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Don't forget the camera at either gathering this month! This "wannabe there" needs my fix. :wink_smile:

Denise -- When a group of hunky firemen notice the change, you have arrived ... you are gorgeous! Own it, strut it, live it -- you deserve it!!

Survived, actually, enjoyed my pop's birthday. Would you believe he even got on the back of my brother-in-law's bike (a 3-wheeled Gold Wing, but whatever) and rode around the block to Celebrate his 91st? What a trip the man is. He was so proud. I helped him get on (several of us did) and held his hearing aide. Bless his heart. On a side note --- not one snide or underhanded remark was received -- what's gotten into my extended family these days?? Or maybe, what's gotten into me? Maybe I'm not as sensitive? Maybe, since I'm not as big as I was, I'm less of a easy target? Who knows.

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Dee's REAL name or Dee...LOL

This time Wednesday...you must be totally excited, nervous, scared and....ready!

Oh all of those things. I can't wait. AAAHHHHH!!!!!

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Don't forget the camera at either gathering this month! This "wannabe there" needs my fix. :wink_smile:

Denise -- When a group of hunky firemen notice the change, you have arrived ... you are gorgeous! Own it, strut it, live it -- you deserve it!!

Survived, actually, enjoyed my pop's birthday. Would you believe he even got on the back of my brother-in-law's bike (a 3-wheeled Gold Wing, but whatever) and rode around the block to Celebrate his 91st? What a trip the man is. He was so proud. I helped him get on (several of us did) and held his hearing aide. Bless his heart. On a side note --- not one snide or underhanded remark was received -- what's gotten into my extended family these days?? Or maybe, what's gotten into me? Maybe I'm not as sensitive? Maybe, since I'm not as big as I was, I'm less of a easy target? Who knows.

Shelbi, I'm so glad that things went well and the snide comments were absent. Who knows why? It's a good thing, no matter the reason.

Your pop sounds awesome. GOOD FOR HIM!!!How wonderful to be that age and still have desire to do something so daring and fun.

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Dee's REAL name or Dee...LOL

This time Wednesday...you must be totally excited, nervous, scared and....ready!


You silly Girl!

We'll be sitting under the name of Dee!

I don't want to confuse anyone!

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Mini~Do you have everything ready? Those Gas-X melting strips were great to have and of course the liquid tylenol. Did you find your fave protien shake? I did the Isopure for clear and then switched to Atkins Advantage and I only like the Dark chocolate one, it is the only one that doesn't have that chalk taste to it. Did you ever find out if you could use that throat spray stuff? I didn't have any problems with my throat or anything for that matter. I was shopping at Wal-Mart hours after my surgery. Remember to walk, walk, walk and drink, drink, drink! We can answer any questions you have TOMORROW (can't believe it)! I am sooo excited for you!

Shelbie~Your dad turned 91 and was riding on the back of a bike! I have no words! *she bows down* kewel!

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You silly Girl!

We'll be sitting under the name of Dee!

I don't want to confuse anyone!

Okay Ms. Dee! I'm pretty sure I can make it....yessssss

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Don't forget the camera at either gathering this month! This "wannabe there" needs my fix. :)

Denise -- When a group of hunky firemen notice the change, you have arrived ... you are gorgeous! Own it, strut it, live it -- you deserve it!!

Survived, actually, enjoyed my pop's birthday. Would you believe he even got on the back of my brother-in-law's bike (a 3-wheeled Gold Wing, but whatever) and rode around the block to Celebrate his 91st? What a trip the man is. He was so proud. I helped him get on (several of us did) and held his hearing aide. Bless his heart. On a side note --- not one snide or underhanded remark was received -- what's gotten into my extended family these days?? Or maybe, what's gotten into me? Maybe I'm not as sensitive? Maybe, since I'm not as big as I was, I'm less of a easy target? Who knows.

I love it Shelbi!

Your Pop sounds like my Auntie. She just died at the age of 99. She was always begging us to take her to the State Fair to ride the coasters!

I love it!

