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Thank you Mal, I know that you're right, it's just so very hard to convince myself of that. I guess that just shows how low my self-esteem has gotten, I don't feel like I'm worth it at all.

I felt the same way. I struggled with "I am not worth it" for years. I have always (and still do) put everyone else before me. I feel like the worlds largest door mat at times. Taking 10 thousand dollars for myself was tough and it took a lot of souls searching. In the end, the surgery was mostly for me, but with it being done would give me a healthier life style and allow me to do things with my family and friends that I avoided before. Believe me..YOU ARE WORTH IT and gosh darn it so am I!!

I can't get a no interest card unfortunately -- I have tried just about everything to come up with the money that I can think of (short of asking my parents but that is just not an option with me at all). So last resort, here I am. Raised the limit on my credit card and this is what I will use. Hopefully I can consolidate in some way or do something else to get down the interest/balance in the future. It's just money, right? :cool:

You go! Do what you have to do, this is important to you and you will find a way to make it happen!:eek:


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Hey All,

I'm having my surgery Jan 30th and while I had good feel from the office, I'm still really nervous (just the whole am I going to fail at this fear). So far everyone at the office has been great and gone out of their way to make me feel as comfortable as possible. They let me email them questions and it's been a great help. Surgery is 2 weeks away and counting. I'm nervous but ready.

Deevah~WELCOME! The 30th...you are a day after tied2bfit! We all have been through the pre op jitters and the post op "what the heck did I do"!! Someone should write a book about the steps and emotions of LB patients. Excitement, nervous, fear, then excitement again, then nervous...you know how it goes, then when it is all said and done and we are ready to surrender to the band and really work with it (I am still working on that) I think that will be euphoria!! We are all iln this together and it is nice to have a place taht we can talk about and be understood. Deevah, congrats on taking that step toward good health and happiness!:cool:

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Hi Everyone -

Well my son, Todd is out of the hospital and back in the Springs. He had an MRI today, instead of the scope, and they are putting everything on hold until something else happens. Oh well. They said the scope might cause another bout of pancreatitis.

I am trying to boost up my IQ points, because I am watching American Idol tonight - Yeah! and you can lose a few IQ points doing that.

Deevah - welcome and best of luck. You know this was easier surgery than any other surgery I have ever had, the challenges come after when you heal and have to face the food monster.

Viri - good luck with the funding. It is a bunch of money, but for me my health and well being are more important. I don't think I could lose the weight I need to and keep it off without banding, but I, too, had to get over the guilt of thinking that I was wasting my money on yet another diet failure. The reality for me was that I couldn't do it and keep it off without the band. That was an awakening of sorts. The other concept that I had to get over was that the band would solve my dieting problems. That hasn't been the case. I have needed to confront all aspects of my lifestyle to really make the band work for me. Good luck. This is a great place for support.

Hugs all,


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Dynamo~ I am happy for Todd that he is out of the hospital, but WOW, why wait until he has another episode? There has to be something they can do??? Darn it!

I am sooo watching AI too! I cried, I laughed, and I lost A LOT of IQ points! I love the crazy sparkly girl...she is freakin out though!!

I worked out tonight NSV 1330 mile on the elpitical...shooting for 12!! Did 1.5 on the bike and then finished my 3 miles on the treadmill (boring). Did the free weights and that was that...another workout done!

I do seem hungrier after working out. I have an appointment for a fill on the 31st.

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Thanks everyone for the encouraging words! I am doing MUCH MUCH better today. Excited as shit! :dance: Woo hoo!

I am all packed! My flight leaves early this morning. I get off work at 6am, race home to get the hubby, race to the airport, flight leaves at 8am, land at 11:35am in Denver, pre-op appointment at 1pm. :fear:

I am crossing my fingers I make my pre-op appointment! I hear y'all have snow today and it is going to be coooooold. I just hope that doesn't delay my plane... or I may be meeting with the good Dr the morning of my Surgery. Eek! :doh: Doh!

Tomorrow is my big day! Yeah yeah! :boxing: I will call Mona and let her know how I am doing. Not sure I will have internet access again until Sunday, so she can update y'all.

Dynamo~ Glad to hear Todd is out of the hospital. Everything on hold to something else happens? That is kind of scary.

