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Dr. Gerald Kirshenbaum - Considering Dr. Kirshenbaum

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LA -- If that pain persists or worsens, I'd absolutely call Dr. K. I'm 4 months out and experience some port tenderness occasionally after working all day (I sit at a computer) because my poor posture puts pressure in the area, but after it is always gone after I'm able to get up and about. But experiencing sudden onset of port pain at 1 week is something to consult with the surgeon about.

Tina -- Good to hear from you and the babies and glad that you're all on the mend. I promise, it gets easier after the first few years when you feel like you're at the MD office every week with colds, ear infections, stomach bugs.......

Woofay -- I hope the strep is gone and you're enjoying your new job. Sounds like you've got the best of mommy-friendly schedules!

Mal -- Bless your heart! I hope that's the first and only stones you have. Everytime I ever heard anyone talk about kidney stones they always start out with "I thought I was dying..." I can only imagine!:tongue:

Dee! Dee! Dee! It's your week, girl!!!!! Positive thoughts and quick healing vibes are going out to you! :smile:

Sending all of you good wishes and hope for the best of weeks. Trying to get back to the exercise this week -- I've put it off long enough and want to experience some of those "exercise highs" that you guys are feeling -- it's never happened before for me (probably because I've never, ever exercised consistently :eek:)

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Mal~ OMG! You poor girl! Men say its their excuse to drink a lot of beer to kill the pain and pass the stone...Are you feeling better yet? I had gallstones once and that's supposed to be pretty mild compared to what you are going through. Feel better soon!

LA~ I felt like that too after my surgery. I was off pain meds for about 8 days, doing well, then all of a sudden I had about two days where I used the pain meds, on schedule cuz I could tell they were wearing off. I was upset too that the pain could come back. If it persists very long, you should prolly give the Doc a call...

ShelbiCallie~Hey! Good to hear from ya! How are you doing? Is your band treating you right? I hope the strep is done...My son goes back to school today. Yay! And I've actually kept up on all the times he is supposed to get this awful medicine. Even with the flavor added, I just don't see how he gets it down....Yuck!

Bahot~ Work it girl! I'm so proud of you for getting on that treadmill! You can do it! I have a personal adversion to exersize...I'm sure I will melt or die or something worse than death if I exercize. Maybe I will get kidney stones if I exercize?

DEE!!!!!!! TOMORROW IS THE DAY!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!! Are you freaky excited!!!!!!:smile::eek::tongue:

Have a great day, All! I haven't started working yet...I think I find out today or tomorrow when my first day is. Background check stuff they said takes several days.

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How you feelin' Mal???

My stones are also Calcium based, and I don't drink milk either. WEIRD! Lots of fluids and a hot bath or shower did wonders. Hope your feeling better soon!!!

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Woofay-- You can do it if I can do it. I hate working out as well I just know that it is somthing I have to do everyday with 1 day off for good behavior. :D

LA-- How are you doing. Looks like the weight it just dropping off. GREAT JOB!! :rolleyes:

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Thanks LA~it went from an achy back to full blown "OMG, I'm gonna die" in about 30 minutes! Just barely enough time to load the car (thank goodness my hubby was with us) and head straigh to the ER. The most bizzare and awful experience of my life! I guess it or they have passed through the kidney. I am so scared of not being on the pain medicine, I fear the pain will still be there...

How in the world does your friend live with having this? I want to be on morphine for the rest of my life so that I will never feel that kind of pin ever again!

Mal - you poor thing! Andrew JUST had two stones! Attack came on on a Wed. night and by the next Wed. he passed one and a few days later passed the other. Thing to know...when you have even a tingle of pain, take the meds! Drink LOTS of liquids to get them out! Depends on their size (usually they're passable), the doc should've done a test (ultrasound or there's a new kidney stone CT scan that can be done - that's what Andrew had in Anchorage)to see how many and what size they are. Sometimes the doc wants you to "catch" the stones in a strainer so they can be annalyzed. They didn't have us do that. Andrew said he was "achy" for a day after, but we've had NO pain since! So there's a bright future! :D

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Michelle, how was the play? My best friend wants to go see that! Let me know!