I hope you guys got pictures of your Pop on the bike!

I'll take my camera to both events! I hope Mini doesn't mind having her pretty face on the internet for gazillion of people to see!

I remember the first RR pic of me! It was hideous and I was not so sure I was okay with it being online. It might ruin my chances of being a super model in my next life! My POST OP Life!

Hey, I'm tall, I'm confident, I'm hot! Where is that big fan? I'll need it when I take my AFTER pics!

See ya!

I wrote about my recent eharmony man on my site. Maybe you guys could give me some ideas as to how I should handle things. I don't want to mess up something that might be good.

I'll copy it here:

Many Unexpected Tears~

I know it’s been a while since I wrote anything. Life has been fast and furious. Things have been going well with my Band. I went for a fill last Thursday and found that I am still pretty good. I didn’t get one. Then I traveled with my daughter to Las Vegas. We love Vegas! Not because of the gambling, since we don’t gamble. Not because of the shows, because we don’t go to shows. BUT because of the shopping! We love staying at the hotels that have malls in them and spending our days shopping. Is there anywhere else on this earth where you can shop in the middle of the night, have a snack at 3am, and go to bed and wake up at noon AND not feel guilty about it?

This trip we visited the outlet malls. We shopped and walked and tried on clothes and shoes AND oh MY! I loved it! My daughter thought it was the best trip ever! I actually bought several things off the rack. AND they fit, in the dressing room even! Before losing some weight, I never tried things on. I just bought them, brought them home and hoped they would fit. I know, it’s a horrible way of buying clothes!

Her Dad met us there on Saturday since Sunday was my daughter’s 21st birthday, which is the real reason for us going. I invited her father to join us because I wanted her to be able to have both of her parents present when she celebrated this milestone birthday. It turned out really nice. I, of course, felt fine with having him there. But on my way home, I started to cry and couldn’t stop. I guess, I am not done mourning the end of my marriage. Maybe part of me hoped that one day, he and I would be together… but he’s moved on. And it just feels like - I need to also. For so many years of my marriage, I felt unloved and unlovable. I yearned for him to choose me. Sure he was married to me, but so often he chose the company of other women and that tore at my soul.

After arriving home, I remained sad for several days. It hit me hard and I didn’t expect it.

In my attempt to move forward with my life, I have joined an online dating service. I was matched with a really nice guy. We share the same faith and there are several things we have in common. Well, we have been exchanging email messages for about 4 days. Not just the casual “hello, how is your day?” But long - involved messages, sent 4 maybe 8 times a day to one another. I find sometimes as many others do also, that you can share you heart easily through words. He had posted about 10 pictures of himself and I just feared the day he asked for mine. He hadn’t asked for a description or anything, which was very interesting since most Men value outward beauty first and foremost. This man is very intelligent and very nice. He said that he married a very beautiful woman and things were not good. I thought my marriage was horrible, well, his was 100 times worse. Anyway, he said that he’s trying to get past the physical and find someone with a good and decent soul.

Last evening after work was our first phone call. I was nervous but excited. He sounded so nice in his email messages. He called right on the dot, 8:30pm. His little voice was adorable and he had the cutest little accent. We talked for 3 hours! I know the dating site advises the first call to be 10 mins only. (Like that is going to ever happen! Wait, let me set my oven timer so that I don’t exceed the allotted 10 minutes!) We had the best time. He’d finish my sentences, I’d finish his. We laughed. I loved hearing his stories. We talked and talked.

Then the dreaded request came. “Do you have any pictures of yourself - you can send me?” I hadn’t told him about my Lap Band. It’s kind of a private issue with me. I told him, I had just started working on myself. Working out, eating better, losing some weight (I did mention that I am overweight) and trying to love myself. And I told him - I didn’t really have any pictures I felt comfortable sharing. He was so sweet, he said, “I’m sure you are are adorable. You have the sweetest personality. It really doesn’t matter what you look like.” He sounded so sincere. I burst into tears! It was that silent weeping. He didn’t hear me, but he heard silence after a 3 hour conversation of exchanging ideas without a pause. He said, “oh did I say something wrong?” I tried to speak, but when you have that huge lump in your throat, it’s not easy. I told him, I have a hard time accepting my appearance now days and I’m really working on loving myself. He apologized for making me cry. He said some things to lighten the mood and I couldn’t help but laugh. He was the one who is adorable!

