired me back. Within three months I met a great guy that I ended up dating. He was friends of the owners and had my head been in a different place two years prior I probably would have met him anyway since he was in there often. I ended up marrying that guy and we have two great kids, 25 years of marriage under our belt and a new grandson.

Put the effort out there, try new things and if it is to be it will.

Bella-Although Lap said it much more eloquently than I would have, I was going to tell you something along those lines. I have a friend at work who wanted to jump into dating the MINUTE she got divorced, and she kept meeting these bad men from the internet. She asked me why I didn't want to date yet, and that was my answer. What is meant to be will be, and if I am supposed to meet someone, it will happen. I believe, as cheesy as it may sound, that there is a life path or destiny chosen for all of us, and we will get to the good stuff sooner or later.:angry:

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Mine aren't pink either. More like big mucous bubble with some gunk in it.

I hope you're unfill does the trick. Let us know.

Love your ticker. Don't think I'll ever get past the green ones. I have a skin apron that hangs from the bottom. Thank you very much, 2


Good to hear from you, glad you liked my undies ticker! I thought it was kind of cute! I hope my unfill does the trick also. I stopped at Panera to get some Soup on the way home, and then I opened the lawyer letter, and really don't even want to attempt to eat it now, as I am all upset.

Your PB's sound just like mine! We are PB twins!

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Lap ~ I own Dr. Ortiz's book -- I bought it in 2005 when I first started learning about lapband surgery -- and I still refer to it on occasion. There's a lot of good information in there. I even considered going down there to have surgery but I am glad that I went with Dr. K of course!

Bookholder ~ My PBs are never "pinkish goo" either, more like you describe. A glob of whatever got stuck, and lots of slime. Ew. :angry:

ShelbiCallie ~ I don't think that the FDA has actually issued a black box warning for Chantix just yet (I recently wrote an article on drug side effects and I don't recall seeing it) but lots of medical professionals, consumer groups, etc are advocating it. My mother wanted to go on it -- she has been told to quit smoking but hasn't managed to -- but her doctor refused because she has a long history of depression and is bi-polar.

TGIF everybody! I have a family lunch tomorrow, a big source of anxiety for me. Eating in front of them has always been nerve-wracking. Since I was banded, it's even more so. The question in my mind every time I see them is, will they notice the weight loss? If they notice, will they say anything? If they say anything, what will I say in return? And of course I have to really focus myself so that I eat properly while still participating in the conversation. :sad:

Greenie-I have faith that you will handle the situation well.

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Hey Banditos,

It's me! I know I have been MIA for a while. My computer is sick, sick, sick! I have had someone out twice and it still has some major virus..yuck!

Hi shelbie!

I like the name Snickers...yumm, I could go for one too

Lap sorry to read about your back problems, how did your strength training go?

Life, your marathon sounded intense! Hope your shoulder is feeling better. I am so proud of your accomplishments, go get 'em!

I am a Chantex success story. I have been smoke free for 8 months and have no craving for them at all, even when I am around others that are smoking. I actually hate the idea and the smell of it now. It did mess with my head for a while. My husband...not such a success story. He quit for about 7 months and recently he has started to smoke again...boo for him, yay for me!

My band...hummm, I found out that I have like 10.3 in my 10VG. My restriction is like it always has been, here then gone, here then gone...I haven't lost any weight FOREVER!! I lose and gain the same few pounds, been that way for MONTHS! If I could just eat LESS...hummm go figure? I run and weight train every other day and walk on on my off days, still no weight loss. I understand that muscle weighs more, but DAYAM, how much muscle can one gain???...LOL I just need to eat less that is the bottom line! Why can't I???

My son's friend is not doing well. Still in ICU, got pnemonia and a collapsed lung. The docs put him in a medicated coma. We can't really get a lot of info on what is happening because only family can see him and we don't want to bother the family. Last I heard he was paralyzed from the nipple line down with limited mobility at his elbows and shoulders.

Deb, how are ya'?

Denver, your time is coming so soon! How is the preop diet going?

I'll post when I can


Mal-I am sorry to hear about your sons friend. Unfortunately, he is probably going to battle pneumonia fairly often.:angry: And urinary tract infections in addition to that. But hang in there, maybe things will improve. Think positive!

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:tt2::tt2::tt2::tt2:Well, I am home from Denver! Surgery went fine, except my pulse went down to 33 so they had to jump me with some drug. I feel great. Out of hospital at 5, up next morning and at Dr. K's at 9, on the plane at 2, and home by 5. No real pain, just some pangs at incision sites and the ever-popular gas that moves around in one's chest cavity!

What a great bunch of people Dr K has working for/with him. :tt1: And he is absolutely darling. I was sooooo comfortable that I am going to fly to Denver in September for one day for a fill. My question is, could anyone pick me up at airport and take me to Aurora clinic? I am coming in on a thurs. or friday morning. Probably be the third or fourth week in Sept. Any takers??

Mini: I AM ON THE LOSERS' BENCH FINALLY:lol::thumbup::angry::tt2::tt1:

My mom is on a great high about this; says I sound more positive and up than I have in a while!!

I didn't get a chance to read all the entries as I am still trying to figure out how to work the pill crusher:tongue2: Remember, I am an English teacher, not someone who works well with "stuff":biggrin2:

Deb-Congrats and I am glad you made it home ok! What kind of pill crusher is it? The one with the screw top that you just turn to smoosh them up? Or a different kind? I am trying to lend you my nursie expertise but need to know which kind it is.:sad:

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Well said guys. I guess I am thinking of my mom. She was widowed at an early age also (I was only 2 when my dad died) and did not EVER put herself out there again. She raised us kids alone and I know that she was lonely. I don't want to be in that same boat. We can blink an eye and we are old and life has passed us by.