Brandy - the play was wonderful and very worth seeing. I was really worried that the play wouldn't do justice to the novel, but it held it's own and wasn't whitewashed or over done. I highly recommend it.

Mal - how are you doing today? I read about the stones. Your pain was a similar pain that my Todd had with Pancreatitis, no laughing matter. Oh dear. Glad things have subsided, don't go getting hooked on those pain killers. I did that once, and it is really hard to let them go. Todd is still having nightmares about the pain. Really big hugs to you!!!

Dee - You will sail through the surgery tomorrow. You go girl! Hugs and a kiss to you!!!! Best wishes flowing your way. :wink2::wink2::wink2:

I am doing ok. I am frustrated :frown: that I am not dropping any weight, when I am so careful. I am logging everything that is going between my lips. I am sometimes at 1500 or 1600 and it counter-balances when I am at 1250. Even with the exercise, I don't drop weight. I will have to bite the bullet and reduce my calories or up my exercise; neither of which my trainer supports.:tt1::confused::frown::confused::lol::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused: any ideas for me out there?

I am excited to go to Breckenridge to see the ice sculptures on Thurs/Friday. A friend and I are either going to get a condo or stay at my sister's house. It will be fun.

Sorry about the bitch session and poor me stuff.

Hugs to all,

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Hola Banditos!

Thanks for all the well wishes, they are working, I am feeling better. I went to my Doc and he checked my urine today and siad it was clear. I have been shakey and weak all day, he checked my blood sugar, it was 80, so he told me to have a piece of candy. I am still achey and feel a bit weak, but I feel soooo much better than Saturday (yesterday I was in bed all day). My Doc also said he doesn't think the rash on my back is pre-shingles...yeah!

Thanks again....I hope I NEVER exerience that again! If drinking a gallon of Water a day will do it, then I'll drink a gallon! But my doc said he thinks 80oz a day should be fine.

Dee~I am going to try to visit you tomorrow after work. I will be thinking about you! All will go well my friend!

Dynamo~I understand how Todd would have nightmares...whenever I think about how horrid that pain was for me, I cry! I am so terrified of feeling that pain again. Does Todd have something he can take if he feels it coming on? GAWD I wish I could have a shot of morphine on hand just incase...would'nt that be nice. Honestly do we ever have to suffer?

ooooo, the ice sculptures in Brekenridge...I'll send you this email I got today...beautiful!

Marcy~your hubby must be SUPERMAN! That is incredible, he had to wait a week??? I did have a CAT scan, the ER doc mumbled something about crystals...I was kind of out of it...thanks to the morphine...he also said drink lots of water which I have been, so I guess its gone? I have pee'd soooooo much! I just want to feel normal again, no more aches, shakes and weakness...blah! I'm impatient! at least I don't have shingles!!! Yahooo! I didn't think I could be THAT unfortunate!

Thanks again mi banditos!

Lots of positive thoughts sent to Dee!!!

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I'm so proud of myself today! I usually walk 15 laps (across my 1 acre fenced in area) while I'm watching my class outside. But today.....I did 30 laps total...15 in the morning and 15 in the afternoon!!!! I ROCK!!!! My legs are a little sore...but I DID IT! I guess I'm making up for not being able to do it last week because of the bitter cold weather. Sorry...just had to give myself pats on the back!

Dee - You'll do great! Best wishes for a speedy recovery!

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Seriously Lap that is so cool! I have my proficiency in ASL. It has been about 7 years since I have used it so it has all but left me. I really wish I would have kept up with it! I LOVED it. I would love your job.

Have a question for you gals. I am doing really well, feeling great. My incisions are healing nicely. My problem is I am all of a sudden having some port pain. Or what I perceive as port pain. I used to be able to sleep on my sides and my stomach, but last night I had a hard time getting comfy. My stomach is very tender all of a sudden. I am not running a fever so I am not worried about an infection per say... but I am just curious why now, 1+ week after that I am having some discomfort. Anyone else have that?

BAhotmama kudos on the workout!!! Way to go..feel the burn! :confused:

Mal how you doing? Pipes doing fine? :tt1:

Dynamo - Hey Chi Chi how's that personal trainer going? How was the play?