I know how Men can be sometimes. They focus on looks without even desiring the heart. I remember when I first started dating after my divorce. I had met a man online. We talked for over a month. He knew I was thinking about WLS. I told him I was overweight. He was also overweight AND had been considering WLS. I never kept it a secret from him. We met for dinner. He took one look at me and I could see his disappointment. Now, this is a man who weighs over 350lbs easily. A big man, but cute. We sat down at the table, because when you weigh that much, who can fit in a tiny bench? And about 10 mins in, he said, “I forgot my wallet in the car, let me go and get it so I have it to pay for dinner.” He left and never came back.

When this man on the phone was telling me all of the sweet things about liking me for my personality and it didn’t matter how I looked, I could see the other man’s expression and I felt that feeling of sitting there waiting and waiting for him to return from his car.

IN the last week, I’ve had many unexpected tears fall. I should be used to tears, I have known them well in my lifetime.

But I can honestly say now that feeling down didn’t cause me to overeat. I stayed on track. Maybe I am doing better than I thought.

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Okay, first if I ever meet the dude who left you in the restaurant, I will personally kick his 350 pound ass. Hypocritical SOB.

Second, maybe this (new) guy REALLY DOESN'T CARE about your weight! There are (a few) men floating around out there who care about your heart more than your butt.

So you have two choices: You can take a chance or not take a chance.

If you do take a chance, there are two outcomes: It works out or it doesn't.

So . . . you can take a chance and if it doesn't work out that would suck a bunch but you'd survive and move on. You can choose NOT to take a chance and never know if it would work out and that would suck a little less but you'd be left wondering forever. Or you can take a chance and if it DOES work out, it could be the best thing that ever happened to you.

So, Miss Dee, the question is: Chance, or no chance??? How brave are you? To hit the jackpot you have to be willing to open every case (sorry, lapsing into game show mode here). Do you have what it takes to go for it??? I think you do.

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Mini~Do you have everything ready? Those Gas-X melting strips were great to have and of course the liquid tylenol. Did you find your fave protien shake? I did the Isopure for clear and then switched to Atkins Advantage and I only like the Dark chocolate one, it is the only one that doesn't have that chalk taste to it. Did you ever find out if you could use that throat spray stuff? I didn't have any problems with my throat or anything for that matter. I was shopping at Wal-Mart hours after my surgery. Remember to walk, walk, walk and drink, drink, drink! We can answer any questions you have TOMORROW (can't believe it)! I am sooo excited for you!

Shelbie~Your dad turned 91 and was riding on the back of a bike! I have no words! *she bows down* kewel!

Oh oh!! I forgot the gas-x strips. So I'm going to hunt down a GNC tomorrow to buy some Isopure for my first few days (can't bring it on the plane). And I actually kinda' like the slim-fast low carb vanilla. I didn't get an answer about the throat spray, so I'm just going to take some and see what happens. I will definitely walk walk walk. Four abdominal surgeries have taught me that lesson!!!

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I'll take a chance!!!

I never watched the show, so I don't know what they would say, but he was so sweet! He wrote me an email this morning and said, "I never made a woman cry on my phone call to her." he apologized! I do want to take the chance. So do I send my recent pic and then tell him about the band? Or just send the pic and not tell him about the band?:confused2:

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Hey Dorkie Girl!

I know what you mean about the clothes! My problem is my stupid stomach and arms! I need a much bigger size because of my arms AND then I want longer tops because of my stomach! I totally cannot stand a blouse that is short and my stomach sticks out the bottom! Can't do that! Ugly!!!

