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Dr. Gerald Kirshenbaum - Considering Dr. Kirshenbaum

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Brandy -- OMG your Hannah is ADORABLE, such a strong little girl. My heart goes out to you, it must be so hard everytime she has to have surgery. I will be there tonight and can't wait to meet you. I think I saw you once at the office, but you were in a room and I was walking out so we didn't even get to talk.

Life & Bookholder -- Are you both coming tonight? I hope so.

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Mini: I don't think it is just a coincidence that we all love pets here. I think that people who are positive and supportive of other humans are also the compassionate ones who care for all living things. Frankly, I am always a little leery of anyone who doesn't have/care for animals. I think it says something about their personalities.

I always think that when these guys (Dollie, Scout, Tucker) pass on that I am not going to get another dog since losing them is so difficult. But then it is only seconds later that their big ol' eyes remind me of how I can't exist without one (or two).:tongue2:

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Mini: I don't think it is just a coincidence that we all love pets here. I think that people who are positive and supportive of other humans are also the compassionate ones who care for all living things. Frankly, I am always a little leery of anyone who doesn't have/care for animals. I think it says something about their personalities.

I always think that when these guys (Dollie, Scout, Tucker) pass on that I am not going to get another dog since losing them is so difficult. But then it is only seconds later that their big ol' eyes remind me of how I can't exist without one (or two).:)

I agree. I kind of use the "do you like my pet" litmus test with people. Of course, some people have allergies and such, but I just don't get it when people don't like animals. I mean, what's not to like?

When we lost our last doggie (she was 15) my husband said that he just couldn't get another dog. After two years, I kind of put my foot down and told him that we needed to take the plunge and get another dog. He was pretty hesitant and somehow felt that it was a betrayal to our previous dog and that he couldn't love a new dog in the same way.

Fast forward 3 years - he is so happy with our Keeley and tells me everyday how thrilled he is that we have another dog. They bring such joy and love. I just can't imagine our lives without pets. I have this goofy hope that, after I retire, I can afford to move permanently to Southern Utah and work at Best Friends Animal Sanctuary. It's a huge place that takes in all kinds of animals, including lots of pets from Katrina, Michael Vick's dogs, etc. They try to find homes for them, but will keep them forever if need be. They do great work. You can sponsor a pet as a gift, too. Here is their website: Best Friends Animal Society Home Page

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Mal -- So sorry to hear abt Buster, hope he is doing better soon. It won't be the same without you tomorrow, I hope you make it.

Dee -- Great advice, some of it I needed to hear again so that I can change up what I have been doing. I lost abt 1 lb last week, but the scale is up today (TOM is visiting me). So hopefully by Saturday I will be back down. I have been working out 45 minutes of cardio 45 of weight training, so maybe that will help as well.

Bookholder -- Are you going tomorrow night? If so I will bring the 'bug' with me.

Yesterday was My Mom's 1 yr anniversary and I did okay. It was hard but I got through it.

Rachael had a volleyball camp last night and we saw some of the moms of girls she played with, they were all so shocked by how much weight I have lost. I must admit it felt good not to be the "fat mom" anymore. I know that sounds just aweful and I could not have done it without my band and you all. It is amazing how much confidence I have now. I feel better about myself and feel better health wise too. I am off to get a pedicure and a manicure so I will ck ya all out later. Have a great day my friends.:)

Yes I plan on coming tonight, thanks!!!

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Well, I had my consultation with Paula this morning. It went well . . . nothing much that I hadn't already learned on this site, though!

I'm actually excited to start my pre-op diet next week. It seems like it will officially signify the beginning of a whole new me!!

I've been thinking lots about the fat-clothes issue. Sometimes when I've lost weight I've given away all my fat-clothes, thinking it will be a motivator to help me keep the weight off. Of course, as I'm packing them up to give them away, a part of me is thinking "yeah, right. As if we haven't done THIS routine before". That's what I did last time I lost weight and now I have nothing to wear because, of course, I have gained all that weight back. So I'm back to wearing sweats and other expando clothes and refuse to buy anything new.

So a question for all of you . . . How many of you actually BELIEVE in your heart of hearts that this weight will never come back? Is it possible to gain that belief? Or will we always have that little "failure" voice whispering in the back of our minds? I guess I'm getting close enough to surgery that I'm starting to have self-doubts about my ability to succeed, having failed at weight loss sooooo many times.

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Mal - How horrible! Maybe this is why I have chickens instead of dogs! Poor baby! Pneumonia can knock the socks off a human, I can't imagine what it does to a little pooch! He's probably using all his energy to just breathe! I'll say a little prayer for him - and you - tonight.

Thanks for the prayers! I think Buster is feeling better! I got him to eat and he is spending as much time in the bathroom with the vaporizer as possible.

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Buster could have my Atkins shake if Buster wanted it. He could have my Protein drink and a chewy cookie and whatever Buster wanted.

awww, thanks Lap! Buster appreciates all the love! I made my hubby run out and get more strawberry Atkins because all I had left were chocolate, when he got home Buster decided he didn't want any more!!

The vaporizer was a great idea. Did you get any meds for him?

