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Dr. Gerald Kirshenbaum - Considering Dr. Kirshenbaum

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Dynamo-- Hope you are feeling better. Maybe you can get off the meds for good. Keep us updated...

Everyone -- Had another fill yesterday with Tom (Dr. K's assistant). He was GREAT!!! Very very gentle, took his time and made sure I had all the answers I needed. He also showed me my port on the ultrasound. That was way cool. I really liked him and I will start scheduling my fills with him. In fact my next one is already scheduled. I meet Tom when I went in for my pre-op, he had just started back with Dr. K. He was even at my surgery, he remembered trying to calm me down right before they took me in. He is a very nice guy.

Hope everyone had a good Valentines Day. Hope you have a great weekend. As for me I am off to Greeley to watch my daughter (16) play in a 3 day volleyball tournament. I used to look forward to it because I could snack all weekend, now I can't wait to hear everyone tell me how good I look.

Oh, on another note... I went by to see my hubby at work yesterday. I saw one of his co-workers asked me if I had last weight, he said how good I looked I was so happy!!!!:thumbup:

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Yay, Denise! How neat! For some reason I thought dr. k's PA was named Pat....I wonder where I get stuff like that? Ha! :eek: It can be pretty satisfying to have the loss acknowledged! Congrats again!

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bahotmama - thanks for the support. I feel fine, it was the episode of the very low BP that was horrible. Now I am more regular. The meds are going out of my system. I hope I can be off them permanently.

Woofay - I don't know if I told you, but you looked completely different last time. Your body is now fitting your little face and neck. Hoorah!!!

Mal - we won't talk to you if you don't come to RR next time. Just kidding. How is the stop smoking thing going? Is it any easier?

I subbed all day at the high school and really enjoyed it. I think that would be a fun thing to do again, at least part time.

Hugs to all,


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Please tell me I haven't messed up!!!!

Okay...I started my pre-op diet on Monday. I felt as if I was doing okay, but I have just read that raw carrots and corn are no, no's!! I have ate some raw carrots this week and a 1/2 of a corn on the cob last night!!! :eek:CRAP!! Please tell me this will be okay!! I hate freaking out!! But...I didn't not pay all this money to screw this up.

Good news is I'm 28.5 lbs down since Jan. 1. :thumbup:Woohooo! But...please tell me these boo-boos will be okay.


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Don't worry Amieru! There is a little difference between the "induction" phase of Atkins and what Dr. K wants us to do to shrink our liver. As long as you leave alone the breads, Pasta, rice, potatoes and sugar...you'll be fine for surgery. And congrats on your weight loss! You're doing so well! Corn is essentialy a starch, along with peas. And there are a few grams of carbs in carrots, although not huge. Sooo, if you were doing the induction phase of the Atkins diet, you goal of ketosis may be effected. But that's not really what Dr. K wants.

9 more days and you'll be a bandster!!!! Woo hoo! :)

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Amieru - I second what Woofay says, she's a trained dietician and knows her stuff. I also think that you can wash away a bad eating day by super hydration with Water and eating really lean stuff. The thing about the band isn't that you blow it one day and that is the end of the diet; it is a lifestyle change. I have found myself much more aware of the food I put in my mouth. I am more honest about it and unhappy though I may be, I try to accept a transgression as part of the process. It isn't a race, but it sure feels good to drop those extra pounds. Woo Hoo! 9 days and counting.

My next fill is on the 29th and I can feel the need. I find that I am not as full after eating as I was before. It doesn't stay with me, and yesterday I didn't eat lunch so I ate a piece of reduced fat coffee cake and ate a half bag of popcorn at the movies (old behaviors), which is something my band wouldn't have allowed if it was tight enough. So, there you have my guilt Ameiru. I did log the calories and the guilt on my calorie king site. I worked out both yesterday and today, so I will have to go from here. I need to say to myself, this isn't a good or bad thing, just part of the process.

We are trying to decide whether we can drive into the mountains for my nephew's third birthday. My mom is a white knuckle passenger, if it was just me, I'd go. I am checking with CDOT. I don't want whiteout conditions like Woofay had on her ride home

Mal, Dee, Mare, John, Lap and everbody else - how are you doing?

Hugs all,


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Hola Banditos!

I am still around...lurking more than posting. Not much new here. Doing half the medication, feeling better.

Dynamo~Which HS did you sub at? Happy to hear that the meds are working out of your system, how scary that must have been for you! Thank goodness your trainer was with you.

woofay~how's the new job? I LOVe the belly ups...I do them all the time, sitting, walking, laying down, I am always holding my stomach in and holding it. Thanks Dynamo!

Tied2b~Hows the band treating you? are you using the journal?