I wish we lived closer, I think some of my 24's and 26's would fit you. I bought some beautiful things when I first got banded and now that they fit, I can't wear them because they are too short. I'm 5-8. How tall are you? Maybe I could send you some of them! I hate for new clothes with the tags on them to go to a thrift store.

At work, I am now in a 3xl scrub pant WITH suspenders! Ugly, I know, but I refuse to purchase a lower size! I'm not going to buy any more of my own. I'm going to wait til I can wear the 1xl that the hospital supplies! Which should be early next year, I bet!

Glad you're feeling better. Let us know what your US shows. k?

Congrats on your hubby's new job! You can be proud of your man!

Hey girl... I would love to swap clothes with you. I am 5'8. Let me know how much you would want for them, or at least let me pay shipping. Clothes are heavy and I am sure will cost an armload to ship. :)

I finally got my Dr office to call me back today and they had some tech call me to tell my there are no stones in my gallbladder. However, they found a cyst on my kidney. So they want to do another scan in 3 months. The tech couldn't answer any questions for me as to if this was causing my pain, if they were worried about it growing, if it could be cancerous?? I hate Dr's. So now I am worried all over again. :frown: The tech is supposed to talk to the Dr and call me back. Why can't the freaking Dr call me.

Anyone know anything about cysts on kidneys?

Edited by adorKable

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Oh oh!! I forgot the gas-x strips. So I'm going to hunt down a GNC tomorrow to buy some Isopure for my first few days (can't bring it on the plane). And I actually kinda' like the slim-fast low carb vanilla. I didn't get an answer about the throat spray, so I'm just going to take some and see what happens. I will definitely walk walk walk. Four abdominal surgeries have taught me that lesson!!!

Okay Girlie, let me find my gas-x strips! I never had to use them. I used sucrets for my throat and my mouth was dry like the Mojave desert!

I can tell you how to get to the GNC near the hospital. What time are you going to be here? Can I do anything else to help you out? Have you tried the Atkins Vanilla or the Low Carb Slim fast Choc? I have some I can bring you to sample. PLUS Girlfriend you have got to try my most favorite in the entire universe! the MIX1 drinks! Do you like Tangerine or Lime?

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I'll take a chance!!!

I never watched the show, so I don't know what they would say, but he was so sweet! He wrote me an email this morning and said, "I never made a woman cry on my phone call to her." he apologized! I do want to take the chance. So do I send my recent pic and then tell him about the band? Or just send the pic and not tell him about the band?:confused2:

Hmmmm. . . maybe just send the pic. Then every time he sees you you'll be just that much more beautiful and he'll be like "wow, she just grows more and more beautiful the more I get to know her!".

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Okay Girlie, let me find my gas-x strips! I never had to use them. I used sucrets for my throat and my mouth was dry like the Mojave desert!

I can tell you how to get to the GNC near the hospital. What time are you going to be here? Can I do anything else to help you out? Have you tried the Atkins Vanilla or the Low Carb Slim fast Choc? I have some I can bring you to sample. PLUS Girlfriend you have got to try my most favorite in the entire universe! the MIX1 drinks! Do you like Tangerine or Lime?

Lime, please. That would be great! I think I'll just get sucrets as well. We're getting in at 11ish in the morning, so we have lots of time to kill prior to checking into our hotel. My preop visit is at 4:30. And I double checked my email from Natalie and my surgery is at 1, not 1:30. Eek! I'll be banded even sooner than I thought!

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I'll take a chance!!!

I never watched the show, so I don't know what they would say, but he was so sweet! He wrote me an email this morning and said, "I never made a woman cry on my phone call to her." he apologized! I do want to take the chance. So do I send my recent pic and then tell him about the band? Or just send the pic and not tell him about the band?:confused2:

Just send the pic and don't say anything. If it comes up in conversation later, so be it. I almost think it is better to meet someone now... while you are losing. You will know they love you for you and not your hot bod. :tongue:Cuz you will soon have a hot bod and the guys will be all over you and you can just say... too bad... y'all missed your chance. I am taken. Bwahahaha. :)

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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