He is on 2 antibiotics and was on a cough suppresant until the radiologist looked at the x-ray and saw pnemonia.

I am hoping so. Mal my Eddie has food allergies. I give him Benydryl just like for adults. That helps. I would just keep Buster hydrated, Water, anything pup wanted to nibble on...even the "goody" from supper...like steak good meat, I would give it to him. He should come around soon.

Steam is good, keep him warm, put a soft blanket in there for him and make sure someone comes by to sit with him and rub his belly or scratch his ears whatever he loves best.

I am right with you there! I have been in the bathroom with Buster as much as I can. I enjoy the "sauna" I have created.

LUCK and get well wishes to Buster.

Love me,

Big Ed's Mommy

Violet's Petter

BOO's lap to curl up in

Georgia O'Kittee's source of kitty treats

and provider of love to many fish in the aquariumS.

We love pets in this house.:)

We are a pet home too!

Oscar and Meyer (two very large Oscars)

Otis (the crazy kitty)

of course the king of the house...BUSTER!

Milo, waiting at Rainbow Bridge

Buddy, waiting at Rainbow Bridge

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Well, I had my consultation with Paula this morning. It went well . . . nothing much that I hadn't already learned on this site, though!

....one step closer! YAY for you!

So a question for all of you . . . How many of you actually BELIEVE in your heart of hearts that this weight will never come back? Is it possible to gain that belief? Or will we always have that little "failure" voice whispering in the back of our minds? I guess I'm getting close enough to surgery that I'm starting to have self-doubts about my ability to succeed, having failed at weight loss sooooo many times.

I still have that little voice, I have gotten rid of ALMOST all of my "fatter" clothes but I have held on to a few. When I buy clothes now and they are a bit smaller, I think to myself that "this doesn't fit right", like I want to wear my old clothes even though they hang on me.

This is more of a mental struggle than I thought it would be. I need to believe MORE in myself .

for some reason I can't do the multi-quote??? It never works for me, so I just qoute and add my own comments within...does that make sense?

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Mal, I'm so excited to hear that Buster is feeling better! Prayers Work! And lots of love and a drink or two from an Atkins shake!

I was at work today interviewing some new nurses and as I was walking through the lobby, I looked over and saw Dr. K!

He waved and I just had to go over and say HI! I told him, I'd be giving some of his out of town patients rides back to their hotels. He said, "thanks!" He's so cute! I call him, "The Fat Whisperer" -- He's our Super Hero! When all else has failed for us Mini -- he gives us the tool, we need to succeed!

Nice segway ---

Mini, I believe, truly with all my heart that I will never be fat again! I have a long way to go, but I am learning daily what I need to - to be a powerful advocate for a healthier me! I'm learning the value of working out daily. Dr. K asked if I was feeling well and I said, "YES!" I do feel well. I feel great! I got my bi-annual fasting blood test results yesterday from my primary and after 4.5 months with the band -- my cholesterol was 150, LDL- 80, HDL -48, Trig. - 78!!! These are perfect results! AND my fasting glucose was 92! unbelievable!!! I spoke with my primary and asked him to make sure that the diagnosis of Diabetes was not on my chart! I was pre-diabetic, but getting the band reversed that and I never converted to full blown DM. I am thrilled with my results! I thank God for Dr. K and for the Lap Band!

I'm not perfect, it's not always easy, but it's possible! AND for the first time in my life, I don't feel out of control when it comes to food.< /span>

Brandy! You're sweet Hannah Faith is adorable! What a strong Baby Girl! I'm sure you are so proud of her. I have recently started looking at adopting a child with a special need, i.e. cleft lip/palate, aminotic banding, club feet. These children in some foreign countries are viewed as cursed. I'd love to adopt a sibling set or a singleton from a foreign country. Hannah is lucky to have such a wonderful Mom! I can't wait to see you tonight!

Deb! You're right about pets! I love animals! I can't imagine my life without them! I am a cat and a dog person! We had the sweetest Doberman named Nina. As my daughter was growing up, we had cats. She named them all -- Pouffy, Pepper, pumpkin, Pretty boy (can you tell she liked names that started with P's?) Our last cat was Buddy! Buddy was my most favorite cat in the entire world! He would go upstairs when we left for work and find that special stuffed animal and then come downstairs and fall asleep on it. What a Sweetie!

Well, I'm going to get ready for Red Robin's!

I hope to see you all there! I will miss you Mal! But I know spending time with your Baby is very important!



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I haven't gotten a chance to do all of the closet, but a good portion of it. Now, I really do have no clothes. None. And definately no summer clothes. Only really big tshirts. Don't know if I should cry from happiness or sadness! Now I sorta feel ashamed too because I'll be so shaby when I see you all tonight. And I still haven't made it over to get new pants...:) You'll have to love me in all my shabbiness.

Plus, today...I sold some "forever" furniture on craigs list. (Definition of "forever" furniture~~that laminent, really heavy, particle board furniture you bought a long long time ago, or inherited from someone in the family, that no matter what, still looks almost as good as the day you bought it and you never seem to get rid of it-ever, even though it clearly looks very dated.) I watched it go away from this house and actually felt very good about it. No tears!