When I think of Colorado I think of you!!

I just saw where a band that I adore ( 80's band ) is playing Red Rocks this summer. Will most likely make that show. :lol:

Anyone feel like going to see R.E.M.?

Anita you doing okay?

Dee best to you tomorrow. :frown:

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I'm so proud of myself today! I usually walk 15 laps (across my 1 acre fenced in area) while I'm watching my class outside. But today.....I did 30 laps total...15 in the morning and 15 in the afternoon!!!! I ROCK!!!! My legs are a little sore...but I DID IT! I guess I'm making up for not being able to do it last week because of the bitter cold weather. Sorry...just had to give myself pats on the back!

Dee - You'll do great! Best wishes for a speedy recovery!

Amie this inspires me. I so hate exercise. It is my bane. I have a thing about running in circles, going back ...retracing my steps. It's a quirk really. I have this compulsion to feel movement in a direction results in getting something, arriving at a place. If I'm in a car and I forgot something, turning around and going back home takes my nth degree of force. What I HAVE been doing is moving. Walking the long way to classes, taking long strides. When I see someone doing the fence line...wow. 30 laps is awesome.

Be proud!

LA- $10 bucks says you + deaf person = 10 minutes and your hands would start twitching to talk!! (smiles) Hit me up on Myspace...my name is Patty_Lane on there. I have a video on my blog, it's public called "sign language" go to it, soooo cool. A song interpreted in full on makeup.

Love to all!

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BAhotmama kudos on the workout!!! Way to go..feel the burn! :confused:

Mal how you doing? Pipes doing fine? :tt1:

Dynamo - Hey Chi Chi how's that personal trainer going? How was the play?

When I think of Colorado I think of you!!

I just saw where a band that I adore ( 80's band ) is playing Red Rocks this summer. Will most likely make that show. :confused:

Anyone feel like going to see R.E.M.?

Anita you doing okay?

Dee best to you tomorrow. :frown:


I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to go see REM at Red Rocks!! Me and a coworker go see Dave Matthews every summer, and we were talking about going to Colorado this year to see him too! Let me know details...REM was the soundtrack of my teen years....I still can't hear "It's the End of the World As We Know It" without dancing...wow, that brings back memories. Green is one of my all time favorite albums, not a bad song on it. And Nightswimming is one of my favorite songs. Coldplay was just on Austin City Limits and performed Nightswimming with Michael Stipe and it was awesome...I have been trying to find the DVD somewhere but there doesn't seem to be one.


Before I was a nurse, I was an EMT and Emergency Medical Dispatcher. One night, a wife of one of the paramedics I worked with called me requesting an ambulance. In the background, this big, tough paramedic was literally crying and screaming like a baby. You guessed it...he had a kidney stone. So after hearing him cry like he did, I can pretty much guess how painful it must be. I had a painful gallbladder attack and I know a kidney stone is about 200 times more painful, so you have my sympathies! I am glad you are feeling better and I hope you never have to go through that again!


Tomorrow is the BIG DAY!! YOU GO GIRL!!!!! I think I speak for everyone when I say we all love you, will be thinking of you, and will be sending healthy wishes your way! Let us know as soon as you feel up to it how things went!!:confused:

Other than that, I don't know much. I had my second fill last week, and finally feel some restriction. I had lost 3 pounds between Tues and Sat when I weighed myself at work. Also, for any of you that followed my drama with my initially scheduled surgery at my hospital, I got the chance to confront my original surgeon the other morning about her lack of action regarding what happened. I was very professional, I was not on the clock, I was on my way out of the hospital. But it was very cathartic to nicely tell her I think she sucks!! She snidely told me "Well, I'm glad you got your surgery done but good luck finding someone to do your fills now." I just sweetly smiled and told her "No problems there, your former partner was more than willing to take me as a patient and was very interested in hearing my story about what happened." Her self satisfied smile went away then!! (My fill doctor left their practice on bad terms, partially because she is such a beotch!!) I was a bit of a drama queen this weekend, but she had it coming! The whole staff in Surgical ICU was laughing because when this surgeon saw I was there in the unit, she practically RAN out of the unit. She couldn't leave fast enough. But I chased her down...evil of me, yes. Did she deserve it? Absolutely. Do I feel better about the whole thing now? A little bit...:lol:

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Oh! I almost forgot to tell you gals, I had my first NSV the other night when I floated to SICU at the other hospital. One of the nurses that hadn't seen me in awhile walked into the unit and said "Oh my God, you have lost so much weight!" Hey, I've only lost 20 pounds, but it sure did make me feel good that people that don't know I was banded have started to notice!:tt1:

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Wow Guys!

Thank you so much for all of the well-wishes!

15 hours and I'll be getting 'tied to be fit' My band will be placed around my tummy! AND my new birthday will begin!

I am so excited AND so scared at the same time!

Thanks Munchkin for calling me tonight, You're adorable!

:tt1:We're having a big group hug! Thank you Thank you Thank you!

Mal, I know you've had a bad couple of days. If you can't drop by the hospital I understand. BUT if you can, I would love it! :frown:

Thanks Shelbi for the healing vibes, I'll take them!

Anita, yes, I am freaking excited and freaking nervous, my Mom, bless her heart, asked me if I had my 'affairs in order' -- yikes! but by the end of the conversation she was very supportive and very sweet! That's just my Mom!

Michelle, Thanks! A big Kiss and hug back at ya!

Amieru, Thanks! You're really working out hard! Good for you!

Lap, Thanks for all the smilies! I love you guys!

Brandy, are we still going to meet you at Red Robin? Thanks!!!

Peeps, you've seen me through one of the worst disappointments of my life. You have sent your love through your posts. I think you all are absolutely wonderful. I needed your support in November and you were all there. I so appreciate being part of this group. It was a true blessed gift when I came upon this site.


Love and Kisses,


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Other than that, I don't know much. I had my second fill last week, and finally feel some restriction. I had lost 3 pounds between Tues and Sat when I weighed myself at work. Also, for any of you that followed my drama with my initially scheduled surgery at my hospital, I got the chance to confront my original surgeon the other morning about her lack of action regarding what happened. I was very professional, I was not on the clock, I was on my way out of the hospital. But it was very cathartic to nicely tell her I think she sucks!! She snidely told me "Well, I'm glad you got your surgery done but good luck finding someone to do your fills now." I just sweetly smiled and told her "No problems there, your former partner was more than willing to take me as a patient and was very interested in hearing my story about what happened." Her self satisfied smile went away then!! (My fill doctor left their practice on bad terms, partially because she is such a beotch!!) I was a bit of a drama queen this weekend, but she had it coming! The whole staff in Surgical ICU was laughing because when this surgeon saw I was there in the unit, she practically RAN out of the unit. She couldn't leave fast enough. But I chased her down...evil of me, yes. Did she deserve it? Absolutely. Do I feel better about the whole thing now? A little bit...:tt1:

You Go Girl! Good for you!!! I am so proud of you! I think you needed to do that! I still can't believe she did what she did to you! I hope you scared the pee out of her when she saw you were working there! You had the last word!



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Seriously Lap that is so cool! I have my proficiency in ASL. It has been about 7 years since I have used it so it has all but left me. I really wish I would have kept up with it! I LOVED it. I would love your job.

Have a question for you gals. I am doing really well, feeling great. My incisions are healing nicely. My problem is I am all of a sudden having some port pain. Or what I perceive as port pain. I used to be able to sleep on my sides and my stomach, but last night I had a hard time getting comfy. My stomach is very tender all of a sudden. I am not running a fever so I am not worried about an infection per say... but I am just curious why now, 1+ week after that I am having some discomfort. Anyone else have that?

I had a similar problem for a few months...felt like a sharp pain right near my port. Dr. K explained that it was probably a nerve trying to grow back together...there are a bunch of them in that area I guess. He said that as long as it wasn't red, swollen, or oozing, then this was probably the issue. I noticed that the pain was worse when I was "doing too much", but I haven't had it in a LOONNNNGGGG time...:tt1:

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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