My husband loved me no matter what and he was a good-looking, well-built guy. I don't know if I will ever find that again.

Munchkin, I am so sorry for your run of bad luck. How does you neighbors know that the fence is on their property? Are they getting ready to sell? I know, wishful thinking! Did they already have it surveyed? Hey....I'm Italian and you could tell them that you know someone who "is in the mob" and knows how to make people back-off:wink2: Well...I don't really know someone....but I do have lots of "Uncles" lol

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Bella-The neighbor passed away in December, so the estate is trying to sell the house. They would have no idea that my proberty line is possibly encroaching over 4 inches unless my jerk neighbors told them. These are the people that live across the alley and go out of their way to make my life a living hell. They cannot mind their own business, hence the proberty line thing.

No, I don't believe it has been surveyed. The lawyer kept saying in the letter that basically someone told him it was over the property line. No offense, but if they want to know if it is over the property line, they can pay to have it surveyed.

One of my friend says I should move it, but then paint something horrendously ugly on the side facing their yard. If I didn't care about messing my fence up, I would!

And thanks for the offers of "uncles". I will tell the neighbors I am going to bust their kneecaps if the don't be nice!

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Hey everyone,

Another question for you. How many times did it take for Dr. K to get your perfect restriction? Is he pretty good at getting the "sweet spot" on the first fill?


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Hi Mal,

Glad to see you back. I'm sorry your friend is not doing so well in the hospital. Hopefully the pneumonia will clear up soon so he can start rehab.

The low carb diet is going ok. I went to the bronco game tonight and brought two turkey hotdogs (no bun), swiss cheese and some strawberries.

Any tips from all of you on a sample daily diet for Dr. K's 7 day preop diet?

I am getting tired of hard boiled eggs!

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Ok, so for the last few months, I have been telling my mom "I think if one more bad thing happens I will snap-I am that close." All things considered with the divorce, the financial difficulties I am having at times, the stress of my job, etc, I think I have been holding up pretty well. Especially since I haven't been on antidepressants.

Well, some of you may remember my dispute with my a-hole neighbors across the alley. For those of you that don't, I will make a long story short by telling you that they hated my husband, and therefore hate me by association (even though I have never done one thing to them) and they go out of their way to cause trouble in my life in very unscrupulous ways.

The latest is that the wife of this couple has relayed to the lawyer for the estate next door that my fence is over the property line. I received a letter from him today stating that it is 16 inches over the property line (which it isn't, if it is over the line, it is only 4-6 inches). They informed me it is going to cause problems selling the house and DEMANDED that I move it IMMEDIATELY. And if I want to dispute it, I am to apparently pay for the survey. Ok, rationally, I know they have the burden of truth-if they have a problem with the fence they should be paying for the surveyor. But the thing is, seriously, I have NO money to pay to have the fence moved if it is over the property line. I also have NO more money to pay my lawyer to take care of this matter for me. I don't know what to do. AND I DON'T KNOW WHY THESE PEOPLE CANNOT LEAVE ME ALONE. Seriously. I know they didn't like my husband, but he is gone. I don't do anything but go to work and stay in my house. I even pay someone to do my lawn work so I don't have to EVER go outside and interact with these people. I will not even take my garbage out if they are outside. That is how stressed they make me.

It is going to put a serious financial burden on me to hire my lawyer to deal with this issue also, but I don't really see any way around it.

Sorry for the long post, I need to vent. I don't even know what to do anymore, I have so many problems piling up on me. :angry:

Also, moving is not an option for me at this point-I don't think I would be able to obtain a mortgage in todays housing market. AND, it would almost KILL me to give them the satisfaction of thinking they ran me out of here. I am far too stubborn to give them what they want!

Hey Munchk,

Sorry about the a-hole neighbors. :sad: Does your employer offer an EAP program (most hospitals do now, I think)? Check it aout and see if they include legal consults (mine does and my previous employer did). It's free and a good place to start.

Hope this helps.


Edited by ShelbiCallie

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Hey everyone,

Another question for you. How many times did it take for Dr. K to get your perfect restriction? Is he pretty good at getting the "sweet spot" on the first fill?


You know fills are very very individual. When a single fill brings restriction for one person, may not for another. It totally depends on the shape of your stomach, the amount of fat you have around your stomach and other things. I have had good restriction since surgery. I didn't get my first fill for 8 weeks post op and then I had a teeny tiny fill at 4 mos. (0.25ml) and I have been in the green zone since. I'm 6.75 months post op and my weight loss has been fairly good. I have 3.55ml in my 14ml band.

Your goal should be to be as loose as possible and still be able to work your band. A too tight fill is the worst enemy of your band. If you want to keep your band forever, you have to keep it on the looser end. When you're too tight you run the risk of slips from frequent vomiting episodes and the risk of erosion.

It's difficult to gauge your success by others. Dr. K uses the "drink fill, drink fill, drink unfill, drink fill" method. He will put saline in and then back it out until you're able to feel the Water pass your band.

This is just my opinion of the fill process and reaching your "sweet spot." I've been very blessed with my band.

There are doctor who insist on just putting 1ml regardless of the patient and others who fill like Dr. K. I think we're pretty lucky Dr. K administers fills like he does.

Anyone else want to give their opinion?

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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