Lap~Hope all the yuckies are gone, breath well and feel better!

Has anyone heard from Mare? Drews? VA?

I am off shopping today for new pants! Smaller ones!!!

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Hola Banditos!

I am still around...lurking more than posting. Not much new here. Doing half the medication, feeling better.

Dynamo~Which HS did you sub at? Happy to hear that the meds are working out of your system, how scary that must have been for you! Thank goodness your trainer was with you.

woofay~how's the new job? I LOVe the belly ups...I do them all the time, sitting, walking, laying down, I am always holding my stomach in and holding it. Thanks Dynamo!

Tied2b~Hows the band treating you? are you using the journal?

Lap~Hope all the yuckies are gone, breath well and feel better!

Has anyone heard from Mare? Drews? VA?

I am off shopping today for new pants! Smaller ones!!!

The band is treating me really well!

AND I am using the journal! I love it! I put my pictures in it and all kinds of goodies!

AGAIN thank you so much for thinking of me!

AND I loved that you visited me in the hospital! Glad to hear you're feeling better! I will be needing new pants too! I can't wear my 5x or 4x anymore! Yippie!!!

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Hi everybody!

I've been home from Colorado since late Friday evening, but this is the first time I've really felt like sitting at the computer.

I had a great experience in Colorado. We landed Wednesday morning and picked up our rental car. Then we drove around a bit and finally stopped at the Red Robin near Dr. K's office for lunch. Then I had my pre-op appointment with Dr. K and his student, Doug. I found out that Doug is from my area so we talked a lot about that. I didn't have many questions for Dr.K, I was just ready for it. He was as kind and easy to talk to as everyone says that he is. I also met Natalie, Mary and Robin and I made my first fill appointment, for March 18.

Wednesday night we just hung out in our hotel room and ordered room service (yes, I still stayed on the pre-op diet). We got a nice surprise with several inches of snow Thursday morning. Luckily we were staying at the Holiday Inn Select right across the street from Parker Hospital so it took no time to get over there for my surgery. It all went pretty fast. I did get a little annoyed that the nurse tried the smaller bp cuff on me; my big arm always needs the bigger one to get an accurate reading. Otherwise, it looks like I have sky-high bp. Anyway, no big deal. I was glad that she numbed my hand a little before putting in the IV.

I remember being in the OR with oxygen on but then that was it until I was suddenly looking around at the blurry world (obviously I had no contacts in or glasses). I got some pain meds in my IV and soon enough they were bringing my DH back. I had an orange popsicle. Dr K came by and told me that everything went great. Of course I had to ask about my liver and he said that it was fine.

I did feel somewhat rushed out of recovery, though. Has anyone else had that experience at Crown Point? They were nice as could be but I had to ask for a few more minutes. It felt like they were putting on my clothes (they put on my socks, underwear, pants and shoes, my DH helped with my shirt) as fast as they could. I knew they were busy, but...

Anyway, we'd already gotten my prescriptions filled of course so I just spent the rest of the day in bed. Mostly just sipped a little Water and some diluted apple juice. I did keep taking the liquid Lortab every 4-6 hours and didn't have much pain at all. I think the gas settled in my neck and upper back because they were pretty stiff.

Yesterday morning we checked out of the hotel and went to a mall to walk around. At the food court, DH got me some chicken Soup and a slushee-type thing I had maybe 2-3 spoonfuls of the soup broth and a few spoonfuls of the slushee. Zero appetite, which i guess makes sense but it is weird to see me throwing away nearly full containers of food!

No problems with our flight there or back. I upgraded from coach to business and it made a huge difference. On the way back the flight attendants were especially nice. Unfortunately, though, I started feeling a little nauseous about halfway home. Luckily I had the anti-nausea dissolving tablets and took care of it right away. I was also overdue for my next "hit" of Lortab so that might've contributed to feeling so gross. I was pretty wiped by the time we got home and the walk to the car seemed endless. I barely recall getting into bed Friday night.

I've spent most of the past two days on the sofa but have made myself get up to walk periodically. I had some bad gas pains Saturday night but walking and Gas X relieved them. I still don't have an appetite really, but have been sipping on water, diluted juice, crystal light, broth. Tomorrow I'm going to try out some baby food, I think.

So here I am in Bandlandia! Very happy to be on the other side and full of hope for the future. :cheers2: Thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers!

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Viri~~~yay!!!!!! Your banded!!!!! Congrats!!! I'm so excited for you! Welcome to your new life! Sounds like it went like clockwork! I had it done in Parker too, but I didn't have the rush thing...in fact, I was still there at 5pm and I just sat there chatting with the greatest nurses ever. Sorry you felt rushed. I've had surgeries before where it was rushed like that. The whole, hurry, their awake get them outta here thing. (actually, several surgeries like that cuz i really sleep forever after being put under!)