Just thought I would share some milestones with you.

Can't wait to see you tonight!

OH, and Minni~ no I STILL don't feel deep in my heart like this weight loss is forever. Don't know if I ever will. But I took a step in the right direction today!

Pictures to follow later! :biggrin2::cool2::lol::w00t:

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I haven't gotten a chance to do all of the closet, but a good portion of it. Now, I really do have no clothes. None. And definately no summer clothes. Only really big tshirts. Don't know if I should cry from happiness or sadness! Now I sorta feel ashamed too because I'll be so shaby when I see you all tonight. And I still haven't made it over to get new pants...:) You'll have to love me in all my shabbiness.

Plus, today...I sold some "forever" furniture on craigs list. (Definition of "forever" furniture~~that laminent, really heavy, particle board furniture you bought a long long time ago, or inherited from someone in the family, that no matter what, still looks almost as good as the day you bought it and you never seem to get rid of it-ever, even though it clearly looks very dated.) I watched it go away from this house and actually felt very good about it. No tears!

Just thought I would share some milestones with you.

Can't wait to see you tonight!

OH, and Minni~ no I STILL don't feel deep in my heart like this weight loss is forever. Don't know if I ever will. But I took a step in the right direction today!

Pictures to follow later! :biggrin2::cool2::lol::w00t:



I have a bag in the corner of my bedroom and when I wear something and find it's huge on me, I mark it with a sharpy and then wash it, when it's clean, it goes into the bag!

My sizes are pretty large! BUT if anyone wears 5xl or 4xl, let me know! I have lots to give!

I can't wait to see you tonight AND it doesn't matter what you're wearing! GOT IT CHICKIE?



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dee - omg!! Your numbers are fantastic! What incredible news. And how cool would it be to adopt a little one (or two) with special needs. My goodness. That would be amazing.

Anita - good job with bagging up the clothes AND getting rid of the laminate furniture. Sometimes it just has to go.

You ladies have a wonderful evening tonight. I'll be there in spirit! Can't wait to see pics!

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Mal, I'm so excited to hear that Buster is feeling better! Prayers Work! And lots of love and a drink or two from an Atkins shake!

I was at work today interviewing some new nurses and as I was walking through the lobby, I looked over and saw Dr. K!

He waved and I just had to go over and say HI! I told him, I'd be giving some of his out of town patients rides back to their hotels. He said, "thanks!" He's so cute! I call him, "The Fat Whisperer" -- He's our Super Hero! When all else has failed for us Mini -- he gives us the tool, we need to succeed!

Nice segway ---

Mini, I believe, truly with all my heart that I will never be fat again! I have a long way to go, but I am learning daily what I need to - to be a powerful advocate for a healthier me! I'm learning the value of working out daily. Dr. K asked if I was feeling well and I said, "YES!" I do feel well. I feel great! I got my bi-annual fasting blood test results yesterday from my primary and after 4.5 months with the band -- my cholesterol was 150, LDL- 80, HDL -48, Trig. - 78!!! These are perfect results! AND my fasting glucose was 92! unbelievable!!! I spoke with my primary and asked him to make sure that the diagnosis of Diabetes was not on my chart! I was pre-diabetic, but getting the band reversed that and I never converted to full blown DM. I am thrilled with my results! I thank God for Dr. K and for the Lap Band!

I'm not perfect, it's not always easy, but it's possible! AND for the first time in my life, I don't feel out of control when it comes to food.< /span>

Brandy! You're sweet Hannah Faith is adorable! What a strong Baby Girl! I'm sure you are so proud of her. I have recently started looking at adopting a child with a special need, i.e. cleft lip/palate, aminotic banding, club feet. These children in some foreign countries are viewed as cursed. I'd love to adopt a sibling set or a singleton from a foreign country. Hannah is lucky to have such a wonderful Mom! I can't wait to see you tonight!

Deb! You're right about pets! I love animals! I can't imagine my life without them! I am a cat and a dog person! We had the sweetest Doberman named Nina. As my daughter was growing up, we had cats. She named them all -- Pouffy, Pepper, pumpkin, Pretty boy (can you tell she liked names that started with P's?) Our last cat was Buddy! Buddy was my most favorite cat in the entire world! He would go upstairs when we left for work and find that special stuffed animal and then come downstairs and fall asleep on it. What a Sweetie!

Well, I'm going to get ready for Red Robin's!

I hope to see you all there! I will miss you Mal! But I know spending time with your Baby is very important!



PS- I asked my vet one time what you call people who are both "cat people" and "dog people". She said she calls those people "tender-hearted". I thought that was awesome. So I guess we're just a bunch of tender-hearted folks on this board . . . my favorite kind!!!

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You are all TOO wonderful.. Good luck, Mini,in the next couple of weeks. I am leaving for Mexico on Wed. next week. Wish it were with a smaller body but too bad....it will be me and my magnificently large bod and the water!! Will check in when I get back.

Tomorrow I take my parents (78 and 82) to the casino to gamble for overnight. Whadaya gonna do? Can't have them driving themselves!!

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