Viri~ I am right there with ya girly on freaking out about the money. I think that is why this decision has been so freaking HARD. If insurance would pay for it, I wouldn't be second guessing everything!

Hang in there. I know two bills seems harder than one large bill, but if the interest rates are going to be higher, you need to do what is better for the long run! So split them up if you have to!

I have my credit card and then my surgery bill. They are both 0% right now, but one raises sooner than the other, so it made sense to split them up.

I will let you know how it goes! hehe. I have a feeling I will be joining in with other ladies here telling you to go for it! :thumb: And YOU ARE WORTH IT!

Deevah~ Welcome... welcome!! These 2 weeks will go SOOOO freaking fast! Isn't everyone at Dr. K's office sooo nice. Out of the all the surgeons and seminars I went to (ok only 5 surgeons and 2 seminars) Dr K's staff has been the ONLY friendly ones.

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LA~sounds like you are going to have a crazy busy day today. You should be wiped out at the end of the day and ready for a good nights sleep before your surgery. What time do you have surgery tomorrow? Don't worry about the pre-op appt, it's nothin'

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Welcome Viri and Deevah~ let me just say that you do whatever feels right to you! You will know in your heart if you are making the right decisions.

Dynamo~ Glad to hear your son is doing ok...we will keep our fingers crossed that nothing else happens! I am with you on AI...yikes!

LA~ Your probably getting on the plane as I type this! Good luck tomorrow! I will be thinking of you and sending you lots of healing vibes!!

I am down 30 pounds of this morning! YAY!!!!

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I read everyone's posts about second thoughts. For me it was not the money... money comes and goes in life... (I figure the tax write-off and savings from dining out will even out in a few years easily.) My big fear was the anesthesia... I was convinced I was not going to wake up (which is silly, I have had like 6 surgeries in my life time with no issues other than a sore throat from the tube), but I think it was worried because this time I was a mom and was worried about something happening to me (I'm a single mom of two under the age of 3)... it was the fear about what would happen to the kiddos should something happen... Anyhow, I just told myself Dr. K was a great surgeon and that the kid's needed a healthy and more fit mom and that kept me calm... and it would be nice to feel better about myself on all levels.

I woke up just fine and recovered quickly and with no pain issues... I was lifting my 2.5 year old in like 2 weeks... so keep your faith up... it's all worth it...

Tina (becoming healthier every day...smaller too!)

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I'm baaack!

Hi Everyone! Sorry, I have been a little distracted lately. I started my pre-op yesterday. So far, so good. Today, I'm at work and feeling a little tired, but it could be that I had to get up extra early this morning to drive to work! ARGH! We had about 1 inch or less on the ground and everyone on C-470 was driving like we were in a blizzard! 30 mph is a little insane, don't you think? Then you'll get the inpatient male driver - in the Tahoe who is pissed as I am at the slow traffic, then he just sits behind you flashing his lights and honking his horn! Where are the police, when you need them?:unsure:

Soon-to-be Teeny Tiny Tina! I know your fear about anesthesia. I had and have that fear before my surgery! I think it's a normal fear, but it's something that seems so all consuming. I kept thinking, everyone here on the board would post, "having my surgery today" then they would return, "I'm back and everything went fine." I imagined being the first one to not return. It still makes me teary thinking about it. Stop Dee!

Brandy! Down 30lbs! Great!!! Do you ever have a Thursday evening free to venture down to see us at Red Robin? We'd love to meet you!

LA! Be safe, be warm and post when you return! Girlie, I'll be thinking of you and sending prayers on your behalf. Wish you were be banded at Parker -- so I could give you a pre-band hug!

Deevah! Welcome! You and I are almost band-twins! I'm being banded on the 29th! How's that pre-op working for you? Or did you not have to start it yet? My BMI is so high that I have to do 14 days! ARGH! It's okay, I lost a lot of weight last time!:smile:

Michelle! I'm glad to hear your son, Todd is doing better. I hope they can figure out what has caused all of this. You're such a good Mom and he's so fortunate to have you by his side.

Viri! You do deserve to be healthy and happy. I know it's such a huge financial commitment. Think about what you'll save on food and other things... like meds (if you're on meds) I'm on about $100 a month of meds and I know that after my surgery I can get rid of $60.00 worth. My chemstrips for my accucheck blood sugar machine is $40.00 and then the Metformin for my PCOS. I'm hoping I can get rid of those too! I know other banders who have gotten to stop those after surgery!