So, you say the asssistance's name for Dr. K. is Doug??? Okay, I've heard, Pat, Tom and now Doug...heehee! I wonder what the poor guys real name is!

Isn't the whole office of people really neat? I can't imagine meeting them all right before surgery, but lots of people from out of town do.

Are you planning to come out here for after care too? It would be so cool to meet you! Maybe here for a Red Robin night? :cheers2: It's just so neat to make real people out of these posts! (not that anyone thinks we aren't all real people!)


Hope all goes well!:ohmy:

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Hi everybody!

I've been home from Colorado since late Friday evening, but this is the first time I've really felt like sitting at the computer.

I had a great experience in Colorado. We landed Wednesday morning and picked up our rental car. Then we drove around a bit and finally stopped at the Red Robin near Dr. K's office for lunch. Then I had my pre-op appointment with Dr. K and his student, Doug. I found out that Doug is from my area so we talked a lot about that. I didn't have many questions for Dr.K, I was just ready for it. He was as kind and easy to talk to as everyone says that he is. I also met Natalie, Mary and Robin and I made my first fill appointment, for March 18.

Wednesday night we just hung out in our hotel room and ordered room service (yes, I still stayed on the pre-op diet). We got a nice surprise with several inches of snow Thursday morning. Luckily we were staying at the Holiday Inn Select right across the street from Parker Hospital so it took no time to get over there for my surgery. It all went pretty fast. I did get a little annoyed that the nurse tried the smaller bp cuff on me; my big arm always needs the bigger one to get an accurate reading. Otherwise, it looks like I have sky-high bp. Anyway, no big deal. I was glad that she numbed my hand a little before putting in the IV.

I remember being in the OR with oxygen on but then that was it until I was suddenly looking around at the blurry world (obviously I had no contacts in or glasses). I got some pain meds in my IV and soon enough they were bringing my DH back. I had an orange popsicle. Dr K came by and told me that everything went great. Of course I had to ask about my liver and he said that it was fine.

I did feel somewhat rushed out of recovery, though. Has anyone else had that experience at Crown Point? They were nice as could be but I had to ask for a few more minutes. It felt like they were putting on my clothes (they put on my socks, underwear, pants and shoes, my DH helped with my shirt) as fast as they could. I knew they were busy, but...

Anyway, we'd already gotten my prescriptions filled of course so I just spent the rest of the day in bed. Mostly just sipped a little Water and some diluted apple juice. I did keep taking the liquid Lortab every 4-6 hours and didn't have much pain at all. I think the gas settled in my neck and upper back because they were pretty stiff.

Yesterday morning we checked out of the hotel and went to a mall to walk around. At the food court, DH got me some chicken Soup and a slushee-type thing I had maybe 2-3 spoonfuls of the soup broth and a few spoonfuls of the slushee. Zero appetite, which i guess makes sense but it is weird to see me throwing away nearly full containers of food!

No problems with our flight there or back. I upgraded from coach to business and it made a huge difference. On the way back the flight attendants were especially nice. Unfortunately, though, I started feeling a little nauseous about halfway home. Luckily I had the anti-nausea dissolving tablets and took care of it right away. I was also overdue for my next "hit" of Lortab so that might've contributed to feeling so gross. I was pretty wiped by the time we got home and the walk to the car seemed endless. I barely recall getting into bed Friday night.

I've spent most of the past two days on the sofa but have made myself get up to walk periodically. I had some bad gas pains Saturday night but walking and Gas X relieved them. I still don't have an appetite really, but have been sipping on water, diluted juice, crystal light, broth. Tomorrow I'm going to try out some baby food, I think.

So here I am in Bandlandia! Very happy to be on the other side and full of hope for the future. :cheers2: Thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers!


I'm so happy to hear that things went well!

I'm glad you stayed at the Holiday Inn Select. I think it just makes things so much easier if you don't have to drive so far for the surgery. Also the airport is a straight shot going east off of E470!

A piece of cake!

Or in your case a nice cold popsicle!

Good to have you in Bandlandia! It's a nice place to be!


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Viri~~~yay!!!!!! Your banded!!!!! Congrats!!! I'm so excited for you! Welcome to your new life! Sounds like it went like clockwork! I had it done in Parker too, but I didn't have the rush thing...in fact, I was still there at 5pm and I just sat there chatting with the greatest nurses ever. Sorry you felt rushed. I've had surgeries before where it was rushed like that. The whole, hurry, their awake get them outta here thing. (actually, several surgeries like that cuz i really sleep forever after being put under!)

So, you say the asssistance's name for Dr. K. is Doug??? Okay, I've heard, Pat, Tom and now Doug...heehee! I wonder what the poor guys real name is!

Isn't the whole office of people really neat? I can't imagine meeting them all right before surgery, but lots of people from out of town do.

Are you planning to come out here for after care too? It would be so cool to meet you! Maybe here for a Red Robin night? :cheers2: It's just so neat to make real people out of these posts! (not that anyone thinks we aren't all real people!)


Hope all goes well!:ohmy:

Hey Anita!

I think Doug is his student's name. I'm not sure what his PA's name is. I can't remember right now!

He sometimes has PA and Med Students precepting with him.

Have a good night!


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First I am sending you a bit of Florida and some peeks at some future projects of art and gallery ponderings for a show with several other artists.

A few of several hundred photos I took yesterday. Enjoy:>>>>>>>>

http://picasaweb.google.com/handjive1228/February/photo?authkey=_ZSIkB4khkk#s5167750174820141154 <<<<<<<

FATWIDOW: Don't give up on yourself, always have a Plan B and Plan C, wish I was with you to Water walk. I love water aerobics...it's the best.

BAHOTMAMA: How did the fill sit? You doing good?

WoOFAY: I'm the one who screws up names...let's see we've got Natalie as what did I call her? Denise? I can't remember. And Pat for Tom. Smiling:tongue_smilie:I'm the name goof here. Sending hugs your way.

:wub::wub::wub: Valentines Day

Anyone struggle? Life played a cruel joke on me. I forgot I am allergic to replacement/faux chocolate substitutes....whoooah..I was riding the Porcelain Pony:crying:

less than an hour after I had four pieces of WhipassMan's Chocolates. :eek: whoa. Ask me if I will ever eat them again? Mental note is now in concrete.:ohmy::tt1::wub::cheers2:

Mal your notes are encouraging and I thank you here for them. I am STILL sick folks, still have the hack, still coughing. I'm so done with this. But it hangs on. Stomach is very sore and I have so much drainage that it's like a slime machine back there cranking out Gack anyone remember Gack? Great toy, felt cold and kinda cool but wouldn't want it in my throat.

Tied2BFit I started several journals. I have my original one and now began anothe rone on BLOGGER. I like that one because I can sync to other bloggers and also sync with photos. Writing is becoming VERY liberating for me.

Amieru way to go!!! 28 pounds. Dang girl you are going to do AWESOME! No you didn't screw up.:lol: Keep it going. Call Natalie if you have any questions.

viridescence: Congrats to you! :lol: Welcome to Bandito Land. :lol: I laughed reading about the blood pressure cuff. My arm is shrinking and I always take the mumbo jumbo surper size but NOW they have been able to use a regular cuff on me. That's a perk to losing weight. Things start changing in the smallest areas of your life.

Glad you stayed so close to the Crowne. I like the Holiday Inn. It was small enough, off the beaten track and THISCLOSE to where we had to go. Not to mention those within walking distance dinner places. You sound strong. Keep going. You will do fabulously.

Folks I am doing better, still sick but better. Began REALLY walking this past week. Decided to inspire myself more by taking my camera. Hubby and I are doing this together. He just got a positive for diabetes and also found out he has cancer...now don't freak out. I am ignorant to prostate cancer but we have the Mack Daddy of clinics one hour from here in Tampa that he is going to. We caught it early and he is doing fine. all for a purpose I believe that. Next step will be the bike rides. I am moving more and more with each passing week. Sickness has slowed my weightloss but that's fine. I'm not going anywhere. Restriction is still awesome. I feel great. Able to intake just a tad more but I am still within a reasonable and normal intake of healthy foods. I ingest a lot of Meditteranean foods as I love Greek food. Nice dark leafy items and lightly prepared. Salads are my mainstay, dark leafy ARUGALA (greens of the Gods).

Until next time. Hugs your way.


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Lap Dancer~ just went and looked at your pics...wow! There are three there that I think are class act! One called Glades path, one called Sea Gull (first one) and the first one of a ship in the harbor...wow are those pics amazing! Well, actually, they are all great! The pics of the palm trees sure make me home sick for Phoenix! We had three sky scraper palms in our front yard...they are an amazing tree! I'll dig out pics of them and get them sent to you. And your hubby has a Colorado hat on! How neat is that! I hope that all goes well with the cancer dx...glad you caught it early. My prayers and vibes so go your way!

Dee~ hey! How are ya doing? So the PA and the assistant are two differnent people...okay! Well, at least I'm not totally nuts!:cheers2:

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Hi Everyone~

I am back and 4-5 pounds HEAVIER than when I left!! ACK!!!

I am definately due for a fill and hopefully can get in SOON! You would have been amazaed at the amt. that I ate. Just like vacation....

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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