Mal! I just want to say HI! AND I think you're the cutest!:cool:

Anita! I had to lie on my license, the stupid woman at the MVD said in a very loud voice, "Do you still weigh 310?" I nodded yes and she said again, "Is 310 your current weight?" I felt like smacking her! I said, "yes!" because I wasn't about to say, "NO, I gained 50lbs in the last 8 years!":ohmy:

Shelbi! It was nice to see you posting again! Honey, don't let that depression monster get you! He's been at my door for about a week and I am trying my best to keep that door locked. He's not welcome in your home!

Gotta run!

love you!


Gotta go now!

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Hey everyone! :unsure: How's it going.

Question: Did anyone have second thoughts right before? I mean like 2 days before? lol. I have had several people comment on how I lost the 20lbs and maybe I should give it a go without. Asking me if I am sure. Yadda yadda.

I was sure. Now I am wishy washy. Again! lol

I KNOW I can lose it. That has never been an issue. It is the keeping it off. I am hoping the Band will keep me on track and keep it off. I guess I am so scared this isn't going to work either and now I am going to be 10,000 more in the hole.

Ack. Who knows what I am trying to say.

I think I am ready. My husband is 100% sure this is right. He says I have an obsessive personality. Says right now I am obsessed with weight loss so I am doing great... but once the shine wears off I will get re-obsessed with something else and devote all my energy there.

I think the money thing makes this the hardest freaking decision ever. Damn insurance! lol

Yes, I had second thoughts, but as soon as I got to Denver I knew it was the right thing to do...we've ALL lost weight before, we just ALL gained it back. This is a tool for me to keep it off. My goal wasn't to lose a bunch of weight, but to NOT GAIN anymore! I've managed to keep off my 35 lbs. loss so far and it's been several months, something I've NEVER managed to do before. Look at it as a long-term weight loss...because that's what it is...it's not just for the year and then you'll gain it all back again...and then some!

I do have a back-up...I can increase the credit line easily on one of my credit cards. But the interest rate is worse. I feel more comfortable somehow doing that, though, because it's a bill I already have getting bigger, instead of a new bill. If that makes any sense. I'm hoping after we've been in our house for a few more years we can get a home equity line or refinance and I can pay off some of my debt. I have a lot. :smile:


Oh my dear Viri - DO NOT GET A HELOC!!! Why you ask? Well, if you have credit card debt, the debtors can't take your house, but if you have a HELOC, the bank CAN! This is the WORST way to get rid of debt! Regardless of what you think is easier, just pay off what you owe on the credit cards, call them and ask for a better rate (they're working with people more now than ever). Stay away from a second mortage...that goes for all of you!

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Hi Everyone -

Thanks for the words of support. Todd is back at school working away, feeling pretty good. I know it sucks that the docs can't figure it out. I hope we are done with this forever.

Otherwise, I had a post birthday reading from this new psychic todya. Okay, don't think I'm looney, but I do believe our energy is readable, because I am psychic too. I just like to get confirmation and another perspective. Anyway, this year is red banner with a man coming to me and great health and adequate financial security. Who could ask for anything more? I am SO there, friends! Lots of hard work to make this possible.



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Brandy! Down 30lbs! Great!!! Do you ever have a Thursday evening free to venture down to see us at Red Robin? We'd love to meet you!

I can't wait to go to Red Robin!!! I am hoping in Feb. I can go and meet everyone. Last time was my DH birthday, so with 4 kids, we had to of course have a birthday party. :smile:

Let me know the Feb. date and I will make it work!


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LA - Good Luck today and we'll be thinking of you!!!

:pray2: We're sending you a BIG GROUP HUG!!!

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Brandy! Down 30lbs! Great!!! Do you ever have a Thursday evening free to venture down to see us at Red Robin? We'd love to meet you!

I can't wait to go to Red Robin!!! I am hoping in Feb. I can go and meet everyone. Last time was my DH birthday, so with 4 kids, we had to of course have a birthday party. :pray2:

Let me know the Feb. date and I will make it work!


hey Peeps,

Did we decide to meet on the 7th of February or the 21st. I was without a pen and didn't mark my calendar.

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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